Rosh HaShanah Recipe: Holiday Salad with Apple & Honey Vinaigrette

Busy in Brooklyn » Blog Archive » Holiday Salad with Apple & Honey Vinaigrette.

I wanted to post a few more recipes for Rosh HaShanah, but I have not been feeling my best this week. I did find this incredibly simple to make, but also incredibly appetizing salad, though. The blog writer did not create it specifically for Rosh HaShanah, but felt it would be a perfect fit. I think so, too. If you are unfamiliar with Rosh HaShanah or Kosher dietary laws, here are a few links to get you up to speed: Kosher Dietary Laws & About Rosh HaShanah.

Even if you are not celebrating, I hope you check out this light and tasty-looking creation. I think it would make a beautiful starter for an elegant meal.

WhirlwinDISH 23

I needed to eat healthier-type foods after the long holiday weekend, so that’s how I ended up making this veggie “sushi.” I was going to post a different dish, but I thought some might still be trying to “cleanse and detox” after holiday treat meals, lol.

I have never had any formal training in sushi making, so don’t laugh at my pic. Culinary training, for me, didn’t include it. I saw a cooking show years ago with a sushi prep, so that’s the extent of my expertise. I spotted a sushi roll mat at a yard sale several years back, and that’s when I started making sushi. I tried my best to remember what I had seen on the show. One day, I will take the time to actually look up proper techniques and whatnot. In the meantime, I made this for a lightened post-Holiday meal. I was craving raw beets like never before (my body must have known I needed them, haha), so I pureed some, strained out the juice, and mixed it with short-grain brown rice. I only added salt to season it, but I think next time I might add a little allspice or something to boost the beet flavor. I filled it with raw golden beets, carrots, cukes, steamed asparagus, and sprouts. (Have you started your homegrown sprouts yet? If not, read this post: Sprouting 101 & Homemade Sprouting Jars 🙂 ).

As far as the rest of my post-Holiday day went, I kept hydrated by sipping on fruit and veggie water with just cukes, lemons, and raspberries. I learned a tip from one of my co-workers: in the morning, make a big batch of your water in a clear container (so you can see all the colorful fruits and veggies) and set it somewhere you will see it pretty frequently (like in your office, or on your kitchen counter). I need reminders to drink water, so having it right in front of me helps. I used to get stuck drinking coffee or something, then get busy with the day and forget to drink enough water. Arizona is a HOT state, so we have to keep extra hydrated. I also had some delish cantaloupe from the farmers’ market for breakfast, and I added the leftover beet juice to my fave mix of carrot and ginger root juice (see pic). I started drinking this at a vegan cafe called Urban Fresh here in Tucson, and it’s my fave combo. It’s called a ‘Ginger Bunny.’ I also added sprouts this time, and it gave it a fresh, green taste. Later, I wanted a chilled soup, so I started to make one from the cantaloupe. I decided on a pineapple gazpacho, though: pineapple, chile, garlic, shallot, lemon, raw honey, and salt. The red chile gave it that peachy color. So, so, SO good! I could eat that everyday.

Have a great day, and I hope to post some more cooking adventures soon!
