My Way, No. 34

*If you’re new to my blog, you may want to read this for info on what ‘My Way’ posts are all about. :)*

Happy New Year to you all!

— I found this so encouraging: This past Thanksgiving and Christmas, we helped the Salvation Army/Jewish Federation prepare the Salvation Army’s annual luncheon (which we’ve been doing for a number of years, as I said last Holiday season). Part of the Christmas crew this past time were a group of co-workers. Their place of employment pays them for 8 hours of community volunteer service, and they chose the luncheon. I wish ALL employers did this. What a seed to sow: 8 hours of your employee’s time (that you are paying for) being given to another organization. That is wonderful!!! I have also seen organizations (like banks, even military) coordinate a day for all (or a portion) of their employees to volunteer with a nonprofit. These things bless my heart so much. Here’s a pic of our Christmas elves from this past year:

Adventures in Food: The 40 Cents No-Knead Bread was a wonderful addition to our Christmas meal, as well as the Christmas Fruit Salad. Really great choices, and I’ve also made a whole wheat version of the bread now. I combined several techniques from past blog posts for the whole wheat. I’ll update you when I’ve tested them a few more times. Less formal pic of panettone waffles from the day after Christmas (no time for fancier pics from Christmas brunch):
These were so good, I can’t even tell you. You have to be a person that loves citrus zest, though. I made a ton of candied orange and lemon peel in November, hoping it would last through the Holidays. It did. I tried to keep these a little healthier by making whole grain waffles, homemade non-fat yogurt replacing the oil. They were a little sweeter than I would normally prepare, though. I also soaked the dried fruit in hot water & vanilla vs. rum. I ran out of most of my homemade sprouted flours, otherwise I would have used them. For Christmas brunch, I actually made a vanilla yogurt sauce, but there’s just a dollop in this pic. When I feel like indulging, maybe I’ll go for regular white flour waffles topped with whipped cream and syrup, rum soaked fruit. More time, maybe sourdough or yeast waffles. The fruit soaked for about 10 minutes (while I prepared the batter), about 3-4 minutes each waffle. So, I think this was a fab shortcut for panettone flavors. You just have to make sure you work quickly to evenly distribute the fruit and peel (once the batter hits the iron). Not waiting for the Holiday season to roll around again to prepare these!

For New Year’s, I switched up the cherries to blackberries for the individual Pavlovas with Red Wine Compote and Mascarpone Whipped Cream. The blackberries were fresh, and the cherries would have been frozen. This was just a test one (to see how the layering looked), so I used yogurt in place of mascarpone:
Again, these were delish (made them for Thanksgiving, as well)! As I made individual portions (instead of the original larger size), I cooked them for a longer time at a lower oven temp. Sweet Potato Bites & Sweet Potato Cakes with Black Bean Salsa were also delightful, and I’m looking forward to making more of the potato recipes soon. Leftover ‘Bites’ filling made nice veggie burgers!

Saw a recipe for pea guacamole in a 20-year-or-so-old diet cookbook. I didn’t make it according to the directions, but I enjoyed it. I just mixed pico with pea puree. Nice, lighter guac variation. I told you I was on a potato kick, so I baked wavy chips instead of my normal tortillas. Remember my portion control tip about spooning your dip onto your plate (instead of dipping into the bowl)!
I must say I love so many diet books I’ve come across over the years. Even if I do not follow the actual diet itself, they usually have a few good recipes in them (or recipe inspirations). I especially love older books as many of them use common, simple ingredients (and, they’re usually a bargain at second-hand stores). I would think it could be frustrating to “go on a diet” that sends you off to purchase trendy, spendy ingredients, lol. This book only seemed to have a couple of items that were not that common 20 or more years ago.

Great posts to revisit for the New Year: 7 Detox Smoothies with Added Health Benefits, 32 Detox Smoothies (includes juices and teas), and Hydrating Vitamin Refreshers (waters). I love water regardless, but adding fruit, etc., makes it so much more fun (to look at, as well as drink). After the water is gone, I add the fruit to a smoothie. I just try to use whatever I already have around the house (or am planning to use in another dish). The past couple of days I had cranberries, blackberries, citrus, ginger, and chiles:
I told you my co-worker tipped me to make my pitcher/carafe in the morning. At least one more refill, and I’m set for the day!

Last adventure: I have been planning to make my mom’s old mulligatawny recipe for a while. I recently saw a blended mulligatawny (just a pic, not the recipe), so I finally got to it. I spotted acorn squash and decided to use it as the base (along with a healthy dose of carrots).
The squash and the carrots gave it some thickness, replacing the roux & cream. I did add the stock it called for, though. Celery, scallions, fresh garlic, pinch of ground cloves, curry spices (pre-blended, not my own blend), diced sweet apple, s&p, couple of bay leaves. It would be nice to still have friends around with laurel trees. I used smoked paprika to replace the smoked pork. All very easy in the slow cooker, and perfect for a chilly night’s meal. I also enjoyed it with brown rice, and once with okra and black-eyed peas (soul food meets Indian, haha). The random garnish (radicchio, scallion, nori) is due to my being rushed to eat. I thought it looked bare for a pic, so that’s what I found (leftovers, lol).

Homemade Peppermint Lip Balm and Cuticle Oil were lovely! I think the cuticle oil would be a great gift for anyone in the medical profession (or any profession that requires a lot of hand washing). Here are a few other DIYs for you to consider: Heal Thyself: 10 (More!) Colds, Wounds, & More | momtastic.

10 Great Ideas for DIY Headboards | Bedroom Decoration Ideas.

— If you love to sew, check out this cute wristlet: A Splendid Assemblage: DIY: Pyramid Wrist Bag.
Or, what about this? Includes several DIY clothing projects as well. DIY Backpack Tutorial |
Don’t sew? Try this project & think of warmer days. DIY Beach Tote – Homey Oh My! It’s as close to the beach as I’m gonna get in Tucson, anyway, lol.

Today’s Delish Recipes. Lots of quinoa, haha. Yums! Enjoy!

Field Mushrooms with Lentils in Red Wine Sauce |
Harvest Quinoa Salad | This was for Thanksgiving, but it looks like it would be a pretty tasty start for the New Year as well.
Quinoa Olive Oil Honey Cake | So moist & yummy!
Moroccan Fish Recipe |
Vegetarian Taco Soup | Sweet Mornings.
Elegant Cabernet Strawberry Rhubarb Pudding | Vintage Kitty. Looks lovely! You can probably switch out the fruit for whatever’s available.
Cranberry Wild Rice Bread |
Quinoa Breakfast Porridge |
Winter Firecracker Cocktail Recipe | we heart this.

‘Til next time! Take care!