My Way, No. 33

*If you’re new to my blog, you may want to read this for info on what ‘My Way’ posts are all about. 🙂 *

— Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! My mind is already on Chanukah & Christmas. Last year, it took me awhile to get into the spirit. I have decided to go with re&upcycled neutral-colored decorations for both this year. Wood, tans, creams, beiges, burlap, and gold. I’m starting to think about edible gifts for friends and parties, but for me, All I want for Christmas is my 2 Beanie Boos. Have you seen the Beanies with the big eyes? They are so adorable. I bought one as a gift, but they have a penguin and pink owl that I’m just in love with.

I started to feel like I was coming down with something last Tuesday night. I made sure to drink plenty of water, took some Vit C, and got as much extra rest as I could. I felt fine Wednesday morning, but started to feel sluggish again by the afternoon. Out for a walk that day, I saw a sign on a car that read, ‘Say No.’ I have no idea what it was about for the driver, but I decided it was good advice — say ‘no’ to anything telling me to overextend myself (cooking and preparing for the Holiday). The point of this year’s menu was to be “less stress,” as I said. So, I prepared as much as I could, but when my body told me “no more”…I listened. I hit the hay very early and by Thursday, I was bright and chipper — ready to tackle French bread and more. I’m glad I paid attention to the Tips on Managing the Holiday Blues. It would have been unrealistic of me to think I could keep going at full speed (when my body was signaling for me to stop). I have kept going in the past and paid for it…dearly.

— The meal turned out fine, and I was able to make the kale salad the day ahead. I have been enjoying Waldorf salads since then, though. I recall the first time I had one (somewhere around middle school, I think), it was prepared by a family friend’s daughter. I thought ewww, apples and grapes in salad??? Salad is lettuce and tomatoes! Lol. But, I was made a believer, and it’s still one of my fave salad preps. More Adventures in Food to tell you about today: pre-Holiday, I made a vegetarian version of this Easy Make-Ahead Breakfast Casserole.
I didn’t actually make it ahead, but it was still a wonderful treat. I needed a smaller to-go snack, had a couple of bread ends left over, and this popped into my mind. I mixed 1 egg, an egg yolk, and homemade non-fat yogurt, poured it over the bread cubes, topped it with the sautéed veg/seasonings, then popped it in the oven. I made just an individual portion and cut it into quarters. I’ve prepared this several times and have eaten it hot and room temp. When it was room temp, the yogurt gave it a cheesy taste (I didn’t add any cheese with the veggies). This casserole was so satisfying, and you can do it up any way you like. Sort of a heartier fritatta. I think this will be a brunch hit, for sure. You could put it in muffin tins and have some with veggies and some with meat, perhaps.

Vegan Butternut Squash Veggie Pizza
After a couple of bites, I thought, I could give up tomato sauce pizza for this. Then, of course, I came to my senses. But, the thought was out there for a few seconds. Honey whole wheat crust (1/2 whole wheat & 1/2 whole wheat pastry flour with vital wheat gluten) adapted from The Best New York Style Pizza. Again, little sprinkle of smoked salt on the crust. Sprinkling salt or a sweetener on the outside of baked goods, etc., is a trick I frequently use. If I can taste the saltiness or sweetness a little more directly, I use a lot less in the overall recipe. I didn’t have broccolini, but the kale was delish! I just should have put a bit more on, I think. Next time. 1/2 of the crust recipe made 8 mini pizzas. Fab to pop out of the freezer when the mood struck (often, haha). This was a pre-freezer pic. I use a cast iron pan for my pizzas, but here’s a fun, inexpensive DIY link: 3 Dollar Pizza Stone.
Wow! A little goes a long way for this Mother of All Bread Dips. A crowd pleaser in which you can pretty much make from everything from scratch, or take easy short-cuts. I ran out of sweet paprika, so I subbed smoked, and used fresh oregano & rosemary vs. dry. You can make your own cheese (Homemade Cheese) and bread (like 40 Cents No-Knead Bread or Whole Grain No-Knead Artisan Bread), dice your homegrown veggies, and brine your own olives, or…get bread from the bakery and buy pre-diced tomatoes & peppers, feta, and olives from the local market. Either way, I think your guests will be pleased. Think about this recipe for those upcoming parties and potlucks.

I want to make this “Feeling Your Oats” Triple Oats Bread recipe one day. Pressed for time, I merged the concept with the NY-Style Bagels recipe (no boiling). It features oat flour, oat bran, and rolled oats (along with wheat). I made two loaves (with about 1/2 hr rest/rise time, instead of 10 min), the first for Whipped Feta-Persimmon Crostini w/ Pomegranate Molasses and Mint.
My store-bought pom molasses were a tad runny, so I reduced them a bit. Now is a good time to stock up on fresh cranberries for homemade cranberry molasses/reducs. I added a little homemade Greek-style yogurt to the feta. The persimmons were really sweet, so I balanced them out with the molasses (vs. my initial thought of balsamic) and a sprinkling of sea salt. This was so simple, but filling and delightful.

Finally, a sweet treat: Spicy Sweet Potato Galette:
Homemade Mexican vanilla soft-serve non-fat froyo, pecans, pom molasses reduc. Short-cut to my craving for Thanksgiving sweet potato pie, inspired by the spicy sweet potato soup I made a few weeks ago. Normally, our pie recipe is mashed baked or boiled sweet potatoes (I prefer baked because I love to eat the skins after baking), butter, nutmeg, vanilla, eggs, salt, and sugar in a shortening/butter pie shell. No whipped cream or ice cream, no nuts. Really simple, but loaded with mucho sat fat, cholesterol, cals, salt, sugar, etc. This was a quick mandoline slicing of a couple of potatoes tossed with nutmeg, vanilla,  a little coconut palm sugar, salt, crushed red pepper, and cayenne (not too spicy). I let them sit for a bit while preparing the crust. No sprouted flour left, so oat + whole wheat pastry flour with almond butter. This is my new go-to way to get my SPP crush on! I loved the combo of the sweet, the spicy, the tartness, warm pie with cool froyo, the nuts…just yum! And, it can be made in nearly half the time of the other pie.

#GivingTuesday. Happy to read these articles: The Telegraph Christmas Charity Appeal 2015: Rethink Mental Illness, Last year’s Guardian and Observer charity appeal: mental health. Also, Trisha Goddard, Ade Adepitan, Lenny Henry Support Rethink Mental Illness Campaign |

— Going to get a little shimmery & sparkly for the Holidays? Several style inspirations here: Boat People Vintage – DIY style & art de vivre.
Or, what about plaid? Can’t be bad. DIY Plaid Blazer & Skirt |
DIY tea bags from wrapping paper: Love Mae Blog | Tea Bag Gift Tag Tutorial.
Love this circular log holder and porcelain tableware: Porcelain Dinnerware and Ironworks |

Today’s Delights:

Bharwan/Stuffed Fish Recipe – Boldsky.
The Perfect Caramel Cake |
Carrots, Dates, and Mint Salad |
Beet Sports Energy Shots | Great info in this post!
Butternut Squash Nachos | You know I cannot have too much full-fat cheese at one time, so I made a version of these as tacos. Super!

Herring Apple Potato Salad | Kosher Scoop.

Pistachio Mulberry Fruit Nut Clusters |
Jack Frost Cocktail | Pretty Drinks | Pinterest.

It’s late, so have a great Wednesday! Until next time. Take care!

My Way, No. 32

*If you’re new to my blog, you may want to read this for info on what ‘My Way’ posts are all about. 🙂 *

— I’ve told you how I love jackets. I really like this style (with the shirt & pants) I came across: My Style | Pinterest.
With the Holidays fast approaching, I’m sure some of you have youngins in recitals and whatnot. I found this super easy no-sew tutu tutorial I wanted to share: Adorable DIY No-Sew Tutu |
You could probably use the same technique for an adult-sized petticoat for, say, a vintage circle skirt (or adult tutu).

Adventures in Food: After making the citrus-mirin eggplant spread, I decided to prepare a simpler version of one of my all-time fave dishes: Eggplant Parmigiana Zoodles.
Instead of going through the whole bake-fry process, I just cubed it, then added it to my sauce. I think I’ve prepared this at least a dozen times now, and it’s still going strong. This pic, I prepared the zoodles separately. Many times, I just add them right into the sauce, though. I think I prefer them that way. I did my sauce on the stove, but I think I should make a big slow cooker batch soon (if my cravings continue). Extremely filling without being too heavy. Yums!

Moosewood Mixed Vegetable Curry from this post:
I became distracted and almost scorched the forbidden rice. I caught it just in time! This was fab & filling. I only altered it slightly by adding a few raisins while it was cooking (in addition to garnish), just a few mistos of oil, and I threw the carrots and tomatoes in just a couple of minutes before it finished. This can be a super versatile recipe, and you can surely experiment with the veggies you have on hand. Will be making this again soon!

Remember this fancy-dish post: Beetroot-Cured Salmon with Chrain and Herb Salad? While I would love to present this absolutely gorgeous recipe one day, I took the fanciness down a few notches (to my simple level, haha). For my everyday needs, just plain ole bay-goohlz & lahks:
I really liked this change-up from my usual gravad lax recipe. I used rum (as this recipe called for instead of my usual brandy), shredded beets, orange zest, black peppercorns, sea salt, coconut sugar, and basil. I like to weight mine down before placing it in the fridge. Also in this pic is the Rosemary Cranberry Spread from the Pates & Spreads post. I used homemade yogurt cheese for the base. So simple & tasty! I made mini sprouted rye bagels with charnushka (using the NY-Style Bagels recipe) for both. I didn’t have lovage, watercress, or borage flowers for the salad, so I improvised with celery leaves, mint, and toasted walnuts. Yummy! I think I will leave the chrain a bit chunkier next time.

2nd fishy use: Eggs Mornay with Beet-Cured Salmon, Mushrooms, Asparagus, and Chive Oil.
Lighter sauce with skim milk and a wee bit of parm. Sautéed mushrooms and asparagus in the bottom, topped with some sauce, eggs, more sauce, finished with lox, steamed asparagus, and chive oil. If I could have more cheese in my diet, I think I could eat this everyday. Even with a little toast, very satisfying, without being overly heavy.

Last adventure for today: Spicy Sweet Potato-Roasted Apple Soup in a “Pumpkin” Bread Bowl:
I really wasn’t sure how this would turn out, but it wasn’t that bad. The soup part I knew I could handle. Very simple, just baked sweet potatoes, roasted apples & mirepoix (carrots, scallion & leek whites, celery), fresh garlic, chile arbol, nutmeg, few pinches garlic & onion powder (lends a little different profile vs. fresh) few pinches of coconut sugar, a couple of orange segments (at the end, just before blending), water, s&p. I’m not very artistic (even with something as seemingly easy as a pumpkin), so that part made me a little nervy. I think I did OK, considering my lack of talent. I decided to use the bagel dough recipe (without the boiling, just a few spritzes of oil), as it’s a very quick, dense bread. I only made 2 bowls to test it out (1/3 of the recipe, 1 cup of flour w/ 1 TBSP vital wheat gluten). I checked on them after 20 minutes baking time, and they looked just about done. The top of the “stem” was very brown, so I covered it with a piece of foil. They were nicely browned after an additional 5 minutes.

I used sweet potatoes as I prefer them to pumpkin, but pumpkin soup in a “pumpkin” bread bowl is the obvious alternative. The addition of cream would up the luxury factor. I took the bagel dough shortcut, but I know there are all sorts of fab bread recipes out there that would fit the bill. This size bowl is nice for a small app, but you could double it for a main.

Celebs Call For End To Mental Illness ‘Stigma’ |

17 Genius Uses of Witch Hazel |

— After seeing this, I’m indecisive about making a stone or pottery serving tray. Maybe I’ll do both. Mosaic Serving Tray or Plate |
How awesome are these silver and gold leaf concrete bowls? Golden moon surfaces |

Today’s Lovely Dishes:

Most of the time, I have to be in the mood to eat sausage (unlike bacon). But, what to do with all that leftover T-Day turkey? Here’s an idea: Turkey Breakfast Sausage | 
I’m thinking we might just skip the turkey again this year and go for an all-carb meal of spaghetti, wine, and bread, though.

Homemade sausage would be a fabulous addition to this: Easy Make-Ahead Breakfast Casserole | Sally’s Baking Addiction.
Some evil person left Thin Mint Girl Scout Cookies in the lunchroom (and baskets of candy in other places). I barely escaped with just one cookie consumed, and I never looked back, lol. Looking for mint recipes, I came across this: Homemade Thin Mint Cookies |
Make sure to support your local Girl Scouts’ cookie sales, though, too (if you have the opportunity)! I have to give mine away, or else I can easily eat the entire box, haha.

Simple Milk Kefir Yeast Bread | contains various strains of yeast. These yeasts are similar in properties to those found in a sourdough starter, so kefir can be used make bread with no additional yeast or sourdough starter!” I wonder if this would work with water kefir as well???

I love a pb&j smoothie! Several smoothies to choose from here: Delicious Smoothies to Enjoy! – Essential Health.
Flavor up this classic recipe any way you like: Duchess Potatoes Recipe – Chowhound.
Vegan Butternut Squash Veggie Pizza | Minimalist Baker Recipes.
Tastes like waffles in a cup, the blog says: Irish Brunch Cocktail |


See you next time!

My Way, No. 30

*If you’re new to my blog, you may want to read this for info on what ‘My Way’ posts are all about. 🙂 *

— After all that talk about bread this past week, I thought I would link you to an inexpensive DIY banneton: $2 Banneton for Better Bread Loaves |
Natural Dyes – All Natural Ways To Dye Fabric |

Adventures in Food: Ever since I posted the English muffins recipe, I have been thinking about making Benedict. I finally made it, but I decided to go with the Italian Scones recipe (posted here) as a base.
For the scones, I used my sprouted whole wheat pastry flour, subbed homemade non-fat Greek-style yogurt for butter, and dried the leftover marinated tomatoes from the Smothered Mediterranean Chicken. Roasted sweet mini peppers and tomato hollandaise. Cocktail from a berry-pom shrub and fizzy water. I used the arils for a garnish like the Tangerine-Pom cocktail posted here.
This was just supposed to be a small snack of ciabatta & olive oil, grapes, and a little vino. I decided to go for a bit more to make it a full meal. A little melted cheese (vs. oil) & red wine-thyme onion jam for the bread, some nuts, olives, Honey-Balsamic Turkish-Spiced Chickpeas, beet-pickled egg, and giardiniera. The egg and giardiniera were quickles, as I hadn’t really planned on having them. I subbed skim milk with just a little bit of olive oil for the whole-y (holy?) ciabatta. It was fab!
The Seafood Lasagna recipe I posted turned into 2 dishes:
Filling was salmon, crab, arugula (I had some to use up), homemade non-fat ricotta, homemade non-fat Greek-style yogurt, parm, garlic, onion, s&p. I also added a little beaten egg to the lasagna roll filling. Just a little bit of parm and the creaminess of the yogurt added a richness to the ricotta. The rolls are great for the freezer to pop out for a quick meal. I made the ravioli with my milled hard red wheat berries, vital wheat gluten, egg, egg yolk, and water. White sauce with skim milk, olive oil roux, white wine, parm, and roasted garlic. Finished with pistachios. I whipped up some fresh butter in the food processor (my indulgence) for the bread. It takes 5-10 minutes or so, depending on your processor. I was inspired by the Rosemary Lemonade here for the strawberry-basil lemonade. Sweetened with the Berhi date syrup and stevia.

I had some toasted quinoa & kept craving carrots, so I made this Grilled Carrot & Walnut Salad with Carrot Top Pesto (a few times, once with rice) — yums!:
For a special occasion, I told you that I made the ciabatta, but I also finally made this Turkish-Inspired Pistachio & Cardamom Cake with Pomegranate Cream Filling (posted way back when):

…it’s a mini version. This was actually only a 1/5 of the recipe, and guess what it was baked in? A parchment-lined soup tin! I made this a couple of weeks ago, sliced it, wrapped it well, and stuck it in the freezer. So, all that was left was the icing. I love these rustic cakes, let me tell ya. During the pastry portion of culinary school (way, way back in the day), cake decorating, pulling sugar, etc., was clearly not my thing. I stuck to cakes from a box, lol. I got up the nerve to try this cake, though, and I’m so glad I did! I sliced a piece from the top before freezing, and it was so moist. I made substitutions of homemade non-fat Greek-style yogurt for butter, and a mixture of coconut sugar and the Berhi date syrup for demerara. As I can’t have too much cream or butter, I went with a snow peak frosting: whipped egg whites, Mexican vanilla, honey, and stevia. This was lovely, and it made me confront my cake fears, haha! This is a wheat-free cake, so please check it out if you have an intolerance.

— As there was a weather prediction of possible 50’s-60’s temps  (early morning) this week, I went ahead and made my ruana. The weather was back to the 90’s before you knew it, though. So super simple, so I am probably going to make another one.The ruana featured in that post has several different styles, including a belted option. I wore mine with a brooch, but here’s a DIY belt & brooch combo (if the color is too summery for you, you could easily go with your current fall fave): Easy summer DIY fashion projects – A chic braided and wide corset belt |

Another use for stencils! Stenciled Tote Bag | Nomadic Decorator.

— At one point (before I decided on a decor overhaul), I had a Frida Kahlo picture in my work office. I always feel drawn to her work for some reason. There’s just something in it that grabs hold of me. I spotted this wonderful piece on her, so I thought I would share it: Style Icon – Frida Kahlo | Design Sponge.

Now I have another wine cork project to work on: DIY Garden Decoration Ideas | Interior Design Ideas.

10 rules of Etiquette Everyone Should Know (and Follow!) |

Tasty Treats:
Confessions of a Cardamom Addict: Guinness onion soup with bleu cheese croutons.
Oh! I got such a craving when I saw this: Mongolian Beef Recipe |

DIY Cider Vinegar |

I was going to post this a while back, but forgot. I met a very nice gentleman from Peru who told me these cookies were his specialty. The cookies, and a broccoli-tomato soup that he strongly believes has kept his children from ever going to the hospital (lo their 20-some years). He didn’t give me the magic soup recipe, but he told me where to find the luscious dulce de leche delights: HOW TO MAKE HOMEMADE ALFAJORES |
Here’s a way to keep summer alive: Fancy or Sandy Fruit Salad, Anyone? | gayahousewives.
Stewed Fruit Recipe – Eatwell 101.
Chinese Scallion Pancake—Simplified Version |
5 Healthy Soul Food Options |

Soul Food – American Diabetes Association.
Matcha Sushi Balls | Thirsty for Tea.
Fig Bourbon Old-Fashioned |

‘Til next time!

My Way, No. 28

*If you’re new to my blog, you may want to read this for info on what ‘My Way’ posts are all about. 🙂 *

Hope Rosh Hashanah has been a wonderful time!

Adventures in Food: Breakfasts for Dinner! I usually have fruit during the morning hours, so here are a couple of evening meals I recently enjoyed:
No, it’s not eggs! It’s a fake-out chickpea flour & tofu omelette. I found the recipe on the same site as the recently posted English muffins: Potato-Avocado Tofu Omelettes. Now, I do love eggs, but I thought the recipe sounded intriguing. If you recall, I did a lot of potato recipes the previous few weeks, so I went with sautéed kale, mini sweet peppers, criminis, and avocado (though, the potatoes in the pic looked SO yummy!). I sautéed the criminis in a little homemade Worcestershire and red wine. This is one of my fave ways to have mushrooms. Sometimes, I add a little butter and thyme. If you’ve never made your own Worcestershire, I just looked up this recipe: Homemade Worcestershire Sauce. I like to make mine with apple & balsamic vin, blackstrap molasses, honey (maybe stevia), smelly fish ;), tamari, garlic, onion, mustard powder, chile, some warm spices, and tamarind. If you run out of anchovies while making Caesar dressing, try Worcestershire to pinch-hit. If you’ve never seen tamarind, this is what it looks like (it’s also available in other forms, like paste):
Apparently, the original version of the recipe calls for Indian black salt to create a more ‘authentic egg experience.’ As I lacked such an item, I subbed the sea salt I smoked. I also ran out of nutritional yeast and replaced it with parm. The recipe indicates you should use a cooked chickpea flour vs. raw, and it gives illustrations of how you can tell the difference (if you purchase your flour). I ground dry peas for my flour and just cooked out the rawness a bit. I really enjoyed this meal (though I will still whip up a traditional omelette every now and then). Check out this recipe for sure if you don’t do eggs.

You know my obsession with carrot cake! Carrot cake steel-cut oats with shredded carrots, raisins, pineapple, walnuts, fresh coconut, ground cinnamon & ginger, pure Mexican vanilla extract, pinch of salt. As with my rice pudding, I like to put the vanilla and salt in after it’s finished cooking (cinnamon & ginger during). I throw the carrots in about a minute before the end of the cooking time (except garnish). Everything else is a topping. I forgot the honey in the pic, but I usually finish with a bit to sweeten.

I made versions of this dish several times: Daikon Radish Pasta with Corn and Tomatoes in Creamy Coconut Sauce.
I didn’t have daikon, so I subbed squash. In this pic, I also bulked it up with 1 oz. of whole wheat spaghetti. If you want to lighten up your traditional pasta dishes, a blend of a veggie spiral and a flour pasta is a great way to go. I just eyeballed the ingredients, but the sauce was fab. I can see it translating to all kinds of things. I used a blend of coconut water & milk I had in the freezer.

I told you I made the lovely Cherry Tomatoes & Basil Sauce from the last My Way post, and that gave birth to these roasted tomatoes:
I know roasted tomatoes aren’t the prettiest thing to look at! This has to be one of my fave preps in probably the past 6 months or so, though. So simple, but I could have made a meal out of them. I made several batches. I filled the pan with a little water (about halfway up to the tomatoes), roasted garlic cloves, salt, oregano, rosemary, sage, thyme, and basil. After one batch reached room temp, I had a hard time not just popping all of them in my mouth right then. They were SO GOOD! I also used them to top pasta (veggie & wheat spag), and this flatbread:
I adapted the flatbread/pizza dough from this recipe: The Best New York Style Cheese Pizza.

So, again, maybe not the most attractive meal in the world, but this was so tasty (prepared it a couple of times)! I made a honey-whole wheat dough with a little parm and garlic powder added. I adjusted the salt a bit because of the parm and smoked sea salt on the crust (like I did with the Sriracha garlic knots). I can’t remember where I read about the smoked salt, but I really like it. I added a little cornmeal to the bottom of the pan & replaced some of the oil with homemade non-fat yogurt. Sauce was a mixture of homemade non-fat yogurt and homemade (skim) feta (I hafta keep my dairy + fat portions low, boo 😦 ). Little finish of pomegranate molasses.

— Last My Way post, I forgot I wanted to tell you about the convertible Henkaa dress fabric. It’s a wrinkle-resistant fabric. If you’ve ever been to Chico’s, it kind of reminds me of a wrinkle-resistant travel-knit fabric they have. The young lady demo-ing the dress spilled something on it at lunch. She had a spare dress scrunched up in her purse and changed into it after the mishap. No ironing or steaming. The first dress was a floor length, and the second above-the-knee. She was very tall, and both dresses looked fabulous on her. After that last post, I watched a few of the various style vids. You have to see them. Amazing!

— I saw this on my food co-op’s social page. I think a lot of people know this type of thing goes on, but it’s always still shocking to see it in print: A Guide to Food Industry Front Groups |

— I found this article heart-breaking, but I’m glad they took the billboard down:Mental Health Advocates Topple Kenneth Cole Billboard Falsely Linking Mental Health Conditions and Gun Violence |

— I read back through a few of the articles from the last installment of my Mental Health Series. This article really hit me, so I wanted to post it here (and I may post it a few more times). Schizophrenia is not a split personality, there are four main symptoms | I think everyone should read this. It’s not just about this particular illness. It deals with some heart issues. I think you will find it enlightening.

DIY Dip Dye Jeans | Fusion e-Magazine.
Maybe you could also DIY something like this:

— I am in the market for a different (neutral-colored vs. my last vibrant color choice) heart rate monitor watch. While searching for one, I came across this sports bra made for the heart sensor chest strap: Pure Lime Compression Bra for Heart Rate Sensors – High Impact.

— OK, these are totally fun and hysterical! I love the bar, cat bed, and speakers.
DIY Retro Furniture — 12 Things To Do With Vintage Suitcases | Loffee.

Deodorizing Homemade Lavender Linen Spray Recipe |

Today’s Featured Recipes:

My mom likes to watch her sugars (and sodium), but she doesn’t care for several sugar subs. She especially doesn’t like stevia! She tried to use the same ratio as white sugar, lol! So, I have to sneak these things into her food sometimes, hehe. I’ve never used the sugar sub called for in this recipe, but you may be able to sub the sub if you need to:
Low Carb Cinnamon Sugar Cake Donuts – Gluten Free | Modern Low Carb.

Walnut and Olive Spelt Bread Rolls | Quite Good Food.
Brie, Fig Jam, and Serrano Ham Crostini | Flavor the Moments.
Tequila-Orange Grilled Shrimp | Cookbook Recipes.
Jewish Holiday Recipes: Doughnut Ice Cream Sandwiches | Gourmet Kosher Cooking. An idea you could adapt very easily. They suggest chocolate doughnuts with coffee or cookie and cream ice cream.
Chef JD’s Cuisine & Travel Website Turnstile | Cherokee Hominy and Tomato Soup.
This is not really a recipe, but you could really let your imagination run wild with this one: Home cured duck ham, Hendricks compressed cucumber, summer fruit and nitro sorbet. Due South Chefs Ltd.
Ginger Candy Appletini  Recipe | I like the caramel apple garnish 🙂

Take good care of yourself, and I’ll see you next time!

My Way, No. 26

*If you’re new to my blog, you may want to read this for info on what ‘My Way’ posts are all about. 🙂 *

How to Create a Work Wardrobe on a Budget. Did you enjoy the Stitch Fix clothing site? The young lady who started the trend among the cohorts recently told me she feels most comfortable in a skirt at work. I replied that (in an office setting), I feel most comfortable in a skirt suit. She said she thought people would laugh at her if she wore a suit. Professional dress for the office has always been important to me, and this blog post gives a few tips on working it on a budget. A while back, I managed a non-profit women’s business clothing boutique (one of many roles in a large organization). Those looking for professional interview and work wear were able to receive several outfits, accessories, a handbag, shoes, and toiletries to jumpstart their careers. It was really one of the most rewarding experiences I’ve had. Many women in the community donated clothing for this venture, as well as several large mall clothing stores (Big THANKS to those who give back!). You might look for similar organizations within your community (for men or women). Donations of this kind are so appreciated by those who receive them. I would always tell the clients my ‘first job’ story (a short-lived job, as the business closed a month after I started): I was informed by the assistant manager that the general manager chose me (over those with experience, resumes, etc.) because I “looked better” than the other applicants. That statement has never left my thinking in professional environments. Maybe I’m stretching, but I really believe I have received several positions and promotions based on professional appearance. For many positions, I had neither experience nor education. There was the time, though, I think I was hired because I told the interviewer I liked her hair. I wasn’t qualified at all. Her face just lit up, and I got the job, haha!

— As I mentioned in my post World Mental Health Day, 2014 & NAMI Multi-Cultural Action Center, July is National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month. Look for another edition of my Mental Health Series soon. Previous installments can be found under the category of Health on my blog menu (click on the 3 lines at the top right-hand corner of the screen to view the menu).

— Today’s Adventures in Food (I may get back to WhirlwinDISH posts sometime soon): Encouraged by my Healthy Appetizers Post, I gave a few more lighter bites a try this past week. Nothing fancy, just some standard-type apps. I don’t know that I would deem my nibbles health-y, but perhaps health-ier or light-er than what I could have had (in sat fat, trans fat, calories, salt, sugar, whatever the new latest thing we are not supposed to have is, etc, lol). I saw a recipe listed from that roundup for Teriyaki Turkey Bites, and that sounded smashing. I whipped up a quick kitchen sink-teriyaki with orange zest. I used very finely ground turkey (which you can do with a food processor), garlic, onion, s&p, brown rice flour, and my homemade non-fat yogurt. I baked them off, then gave them a good roll around in the sauce reduction. Finished with a bit more orange zest. These were absolutely fabulous — melt in your mouth tender. And, I used wonton wrappers for an eggroll type filling — shredded Brussels, carrots, leeks, salmon, fresh ginger, sesame oil, and soy sauce. Wonton wrappers are a quick, easy portion control vehicle for any number of fillings. You can do breakfast burrito-type filings, ravioli, fruit, all kinds of meats or veggies, potatoes (like pierogies)…so many possibilities. They are usually only 15-20 calories per wrapper. I just gave them a Misto of oil and baked until golden. Along with a pot of goji berry green tea, I was in petite food heaven.
I also made these Honey-Balsamic Turkish Chickpea Mini Pitas:
My mom had a Turkish spice blend from Penzeys’ Spices that I wanted to try on grilled chicken. Lacking chicken again, lol, I came up with these mini-pitas instead. (I also saw a Grilled Chicken Caesar Skewers with Kale Pesto recipe on the Apps post I would like to try. Yums!) Penzeys’ has several U.S. locations, so you might try locating one in your area. If you are unable to find one, you might try online or mail orders. I know many of you make your own blends, but some of you may not. I make many of my own, but I also use blends that others have put together. I know folks in remote and rural areas appreciate the handiness of mail deliveries! Penzeys’ has some wonderful blends, as well as single spices and herbs available. I love receiving their catalouge every month. They feature wonderful down-home recipes, and the business owner always writes such nice letters. He seems a socially conscious/responsible sort. I relayed that to one of the store employees, and she said, “Everyone says he’s really like that. Very kind, transparent…what you see is what you get.” That makes me feel good about shopping there. The employees are there to build relationships, not just sell merchandise. I think if you care about people, the rewards will eventually come. Anyway……..about these pitas: I made the bread the same way I did in my Making Yeast Bread Doughs with a Food Processor post, subbing non-fat yogurt for oil. They were about 3 inches across. I stuffed them with a bit of homemade yogurt cheese, carrots, lettuce, tomato, and cukes. I’ve found I do not have to simmer the chickpeas for an hour or so if I soak them overnight. Once soaked, I just season them (this time with balsamic vin, honey, spritz of oil, and the Turkish spices) and roast. Major time-saver!

There was also a spinach-artichoke dip in the Healthy Apps post that could be made low fat or fat-free. I made mine with yogurt cheese, light mayo, s&p, romano, marinated artichokes, beet greens from the freezer, garlic chives, scallions, and capers. I thought the beet greens would turn the dip pink, but miraculously, they did not bleed all that much. I had them frozen for smoothies, but I figured they would suffice for this recipe. I cut up some of the mini-pitas for chips and sprinkled them with my own smoked salt za’atar blend. My dip portion control tip: spoon a bit of dip onto your plate vs. dunking it into a huge bowl (or, use a shot glass like I did in this post). I have an all-in-one measuring spoon to carry to restaurants, etc. You’d be surprised how much less you use if you consciously portion it beforehand. Or, better yet…skip the dip if it’s not absolutely necessary for you to enjoy the app. Some people (my mother!) and restaurants ladle in vast amounts of oil, cream, or butter for dips and sauces, so just be aware.
To end today’s adventures, something sweet: Chunky Dark Chocolate-Covered Granola Bites. I absolutely love that low cal granola recipe I posted several months back, and I often keep that in mind when preparing granola/protein bars. I love to carry snack bars with me when I’m out. Sometimes, I forget, though, and have to grab a Clif Bar. I made these as more of a small bite for when the sweet tooth strikes. Even though they have some healthier ingredients, I don’t try to fool myself — they are really just a small chocolate candy bar, lol. I made a base batch, then divided them into several flavors: oats, oat flour, flax meal, wheat germ, a vegan meal replacement protein powder, non-fat yogurt, pepita seed butter (made with a food processor), toasted teff, quinoa, black sesame, and amaranth (nice crunch from this combo!), vanilla, pinch of salt, and honey. I wanted to use dates or date syrup for this, but I ran out. So, I subbed honey, and they were fab. The chunky add-ins were: goji berries, almonds, cacao nibs, and toasted sesame. I planned on a chile version, as well, but forgot. My fave was the sesame. I really savor the flavors of sesame and chocolate. Even without the chocolate, this was one of my favorite granolas I’ve made over the years. I’m glad I have this blog to keep my memories!

— While taking yoga instructor classes, I met a terrific young lady DIYer. She made all sorts of things like flip flops from recycled tires and homemade sunblock. As the heat goes on (and on), I thought I would share this natural sunscreen (no parabens or undesirables) post: 3 Natural Sunscreen Recipes to Make at Home for Cheap |

Gatsby Inspired Hair Accessories |

— What you can do with rocks and stones!

Chanticleer Part 2: Garden Seating | CAROLYN’S SHADE GARDENS
Creative Stacked Stone Wall Ideas | Love the re-purposed wine bottles one.

Featured Recipes:
Salt Cod Croquettes |

Mango Raspberry Jelly with Pomegranate and Chia Seeds | noGuilt Nutrition.

10 Ricette Vegane con la Papaya |

Muhammara and Cucumber Bites |

Grilled Carrot & Walnut Salad with Carrot Top Pesto | Dishing Up the Dirt. This is a farmer’s blog. Read their posts on the trials (like deer consuming some of their crops 😦 ), tribs, and triumphs of working the land. It’s really interesting. Then, make this salad.

Mushroom, Onion, and Stout Grilled Cheese Sandwiches |

Earl Grey Caramels | Patisserie Makes Perfect.

Pineapple, Raspberry, and Peach Sangria Blanca |

Take care! ‘Til next time!

Recipes: 4th of July: Lettuce Entertain You

Ode to Caesar | Vegan + Gluten Free | Fare Isle.

I’ve enjoyed a version of this salad multiple times this past week, and I thought it would be splendid to share for the Holiday. I had been craving a classic chicken Caesar salad, but I rarely purchase chicken. Then, I came across this recipe using roasted chickpeas. Problem solved. I planned on preparing the dressing as instructed in the recipe, but had a glitch. It calls for a tofu base, and I accidentally put my tofu in the freezer. I was so irritated, haha! I subbed my own last-minute lemony, buttermilk romano-peppercorn Caesar. I will try the tofu base out sometime soon. I roasted the chickpeas with a little garlic powder, herbs, salt, pinch of sweetener, spritz of oil, and romano.

Lemony Lentil and Herb Lettuce Cups | Dishing Up the Dirt | It’s Alive!

I also saw these lentil lettuce cups, and wanted to give them a go. I didn’t have radishes at the time, so I threw a bit of cucumber in.
I only made 2 portions when this pic was taken, so I did not make the full batch of dressing. I just Misto’d a little oil on the lentils with a squeeze of lemon juice, and added the other ingredients (no dill) accordingly. I will make a larger quantity this weekend. This recipe encouraged me to use lettuce cups for the chickpea Caesar, so I switched up from a full salad for this meal. Then, I started thinking about a Buffalo Caesar, so I just doused a bit of wing sauce on some of the chickpeas, added a bit of homemade blue cheese, then a few slices of celery. Just these 3 ‘cups’ were extremely filling (and tasty!). I couldn’t finish them all in one sitting.

Forgive me, but I have been preoccupied with several things, so I do not have umpteen recipes to list for you today! I may stop trying to gather so many recipes in one post. It can be time-consuming. Luckily, you can always glean from last year’s 4th post!

Taking it easy with the cooking this year is my plan. I may bust out those Kosher pretzel dogs from last year. They were a hit! My mom keeps baking blueberry cobblers of late, so I may leave dessert up to her. Blueberries are her fave, but I usually prefer them in the company of other berries (except muffins). I love raspberry cobbler, though, which stems from a mass-produced pie-cobblerish à la mode dessert I frequently inhaled (probably 100 times) years and years ago. The blueberry keeps reminding me of it, so I may try to re-create it soon.

And, lastly, if you follow the chickpea Caesar salad as written, it’s a great vegan go-to dish. For those of you on that route (or even if you’re not), I also found a yummy-looking patriotic vegan cheesecake recipe with a combo of blueberries and strawberries.

No-Bake Vegan Strawberry & Blueberry Swirl Cheesecake | Blissful Basil.

Happy 4th, and I’ll see you next week!

My Way, No. 24

*If you’re new to my blog, you may want to read this for info on what ‘My Way’ posts are all about. 🙂 *

— As mentioned last My Way post, I was going to try to get out and enjoy nature a bit more. So far, I’ve come across adorable quail, jackrabbits, and hummingbirds in my “travels.” The little baby quail are the cutest things ever. I’ve also seen a lot of small lizards with curly black-and-white striped tails (it seems the stripes are on the underside of the tail). As long as I don’t run into any rattlesnakes, I’m good, haha. Here’s a few shots for those of you not familiar with the Tucson, AZ scenery. The first one reminded me of the Leaning Tower, that’s why I snapped a pic:

— At some points in my life, I’ve wondered “Where are all of the caring, loving people at?” The person who wrote this article let me know that there is someone who cares. I need that sometimes. They cared enough to sit down and pen this piece — letting us all know we need to get back to the basics: World Forgets Importance of Caring for Others–caring–others/71125060/?from=global&sessionKey=&autologin=

— Mucho Adventures in Food: I got on a bit of a potato kick with potato chips, the Vegetable Kugel with Caramelized Leeks I posted at Passover, and shepherd’s pie.
I made the chips to continue testing out our new food processor. At the lowest slicing setting, they were nice for thicker-style chips. If I want really thin ones, I will use a mandolin. At that thickness, I like to let them dry out a bit before bake-frying or frying. I made the kugel heavy on the sweet potatoes, and it was delish. Sliced up, it is wonderful to freeze and re-heat for a quick meal. I haven’t made shepherd’s pie in years, but suddenly started craving it. It may be because I had ground beef, and that’s rare for me. It’s just one of those simple, comforting meals that bring good memories. I rarely whip up mashed white potatoes beyond the occasional Holiday meal, but I just felt like having them. I make mashed sweet potatoes all the time, though. WAY back in the day when I worked as a banquet chef, garlic-roasted mashed potatoes with lots of heavy cream and butter were one of our staple sides. That’s still my fave way to prepare them today. Unfortunately, my cream and butter portions now have to be limited, so I just opted to use non-fat milk. I also didn’t have all my normal veggie fixin’s and just used what was in the fridge at the time. It was still a wonderful, comforting meal.

As I did indeed have the ground beef, I decided to make the Chipotle Cheeseburger Flatbread Melts I posted here.
I’m so glad Kevin is Cooking! I almost didn’t take a pic because I was so hungry by the time this was finished. I didn’t even wait for the cheese to melt. The aforementioned blog’s pics look way better than mine, so make sure to check it out! I adjusted the recipe ingredients just a bit using what I had on hand. I also used the homemade farmhouse cheddar from this post, and homemade non-fat Greek-style yogurt (posted here). This was super quick and easy. I didn’t have pizza dough made, but I was making a batch of those hamburg buns I wrote about…so, I saved a bit of the dough for these flatbreads. I Misto’d a little oil in a cast iron pan, then the dough, and was good to go. Just a small portion was quite filling. Really hit the spot & will be making again for sure.

109 degrees in the shade calls for carrot-ginger pops with cilantro! I use whole veg/fruit juice from my blender, as I don’t have just a ‘juicing machine.’
Sale on mesquite flour at my food co-op (yay!) had me making caprese (with homemade mozz), then roasted corn and onion salsa ebelskivers. I just mixed everything in the batter vs. stuffing it in the center.

I found this recipe for a Mung Bean Salad, and it was delightful!
I really enjoyed the dressing. I need to make a big batch, as I think it could go on all sorts of things. It has maple, mustard, cumin, turmeric, coriander, cardamom, clove, nutmeg, cinnamon, and a few other ingredients. Very tasty! I didn’t use the exact measurements, I just eyeballed them. Sometimes I will measure things out, but it looked so good — I wanted to hurry it up. I added pistachios for a little crunch. I think this is a fab go-to recipe for lots of different occasions.

These scrumptious Gorgonzola Grilled Plums with Maple Syrup and Chiles I posted way back inspired me to cook up a version with what I had on hand: Grilled Apricots with Mascarpone, Basil, Pistachios, and Pomegranate Reduction.
I almost thought to use pignoli, but went with pistachios at the last minute. I seriously would have made this recipe just as it was written if I’d had the ingredients. I mixed the mascarpone with a bit of non-fat yogurt. Straight mascarpone would have been my choice if I could have it. It’s so fabulously delicious. I did have maple, but thought pom reduc “molasses” would be nice.

And, last food bit for today…bagel bites, using the New York-Style Bagel recipe. This is really one my best recipe finds in the past few years. It’s so darn quick (I use the food processor). My mom thinks she doesn’t like bagels, but she eats them if I shape them into a loaf or whatever, haha. Sometimes, you gotta be sneaky.
Veggie, Cinnamon Sugar, Everything, Blueberry, Jalapeño Cheddar, Cinnamon Raisin, Sesame, Stuffed Cinnamon Roll. Next time, I might make them smaller. They were really about “two bites.” I got on a cinnamon kick, too, this past week. Not real healthy or anything, but…cinnamon, salt, and fine home-ground sugar of your choice (or you can use packaged powdered sugar) on popcorn for cinnamon toast popcorn. Yums!

— I wanted to share this post on the value of grinding your own grains. It’s from the same blog the Memorial Day Hot Dog and Hamburger Buns recipe came from. You can really see from her post how much can be saved, as well as it being a healthy choice for your family. Purchasing a mill can be an investment, so this post will give you a good break down of what you can expect to get out of it. I tried looking up “best mills” to also post, but many of the articles were not unbiased viewpoints. There are several types to choose from, including stand mixer attachments, hand grinders, stand alone electric grinders, and blenders that also serve as mills. I think you just have to find the one that meets your needs and fits your budget.

— 3 Household Tips: 1) Put stainless steel dish scrubbies in the freezer after each use to prevent rust from forming (been doing this for years as a tip from my aunt, maybe everyone else already knows this…but, just in case you didn’t), 2) Super Glue around the bottom of your rugs to keep them from slipping. Vid: How to Keep Rugs on the Carpet from Moving , and 3) Attach small furniture slides to the bottom of kitchen counter appliances that are hard to get to, or that you need to move about on occasion. I did this to my mom’s coffee pot that sits in kind of a tight spot. She feels more comfortable sliding it out a bit when pouring in the water. The slides keep the counter from being scratched, as well as provide ease of movement.

Wedding Style Saturday | My Wedding Nigeria.
If this is what they’re wearing for weddings in Nigeria, I wish the trend would come to the US! “My Wedding Nigeria presents valuable wedding guide to couples getting married to an African, in Africa and especially in Nigeria.” Awesome!

— Love this Boho hammock!
42 Stunning Bohemian Inspired Homes |

— Eats & Drinks: I’m sure many of you have made chana masala. I like this post as it gives a lot of terrific nutritional info. I made a soup version of chana last week:

Chana Masala | Garden Fresh Foodie.

What about some easy naan bread to go with it? Naan Bread | Great British Chefs.

Elevated Breakfast BLT | Baker by Nature. Avec smoked duck uncured bacon.

Vanilla Bundtlettes with Cashews and Pistachios | Recipe is in German.

Vegetarian Scotch Eggs | Lady Rhubarb. 2nd recipe. Traditional recipe with sausage is listed first.

How to Make Miso at Home | Renegade Health.

The Sherry Cobbler Cocktail | Kitchen Riffs. This blog always has the best stories! Check it out!

Have a fabulous day! ‘Til next time!

My Way, No. 23

*If you’re new to my blog, you may want to read this for info on what ‘My Way’ posts are all about. 🙂 *

With the pic links now included, these ‘My Way’ posts are becoming as long as a newsletter. I hope you can hang with me!

— I saw this on my food co-op’s social page, so I thought I would link to it: Who Is Behind Organic Brands. This came as no surprise to me, as I try to steer clear of certain products for this very reason. But, many people assume some of these brands are small (possibly family-owned, or even local) businesses, when they are really just some of the country’s largest food producers. This is also true of natural and organic hygiene/body products, etc. Some of the brands I’ve enjoyed in the past have been taken over by some of these large producers, so I then stop purchasing them. Some brands I have no issues with, though. If you’re one of those who wants to support certain businesses (and not support others), I encourage you to take a look at this list. Or, perhaps take a look for updated info, if this news is already familiar to you. I found several I didn’t know about.

— Did you enjoy the list of coping skills for anger, anxiety and depression? I think everyone can benefit from this list. I have some decent positive ones already in place, but I would like to add a few more. Setting boundaries and learning to say “no” could be improved upon, as well as enjoying more of nature. Also, keeping a positive quote with you seems easy enough. I like, “Ye shall be a blessing.” It’s one thing for others to bless you, but (IMO) empowering others to prosper provides rewards like nothing else (emotional and physical). As far as looking at the negatives went, I tried to not get too down on myself. We can’t change everything at once. I think I have improved in several areas, but still need some work in others. I have been better at not enabling others to take advantage of me. One of the things I despise most at this stage in my life is people attempting to use me for their own selfish ambition. So, I need to make sure I am not just sitting back, allowing those circumstances to occur. Several years ago, I was encouraged by a former football player who said a friend told him (something to the effect of), “Never allow people to use or exploit you for their own profit or gain.” I think as a former ball player, people just assumed they could take advantage of him for their own purposes. Anyway, I’ve carried that bit of advice in my heart since then.

— Speaking of football players, I was really touched by this article concerning Herschel Walker’s mental health advocacy: If you’ve lived in Texas for even a short period of time (as I have), you most likely know who Herschel Walker is — even if you don’t follow the NFL. A very encouraging story.

After posting the latest installment of my Mental Health Series, I found a few articles that made my heart sink. Many of the most disheartening stories come from major news outlets (not all the time, though, as you can see from a variety of pieces I’ve posted). They so often focus on the negative or sensational. Some of the most sensitive and thoughtful pieces I’ve come across are from student newspapers. I thought perhaps profit has something to do with that, or maybe it’s just that the younger generations are starting to leave behind the stigma and discrimination that has plagued our society for so long. I used to laugh at a news station in the Phoenix area that always broadcasted so much positive news. It was the oddest thing to me, haha. It was a nice change.

— Today’s Adventures in Food: Hot diggity dog ziggity, boom…I didn’t have a chance to pick up hard red winter berries yet, so I made my Memorial Day hot dog buns in the same manner as the previously posted burger buns. Really a joy! The wheat blend is such a great idea. I may try sprouting them, as well. The day old buns were great dippers for a low-cal (non-gratinee) onion soup I made. The adjustable slicing blade in our new food processor works like a dream! It easily sliced through mounds of onion. My last processor, while a decent (very old) model, sometimes had slicing issues.

Holiday chocolate chip cookies had to get packaged up and shipped off so I didn’t consume the whole lot, lol. As they keep nice and soft, I think they would be grand for ice cream sandwiches. I couldn’t wait for the Holiday to make the chickpea flour spätzele. So, I made it Sunday, then again on Monday. I subbed some quickly sautéed kale for the collards (it was less expensive at the store) and cooked it in beef broth. I really like the textures in this dish. I think I will be making it a couple more times before the week is up.
As I was already grinding chickpeas for the spätzele, I thought I would also whip up those Cashew-Mint Pakoda I posted. I left the flour with just a slight coarseness. I went for a bake-fry by Misto-ing a little oil in the pan, as well as on the dough. I flipped them over when they were browned on the bottom. They turned out so nice and crunchy! You would not have known they were baked instead of fried. I really would have liked a dipping sauce with them. Maybe a cashew crema or something? I was too busy munching to make one, though.
The roasted curried cauliflower I made for my garlic, herb, & tomato pita was the tail end of a cauliflower party. I enjoyed the Buffalo Cauliflower Bites posted here and Spiced Moroccan Cauliflower Couscous – Tabbouleh (both from the same site). I am not a huge fan of couscous, so I was excited to try a version with cauliflower. I used my homemade skim haloumi, and it was fab. Really easy & delightful. Of course, using the cauliflower slashes the calories considerably, so make sure to take a peek. When I was preparing the Buffalo Bites, I suddenly thought I could also make a few with sesame-honey sauce. So, I did half and half. Otherwise, I only altered them slightly by using whole wheat pastry flour and coating with a bit of panko. I love Buffalo sauce so much, so I put a little extra on the outside, lol.

I found another comfort food use for my pitas. Did you ever have spaghetti and meatball sandwiches when you were younger? I made spaghetti and Italian lentil meatballs (just like the ones here, but with “Italian” seasonings), and the next day had a craving for this sandwich, haha:
We used to slather butter on good Italian bread and stuff it with our leftovers. Good memories!

— How quaint is this?

White Garden Canopy |
Ahhh…I wish I were there right now. *Sigh*

25 DIY Headboard Ideas |

This is a cute idea. Music sheet decoupage on wood: Paper | Valerie Carr | Pinterest.

— In this AZ summer heat, I adore white clothing. Linen is especially lovely. What about your plain white tee? Check out this easy corseting technique that you could apply to a number of items: DIY Corseted White T-Shirt or What to Do with the BF’s Old T-Shirts #2 | Chic Steals.
And, you know I love RE:Fashion: 13 DIY Clothing Refashion Ideas with Picture Instructions | Clicky Pix.

— The FFFF for today (Fab French Food Finds ):

You know my affinity for all things French, so here are several selections from the same site:

Provencal Style Mussels | French Cooking for Dummies.
Beetroot and Goat Cheese Foam | French Cooking for Dummies.
Artichoke, Fig and Parmesan Salad | French Cooking for Dummies.
Strawberry and Peach Salad with Wine Syrup | French Cooking for Dummies.
Parisian Shirred Egg/ Oeuf cocotte à la parisienne | French Cooking for Dummies.
Herbed Mascarpone Stuffed Chicken | French Cooking for Dummies.
Ham and Cheese Crepe/Galete Complete | French Cooking for Dummies.
White Chocolate Molten Cake with Raspberries | French Cooking for Dummies.

‘Til next time!