Christmas Memories & 10 Vegetarian Christmas Recipes

10 Vegetarian Christmas Recipes | Gluten-Free Goddess Recipes.

Christmas is almost here! As I said in the last ‘My Way‘ post, I have been a bit slow getting into the groove this year. It’s OK, though, as I think it’s given me time to really reflect on the true nature of the holiday (instead of just getting busied and swept away with presents, decorating, etc.). It isn’t ‘Tree and Presents Day’ or ‘Commercialism and Materialism Day’ after all, haha. It’s Christmas Day, and that (for me) involves a Spirit of giving and love that hopefully lingers long after the mistletoe has been taken down and the last gift is opened.

I have also been taking time to think about Christmas Past (no ghosts involved, fortunately 😉  ), and the memories that mean the most to me. I don’t recall tons of early childhood memories, but I do remember things like a neighbor buying me all sorts of (not cheap!!!) toys on my “wish list” one year. She was a single mother with two children of her own, so looking back…I find that exceptional. What a blessing! I loved the snow in New York — putting on hefty snow suits with mittens tied to a string (so you wouldn’t lose them), making snow people & snow angels (with your body, lying down in the snow), toboggan races…and as I got older, cross-country skiing. I also recall that at some point, my mother strictly informed me there was no real such person as this ‘Santa Claus’ character I had heard so much about. So, I went around telling all of my friends that “it’s just your parents buying you these toys,” to the dismay of several fable-wielding adults, lol. Ah, I was awful! There are some wonderful church services (experienced later in my life) that come to mind, as well — with captivating dramas and modern music, or more traditional candlelight and orchestras.

Many of my fondest Christmas memories involve food (as do many of my memories in general, lol). My mom loves to have ham for Christmas, but my dearest carni attachment is to duck. I cannot remember us ever having turkey (or goose). Also, lobster and shrimp seems to be a popular choice for both of us. And, it may be one of the few times of the year that I prepare a steak. In New York, my relative’s co-worker (originally from Poland) used to always make nut and apricot poviticas. So, every year, they would share the spoils with us. I think of it every Christmas, but I’ve yet to attempt making my own. Maybe this year will be the year, or maybe I’ll wait until New Year’s. I’ve already had so many fried treats for Hanukkah. My body needs a rest, I think, haha. I have managed to pass on one party already (filled with yummy lard-laden tamales, cupcakes, and sugar galore). I’m not sure when I first had panettone, but it’s also one of my favorites this time of year. I have always purchased them in the store…never thinking to make my own, until I saw this recipe: Panettone. So, that might be on my list soon. I do not have a proper pan, though, so I’ll have to go about it another way.

I shared many recipe links for Thanksgiving, and I think you could easily use most of them for Christmas. Please check them out when you get a moment (if you haven’t already), if you are so inclined. I wanted to share this additional link with the 10 veggie dishes, as I think that’s the route I’m going be taking this year. I was totally tempted by the roasted potatoes dish, for sure! I will probably wait until the last moment to decide on anything else. These recipes come from a gluten-free site, so it’s also great for those with wheat allergies.

Hope you enjoy these, and I will post any other goodies as I find them!