Bottle $ervice

I am posting this for a couple of reasons: 1) To be a reminder of a great night I had with some friends and acquaintances (in case they are reading), and 2) to bring up the subject of bottle service.

We had a really fun time celebrating a birthday at this local spot. Then came the bottle service. This was a first-time experience for me. Wow! I could not believe the price of reserving a booth and having someone else pour drinks for you. I wasn’t paying, so this isn’t a complaint. I was just stunned is all (my blog is called ‘La Cashionista’ for a reason). So, I began deliberating about whether I would host a party like this for someone. I’m still thinking about it. I have thought about what you could do with that much money throwing a house party instead. But, then you wouldn’t get the atmosphere that going out provides. And, going out takes care of party set-up or clean-up worries. I don’t know…I think I am going to have to ponder this one for awhile.

Like I said, it was really a fab celebration…the servers come around with sparklers on the bottles while ‘Happy Birthday’ flashes on the wall in neon lights. This particular night also happened to be ‘Throwback Thursday’ where they run older commercials on the wall (like Jordache jeans, Tab soda, Clairol, etc.). I quite enjoyed myself, and it was a break from my normal dining out experiences. I’ll be sure to post again if I make up my mind about the Bottle $ervice!


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