Simple Style: Wall Art

So, I am not the best at creating works of art. But, I can at least glue things together, spray paint, use a staple gun, etc. If you’re in the same boat & like to DIY, here are a few cute wall hangings I found:

Texas License Plate Wall Art |
I just fell in love with this! Even though I am a New Yorker, I think Texas has one of the best state “shapes.” Maybe it’s just because it’s big. Feel free to represent your state proudly! Cute, simple, affordable art.

6 Ways to Create Contemporary Wall Art |
This post has several ideas, but what could be easier than painting and gluing together a few pieces of wood? Fab-u-lous!

Ironstone Tarnished Spoons Displays |
Be still my heart! Love, love, love this! Great way to show off your vintage or antique pieces. If you haven’t started a collection yet (and would like to), check out yard & estate sales or thrift shops. As we have nearly year-round warm weather, you can always find terrific yard sales in Tucson.

Simple, Thrifty DIY Art |
I made something similar to these for my mom. I recycled a few squares of sheathing foam. Super quick and easy. Just pick out a few coordinating fabrics, cover, and hot glue.

Wood Blocks |
Another wood piece that is inexpensive, but eye-catching. And, you can make it as large or as small as you want.

Hope you get a few ideas from these selections, and I will keep my eye out for any more easy DIY projects.

Have a great day!

My Way, No. 13

*If you’re new to my blog, you may want to read this for info on what ‘My Way’ posts are all about. 🙂 *

— Very interesting piece: Umami Taste Buds Are Important for Your Overall Health. It seems kelp tea helps if you have decreased umami taste sensitivity. I’ve never tried kelp tea, so maybe I’ll check it out.

— I told you that I tend to accumulate far too many kitchen gadgets, etc. So, of course I immediately thought, oooh, I need this banana guard, sandwich box with a bamboo lid/prep board, and stainless utilitarian soup canister.

— I’ve found that seemingly little things can make me feel so luxurious…a bit of rich cream added to a special dish, fresh picked flowers on the table, a candle lit bubble bath with symphony music playing in the background. This weekend, I felt a little luxury when I used my homemade coconut oil for a soothing hot oil & deep conditioning hair treatment, followed by using it as a body rub (with a little essential oil added). It’s nice when we have a bit of time to pamper ourselves. After my last coconut endeavor was so successful, I decided to purchase even more. As I said, it can be a labor of love, but it is so worth it. I had an idea that coconut milk/oil/flour/butter making would be a great “party” idea. You know, like when your so-called friends invite you to a painting or moving “party” (basically a way to get cheap labor, lol). Or, you could make it a family tradition like making pies, tamales, etc. You could end the party with pina coladas or something.

— My coconut milk, cream, and flakes went into several of my recent meals. I forgot to mention a quick tip in my last coconut post: I wrap the coconuts in a towel before giving them a few good whacks (to crack them open). This eliminates the sometimes flying shards from going all over your kitchen. I’m sure you can find all kinds of additional wisdom online, but my other suggestion is that you make sure you have a very sharp paring knife handy (and possibly a knife sharpener). This will make removing the brown “skin” from the meat much, much easier. A dull knife is nobody’s friend.
I started craving turkey as soon as I saw this recipe for Thai Turkey Meatballs with Lemongrass Coconut Sauce. But, I didn’t have any turkey 😦 and didn’t feel like going to get any. Then, I remembered the recipe I recently posted for Lentil “Meatballs” with Lemony Pesto. So, these recipes collided, and I was extremely pleased with the results:
I took the basic ideas for the lentil “meatballs” and gave them the flavorings from the Thai turkey dish. For the “meatballs”: lentils (1/2 whole, 1/2 mashed), egg, little olive oil, tofu (frozen, thawed, liquid squeezed out), s&p, whole wheat bread crumbs (taken from the innards of the Niçoise sandwich I made), shallots, lemongrass, ginger, soy sauce, fish sauce, cilantro, homemade chili-garlic paste (oven-dried chiles & garlic cloves), and finely ground walnuts. The pesto sauce called for walnuts, so I decided to use them in the actual “meatballs” instead. I popped them into the freezer for an hour or more, then browned them on the stove. After browning them on all sides, I had “meatsquares” vs. “meatballs,” haha. I reshaped them after they cooled a bit. I finished them in the oven. I made the recipe for the Lemongrass Coconut Sauce, using fresh turmeric and foregoing the star anise (as you know, anise is not a fave flavor of mine). The recipe called for full-fat coconut milk, but I used my coconut water to dilute the cream’s fat content a bit. I tried to make up for the lack of anise and coconut fat by punching up the flavor with: red pepper flakes, onion powder, a little sweetener, and a pinch or two of mustard. This flavor combo satisfied me, and the finish of cilantro and lime zest made this recipe sing. Served up with soba noodles, this meal was fab! It was made better by maple bourbon milk. I have to find ways to use my Holiday gift of bourbon, so this was my second go round (the first was the Sage-Peppercorn Old Fashioned I previously posted). I’m not a mixologist, so forgive me if the portions, ingredients, etc. are not scientifically correct. I just make what tastes good to me 🙂 3:2 fresh coconut milk to bourbon, maple syrup to taste, blended for froth, served over crushed ice, garnished with fresh grated nutmeg. I separate the coconut cream from the water so I can mix them together at my whim for different recipes. I think the cream to water ratio for this drink was 2:1.
I also made the Low-Fat Banana Pecan Cranberry Granola Bars, subbing coconut for some of the nuts. I actually used a combo of walnuts and pistachios. I had cranberries in the freezer, so I decided to dry them myself instead of purchasing them. I used a little less than was called for and added a bit of maple and wheat germ. They were just mildly sweet and do actually not call for any added sugar. The sweetness comes from the banana and applesauce (also acting as binders). After cutting them, I stuck them back in the oven for 15 min. They were soft and chewy, and I was craving a crunchier bar. It’s probably because I really enjoyed the last crunchy batch I made wherein I accidentally turned up the oven too high, haha. I used the Low Cal Almond-Raisin Granola Bar’s method of grinding part of the oats:
— Tofu 2 Ways: I had baby bok choy to use up, so that’s what attracted me to this recipe: Sesame Seed Salmon with Mirin. I didn’t have any salmon, though! So, tofu it was. I was so hungry by the time this hit the plate, so it doesn’t look as good as it could. I tried to make it appear more dignified by only putting a small portion on the plate, but I really gobbled up twice this much:
One of my new top ways to prepare tofu! So simple, yet SO good! Can’t wait to try it with salmon. After looking at the ingredients of my store-bought mirin, I thought I should start making it myself. Here’s a recipe if you dig making your own condiments, etc: Homemade Mirin. If you’re really serious about it, try brewing your own sake for the mirin: Home Brewed Sake. My second new top way to prepare tofu is as a steak alternative in this Fajita Salad with Chipotle Salad Dressing I recently posted:
I made the marinade in the morning and by dinner time, this tofu was fajita flavor-packed! I only changed the recipe by adding a little balsamic and a pinch more sweetener. The tofu I used in both of the recipes was frozen, then thawed. I really love the texture freezing gives, as I’ve said before.

— Super cute and easy for any craft-skill level DIY Geometric Canvases. Also, very cool Aluminum Foil Drawings.

DIY Black Lace Manicure & DIY Draped Skirt.

— RECIPE TIME! I made this Spinach, Lentil, and Sweet Potato Curry, and it was delish! I didn’t have the exact curry ingredients, so I had to improvise. I served it with brown rice and added a little kale. I didn’t take a pic because I started in on it as soon as it was finished. Speaking of curry…I always like to keep a ready-made spice blend in the pantry as a back up to my own blend (as with many other items like stock, condiments, and such). I quickly grabbed what I thought was a SQUEAL DEAL for curry powder and found it contained MSG 😦  . Why does curry powder need MSG??? Anyway, this recipe was fab, and I think I will be making it again this week. I have yet to try pho, but this recipe looks quite yummy: Umami Crispy Pork Pho. Months ago, I was saying to an acquaintance, “I want to try this pho I keep reading so much about.” I pronounced it ‘foe,’ and she said it’s ‘faaaah’ with your voice raising like another octave at the end of the word. Just like I said ling-er-ee when I first read lingerie, haha. Afternoon Tea delights from those in the know. Banana Split Cake, Honey Beer Bread, Jam Roly Poly with a2 Milk Custard, Sweet Potatoes Stuffed with Cheese, Black Beans, and Corn with Avocado Crema, Chicken Cordon Bleu Pizza.

‘Til next time!

Pics from The Grey House Antiques, Tucson, AZ & DIY Coasters

The Grey House Antiques here in Tucson, Arizona is one of my fave little shops — packed to the brim with all sorts of treasures…taking you on a mystical journey and allowing you to peer into the (quite often) glorious past. If you venture into some of the back rooms, you may find more recent vintage pieces.



I adore the hat with the fur and the white boots!


Quite a collection of Scrabble letters the shop has. Besides the pic’d idea, what else could you do with them? I saw a children’s movie wherein there was supposed to be a joke surrounding Scrabble letters (which I did not find amusing in the slightest), so that’s what made me think of it. So, I’m interrupting this broadcast to bring you an idea that I do find amusing and cute:

DIY Holiday Gifts DIY SCRABBLE COASTERS – Green Holiday Gift Guide.

 And, just a few more pics! Stop by and take a peek if you are in Tucson.

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My Favorite Places: Native Seeds/SEARCH, Tucson, AZ

Pics from Native Seeds/SEARCH, Tucson, Arizona. The fragrance of warming and earthy spices welcomes you as you enter Native Seeds/SEARCH. They are a nonprofit organization “working to strengthen food security in the Greater Southwest by conserving our region’s unique crop diversity and teaching others to do the same.” ( I could spend hours looking at the variety of seeds, grains, beans, flours, local food, and Native American art. Please check out their website for info on their wonderful works including a seed bank and seed library, educational resources, and community seed grants. I actually received a grant of seeds from them for a childrens’ program I ran a few years ago. The kids had so much fun planting the seeds and learning about how things grow. Do stop in if you’re in Tucson!























My Favorite Places: Pop-Cycle, Tucson, AZ

imagePics from Pop-Cycle, 4th Avenue, Tucson, Arizona. You all know that I love to re&up-cycle just about anything and everything. This place gives me so much joy. They have so many neat up-cycled treasures, but I particularly love these cigar-box purses:


and these picture coat/jacket/scarf, etc. hangers (some styles have several knobs):


This Friday is the big Black Friday Sale on 4th Avenue in Tucson (with Big Local $avings), of which Pop-Cycle will be a part of:

This Black Friday forget the Malls, the Strips and the Corporate Giants. Come on down to 4th Avenue for Fantastic Black Friday Deals. Over 100 Locally Owned Shops, Restaurants and Bars will be offering great discounts on food, drink, clothing, books and just about anything you can think of. Black Friday on 4th Avenue is all about Free Live Music along a Historical tree lined Avenue with colorful eclectic shopping, creative dining, open air patios, friends and OH YEA!” (4th

When I was younger, I used to live at the mall. These days, even though I reside closer to one than I ever have…mall life no longer fascinates me. I do have a few stores I really enjoy, though. I just don’t like to spend hours and hours there as I used to. I would rather be at smaller shops, and it’s great to support local businesses. Pop-Cycle is at the top of my list, for sure.

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Food: A Study in Still Lifes 6

Let them eat Art – The Edible Chocolate Couch! | ‘Dreamwall Style Blog’

I saw this fab chocolate couch on several sites and had to post it for this series. Not only is it just a stellar concept realized, but it actually made me want a piece of cake. And, I have expressed before that I do not care for chocolate cake, lol. It looks like there’s white cake beneath that chocolatey pillow of icing, though. I would love to be able to do something like this. Ah, well…those who can create. Those who cannot blog about others who can. Such is life (still lifes, that is 😉 ).

DIY Air Dry Clay Bowl

DIY Air Dry Clay Bowl.

I recently saw a few awesome pottery pieces, so I thought I would post this link for a DIY Clay Bowl. This is an easy project for beginners, or those not artistically inclined (–>Me<–). My love for clay and pottery developed from admiring a relative’s collection. She would travel to Pennsylvania from New York to purchase items from a couple’s small shop. She would bring back the most beautiful dishes and unique vessels. I try to collect pieces as I find them.

This is also a great project to get little ones involved in. You might find you have a budding artist in the family!

Food: A Study in Still Lifes 5

Brighten Up Your Party with These Cool Glow-in-the-Dark Cocktails « Beverages.

Well, I didn’t want to leave beverages out of this series. I have to say that I am a sucker for any food or drink that’s on fire. Even better is something that glows in the dark. Little things like this make me happy. I don’t know why.

This blog post has several recipes to choose from. You just need a black light for the glow-in-the-dark effect. Perfect for your next Disco party!