My Way, No. 28

*If you’re new to my blog, you may want to read this for info on what ‘My Way’ posts are all about. 🙂 *

Hope Rosh Hashanah has been a wonderful time!

Adventures in Food: Breakfasts for Dinner! I usually have fruit during the morning hours, so here are a couple of evening meals I recently enjoyed:
No, it’s not eggs! It’s a fake-out chickpea flour & tofu omelette. I found the recipe on the same site as the recently posted English muffins: Potato-Avocado Tofu Omelettes. Now, I do love eggs, but I thought the recipe sounded intriguing. If you recall, I did a lot of potato recipes the previous few weeks, so I went with sautéed kale, mini sweet peppers, criminis, and avocado (though, the potatoes in the pic looked SO yummy!). I sautéed the criminis in a little homemade Worcestershire and red wine. This is one of my fave ways to have mushrooms. Sometimes, I add a little butter and thyme. If you’ve never made your own Worcestershire, I just looked up this recipe: Homemade Worcestershire Sauce. I like to make mine with apple & balsamic vin, blackstrap molasses, honey (maybe stevia), smelly fish ;), tamari, garlic, onion, mustard powder, chile, some warm spices, and tamarind. If you run out of anchovies while making Caesar dressing, try Worcestershire to pinch-hit. If you’ve never seen tamarind, this is what it looks like (it’s also available in other forms, like paste):
Apparently, the original version of the recipe calls for Indian black salt to create a more ‘authentic egg experience.’ As I lacked such an item, I subbed the sea salt I smoked. I also ran out of nutritional yeast and replaced it with parm. The recipe indicates you should use a cooked chickpea flour vs. raw, and it gives illustrations of how you can tell the difference (if you purchase your flour). I ground dry peas for my flour and just cooked out the rawness a bit. I really enjoyed this meal (though I will still whip up a traditional omelette every now and then). Check out this recipe for sure if you don’t do eggs.

You know my obsession with carrot cake! Carrot cake steel-cut oats with shredded carrots, raisins, pineapple, walnuts, fresh coconut, ground cinnamon & ginger, pure Mexican vanilla extract, pinch of salt. As with my rice pudding, I like to put the vanilla and salt in after it’s finished cooking (cinnamon & ginger during). I throw the carrots in about a minute before the end of the cooking time (except garnish). Everything else is a topping. I forgot the honey in the pic, but I usually finish with a bit to sweeten.

I made versions of this dish several times: Daikon Radish Pasta with Corn and Tomatoes in Creamy Coconut Sauce.
I didn’t have daikon, so I subbed squash. In this pic, I also bulked it up with 1 oz. of whole wheat spaghetti. If you want to lighten up your traditional pasta dishes, a blend of a veggie spiral and a flour pasta is a great way to go. I just eyeballed the ingredients, but the sauce was fab. I can see it translating to all kinds of things. I used a blend of coconut water & milk I had in the freezer.

I told you I made the lovely Cherry Tomatoes & Basil Sauce from the last My Way post, and that gave birth to these roasted tomatoes:
I know roasted tomatoes aren’t the prettiest thing to look at! This has to be one of my fave preps in probably the past 6 months or so, though. So simple, but I could have made a meal out of them. I made several batches. I filled the pan with a little water (about halfway up to the tomatoes), roasted garlic cloves, salt, oregano, rosemary, sage, thyme, and basil. After one batch reached room temp, I had a hard time not just popping all of them in my mouth right then. They were SO GOOD! I also used them to top pasta (veggie & wheat spag), and this flatbread:
I adapted the flatbread/pizza dough from this recipe: The Best New York Style Cheese Pizza.

So, again, maybe not the most attractive meal in the world, but this was so tasty (prepared it a couple of times)! I made a honey-whole wheat dough with a little parm and garlic powder added. I adjusted the salt a bit because of the parm and smoked sea salt on the crust (like I did with the Sriracha garlic knots). I can’t remember where I read about the smoked salt, but I really like it. I added a little cornmeal to the bottom of the pan & replaced some of the oil with homemade non-fat yogurt. Sauce was a mixture of homemade non-fat yogurt and homemade (skim) feta (I hafta keep my dairy + fat portions low, boo 😦 ). Little finish of pomegranate molasses.

— Last My Way post, I forgot I wanted to tell you about the convertible Henkaa dress fabric. It’s a wrinkle-resistant fabric. If you’ve ever been to Chico’s, it kind of reminds me of a wrinkle-resistant travel-knit fabric they have. The young lady demo-ing the dress spilled something on it at lunch. She had a spare dress scrunched up in her purse and changed into it after the mishap. No ironing or steaming. The first dress was a floor length, and the second above-the-knee. She was very tall, and both dresses looked fabulous on her. After that last post, I watched a few of the various style vids. You have to see them. Amazing!

— I saw this on my food co-op’s social page. I think a lot of people know this type of thing goes on, but it’s always still shocking to see it in print: A Guide to Food Industry Front Groups |

— I found this article heart-breaking, but I’m glad they took the billboard down:Mental Health Advocates Topple Kenneth Cole Billboard Falsely Linking Mental Health Conditions and Gun Violence |

— I read back through a few of the articles from the last installment of my Mental Health Series. This article really hit me, so I wanted to post it here (and I may post it a few more times). Schizophrenia is not a split personality, there are four main symptoms | I think everyone should read this. It’s not just about this particular illness. It deals with some heart issues. I think you will find it enlightening.

DIY Dip Dye Jeans | Fusion e-Magazine.
Maybe you could also DIY something like this:

— I am in the market for a different (neutral-colored vs. my last vibrant color choice) heart rate monitor watch. While searching for one, I came across this sports bra made for the heart sensor chest strap: Pure Lime Compression Bra for Heart Rate Sensors – High Impact.

— OK, these are totally fun and hysterical! I love the bar, cat bed, and speakers.
DIY Retro Furniture — 12 Things To Do With Vintage Suitcases | Loffee.

Deodorizing Homemade Lavender Linen Spray Recipe |

Today’s Featured Recipes:

My mom likes to watch her sugars (and sodium), but she doesn’t care for several sugar subs. She especially doesn’t like stevia! She tried to use the same ratio as white sugar, lol! So, I have to sneak these things into her food sometimes, hehe. I’ve never used the sugar sub called for in this recipe, but you may be able to sub the sub if you need to:
Low Carb Cinnamon Sugar Cake Donuts – Gluten Free | Modern Low Carb.

Walnut and Olive Spelt Bread Rolls | Quite Good Food.
Brie, Fig Jam, and Serrano Ham Crostini | Flavor the Moments.
Tequila-Orange Grilled Shrimp | Cookbook Recipes.
Jewish Holiday Recipes: Doughnut Ice Cream Sandwiches | Gourmet Kosher Cooking. An idea you could adapt very easily. They suggest chocolate doughnuts with coffee or cookie and cream ice cream.
Chef JD’s Cuisine & Travel Website Turnstile | Cherokee Hominy and Tomato Soup.
This is not really a recipe, but you could really let your imagination run wild with this one: Home cured duck ham, Hendricks compressed cucumber, summer fruit and nitro sorbet. Due South Chefs Ltd.
Ginger Candy Appletini  Recipe | I like the caramel apple garnish 🙂

Take good care of yourself, and I’ll see you next time!

My Way, No. 14

*If you’re new to my blog, you may want to read this for info on what ‘My Way’ posts are all about. 🙂 *

— It’s been a homemade condiment week! I love to look at recipes for homemade condiments, but I usually end up making them with the ingredients I have on hand. I did go ahead and make mirin as I posted about last week. I’ve yet to use it on anything, but I am sure I will re-make the sesame seed tofu (and hopefully salmon, as the recipe originally called for). I didn’t boil the entire mixture, I just added my syrup to my sake:
The great thing about making mirin is that you can enjoy the leftover sake when you’re done! After having those awesome Sriracha Garlic Knux at Maker House, I set about making a whole wheat version. I merged ingredients and concepts from about 4 or 5 pizza dough recipes. Perhaps I will post my actual recipe at some point, but I would like to test it out a few more times. In the meantime, I thought I would link you to a Homemade Lacto-Fermented Sriracha recipe. I just found this and have never thought to do a lacto-ferm version. Anyway, I added parm & garlic to the dough, then basted it with a Siracha-Extra Virgin-Garlic Oil, and finished with a little parm, smoked sea salt, and red pepper flakes. I would have loved butter, but my body has been averse to it (and I was trying to keep it a bit healthier). I was pushing it with the cheese, but it was a small amount per roll. One recipe I gleaned from said a bit of smoked salt can give pizza dough a ‘brick-oven’ appeal, so I thought, ‘why not try it?’ I didn’t have smoked salt, though, so I had to smoke the sea salt I had in the pantry. Maker House had a nice thick ranch they served with them, but I just dipped them in a little extra of the Sriracha Oil. It was a great accompaniment to the Spinach, Red Lentil, and Sweet Potato Curry I made again this week:
I decided to make an individual portion this time, but the pan is almost like 2 servings (with bread) because it’s so filling. Again, I added a little kale and had to improv the curry ingredients. Really a quick and delish dish! More condiment making for Game Day: BBQ Sauce. Yay for my 2nd fave football team winning the Bowl (the first, of course, being the Giants)! After preparing the tofu Fajita Salad with Chipotle Ranch Dressing, I had a bit of the chipotle in adobo leftover. So, I thought BBQ was in order. I made a “kitchen sink” BBQ with just about anything I could get my hands on, adjusting and tasting as I went. I especially love fresh or dried fruits in BBQ sauce. I added a little orange zest to the Sicilian Roasted Potatoes (with a mix of Yukons, Reds, and Sweet Potatoes) this past week and loved it…so, I thought I would add a bit to the BBQ. I cooked the sauce stove top this time, but I love the slow cooker for a big batch. The BBQ went on roasted garbanzos and these BBQ Garbanzo and Brown Rice Tacos with Dried Figs, Pistachios, and Raisins:
Finished with more orange zest. I made the corn tortillas with a press and baked some for ‘hard shells.’ I Misto the baked ones and use a mold so they stay open. It was tricky getting the taco to stand up for the pic, lol. I also cut a few of the soft ones for chips. I made some plain (served with lacto-ferm salsa verde) and brushed BBQ on a few. I Misto’d them, then baked them off in cast iron pans. I cook the plain ones on only one side, but I prefer to cook the seasoned ones on both:

— If you are renting and want to create a bit of personalized style, check out this link on Decorating Ideas for Renters. And, love this link for 15 Shower Curtain Projects, including using a painter’s drop cloth and turning any curtain into a shower curtain.

— I love vintage-style full aprons. There’s no reason why you can’t look stylish while dicing potatoes! I think you could easily make one similar to this black and white damask apron with just iron-on fabric tape (if you do not machine sew, like myself). I have a friend who cleared out her closet and only has clothing that is black, white, or black and white. She said this was an attempt at simplifying her life. She doesn’t have to concern herself with the items matching or not, haha. Even though black is not my color (on top, anyway), I admit to using the black-and-white-clothing-simplification method all the time now. If you have procrastinated and haven’t planned your outfits for the week…just grab something black and white. It goes from cas to business to formal very easily.

Baby Chicks Have Left-Right Number Bias Like Humans.

— A few mental health articles that touched me this past week:,, and

— I adore this picture:
Click on the pic or this link to take you to: Dr. Kathleen Young: Treating Trauma in Tucson | Mindful Monday.

— As always, I like to include a few tantalizing recipes that have come my way: Root Veggie Crisps in a Crispy Pancake Bowl (looks fun!), Roasted Makhana, Cheesy Greek Swirls, Mussels, Bacon, and Brie Tartlets, Cold Busting Coconut Gummies (cute & healthy!), Beef and Blue Cheese Risotto. I had a nice 1/2 iced tea & 1/2 lemonade with Bourbon for Game Day, so I thought I would look for other tea cocktails: Chamomile Honey Whiskey Cocktail. 15 Easy and Low Calorie Healthy Fruit Desserts.

Have a wonderful day, and I’ll see you next time!