My Way, No. 34

*If you’re new to my blog, you may want to read this for info on what ‘My Way’ posts are all about. :)*

Happy New Year to you all!

— I found this so encouraging: This past Thanksgiving and Christmas, we helped the Salvation Army/Jewish Federation prepare the Salvation Army’s annual luncheon (which we’ve been doing for a number of years, as I said last Holiday season). Part of the Christmas crew this past time were a group of co-workers. Their place of employment pays them for 8 hours of community volunteer service, and they chose the luncheon. I wish ALL employers did this. What a seed to sow: 8 hours of your employee’s time (that you are paying for) being given to another organization. That is wonderful!!! I have also seen organizations (like banks, even military) coordinate a day for all (or a portion) of their employees to volunteer with a nonprofit. These things bless my heart so much. Here’s a pic of our Christmas elves from this past year:

Adventures in Food: The 40 Cents No-Knead Bread was a wonderful addition to our Christmas meal, as well as the Christmas Fruit Salad. Really great choices, and I’ve also made a whole wheat version of the bread now. I combined several techniques from past blog posts for the whole wheat. I’ll update you when I’ve tested them a few more times. Less formal pic of panettone waffles from the day after Christmas (no time for fancier pics from Christmas brunch):
These were so good, I can’t even tell you. You have to be a person that loves citrus zest, though. I made a ton of candied orange and lemon peel in November, hoping it would last through the Holidays. It did. I tried to keep these a little healthier by making whole grain waffles, homemade non-fat yogurt replacing the oil. They were a little sweeter than I would normally prepare, though. I also soaked the dried fruit in hot water & vanilla vs. rum. I ran out of most of my homemade sprouted flours, otherwise I would have used them. For Christmas brunch, I actually made a vanilla yogurt sauce, but there’s just a dollop in this pic. When I feel like indulging, maybe I’ll go for regular white flour waffles topped with whipped cream and syrup, rum soaked fruit. More time, maybe sourdough or yeast waffles. The fruit soaked for about 10 minutes (while I prepared the batter), about 3-4 minutes each waffle. So, I think this was a fab shortcut for panettone flavors. You just have to make sure you work quickly to evenly distribute the fruit and peel (once the batter hits the iron). Not waiting for the Holiday season to roll around again to prepare these!

For New Year’s, I switched up the cherries to blackberries for the individual Pavlovas with Red Wine Compote and Mascarpone Whipped Cream. The blackberries were fresh, and the cherries would have been frozen. This was just a test one (to see how the layering looked), so I used yogurt in place of mascarpone:
Again, these were delish (made them for Thanksgiving, as well)! As I made individual portions (instead of the original larger size), I cooked them for a longer time at a lower oven temp. Sweet Potato Bites & Sweet Potato Cakes with Black Bean Salsa were also delightful, and I’m looking forward to making more of the potato recipes soon. Leftover ‘Bites’ filling made nice veggie burgers!

Saw a recipe for pea guacamole in a 20-year-or-so-old diet cookbook. I didn’t make it according to the directions, but I enjoyed it. I just mixed pico with pea puree. Nice, lighter guac variation. I told you I was on a potato kick, so I baked wavy chips instead of my normal tortillas. Remember my portion control tip about spooning your dip onto your plate (instead of dipping into the bowl)!
I must say I love so many diet books I’ve come across over the years. Even if I do not follow the actual diet itself, they usually have a few good recipes in them (or recipe inspirations). I especially love older books as many of them use common, simple ingredients (and, they’re usually a bargain at second-hand stores). I would think it could be frustrating to “go on a diet” that sends you off to purchase trendy, spendy ingredients, lol. This book only seemed to have a couple of items that were not that common 20 or more years ago.

Great posts to revisit for the New Year: 7 Detox Smoothies with Added Health Benefits, 32 Detox Smoothies (includes juices and teas), and Hydrating Vitamin Refreshers (waters). I love water regardless, but adding fruit, etc., makes it so much more fun (to look at, as well as drink). After the water is gone, I add the fruit to a smoothie. I just try to use whatever I already have around the house (or am planning to use in another dish). The past couple of days I had cranberries, blackberries, citrus, ginger, and chiles:
I told you my co-worker tipped me to make my pitcher/carafe in the morning. At least one more refill, and I’m set for the day!

Last adventure: I have been planning to make my mom’s old mulligatawny recipe for a while. I recently saw a blended mulligatawny (just a pic, not the recipe), so I finally got to it. I spotted acorn squash and decided to use it as the base (along with a healthy dose of carrots).
The squash and the carrots gave it some thickness, replacing the roux & cream. I did add the stock it called for, though. Celery, scallions, fresh garlic, pinch of ground cloves, curry spices (pre-blended, not my own blend), diced sweet apple, s&p, couple of bay leaves. It would be nice to still have friends around with laurel trees. I used smoked paprika to replace the smoked pork. All very easy in the slow cooker, and perfect for a chilly night’s meal. I also enjoyed it with brown rice, and once with okra and black-eyed peas (soul food meets Indian, haha). The random garnish (radicchio, scallion, nori) is due to my being rushed to eat. I thought it looked bare for a pic, so that’s what I found (leftovers, lol).

Homemade Peppermint Lip Balm and Cuticle Oil were lovely! I think the cuticle oil would be a great gift for anyone in the medical profession (or any profession that requires a lot of hand washing). Here are a few other DIYs for you to consider: Heal Thyself: 10 (More!) Colds, Wounds, & More | momtastic.

10 Great Ideas for DIY Headboards | Bedroom Decoration Ideas.

— If you love to sew, check out this cute wristlet: A Splendid Assemblage: DIY: Pyramid Wrist Bag.
Or, what about this? Includes several DIY clothing projects as well. DIY Backpack Tutorial |
Don’t sew? Try this project & think of warmer days. DIY Beach Tote – Homey Oh My! It’s as close to the beach as I’m gonna get in Tucson, anyway, lol.

Today’s Delish Recipes. Lots of quinoa, haha. Yums! Enjoy!

Field Mushrooms with Lentils in Red Wine Sauce |
Harvest Quinoa Salad | This was for Thanksgiving, but it looks like it would be a pretty tasty start for the New Year as well.
Quinoa Olive Oil Honey Cake | So moist & yummy!
Moroccan Fish Recipe |
Vegetarian Taco Soup | Sweet Mornings.
Elegant Cabernet Strawberry Rhubarb Pudding | Vintage Kitty. Looks lovely! You can probably switch out the fruit for whatever’s available.
Cranberry Wild Rice Bread |
Quinoa Breakfast Porridge |
Winter Firecracker Cocktail Recipe | we heart this.

‘Til next time! Take care!

My Way, No. 31

*If you’re new to my blog, you may want to read this for info on what ‘My Way’ posts are all about. 🙂 *

“Hot enough for ya?” is an expression you often hear in these neck of the woods. It’s kind of exciting when you actually get to put a coat on the first few cooler weather days. I get over it eventually, haha, but those first few times can be fun. I love shorter, lighter trenches like this, as they can double as a dress (value purchase!): 10 Pecas Basicas No Amario Feminino |
Speaking of value, I found this office wear page with a lot of great ideas: Work Outfits on Pinterest.
I’ve always liked the idea of versatility within your clothing pieces, so I was attracted to this pic. I love suit jackets, and they are one of my staple pieces. I have a ton, and I will pair them with anything from actual suit bottoms (skirts/pants), jeans with heels, jeans with flats or sneakers, printed skirts…really, quite a few possibilities.

— If you’re in Tucson and haven’t heard about it, I wanted to let you know about RISE Equipment Recycling. “RISE Equipment Recycling Center processes donated office equipment and furniture to sell at a reduced price to non-profit organizations, their clients, and low income familes and their children.” This is a fabulous organization that can always use donations. They also use volunteer staff, if you think that’s something you might be interested in. When I worked as a non-profit operations manager, they outfitted our entire computer center (used for job training computer classes). What a blessing! There were tears of joy!

— Today’s Adventures in Food: Mayocoba beans x 2! Last week, I cooked up a pot and found a couple of different ways to make use of them:
I have always thought I preferred stuffed white potatoes, but this sweetie proved me wrong. Both bean preps had a base of tomato with homemade bread crumbs (from my whole wheat-teff bread) and ground nuts. I added the bread and the nuts recalling the lentil “meatballs” I made here and here. I liked that they gave them a meatier texture. I just varied the base by using “chili-type” seasonings for one & “sloppy joe-type” seasonings for the other (with the addition of green bell peppers). I also smashed half the beans for the sloppy joe, as was indicated in the original lentil “meatball” recipe. I’ve seen several vegan/vegetarian bacons from veggies, but I was unsure of an exact method. For the potato, I just decided to bake off the criminis I had (until crisp) with my smoked sea salt. Pork bacon also has a little sweetness to me, so I hit it with just a few pinches of coconut sugar. Homemade non-fat Greek-style yogurt & chives.

I added homemade coleslaw and zucchini bread & butter pickles (I use turmeric for the pickle coloring) to the sloppy joe. I have never made coleslaw in my entire life, so I was really winging it. I didn’t use a recipe, and I’m sure I broke a few “My grandma makes it this way” rules. I really do not care for it by itself, but I found I really enjoyed it on this hamburger. So, I went for it. I used the Hawaiian rolls recipe from the bread post (I smashed it down a bit) with spelt and vital wheat gluten vs. AP flour. 2 super easy, super casual, yummy meals! I am not sure if mayocoba beans are readily available in many parts of the country. If you’re unable to find them, check out our local Native Seeds/SEARCH online store (also offering a ton of other goodies).

From the last My Way, I made mini Chinese scallion pancakes:
I actually used the traditional recipe from the blog instead of the simplified version I posted (with whole wheat pastry flour & VWG). The traditional version is pretty simple, too, with a food processor — sort of like a tortilla, kicked up with some scallions and 5-spice. I saw a recipe for Asian-style quesadillas, but I forgot to record it. So, I just decided to make my own version with the pancakes. I fermented black beans, then used them to make this Black Bean Sauce – Homemade Spicy Version. Akin to a chunky hoisin. The sauce + pulled chicken + the pancakes. Delish! The pancakes can be pretty addicting, so be forewarned. If you want to make your own hoisin or 5-spice blend, here are a couple of recipes I found: Homemade Hoisin & Chinese 5-Spice Powder. Pic’d with homemade squash ribbon kimchi and squash noodles with ginger-sesame sauce. I wring all of the excess liquid from the noodles before adding the sauce.

Rustic Italian Bread from this post, using whole wheat (+VWG) & the stencil technique. Perhaps you could use edible paint or glitter for the stencils, as well? I added a little beet powder to the stencil flour, but you could do all beet or some other fruit/veg powder:
Was fab with a couple of patés I made and dried figs. I’m always craving dried figs. I would like to find a good figgy-filled cookie recipe. This was a lighter-style wild salmon, white wine, and shingled carrots paté:

— This candlestick holder topiary says it’s for Christmas, but I think you could create one for any time of the year: DIY Christmas Centerpieces.
Or, maybe think about alternatives to the pistachios, like coffee beans or dried berries.

The Busy Broad: DIY Blinged Out Flask.

Today’s Featured Delights. Hope you enjoy!

Pavlova with Red Wine Cherry Compote and Mascarpone Whipped Cream | Cooks with Cocktails.
Napa & Co’s Sea Bass w/ Artichokes & Blood Oranges – CT Bites – Restaurants.
Eating richly even when you’re broke | Thai Recipe: Son In Law Eggs. 
Just one of those simple, scrumptious meals. You can easily make it vegan or vegetarian, too. Asian: Sesame Chicken and Noodles/ | KeepRecipes : Your Universal Recipe Box.

Miso and Citrus Glazed Eggplant |

Edamame Navy Bean Salad w/ Orange-Balsamic Dressing | Go Red for Women.
For your inspiration: 25 Yummy Fruit Desserts |
Pumpkin Spice Margarita |

Take care, & see you next time!

My Way, No. 22

*If you’re new to my blog, you may want to read this for info on what ‘My Way’ posts are all about. 🙂 *

— Honey gave way to maple this go round for the cherry-vanilla syrup from this previous post: 8 Fruit & Herb Honey Syrups. I still had my gift of bourbon from the December Holidays left, so I finally decided to make that float I was keen on. The syrup + club soda + bourbon + homemade vanilla froyo. Yums!

A beer fairy left a bit of brew for the masses, so I thought a beer bread was in order. I sprouted rye berries for a sourdough and used the beer in place of water. Beer made me think of pretzels, so that was the next step. Stuffed with brown mustard, they were a tasty treat! If I had thought about it, I might have made a homemade beer mustard:
I will admit I usually flake off the salt from most of them, haha. I will have one or two with the coarse salt, but then it becomes too much.

I finally made the Sesame Seed Salmon with my homemade mirin (with actual salmon this time vs. tofu). Delish! Make sure to check it out. Quick & easy.

Cheese, cheese, and more cheese! If you love the cheeses, please, please check out my post on Thrifty Ideas for Home Cheese Making & Homemade Cream Cheese. My mom is the one who requested I delve into the homemade cheese world, and I am so glad she did. When Mother’s Day rolls around, I try to find things I can do to please my mom (I know it should be all the time — I try 😉 ). So, many of those things have kept me from blogging this past couple of weeks. As I said in the cream cheese post, my mom adores fruit crepes (filled with a sweet cream cheese mixture). I have made several batches of cream cheese now, and it couldn’t be easier. I initially started with a buttermilk culture vs. purchasing a freeze-dried. The instructions for making your own cultures can be found in the links from the Thrifty post. I’ve now moved on to using meso & thermophilic cultures, as well as vegetarian rennet from the Cultures for Health site (also linked to in that post.). The Curd-Nerd site is SO informative, and I tried to study as much as possible before attempting too much. I recommend anyone just starting out do the same. There are quite a few things to learn, & you don’t want to waste your time or money. So far, I’ve used the recipes for queso fresco, haloumi, traditional ricotta, farmhouse cheddar (needs to age), and I just made this mozzarella:
Queso fresco and cream cheese (or yogurt cheese) are the easiest to make, IMO, and you can always use a buttermilk meso culture (especially if you are just starting and want to keep your costs low). I’ve made the queso and haloumi with skim milk, and they turned out fine (though not as rich). For small amounts of cheese, I started using thin, thin linen napkins (from my grandmother 🙂 ) to drain the whey from the curds. I just wash them, and they are ready to re-use. For larger batches, I started using a large piece of muslin. I will use cheesecloth to line the molds.

— I am enjoying my stainless lunch tiffin, which I must say was a SQUEAL DEAL at my food co-op, Food Conspiracy. *Sidenote: if you’re in Tucson, the co-op has unbleached cheesecloth for cheesemaking.* I hand-stitched a little insulated bag for it with material leftover from another project. I recycled the drawstring from another bag.
The fabric store I purchased the material at was my fave on my side of town, and I am bummed they have closed down. I keep running into others saying they are also upset. Perhaps the location was an issue. It would be nice if a locally-owned shop opened up. After doing this by hand, I thought, I really need to learn how to sew on a machine. It took far too much time, lol. Often fabric stores hold classes, so I may try to tackle my fear of it being an impossible task for me — just take the plunge.

— Other inexpensive projects I managed this week involved concrete. At less than $3 for a 60 lbs. bag, I feel I made out quite well. First off, I partially filled these small tin buckets:
What did I do with them, you ask? OK, don’t think I’m silly (OK, maybe I am), but I made a set of bed risers. A while back, I saw a set of 4 bed risers (upwards of $20) that were essentially a cup with a lift in them. I thought cement/concrete in my own cups would produce the same effect. I just wanted a few extra inches for under bed storage. You just mix the concrete with water, let dry, and voila! I used more leftover fabric around the frame legs so they wouldn’t shift around. This proved fabulous and provided me with the storage space I desired…with very little cost.

And, until I decide to invest in a full-on cheese press, I filled recycled containers with the concrete to weigh down my cheese molds. So far, so good, and I am sure I can come up with a few other ways to make use of the rest of the bag.

— We did decide to invest in the Cuisinart Elite 12-Cup Processor. 10-year motor warranty, with a limited 3-year warranty, 1000-Watt motor. So sorry, Cuisinart was misspelled in the last post. Sometimes, if a word is incorrect once, it will not change it afterwards (I guess it thinks it’s correct). As I previously stated, it has large and small work bowls, so you get 2 for 1. I’ve whipped up pizza dough for my mom, smooth as silk nut butter, falafel, guacamole, banana “ice cream” (using the recipe from the included cookbook with a bit of honey, vanilla, and fresh coconut milk), and shredded coconut (for chocolate-coconut bon bons for my mom). With my previous processor, I used the metal ‘S’ blade for bread doughs, but this model has a specific yeast dough blade. The metal blade works well for pastry doughs. It also includes an adjustable slicing disk.
Right now, I couldn’t be more pleased! Slow cookers and processors are 2 of my most beloved pieces of kitchen equipment. I also found you can purchase an egg white whipping disc separately. If you are in the market for a new processor, I encourage you to watch the demo video on the Cuisinart site. It would also make a great gift!

— One more thing that might sound silly…Last year, I pulled out some vinyl that didn’t work for a project I had in mind. I happened to be cleaning the fridge around the same time and suddenly thought it would be great to line the fridge shelves/drawers. The backing is kind of a thin, breathable fabric. Well, a year later, this one little thing has saved me tons of clean-up time. It may seem odd at first, but spills, etc. wipe off so easily. Or, you can pull them out and wash them.

— Would love to DIY leather (probably with pleather, though) bracelets such as these:

Newset Fashion DIY Jewelry Copper Leather Bracelet |
Hot Fashion Infinity Leather Music Bracelet |

Racer back DIY just in time for summer:
Tank to Racer Back Tutorial |

— The heat has come, so I started to search for DIY patio blinds/shades. I’ve finally made up my mind about which route to take, but I wanted to share this budget-fab project I came across: No Sew Drop Cloth Patio Curtains |

Blue is not my fave color, but I found this room so soothing and peaceful to look at:

Amazing World of Penguins. Awesome pics, must see!

— Good goodies:

Spinach and White Bean Tacos |

Found another way to use teff: 5-Ingredients Banana Pancakes with Teff Grains (Gluten Free) |

Hip Girl’s Buttermilk Cake |

Buffalo Cauliflower Bites |

Spinach-Stuffed Baked Salmon | Go Red for Women.

Baked Alaska | Great British Chefs. It has a panettone base!

For your retro party: Pineapple Cheese Ball with Pecans |

Detox Smoothie |

Rainbow Sangria | Gimme Some Oven.

Until next time! Have a great day!

My Way, No. 21

*If you’re new to my blog, you may want to read this for info on what ‘My Way’ posts are all about. 🙂 *

— Wow! I am not a big fan of palm oil, as it’s not the healthiest thing for you…but, I hadn’t a clue as to some of the other problems associated with it. For one, “Human rights abuses continue to be reported: child labor, slavery and abuse of palm oil plantation workers (as in some of the workers are locked up at night so they can’t escape.)” Check out the entire post on Mrs. Green’s World website here: Palm Oil vs Rainforests (The Winner Might Surprise You).

This week, I had a chance to mingle at a Women Build Happy Hour hosted by Habitat for Humanity Tucson. The pink hard hat women got happy at La Cocina restaurant (one of my faves, perhaps I’ll post a few pics from there soon). Habitat’s National Women Build Week is May 4th – 9th if you would like to volunteer. Habitat has many locations, so you may try to locate one in your area (if you do not reside in Tucson). The builds are, of course, a great way to give and love others. Even if you do not own a home of your own, you can sow a seed of kindness helping families in your community. I know you will reap the benefits in many ways! Volunteering is great fun and provides opportunities for social connection, possibly building relationships along with the homes. Get the scoop here: Habitat for Humanity Tucson Women Build.

— Lots of food goodness updates this time, so I hope you can bear with me 🙂 . I made the Homemade Ketchup I posted (just slightly altered with what I hand on hand: I added onion powder & a bit of salt, used fresh tomatoes and tomato paste, and used the slow cooker). I decided to make a grainy honey mustard, as well.
I’ve found many commercial mustards can contain quite a bit of sodium. So, if you’re interested, here’s a simple homemade mustard recipe without added salt or sugar: Homemade Mustard Condiment Recipe |
I love the bulk herbs and spices at my local food co-op, so that’s where I purchased my mustard seeds. Great way to get just as much as you need, and your pantry will not become a home for orphaned 1-time-use flights of fancy, lol. I’ve read several bloggers saying they had a problem with that.

Speaking of my food co-op, Food Conspiracy…Spotted: These 2 & 3-tiered stainless food carrier tins and bamboo utensils. Fab & Functional.


Here’s that pic of the Moroccan Tofu w/ Apricots, Olives, & Almonds I wrote about in my last ‘Market‘ post (subbing kumquats for the apricots, pignoli for the almonds).
Served with quinoa, millet, and amaranth (cooked in stock). I added a little balsamic to the sauce and went for a real sweet & tart version (as suggested in the recipe). I didn’t have baked tofu, though, so I had to pan-sear it. A really simple, quick, and delish dish.

Quick, rolled up whole wheat puff pastry dough from this ‘My Way‘ post was a fast, friendly version, indeed. I actually kind of merged the 2 recipes from that post. I became distracted and did not follow the instructions as I should have, though. These things require a lot of concentration for me, lol. Anyway, I tested my less-than-perfect dough on a roasted garlic-black olive tapenade comb (I gave most of it to my mom). It broke in half as I was going to snap a pic. Not a good day, haha!

Even after a few blunders, I think this will work OK for a few recipes. Very flaky! It’s in the freezer for now. I cannot have a lot of butter, so I will have to use it sparingly.

2 Words: Pickled Jalapeños. What? Why have I not made these before? I pickle all sorts of things, but jalapeños were left to be dried or frozen. As I wanted to make the One-Pan Jalapeño Kale & Roasted Garlic Egg Scramble, I got on making a batch. I used vin, water, and just a pinch of something sweet for the pickling.

I’ve prepared this recipe at least 7 or 8 times now and love it. I made it with mozz and mushrooms w/ smoked salt the first couple of times. I am leaving out the cheese now (I need to eat it sparingly, like butter) and am adding a bit of green bell pepper along with the mushrooms. Don’t we all love one-pan dishes!

I think Chocolate Lovers will swoon over this recipe for Chocolate & Cherry Gemelli w/ Orange Creme Anglaise and Brandy-Soaked Cherries (also from the last ‘Market‘ post):
You could even try making your own chocolate or cherry pasta, if you are unable to find any in your area. I improvised a little and used dessert wine-spiked Noosa Honey Yogurt vs. anglaise. As you know, chocolate desserts are not my fave. What made this more acceptable to me was the finish of orange zest alongside the chocolate pasta. That did the trick for me. I also used cacao nibs and frozen cherries (instead of the white choc and dried cherries called for). This was very filling, so I could only eat about half of it in one sitting. Not a terribly terrific presentation, but here’s a pic (I’ll do better next time 🙂 ):

— This is a cute DIY idea, fabric spray painting a silhouette:
spraypaint a t-shirt | SMASHING SILHOUETTES | Pinterest.

This collage illustrates making the most of one piece by switching up the accessories. Great way to stretch your fashion budget dollars:
classy country | Classy vs. Country – polyvore | Clothing I Like | Pinterest.
But, who says you can’t be country and classy at the same time 😉 ?

— I meant to post this a while back and forgot. I found this post Self-Publish with Books from Blurb on the Lavender and Lovage website. Blurb is an independent publishing platform. Turn your hobby into a book! You can create and design a recipe book, craft book, story of your children’s lives, a novella…so many options. Great gift idea for Mother’s or Father’s Day.

— I love little succulents. They are all over the place in Arizona and pretty easy to maintain for most people (though, I did manage to send a few in my office to the sweet by-and-by. I took a vaca for a few days, and they had departed by the time I returned). These copper caps are far more adorable than the generic terra-cotta pots many come in:
MY DIY | Copper Cap Succulent Holder | I SPY DIY.

Today’s fab recipes:

Prabha’s Cooking: Cashew Pakoda/Pakora. (Besan flour is gram/dried chickpea flour).

Toddler Friendly Recipes the Whole Family Can Enjoy |

Chipotle Cheeseburger Flatbread Melts |

Take your pick: Vegetarian Starter Recipes | Great British Chefs.

Whiskey, Caramel, Marshmallow, and Bacon Bark |

Negronez Cocktail w/ Campari Ice Cubes | 10th Kitchen.

See you next time!

To Market to Market…4/16/2015

Pics from the Farmer’s Market at the Downtown Mercado, Tucson, Arizona. I love this market at the quaint Mercado, with its live folksy musical performances and enticing surrounding local restaurants. Kumquats caught my eye this trip, and I quickly found a dish for them (Moroccan Tofu with Apricots, Olives, & Almonds. Apricots were replaced with the kumquats, will post a pic soon). Of course, I enjoyed some raw, as well. I spotted a variety of kale (Russian, Siberian, white, among others, I was told by the farmer), turmeric tonic, nopales, herbs, cholla buds…and, well, so many exciting things this trip. I am always drawn to pasta, and this time I snagged a bit of a dessert chocolate and cherry gemelli. I am not extremely fond of chocolate desserts (except candies, fudge, and brownies), but I love cherries and dark chocolate combined. So, we’ll see how it goes! I saw a batch of raw pecan fudge I might try to replicate. Yums!

We have Farmer’s Markets year-round in Tucson (because of our warm climate), so make sure you stop by a few if you’re in town.





























My Way, No. 20

*If you’re new to my blog, you may want to read this for info on what ‘My Way’ posts are all about. 🙂 *

— I had a fab indulgence last week with the Fugazetta (Argentine Pizza) recipe. So tasty! The recipe calls for gobs and gobs of cheese, though, which I cannot have. I probably used less than a fourth of what it called for, but it was still quite delightful. I compromised with myself by tossing on a part-skim mozz vs. provolone. If I have dairy with any fat, I just have to limit my portions. Instead of a sheet pan, I made the Fugazetta in a 11.5 inch cast iron pan. My crust was probably a little thicker, but I absolutely loved it. It was pillowy-soft throughout and crispy on the bottom. I pushed the dough around the edges to make an even thicker crust around the rim. It reminded me of a thick-crust pizza from a restaurant in Texas. Even if it’s not my traditional NY-style, this familiarity brought me comfort. I just wished I had one of those neat-o Scizzas to cut it with! I had to make do with my boring pizza wheel. The instructions said to put the pan on the bottom rack to bake, but I was scared it would brown too quickly. My oven temp varies in different parts, so I thought it best to put it on the top rack. I let it go for 10 minutes, then gave it a hit under the broiler. I made a honey-whole wheat dough adapted from the original recipe. Toppings are just cheese (provolone or mozz), caramelized onions, green olives, oregano, and red pepper flakes, so it’s easy peasy. I added a bit of smoked salt (as I did when I made the sriracha-garlic knots) to give it a “brick-oven” appeal. I’m almost mad I found this recipe! You forget how much you love pizza until you have pizza again.

Most of the time, I use my food processor when making bread doughs. I find it to be fairly quick and easy. You just need to make sure your processor is big enough to handle the volume of dough you are making (and that you have a strong motor). Many of the recipes I come across are for stand mixers (or hand mixing/kneading), so I usually use this simple food processor method (for non-sourdough breads) instead:
1) In a warm area (usually the top of my stove while it’s warming up) add sweetener (honey, molasses, etc.) and warm water (whatever temp range is indicated on yeast packaging) to a bowl, stir until sweetener is dissolved; stir in yeast until dissolved and let the yeast activate. Mixture should be bubbly and foaming after several minutes (sometimes, recipes will indicate an allotted activation time). *You can stir all 3 at once, I just find it’s easier for me to get the sticky honey, etc. from the bottom of the bowl when I can see it a bit better (without the yeast).*
2) While the yeast is activating, in the food processor bowl fitted with the metal blade, add flour, vital wheat gluten or xanthan gum (if using), salt, and any other dry ingredients that are OK to be broken up into smaller pieces. (If I have ingredients I want to remain whole — perhaps raisins, nuts, candied peel, etc. — I will incorporate them after the wet ingredients have been added.) Pulse the dry ingredients for a bit (maybe a minute or less) until they are well combined.
3) When the yeast has activated, stir in any other liquid ingredients (eggs, oil, etc.).
4) Add the liquid ingredients to the food processor bowl, and pulse until the dough starts to come together. Some directions might tell you to slowly add the liquid through the chute, but I’ve never had a problem just putting it all in at the beginning. I want to see a recipe one day that says, “Do this fast, as fast as you possibly can!” lol. 😀 The dough will pull away from the sides, and I usually let it go for a bit longer (just to make sure the gluten is well developed). If the dough is too sticky, I add a little flour. Too dry, a little water.
5) If I’m adding any of those dry ingredients I mentioned in step 2, I add them at this stage. I may coat them with a little flour first, to keep them from sticking and/or bleeding. I tip the dough into a bowl, then incorporate them by hand. Otherwise, I just proceed to tip the dough into an oiled bowl, form it into a ball, Misto a little oil on top, and cover the bowl. I then follow the recipe instructions concerning rest periods, rise time(s), and shaping the dough.

This is the method I’ve used for years and years, and I’ve always been pleased with the results. Online, I found you can sub xanthan gum if you run out of vital wheat gluten (useful for doughs made without white flour). From what I’ve been reading, you should use 1/2 – 1 teaspoon of xanthan gum per 1 cup of flour (vs. 1 tablespoon of vital wheat gluten).

— Speaking of food processors, I am on the lookout for a new one soon. I have investigated several models, but haven’t completely made up my mind yet. I like this Cuisanart Elite 12-Cup model with a 1000-Watt Peak Motor |
I’ve had good experiences with Cuisanart products in the past, so they were one of the first brands I scoped. A good processor (with a powerful motor) is an investment, for sure, but it’s a piece of equipment I use multiple times during the week. A quality processor will last for years and years. This one has a smaller work bowl, as well, so you get 2 for 1.

— The 2-Minute Green Spaghetti Sauce from the last ‘My Way’ post saved me quite a bit of time last week. I made batches of my standard ‘red’ the previous few weekends, so a change was in order. Totally simple, but I added a few things like garlic, chives, & hot pepper sauce. You just whizz it right up in the blender. I chose the option of nutritional yeast vs. parm & replaced the milk with the hot pasta water (my milk was frozen!). A couple of times, I added a bit of tinned salmon and finished with ground almonds — a quick and fab meal! I made another batch this past weekend. Make sure to check out the recipe if you get a minute.

— I am making another folding side table, this time a much easier version. I just spray painted the base of an old, beat up table, then staple gunned a DIY waterproof fabric to the top. I found a tip on another site: if your wax is a little white and streaky (from cooling) when applying the oil & wax mixture, use a blowdryer on the fabric for a bit. I tried this, and it worked beautifully. I have updated my How to Waterproof Fabric post with this tip.

— OK, so those are just temp pieces of furniture, not meant to stay up for any length of time — just a quick fold out, then up. But, I am trying to rethink a space to permanently store a few items. I really like this practical wooden boxes approach: DIY: VERSATILE USE OF WOODEN BOXES | Scandinavian Deko.

I have no idea what this says (as it’s in Spanish), but this looks like a fun place to be: Glamourosos y Coloridos Dormitorios de Niñas | Decoracion.IN.

— Love this article on How to Get Healthy Skin: A Natural Approach to Healthy Skin |
“I’ve been asked over and over how old I am. I chuckle quietly to myself while someone tries to guess – often well below my actual age. I have good skin, and although I hit 51 last December, my skin is one of my best features. How do I do it? By using quite a few herbs and supplements that promote healthy, younger looking skin,” she says. Along with other types of oil, I like to use dabs of olive oil on my face (in certain spots) — fab for moisturizing the hair, as well. Also, if you haven’t done so already, check out my previous post: 10 Homemade Facial Scrubs.

— Cute iron-on appliques if you are not a machine sewer:
Hotfix Paris Eiffel Tower Applique Design for Fashion and Home Decor | | KBazaar.

— The Local First Arizona website gives a few tips on ‘keeping it local’ for upcoming graduations (they’ll be here before you know it!). If you’re in Tucson, we have SO many fine restaurants to celebrate at. Check out some of the pics under the Restaurants category of my blog menu.

— Today’s Nommy Treats:

One-Pan Jalapeño Kale & Roasted Garlic Egg Scramble |
Cold Sesame Coconut Noodle Salad |
Chocolate Garam Masala Truffles

Sea Bass in Coconut Cream

Pumpkinseed Butter Goji Cookies |
Cherry Whiskey Smash |
The Perfect Chinese Chicken Salad |

Well, I posted the whimsical Fish-Shaped Puff Pastry Entree, but have you ever made puff pastry from scratch? It’s easier than you think, more economical, and you can control the quality of the ingredients. If you can roll out pie crusts, tortillas, etc., then you can make puff pastry! It can take a bit of time, but it is well worth it. If you have little patience for the longer traditional French technique (the horror! lol), check out this quicker version: Homemade Puff Pastry ~ a quicker version |
Or, this: Quick Whole Wheat Puff Pastry |

Have a wonderful day, & I’ll see you next time!

My Way, No. 18

*If you’re new to my blog, you may want to read this for info on what ‘My Way’ posts are all about. 🙂 *


— I changed the view on my blog template. It no longer scrolls forever. It will show several posts, then opt to show older posts. This will make it easier to see the footer (where you can search by category or topic). If the footer is not immediately apparent, click on the arrow at the bottom right of the screen. I also added a tag cloud. For any new readers (hi! 🙂  ), I will just restate that the blog menu is hidden. It can be unveiled by clicking the 3 lines in the top right-hand corner of the screen. I am going to try adding a few more pic links to these ‘My Way’ posts, so they may be a bit longer.
— Some Adventures in Food to catch you up on….I tried a few of the recipes from my Healthy Work Lunches post. Going with a SW theme, I made use of corn, chickpeas, and black beans for 2 meals: Chunky Corn & Black Bean Falafel and Vegetarian Tortilla Soup (both from the blog post with 29 recipes). I love the joke on the falafel post: What did the sick chickpea say to the doctor? I falafel, lol! For the falafel, I pretty much stuck to the prescribed recipe and used my homemade non-fat yogurt (whey drained) for a dipping sauce. I did give them a Misto of oil, but the recipe indicates they will bake up crunchy without it. I let them cook a little longer than the allotted time. I took a few for lunch, and they were quite delish without reheating them.
I found the Tortilla Soup recipe with several others under the Moroccan Soup with Kale and Chickpeas (check the link from the 29 recipes post). I replaced the chiles with chipotle in adobo (I had it on hand), chickpeas for hominy, used a combo of tomato paste and fresh tomatoes (blanched & shocked, skin removed), and added corn. I will have to grab some hominy the next time I see it — yums! This recipe gave me an opportunity to try making queso fresco with skim milk. It’s not as rich as a whole milk version, but I am enjoying it (and my body can tolerate it). I followed the guidelines from my Thrifty Ideas for Home Cheese Making post. I’ve only had tortilla soups with cheddar in the past. I made corn tortillas last weekend in my batch cooking, so I just pulled them out of the freezer, sliced them up, then baked them off. For an on-the-go meal, I layered the toppings in a canning jar. I’m weird and do not like my food to touch before it’s supposed to, lol, so I put parchment paper between the layers:
Also from the link with 29 recipes, I made some chocolate-orange energy bites:
These were more like a sweet treat for me, versus something to give me energy. I took cues from the recipes for Chocolate Peanut Butter No Bake Energy Bites and the Chocolate Tahini Oat Bites. If I remember correctly, this is what I put in them: Oats (toasted whole & ground), ground flax, ground chia, powdered chocolate, toasted coconut, cooked sweet potato puree, raisins (chopped & pureed), chopped candied orange peel (still have some left from Christmas!), orange zest, vanilla extract, some kind of sweetener, and salt. I coated a few with ground almonds. This was slightly random, and I was just trying things out. I blended the sweet potato with some of the raisins, the vanilla, and powdered chocolate, then combined it with the dry ingredients. The sweet potato puree tasted just like chocolate pudding. I do not care for chocolate pudding, but it was fab with the rest of the mix. I love the combo of chocolate with orange. Next time, I would like to try a chocolate-nut/seed butter concoction. I am thinking the Spicy Carrot & Hummus Sandwich from that link is next!
From the link with 90 work recipes, I made the easy & delish Tuna Salad Lettuce Wraps with Capers and Tomatoes (with a homemade Italian-style dressing) and the Chicken & Rice Salad with Ginger-Sesame Dressing (subbing tinned salmon for chicken). I would like to keep a bottle of the Ginger-Sesame in the fridge. I altered it a bit by making a blended sauce with: whole lime (instead of just the juice), Sriracha, mustard, a touch of maple, and replaced some of the olive oil with water. I can see putting this on all sorts of things!
I made a few gingerbread Hamantaschen using the Purim recipe from last week. It was not vegan, as I replaced the coconut oil with egg yolks and some of the maple with honey. I used orange zest vs. lemon and just added gingerbread flavors (ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, molasses). I took a shortcut and rolled the dough into a log. I popped it in the freezer, then just sliced it into rounds the next day. I was concerned about the fillings leaking out, so I pinched them up a bit more than usual. So, the shapes were kind of “meh” to me, but I did what I could. Fillings were pomegranate-chia seeds & sweet non-fat yogurt cheese. Great with a vanilla rooibos chai I had:
Thinking ahead for St. Patrick’s, I also baked another batch of whole wheat muffins. I made them green for the occasion, and they were not attractive at all. But, they satisfied my craving for a savory bit of bread. I took a pic, but it was very dark. I will try to post a pic if I make another batch. I made them using the same method as the Toasted Sesame Mango-Mandarin, using buttermilk for milk, avocado for oil, steamed kale and parsley (pureed), chopped scallions, and topped with pepitas. I wanted to use spinach at first, but only had kale. They were yummy, but you have to be the kind of person who really likes greens. They hit the spot for me.
— Enough about food (for a few seconds, anyway 😉  )! So, after cooking all that up, it’s time to run the dishwasher 🙂  . I rarely run the dishwasher, but my mom said it should be run every so often. I’m not sure if that’s just a myth??? I had a commercial rinse agent (from my mom’s friend), and the last of it is gone. I thought I could probably just use vinegar (it seems vinegar, baking soda, and salt have host of uses), but I found this important post: Natural Dishwasher Rinse Aid. You can indeed use vinegar, but this link gives a little warning about how to do it properly (without ruining the dishwasher parts).
— I just love some of the up-cycled suitcase tables from my 30 Creative Ways to Reuse Old Things post. Here’s another cute idea: DIY Suitcase shelf | DIY + Crafts | Pinterest | Mai Spy. 
Wouldn’t this be a pretty centerpiece, silver or gold branches with candles: Dekoration |
— This photo series mental health project did indeed move me. A picture does say 1000 words. Very touching:
— Great tutorial on using Fray Check for No-Sew Projects: No-Sew Scalloped Shorts DIY |
— While looking at the Fritaffles post, I saw a kitchen tool called a ‘supoon’ mentioned. I looked it up, and it’s pretty neat-o. The handle design sits the spoon off the counter (pic’d with ‘clongs’): Dreamfarm Supoon and Clongs |
— Today’s Featured Food & Bev: After making Hot & Sour Soup and Eggplant in Garlic Sauce a couple of weeks ago, I also decided to make Sweet & Sour Tofu adapted from this recipe: Sweet and Sour Chicken. Fabulous!
Not really a recipe, but love this presentation for dragon fruit: Dazzling Dragon Fruit | 
Take care, & I’ll see you next time!

The Many Uses of Food Powders

Adding to my other posts about preserving our foods, I thought the many uses of dehydrated and powered foods might be interesting. As you can see from my pics, I dehydrated red beets, sweet potatoes, and chard, then ground them into powders. I dehydrated golden beets around the same time, but after tasting one…well, they got eaten! Many people are allergic to artificial dyes and colors, so this is a great way to get the food coloring you want and save some cash. I’ve pictured veggies, but fruits (like cherries, black and blue berries, etc.) or herbs are also wonderful.

Colored pasta is the first thing that comes to mind for me (it’s ALWAYS pasta for me!), but there are a plethora of other uses. You can use your powders to enhance color and flavors for broths (you can thicken them a bit with sweet potato, as well), cream, sauces, bread doughs, cakes, truffles, and frosting. You can make powdered drink mixes, use them for garnishes, and they are great for craft projects. Mix them with a little water and use them as an alternative to water colors for little ones. Naturally-dyed Easter egg shells are fun, or you can make marbled eggs like Chinese tea eggs (see my pic. *As a side: In case you’re interested, I made those from an adaptation of this recipe: Chinese Tea Eggs.*). Teas and coffee are fab in that they are already dried. They can be used for food dyes, but also try them for natural and inexpensive wood stains (fruits and veggies, too).

I used a blender for my veggies this time, but you can also use a spice mill. I store my powders in recycled containers with a desiccant to keep out the moisture. There are probably a ton of other options, but those are just a few I’ve thought of for now. I will post more ideas as they come to me.

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