Simple Style: DIY Pottery Trays & Plates

Super Simple DIY Lace Trays — The Party Goddess!.

So, I’m looking to DIY a few pottery plates or trays soon. As I mentioned with the ‘stenciled bread,’ I am not all that craft-y. I found several examples of lace and textured pottery that do not require a ton of artistic skill. And, you can use air dry clay without having to fire up a kiln. Right up my alley! Thanksgiving and the December Holidays will be here before you know it, and I would like to have something a little unique to put on the table. I think that’s part of the reason why I like DIYing — one-of-a-kind creations. Even if you are a person who likes everything to match or come in a “boxed set” of some sort (and there are many folks like that), it’s nice to have 1 or 2 items in your decor, etc. that no one else has.

*Before I get to the other pottery links, as a side note…I realized that the featured picture (the stenciled ‘stone tablet bread’) in my last post does not show up in emails. I was alluding to the pic being above the text, but you can only see it on the website. So, if you only read the emails, here’s what I was referring to:

On to more pottery!

The instructions from the above link were not working when I tested them out, so I found this: Lace doily pottery tutorial | Share Your Crafts! | Pinterest.

This is a great tutorial, and it gives painting info: Clay Craft | Urban Comfort.

Now, this is a kiln craft, but I still wanted to post it because of the art work. If you are the craft-y type, I think this would be lovely inspiration. I adore Mexican-style pottery, and there’s quite a bit in Arizona. But, if you have the ability, it’s fab to be able to design your own. You could always use stencils as well. ILoveToCreate Blog: DIY Mexican Painted Planters.

Have a great day, and happy pottery making!