Easy Labor Day Weekend Craft Project: Chalkboard Paint Wine Glasses

Inspired Entertaining: DIY Chalkboard Wine Glasses | Always Order Dessert.

I love chalkboard paint projects because they are great for any DIY craft skill level and can produce fun and whimsical or striking effects. For those in the States, I thought Labor Day weekend would be the perfect time to take on this type of project (if you’re not in the States, I’m sure there are plenty of reasons you can find to still take it on 🙂 ). Many people have a number of guests over, and it can be quite easy for them to lose track of their glass. Actual wine glasses are great if you are having a formal gathering, but you can always use disposable ones for a more casual type of party. You can even use a ‘rocks’ glass (true glass or disposable) if you do not plan on serving beverages you think befit a wine glass.

The link above uses a black spray paint, but here’s another video link demoing a colored paint from a can: How to Make Event Place Cards. I think red and blue paint with white chalk would be a great festive look!