Recipes: Healthy Work Lunches

29 Healthy Work Lunch Ideas |

Are you stuck in a lunch rut?” this blog post asks. Sometimes, my on-the-go lunches can become routine — I lean towards leftovers, veggie & rice bowls, homemade sushi, soups, simple salads, veggie burritos, and egg sandwiches. I made the Fritaffles I posted in the last ‘My Way‘ post, so that started me on an expedition for other take-with ideas. I usually have fruit for breakfast (smoothies, of late), so I don’t have to really concern myself with that. The fritaffles were fab for lunch! Very easy, and you can re-heat them or have them room temp. I made them with tri-color bells, spinach, red onion, garlic, asparagus, and sweet potatoes. Please check out the recipe if you love eggs. Make sure you set the waffle iron lid down without ‘smashing’ the frittata. I made that mistake with the first one and had a mess, haha! Pic:

90 Healthy No-Heat Lunches for Taking to Work |

I also wanted to share this blog post because heating up your take-with food is not always an option. Great ideas in this post, including lots of salads. I will admit that I like cold lunches for another reason: it lets you avoid lunchroom traffic with co-workers who do not respect that you are on a break. Someone always needs something when you are taking a break, lol. I guess I could be calloused, tough, firm, aggressive, etc., and tell them to get lost…I’m on a break! But, I’m still working on those confrontational issues. Closing my office door, turning out the lights, and eating in peace always seemed easier (passive, I know). When that didn’t work (and they still knocked on the door because they knew I was in there, haha), I started having to leave the building if I really wanted to eat, 😀 .

I actually didn’t allow myself to even have a lunch break for the longest time. I would always work at my desk while eating. So much work without adequate staff! It took being near exhaustion to change my ways. In case anyone reading has the same sort of habits, I thought I would link you to this thought-provoking article: 7 Tips for Healthy Lunches While You Work. Your workplace can be so much more enjoyable if you don’t need 5 cups of coffee without any downtime to make it through the day!

I hope you enjoy these recipes, and I’ll see you next week!