Rosh HaShanah Recipe: Holiday Salad with Apple & Honey Vinaigrette

Busy in Brooklyn » Blog Archive » Holiday Salad with Apple & Honey Vinaigrette.

I wanted to post a few more recipes for Rosh HaShanah, but I have not been feeling my best this week. I did find this incredibly simple to make, but also incredibly appetizing salad, though. The blog writer did not create it specifically for Rosh HaShanah, but felt it would be a perfect fit. I think so, too. If you are unfamiliar with Rosh HaShanah or Kosher dietary laws, here are a few links to get you up to speed: Kosher Dietary Laws & About Rosh HaShanah.

Even if you are not celebrating, I hope you check out this light and tasty-looking creation. I think it would make a beautiful starter for an elegant meal.