DIY Silk Scarf Kaftan

DIY silk scarf dress.

DIY Silk Scarf Dress Instructions, part 2.

I purchased the cutest fuschia kaftan at my friend’s fashion conference this summer (I’ve posted a couple pics). It is just one of my fave items of clothing ever – so comfy. I cannot sew with a machine at all, but I thought maybe I could find a way to make one myself. I can sew with just a needle and thread, though, and that’s all this project takes. I usually have to use the iron-on fabric tape for my larger DIY projects, lol. The tape or fabric glue is actually pretty handy if you are not a machine sewer. I’ve used it for curtains, pillows, covering a window seat, director’s chairs I replaced the fabric on, and more. I up-cycled a pair of camouflage pants ($5 from the thrift store) into a yoga bag with just a needle and thread, so perhaps I will post the pics sometime. I really regret choosing another elective course over Home Ec in school! I wish they had made it mandatory, haha. I remember the school emphasized Home Ec for girls and Shop for boys. I would have loved to have taken Shop because I love woodworking, etc. I hope by now they are encouraging both for anyone interested.

Anyway…you could probably find second hand scarves for this project and save a bit. Warmer material is also an option if you’re getting into colder weather (not here in Arizona, 100+ degrees some days). Please check this out, as I think you will see it’s an easy peasy, inexpensive way to get some super sweet, one-of-a-kind duds.

