My Way, no. 1

I did it my way…The reason I write this blog is to give myself a personal outlet for the many things that come my way in life. I find it to be a soothing process. There are so many random things I come across, though, so I decided to combine them into semi-regular posts. Some will be happy and delightful things, some sad and heart-wrenching, some will perhaps be things I find frustrating, and some things will just be. Consolidating these various thoughts will save me quite a bit of time (instead of writings posts for each individual subject). And, it will give me a chance to update you on all of the things I am doing (or hope to do). Hopefully, you will find a few things that interest you along the way – my way.

— Have I told you how much I love my local food co-op, Food Conspiracy? I really feel so blessed by becoming a member/owner. The staff is top notch and just a stellar group of people. I need to do a ‘To Market to Market’ post on them sometime soon. Their social page has a wealth of info, and I found that October is National Co-op Month. If you are not currently connected with a food co-op, you might check into availability in your area. October is also Non-GMO Month.

— I have continued on the smoothie bender that started after my Pomegranate Brunch. Now I have been making a carrot cake smoothie every day! I adapted it from the 2nd carrot cake smoothie recipe in my Dessert Smoothies post. I love it so much, I actually took the time to write down the ingredients. It’s so filling. Here’s what I’ve been putting in it:
1/2 C. Bananas, sliced, then frozen
1 C. Carrots, sliced, then frozen
2 Pitted Prunes, chopped
3 TBSP Rolled Oats
1/4 C. Homemade Non-Fat Yogurt (not drained of whey)
6 fl. oz Whey (drained from homemade yogurt)
2-3 Whole Almonds
1 tsp Maple Syrup
1/2 tsp Raw Coconut Butter
1/4 tsp Vanilla Extract
1/4 tsp Fresh Ginger, grated
1/8 tsp Cinnamon
Whole Nutmeg, few gratings

— Just wow…take a look at this Victorian Steampunk Computer.

— No easy way to say this…The continuing story about the 43 students in Mexico has had me in tears. It’s a difficult subject for me to write about. I will just ask that everyone pray for all involved and the country as a whole.

— After making my Coconut Moscow Mule Frozen Yogurt, I’ve been thinking of ways to use ginger beer syrup (made from the homemade concentrate). Pancakes come to mind, drizzled over other frozen treats, maybe over fish or chicken (or bacon!), and I used it as the flavor base for a batch of granola.

— I made these fried green tomatoes (from my local Asian Market) with spicy blue cornmeal. I thought to test them out for Thanksgiving, but I’m not so sure about the color. It might be too different for others. They had a bit of red in them. FGT are one of my most pleasant food memories from childhood. (Pic’d with homemade blue corn-almond chips & lacto-fermented salsa.)

— This article on mental health made me sad, but I thought it was very informative:

— A couple of recipes that are calling to me: Whole Wheat Pumpkin Ale Donuts, Sticky Gingerbread Puddings with Ginger Wine & Brandy Sauce.

I have created a separate menu category for these posts if you wish to check them out in the future. This blog theme has a hidden menu that you can find by clicking the 3 lines in the upper right hand corner of the screen.

See you next time!