My Way, No. 24

*If you’re new to my blog, you may want to read this for info on what ‘My Way’ posts are all about. 🙂 *

— As mentioned last My Way post, I was going to try to get out and enjoy nature a bit more. So far, I’ve come across adorable quail, jackrabbits, and hummingbirds in my “travels.” The little baby quail are the cutest things ever. I’ve also seen a lot of small lizards with curly black-and-white striped tails (it seems the stripes are on the underside of the tail). As long as I don’t run into any rattlesnakes, I’m good, haha. Here’s a few shots for those of you not familiar with the Tucson, AZ scenery. The first one reminded me of the Leaning Tower, that’s why I snapped a pic:

— At some points in my life, I’ve wondered “Where are all of the caring, loving people at?” The person who wrote this article let me know that there is someone who cares. I need that sometimes. They cared enough to sit down and pen this piece — letting us all know we need to get back to the basics: World Forgets Importance of Caring for Others–caring–others/71125060/?from=global&sessionKey=&autologin=

— Mucho Adventures in Food: I got on a bit of a potato kick with potato chips, the Vegetable Kugel with Caramelized Leeks I posted at Passover, and shepherd’s pie.
I made the chips to continue testing out our new food processor. At the lowest slicing setting, they were nice for thicker-style chips. If I want really thin ones, I will use a mandolin. At that thickness, I like to let them dry out a bit before bake-frying or frying. I made the kugel heavy on the sweet potatoes, and it was delish. Sliced up, it is wonderful to freeze and re-heat for a quick meal. I haven’t made shepherd’s pie in years, but suddenly started craving it. It may be because I had ground beef, and that’s rare for me. It’s just one of those simple, comforting meals that bring good memories. I rarely whip up mashed white potatoes beyond the occasional Holiday meal, but I just felt like having them. I make mashed sweet potatoes all the time, though. WAY back in the day when I worked as a banquet chef, garlic-roasted mashed potatoes with lots of heavy cream and butter were one of our staple sides. That’s still my fave way to prepare them today. Unfortunately, my cream and butter portions now have to be limited, so I just opted to use non-fat milk. I also didn’t have all my normal veggie fixin’s and just used what was in the fridge at the time. It was still a wonderful, comforting meal.

As I did indeed have the ground beef, I decided to make the Chipotle Cheeseburger Flatbread Melts I posted here.
I’m so glad Kevin is Cooking! I almost didn’t take a pic because I was so hungry by the time this was finished. I didn’t even wait for the cheese to melt. The aforementioned blog’s pics look way better than mine, so make sure to check it out! I adjusted the recipe ingredients just a bit using what I had on hand. I also used the homemade farmhouse cheddar from this post, and homemade non-fat Greek-style yogurt (posted here). This was super quick and easy. I didn’t have pizza dough made, but I was making a batch of those hamburg buns I wrote about…so, I saved a bit of the dough for these flatbreads. I Misto’d a little oil in a cast iron pan, then the dough, and was good to go. Just a small portion was quite filling. Really hit the spot & will be making again for sure.

109 degrees in the shade calls for carrot-ginger pops with cilantro! I use whole veg/fruit juice from my blender, as I don’t have just a ‘juicing machine.’
Sale on mesquite flour at my food co-op (yay!) had me making caprese (with homemade mozz), then roasted corn and onion salsa ebelskivers. I just mixed everything in the batter vs. stuffing it in the center.

I found this recipe for a Mung Bean Salad, and it was delightful!
I really enjoyed the dressing. I need to make a big batch, as I think it could go on all sorts of things. It has maple, mustard, cumin, turmeric, coriander, cardamom, clove, nutmeg, cinnamon, and a few other ingredients. Very tasty! I didn’t use the exact measurements, I just eyeballed them. Sometimes I will measure things out, but it looked so good — I wanted to hurry it up. I added pistachios for a little crunch. I think this is a fab go-to recipe for lots of different occasions.

These scrumptious Gorgonzola Grilled Plums with Maple Syrup and Chiles I posted way back inspired me to cook up a version with what I had on hand: Grilled Apricots with Mascarpone, Basil, Pistachios, and Pomegranate Reduction.
I almost thought to use pignoli, but went with pistachios at the last minute. I seriously would have made this recipe just as it was written if I’d had the ingredients. I mixed the mascarpone with a bit of non-fat yogurt. Straight mascarpone would have been my choice if I could have it. It’s so fabulously delicious. I did have maple, but thought pom reduc “molasses” would be nice.

And, last food bit for today…bagel bites, using the New York-Style Bagel recipe. This is really one my best recipe finds in the past few years. It’s so darn quick (I use the food processor). My mom thinks she doesn’t like bagels, but she eats them if I shape them into a loaf or whatever, haha. Sometimes, you gotta be sneaky.
Veggie, Cinnamon Sugar, Everything, Blueberry, Jalapeño Cheddar, Cinnamon Raisin, Sesame, Stuffed Cinnamon Roll. Next time, I might make them smaller. They were really about “two bites.” I got on a cinnamon kick, too, this past week. Not real healthy or anything, but…cinnamon, salt, and fine home-ground sugar of your choice (or you can use packaged powdered sugar) on popcorn for cinnamon toast popcorn. Yums!

— I wanted to share this post on the value of grinding your own grains. It’s from the same blog the Memorial Day Hot Dog and Hamburger Buns recipe came from. You can really see from her post how much can be saved, as well as it being a healthy choice for your family. Purchasing a mill can be an investment, so this post will give you a good break down of what you can expect to get out of it. I tried looking up “best mills” to also post, but many of the articles were not unbiased viewpoints. There are several types to choose from, including stand mixer attachments, hand grinders, stand alone electric grinders, and blenders that also serve as mills. I think you just have to find the one that meets your needs and fits your budget.

— 3 Household Tips: 1) Put stainless steel dish scrubbies in the freezer after each use to prevent rust from forming (been doing this for years as a tip from my aunt, maybe everyone else already knows this…but, just in case you didn’t), 2) Super Glue around the bottom of your rugs to keep them from slipping. Vid: How to Keep Rugs on the Carpet from Moving , and 3) Attach small furniture slides to the bottom of kitchen counter appliances that are hard to get to, or that you need to move about on occasion. I did this to my mom’s coffee pot that sits in kind of a tight spot. She feels more comfortable sliding it out a bit when pouring in the water. The slides keep the counter from being scratched, as well as provide ease of movement.

Wedding Style Saturday | My Wedding Nigeria.
If this is what they’re wearing for weddings in Nigeria, I wish the trend would come to the US! “My Wedding Nigeria presents valuable wedding guide to couples getting married to an African, in Africa and especially in Nigeria.” Awesome!

— Love this Boho hammock!
42 Stunning Bohemian Inspired Homes |

— Eats & Drinks: I’m sure many of you have made chana masala. I like this post as it gives a lot of terrific nutritional info. I made a soup version of chana last week:

Chana Masala | Garden Fresh Foodie.

What about some easy naan bread to go with it? Naan Bread | Great British Chefs.

Elevated Breakfast BLT | Baker by Nature. Avec smoked duck uncured bacon.

Vanilla Bundtlettes with Cashews and Pistachios | Recipe is in German.

Vegetarian Scotch Eggs | Lady Rhubarb. 2nd recipe. Traditional recipe with sausage is listed first.

How to Make Miso at Home | Renegade Health.

The Sherry Cobbler Cocktail | Kitchen Riffs. This blog always has the best stories! Check it out!

Have a fabulous day! ‘Til next time!

DIY Fashion: Color Me Pretty Shoes

Stylish Ideas for Making DIY Clothes |

Stylish Ideas for Making DIY Clothes |

Stylish Ideas for Making DIY Clothes |

I swore I would never go back to the neon and pastels of the 80’s, but here I am. Love! I might as well pull out my heavy-duty hairspray & a blow-dryer while I’m at it, lol 😀 . The shoe color selections brightened up my day for sure (pun), but you could always use these techniques for your fave color(s) of choice.

My Way, No. 17

*If you’re new to my blog, you may want to read this for info on what ‘My Way’ posts are all about. 🙂 *

— Yesterday, I left the house without a coat, as I often do this time of year. We’ve had fairly warm days (for the most part) here in Tucson. It was a bit windy yesterday, though, and partly cloudy. So, that set me off looking at coats that straddle the Tucson winter/summer season (beyond my jean jacket 🙂 ). Something like this floral kimono cardigan/shirt/coat would be fab (and, I love the colorful skirt next to it!): Street Style Boho Chic |
I’m ready for it to be summer, already!

— Fab & functional coat/hat rack made from rulers: Dazzling DIY Coat Rack Shelf |

I love this one, as well: Colorful Wall Hook Design Idea |

And, here’s a fun idea using a pallet: Pallet Furniture: Recycling Pallets into Unique Furniture Pieces | Pinterest | Vanessa.

— Yums! I made the Pad Thai Popcorn I posted here. Pad Thai has so many of my fave flavors (lime, cilantro, chiles, etc.). I subbed honey for the corn syrup, homemade chili-garlic paste for the sambal, and dried cilantro. I started drying cilantro because I could never use it up fast enough. I really love the intense flavor of it when it’s dried. Spur of the moment, I decided to make popcorn balls after pouring on the caramel mixture. *As a side, cupcake liners are a great inexpensive portion control tool. You can put all sorts of snacks in them, not just cupcakes and muffins. Kids really enjoy this, too.* Once forming them into balls, I only let them cook for another 5 minutes or so in the oven (I was a little impatient! They smelled so good!). I like that this recipe is timed and doesn’t require the use of a candy thermometer. If you don’t want to cook the popcorn on the stove, you can air pop it (my fave way) or use a micro. A brown paper bag sealed with a bit of tape (yes, tape!) works fab in a micro.
I’m so glad I made the popcorn, as it gave me an excuse to prepare a small dish of veggie Pad Thai afterwards (having all the ingredients at my disposal). I subbed soba for my usual rice noodles:
If you love Pad Thai, make sure to check out this very simple popcorn recipe!
I had a bag of random oranges, including a few that looked like pink grapefruit. Perhaps it’s common, but I have never seen this shade before. I remembered the Blood Orange Sorbet I posted for Valentine’s, so sorbet it was. My ice cream machine recipe calls for a simple syrup, so I added that and zest. It was delish, but made me a little chilly!
I found this recipe that warmed me up: Bourbon-Cider Cocktail with Cinnamon + Ginger. This recipe was written to be served cold over ice, but hot sounded good to me at the time.
I didn’t have cider, so I had to make some. I added fresh ginger, cinnamon, and brown palm sugar as it heated through (lemon juice to finish). The final drink was oh-so-good, with a caramel-y profile.

— Apparently, per this article, penguins have lost their ability to taste fish. They are only able to taste salty and sour. Maybe they would enjoy salt & vinegar chips 😉 .

— A while back, my mom’s friend gave me a commercial wood cleaner, and I still have a bit left. I suddenly thought I should look for a homemade concoction before I run out of it. If you use wood cleaner and have thought about a DIY version, I wanted to share this link: Homemade Wood Cleaner/Oil Soap.

— If you reside in Tucson, you may want to check out Habitat for Humanity’s free ‘Write-A-Will’ workshops. Here’s the link for more information. If you are not a Tucson resident, you may look into similar estate planning workshops in your area. Often, they are held at no cost to the participants.

— Today’s Recipes: I was thinking about gumbo a few days ago, but wishing I could have a somewhat healthier version. Then, I saw this: Sweet Potato Gumbo with Cornbread Muffins. This interested me, as I’ve never had dumplings made from a baguette: Boeuf Bourguignon with Baguette Dumplings. I love veggie pizza, but I’m sure you could whip up these Sausage and Pepperoni Pizza Puffs with whatever you like. Champagne Cake, Fritaffle, Crab and Smoked Salmon Salad with Avocado, Fennel, and Apple, One-Pan Salmon Tikka with Jeweled Rice, Tuscan Bean Soup, Best Ever Chocolate Chunk Cookies.

Until next time!

My Way, No. 15

*If you’re new to my blog, you may want to read this for info on what ‘My Way’ posts are all about. 🙂 *

— Hope you had a terrific Valentine’s and President’s Day! My Valentine’s treats to myself were spaghetti with red sauce, wine, and macarons. As you know, I do not bake a lot of confections. I’m good with breads, quick breads, or simple “one bowl” type of desserts. I’m not sure when I first had macarons, but they quickly became a favorite. I know we did not prepare them in the pastry portion of my culinary training. I thought I would attempt them for Valentine’s Day weekend for a couple of reasons: 1) the price of bakery-bought macarons and 2) the price of bakery-bought macarons. It’s a shame that pastries are not my forte. What you can charge for a little flour, sugar, and butter, haha! Anyway, even though I absolutely love macarons, I have put off making them. I read so many blogs that said making them is akin to rocket science…painful, grueling rocket science, wherein your rocket will never get off the ground…so don’t even try! Then, I found these links last year, and finally got around to it:

The Macaron 10 Commandments

Macaron Myths

If blogs have scared you beyond belief about making macarons in your own kitchen, I suggest you read these, lol! Many of the recipes I’ve seen over the past year make a relatively large quantity, so I found this recipe that made “just enough” for me: “Jelly Donut” Macarons It’s a vid, so that’s helpful. I made a few heart-shaped for Valentines & some rounds. The ‘feet’ on a couple of the round ones turned out wonky (perhaps from over mixing the batter, or maybe because my oven temp varies in different parts???). Right after they were done, I took a pic of one with a real poofy foot. It got less poofy after sitting with the filling for a bit:
So, after you let them sit, they may change shape a bit. Even if a few looked wonky, they tasted fab! I decided on pina colada macarons, so I made a pineapple-rum curd, and added a little toasted coconut on top. I used the icing from the “jelly donuts” recipe with beet powder for coloring. I found that macarons are so yummy fresh out of the oven, so I might forego the filling next time! I had to force myself to not eat them all (pre-filling) right then! I’ll keep practicing my macaron technique, and hopefully I’ll improve over time. You can also make nut-free macarons, so I would like to try that eventually.

— I made a few chocolate-covered strawberries (as I posted about here) in a mug for my mom:
I took the pic before I let them chill in the fridge. I chose a very simple mug that matched some other items (the heart is a graphic! Cute!), as I know she has too many vases already. I went the easy route and coated a few with ground almonds and shaved chocolate. So sorry, but I totally forgot: when I saw fruit bouquets prepared professionally, they used iceberg lettuce to secure the skewers (vs. the floral foam I mentioned). I decided to use cabbage as a 2 for 1. My mom LOVES cabbage, so that was just an added bonus (I gave her the rest of the head). Of course, she made the cabbage right after eating a few berries, haha! I think a big bouquet would make a fab party centerpiece. It doesn’t take much to make one yourself, and the savings from purchasing shop-bought are quite considerable.

— I recently caught a couple minutes of a wonderful piece my mom was watching. It featured a woman who raps about Parkinson’s disease. What an awesome way to raise awareness! You can check out some of her story here: Sharon Kha’s Parkinson’s Disease Rap.

Roll with it, baby…Rolling storage from crates, to wire baskets, to magazine trolleys. Check it out here: Easy Rolling Wire Baskets for Storage |

— Cute typographic serving trays: DIY Serving Tray Ideas | The Graphics Fairy.

— Typography with a fashion twist: Bleached and Stenciled Typography Shorts | Audrey Moyer | Pinterest.

— I read on a few British sites that we’re supposed to eat pancakes (or crepes) today as it’s Shrove Tuesday. I didn’t know what Shrove Tuesday was, so I had to look it up. I figure any reason to eat pancakes is fab. I made a couple small Tea & Honey Pancakes for myself this morning. I have been craving and drinking mucho Earl Grey for a couple of months, so I decided to use it in my pancake batter. I made these with a combo of oat flour and the coconut flour I recently made. I steeped the tea in skim milk and added a bit of lemon zest. I went with a dusting of powdered sugar vs. syrup. Yums! Of course, I had a little hot Earl Grey to go along with it. Even though it was a small portion, the oats were very filling. Another tasty Earl Grey concoction is to serve it hot with a little honey and bourbon. I had that a couple of weeks ago and am still thinking about it. Will have to make it again soon! Maybe I’ll have crepes for dinner.

— I’ll leave you with a few recipes for your consideration. Don’t forget you can always adjust the recipes with what you have on hand, or make substitutions for items that you cannot eat (or do not eat). Vegetable Pakoras with Coconut Dahl, Vegetarian Shepherd’s Pie (with a polenta crust..mmm), Pad Thai Popcorn, Slow Cooker Honey-Ginger Chicken, Artisan Ciabatta Rolls, Sweet Orange and Almond Buns, Red Lentil and Cardamom Soup, New York Strip Steak with Whiskey-Mushroom Sauce, The Monkey Gland Cocktail (great cocktail stories on this blog!).

‘Til we meet again!

DIY Red Pashmina Multi-Performance Piece

Pashmina Multi-Performance Shawl.

As it’s National ‘Wear Red Day’ to promote heart disease awareness, I thought a red DIY fashion project was in order. Now, I must tell you that this link is simply to purchase this fab and functional pashmina multi-piece, but I think you could easily create your own stunning version at home. Even if you do not have actual pashmina, all this project would take is a single piece of fabric and a needle and thread (if you do not machine sew). You can have yourself a marvelous multi-piece (at least 5 different ways to wear it) in no time. Take a look at the link and see what you think!

My Way, No. 7

*If you’re new to my blog, you may want to read this for info on what ‘My Way’ posts are all about. 🙂 *

— Have you ever felt like you were going to scream if you had to make one more decision? Like you would explode if one more set of choices came before you…your mind overwhelmed by life’s questions? I got to that point this past week. Now, if I were being unselfish, I would have thought about the fact that it’s a blessing to be able to even make decisions. Some people are not that fortunate. I was having a self-absorbed moment (or two), though. Then, it seemed as if the heavens opened up and shone upon me…someone else coming along to give me peace and direction. Like God was saying, even though you’re being selfish and a bit ungrateful, I’m still going to help you out, haha. Thank goodness for mercy and folks who come to your rescue!

— Thank goodness for a couple of recipes that eased my decision-making about what to prepare for Hanukkah! Normally, it wouldn’t have been that big of a deal, but my mind was overloaded at the time, lol. I wanted to make jelly doughnuts and made blackberry jam in anticipation. As with the bagel recipe I recently posted about, though, I wasn’t really in love with the recipe I had. So, I kept going back and forth about it. Then, lo and behold, I saw this recipe and thought, “Why not give it a try?” So glad I did! Now, I must confess (probably to the cringing of pro bakers everywhere) that I changed a few things. I usually try to avoid altering baking and pastry recipes too significantly, as it’s a scientific process. And, as pastries are not my strong point, I feel I should leave it to the pros to deal with the whole science of it. I decided to risk it this time, though. I was hoping the changes wouldn’t make that much of a difference: I subbed oil for butter (as I am still fasting from it), used egg yolks instead of a whole egg, my homemade non-fat yogurt instead of milk (the only milk I had was frozen, and I didn’t want to wait until it thawed), and added a little more sugar to the dough (my sweet tooth). I know if you are a baker, you are probably frowning, lol. I thought a Star of David shape would be cute, so I cut a few like that and the rest into squares. They were awesome! So good fresh and warm:

Fasting from butter, cheese, etc., is difficult, but my body feels so much better when I do. Eggs are fine for me, though (in moderation), so that’s why I used the yolks. I thought it might make up for the lack of butter (richness). Good source of protein and iron for me. I used the whites in another recipe I made to celebrate (instead of the whole egg it called for): Cauliflower Fritters with Roasted Garlic and Paprika Aioli. I desperately wanted to make this recipe as soon as I saw it. I have never thought to prepare fritters with cauliflower. It called for parm, though, so that presented a dilemma. I decided to punch up the flavor from the missing parm with nutritional yeast, scallions, cilantro, and eggplant. I used whole wheat flour for the batter base. I tried to make up for the calories of frying by using a lower fat dip. I swapped a mixture of light mayo and non-fat yogurt for the freshly made aioli. I know a homemade aioli would have been great, but I had to try to cut a few cals somewhere! They were actually fab with or without the dip. I could have eaten quite a few more, so I had to limit my portion by putting the extras in the freezer, haha:


— I guess I’m a bit late getting into the Christmas spirit this year. It seems to have snuck up on me just these past couple of days. I know it has finally hit when I start playing the Bing Crosby Christmas tunes. He performs my some of favorite tracks and it just sets me in the mood. I’m just now starting to think about what I’ll prepare and any decorations, so I thought I would share this link on 10 Christmas Buffet Table Ideas. I like plated Holiday dinners, but they give a few ideas on setting up stations to keep everything flowing smoothly.

— OK, so I might be a few years behind the trend, but I think this is a cute Christmas outfit. And, check out these cute Christmas nails, leggings, and purse.

— A great article on using ‘people first’ language regarding mental health. ( I believe I first heard of this when I was interning at Camp Wellness. I really think the explanation he gives about using certain terminology is informative — it’s not about political correctness, but about how the impact of words is important. I also wanted to share a Dallas news reporter’s story that touched me: Erasing the Stigma of Mental Illness the Best Way I Know How. (

— I have been reading about the recent Civil Rights protests in different places across the country and the march in Washington. It’s a subject that is sensitive for many Americans (no matter your cultural background, in many instances). You try to not let anger get the best of you, but these things must be voiced. If you are a minority in America, you know racism and discrimination. If you are a Black male in America, you most assuredly know racism, discrimination, and most likely a host of other deplorable things. I would say in Arizona, unfortunately, there is nearly as much (if not completely equal) hostility towards those with a Hispanic background. Our country has come far, but there is still so far to go. I continue to pray for everyone concerned. I hope that you will as well.

— I want to leave you with a few other recipes I think look grand, & hopefully I’ll be back with more soon. Bake-frying for Hanukkah: Sweet Potato Falafels with Coleslaw. Christmas means (for me) an abundance of eggnog and eggnog-flavored sweets and treats: Eggnog Cheesecake Bars. Also, I tend to indulge in more peppermint this time of year: White Chocolate Peppermint Mousse. How about some veg soup for these chilly days: Kale and Cauliflower Soup. Quick, Easy, Hearty, and Thrifty: Bombay Lamb Wraps. It’s so nice to get cozy by the fireplace (or the electric heater 😉 ) with a warm mug of mulled wine: Glühwein.

Take care! ‘Til next time!

15 DIY Fashion Winter Projects

15 DIY Fashion Winter Projects –.

More DIY Fashion! I absolutely love leg warmers and found this cozy-looking, colorful pair – just easily up-cycled from sweater sleeves. You all know I don’t machine sew, but I think I could manage this with just a needle and thread. Check out a few other projects like fingerless gloves and a sweater-turned-skirt by following the link.

DIY: From Trash to High Fashion

DIY: From Trash to High Fashion – Fashion Diva Design.

Yes! I love these upcycled  fashion ideas. Many of them are no-sew with easy tools like scissors. Some of my faves are: a dress made from a t-shirt (could also be a top), distressed jeans with pink fabric marker (pic), jeans with a doilies pattern, an embellished bag strap, and ombre shorts. Check this page before you get rid of some of those items that have been in your ‘Oh-No’ pile.