How to Keep Your Cool with Competitive People

How to Keep Your Cool with Competitive People

“We have all had to deal with a competitive person at some time. Whether it’s the neighbor whose holiday decorations always have to be more extravagant or the coworker who grabs the credit for every project, competitive people can provoke feelings of irritation, anxiety, or inadequacy. You may end up questioning yourself or feeling that you didn’t measure up to their level of wealth, talent or accomplishment. Or you may feel like you have to compete with them and end up spending extra time or money unnecessarily Why are some people competitive and what’s the best way to handle them?”

In my post on ‘How to Deal with a Copycat,’ I touched on the subject of competitive people. I wanted to share this article, as I think it gives an even more in-depth look into motives for competitiveness. I think most of us have had to deal with an overly competitive person at least once in our lives. I really think the examples the author gives paint a good picture. I think of the person who needs to rival and show you up for everything: You run for Vice President of the Student Council…so, they decide to run for President. You show up at the family Thanksgiving Dinner with your store-bought pumpkin pie…they show up with a pie made from a homegrown pumpkin (grown in “top-secret” special garden soil) and the pumpkin won 1st prize at the State Fair. You so are proud of your child’s passing report card, so you post it on your fridge for all to see…they casually mention that their child got straight A’s and is on the Honor Roll (all accomplished while being the star soccer player and taking flute lessons). lol :D. I’m also reminded of Hyacinth on the show Keeping Up Appearances. In one episode, she is hot-jealous of a friend’s home remodel and vacation plans. She decides to go to the travel agent to get brochures so that others think she is also going on a luxury vacation. She declares something to the effect of, “If there’s one thing I can’t stand, it’s snobbery and one-upmanship. People try to pretend they’re superior. It makes it that much more difficult for those of us who really are.”

I really enjoyed this article, and I think you will, too. Sometimes it helps to know why people are doing what they’re doing. Then, perhaps you won’t get caught up trying to do the same thing.