My Way, No. 2

Hope you’ve been having a great week!

*If you’re new to my blog, you may want to read this for info on what ‘My Way’ posts are all about. 🙂 *

— In my last WhirwinDISH post, I forgot that I was going to post a link for a unit conversion calculator. The recipe for the ginger beer came from the UK, and that’s what made me think of it. It comes in handy (unless you’re a math whiz, then you can just do it in your head 😉 ).Unit Conversion Calculator. I also realized that I wrote mouse instead of mousse in my Thanksgiving Trial Run post, lol. Fixed it.

— I found this link from the Alzheimer’s Society regarding dementia Equality, Discrimination, and Human Rights very informative. I think it’s an issue everyone needs to know about.

— In my post about Fermented Foods, I mentioned making a fabric cover for your slow cooker (if you didn’t want to use a bath towel to keep your homemade yogurt warm). You can always use an insulated bag, too, if you can find one big enough. Perhaps they sell insulated slow cooker bags, even. I don’t know. I’ve seen warmer bags for casserole dishes and such. Anyway, I could not find a DIY fabric cover pic anywhere (I’m sure someone has one somewhere) so here’s mine:
As I said, I am not a machine sewer, so I made mine by hand. It’s just a plain pillowcase on the inside with a layer of thick fabric insulation. I used leopard fabric and cording (leftover from other projects) for the exterior. An easier way would have been to just use a patterned pillowcase or bag for the exterior. But, I wanted to make use of this particular print. It’s a pretty generic cover — nothing fancy. If you are a machine sewer, though, you could probably tailor it to fit your model more precisely. I’m sure that would be cute!

— I want to read this book: Food, Family, and Tradition. There’s something about tradition and traditional foods that bring me comfort. I guess it’s the familiarity — no surprises. I need that in my life a lot of times. I do my WhirlwinDISHes of course, but much of that originates from necessity!

— I’m on a French fries kick! I’m making them with regular potatoes instead of sweet potatoes. I don’t actually fry them, though. I pretty much Misto most things that call for frying anymore. I don’t even pan fry. I have a deep fryer that someone gave me, but I only use it maybe once or twice a year. I don’t mind fried foods as much when they are prepared by other people. I just can’t get past seeing all of that oil, haha! But, every once in a while, frying can be cool…like donuts, fried clams, or pizza frites. I haven’t seen pizza frites around these parts. They are just fried pizza dough (shaped like a mini pizza) coated with powdered sugar. Super unhealthy, but yummy! Other foods I can get by with “bake-frying,” but not pizza frites.

— Yums: Gin and Lime Truffles, Guinness Burgers, Forager’s Salad.

— I thought this article about mental health was awesome! Read about the initiative called NHL’s Hockey Talks and a website called

Have a great weekend!