My Way, No. 26

*If you’re new to my blog, you may want to read this for info on what ‘My Way’ posts are all about. 🙂 *

How to Create a Work Wardrobe on a Budget. Did you enjoy the Stitch Fix clothing site? The young lady who started the trend among the cohorts recently told me she feels most comfortable in a skirt at work. I replied that (in an office setting), I feel most comfortable in a skirt suit. She said she thought people would laugh at her if she wore a suit. Professional dress for the office has always been important to me, and this blog post gives a few tips on working it on a budget. A while back, I managed a non-profit women’s business clothing boutique (one of many roles in a large organization). Those looking for professional interview and work wear were able to receive several outfits, accessories, a handbag, shoes, and toiletries to jumpstart their careers. It was really one of the most rewarding experiences I’ve had. Many women in the community donated clothing for this venture, as well as several large mall clothing stores (Big THANKS to those who give back!). You might look for similar organizations within your community (for men or women). Donations of this kind are so appreciated by those who receive them. I would always tell the clients my ‘first job’ story (a short-lived job, as the business closed a month after I started): I was informed by the assistant manager that the general manager chose me (over those with experience, resumes, etc.) because I “looked better” than the other applicants. That statement has never left my thinking in professional environments. Maybe I’m stretching, but I really believe I have received several positions and promotions based on professional appearance. For many positions, I had neither experience nor education. There was the time, though, I think I was hired because I told the interviewer I liked her hair. I wasn’t qualified at all. Her face just lit up, and I got the job, haha!

— As I mentioned in my post World Mental Health Day, 2014 & NAMI Multi-Cultural Action Center, July is National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month. Look for another edition of my Mental Health Series soon. Previous installments can be found under the category of Health on my blog menu (click on the 3 lines at the top right-hand corner of the screen to view the menu).

— Today’s Adventures in Food (I may get back to WhirlwinDISH posts sometime soon): Encouraged by my Healthy Appetizers Post, I gave a few more lighter bites a try this past week. Nothing fancy, just some standard-type apps. I don’t know that I would deem my nibbles health-y, but perhaps health-ier or light-er than what I could have had (in sat fat, trans fat, calories, salt, sugar, whatever the new latest thing we are not supposed to have is, etc, lol). I saw a recipe listed from that roundup for Teriyaki Turkey Bites, and that sounded smashing. I whipped up a quick kitchen sink-teriyaki with orange zest. I used very finely ground turkey (which you can do with a food processor), garlic, onion, s&p, brown rice flour, and my homemade non-fat yogurt. I baked them off, then gave them a good roll around in the sauce reduction. Finished with a bit more orange zest. These were absolutely fabulous — melt in your mouth tender. And, I used wonton wrappers for an eggroll type filling — shredded Brussels, carrots, leeks, salmon, fresh ginger, sesame oil, and soy sauce. Wonton wrappers are a quick, easy portion control vehicle for any number of fillings. You can do breakfast burrito-type filings, ravioli, fruit, all kinds of meats or veggies, potatoes (like pierogies)…so many possibilities. They are usually only 15-20 calories per wrapper. I just gave them a Misto of oil and baked until golden. Along with a pot of goji berry green tea, I was in petite food heaven.
I also made these Honey-Balsamic Turkish Chickpea Mini Pitas:
My mom had a Turkish spice blend from Penzeys’ Spices that I wanted to try on grilled chicken. Lacking chicken again, lol, I came up with these mini-pitas instead. (I also saw a Grilled Chicken Caesar Skewers with Kale Pesto recipe on the Apps post I would like to try. Yums!) Penzeys’ has several U.S. locations, so you might try locating one in your area. If you are unable to find one, you might try online or mail orders. I know many of you make your own blends, but some of you may not. I make many of my own, but I also use blends that others have put together. I know folks in remote and rural areas appreciate the handiness of mail deliveries! Penzeys’ has some wonderful blends, as well as single spices and herbs available. I love receiving their catalouge every month. They feature wonderful down-home recipes, and the business owner always writes such nice letters. He seems a socially conscious/responsible sort. I relayed that to one of the store employees, and she said, “Everyone says he’s really like that. Very kind, transparent…what you see is what you get.” That makes me feel good about shopping there. The employees are there to build relationships, not just sell merchandise. I think if you care about people, the rewards will eventually come. Anyway……..about these pitas: I made the bread the same way I did in my Making Yeast Bread Doughs with a Food Processor post, subbing non-fat yogurt for oil. They were about 3 inches across. I stuffed them with a bit of homemade yogurt cheese, carrots, lettuce, tomato, and cukes. I’ve found I do not have to simmer the chickpeas for an hour or so if I soak them overnight. Once soaked, I just season them (this time with balsamic vin, honey, spritz of oil, and the Turkish spices) and roast. Major time-saver!

There was also a spinach-artichoke dip in the Healthy Apps post that could be made low fat or fat-free. I made mine with yogurt cheese, light mayo, s&p, romano, marinated artichokes, beet greens from the freezer, garlic chives, scallions, and capers. I thought the beet greens would turn the dip pink, but miraculously, they did not bleed all that much. I had them frozen for smoothies, but I figured they would suffice for this recipe. I cut up some of the mini-pitas for chips and sprinkled them with my own smoked salt za’atar blend. My dip portion control tip: spoon a bit of dip onto your plate vs. dunking it into a huge bowl (or, use a shot glass like I did in this post). I have an all-in-one measuring spoon to carry to restaurants, etc. You’d be surprised how much less you use if you consciously portion it beforehand. Or, better yet…skip the dip if it’s not absolutely necessary for you to enjoy the app. Some people (my mother!) and restaurants ladle in vast amounts of oil, cream, or butter for dips and sauces, so just be aware.
To end today’s adventures, something sweet: Chunky Dark Chocolate-Covered Granola Bites. I absolutely love that low cal granola recipe I posted several months back, and I often keep that in mind when preparing granola/protein bars. I love to carry snack bars with me when I’m out. Sometimes, I forget, though, and have to grab a Clif Bar. I made these as more of a small bite for when the sweet tooth strikes. Even though they have some healthier ingredients, I don’t try to fool myself — they are really just a small chocolate candy bar, lol. I made a base batch, then divided them into several flavors: oats, oat flour, flax meal, wheat germ, a vegan meal replacement protein powder, non-fat yogurt, pepita seed butter (made with a food processor), toasted teff, quinoa, black sesame, and amaranth (nice crunch from this combo!), vanilla, pinch of salt, and honey. I wanted to use dates or date syrup for this, but I ran out. So, I subbed honey, and they were fab. The chunky add-ins were: goji berries, almonds, cacao nibs, and toasted sesame. I planned on a chile version, as well, but forgot. My fave was the sesame. I really savor the flavors of sesame and chocolate. Even without the chocolate, this was one of my favorite granolas I’ve made over the years. I’m glad I have this blog to keep my memories!

— While taking yoga instructor classes, I met a terrific young lady DIYer. She made all sorts of things like flip flops from recycled tires and homemade sunblock. As the heat goes on (and on), I thought I would share this natural sunscreen (no parabens or undesirables) post: 3 Natural Sunscreen Recipes to Make at Home for Cheap |

Gatsby Inspired Hair Accessories |

— What you can do with rocks and stones!

Chanticleer Part 2: Garden Seating | CAROLYN’S SHADE GARDENS
Creative Stacked Stone Wall Ideas | Love the re-purposed wine bottles one.

Featured Recipes:
Salt Cod Croquettes |

Mango Raspberry Jelly with Pomegranate and Chia Seeds | noGuilt Nutrition.

10 Ricette Vegane con la Papaya |

Muhammara and Cucumber Bites |

Grilled Carrot & Walnut Salad with Carrot Top Pesto | Dishing Up the Dirt. This is a farmer’s blog. Read their posts on the trials (like deer consuming some of their crops 😦 ), tribs, and triumphs of working the land. It’s really interesting. Then, make this salad.

Mushroom, Onion, and Stout Grilled Cheese Sandwiches |

Earl Grey Caramels | Patisserie Makes Perfect.

Pineapple, Raspberry, and Peach Sangria Blanca |

Take care! ‘Til next time!

To Market to Market…6/11/2015

Pics from Heirloom Farmer’s Market, Tucson, Arizona.

I was on an urban “nature” walk and decided to make a stop at the market. I was immediately tempted by a French restaurant’s bread and pastries. They looked delectable! I had to take a couple of the pics through pastry cases. Keep moving, I told myself…make your way to the fruit & veggies, haha. I’ll indulge next time perhaps.





Jalapeño-Apricot Jam? Yes, please! Some of the jams have a hint of tequila, I was told.

These onions looked so appealing to me. I wanted to take a bite out of one like a big apple, lol.

Even though the sweet treats got me initially, I am always equally (if not more) excited by all the fresh veggies. I don’t know why I get so happy when I see them. It’s not as if I haven’t seen a beet or carrot before. There’s just some endorphin sparkage or something that happens while gazing at all the veggie goodness.



The garlic was huge! The farmer informed me that a lot of the garlic Americans consume is from China. He said it’s a lot less strong than the version he had out for the day.

And, just so you know, they have bacon, bacon, BACON!

These gorgeous sunflowers and a furry friend made my lovely market trip complete.

Hope you all have a wonderful day!

My Way, No. 21

*If you’re new to my blog, you may want to read this for info on what ‘My Way’ posts are all about. 🙂 *

— Wow! I am not a big fan of palm oil, as it’s not the healthiest thing for you…but, I hadn’t a clue as to some of the other problems associated with it. For one, “Human rights abuses continue to be reported: child labor, slavery and abuse of palm oil plantation workers (as in some of the workers are locked up at night so they can’t escape.)” Check out the entire post on Mrs. Green’s World website here: Palm Oil vs Rainforests (The Winner Might Surprise You).

This week, I had a chance to mingle at a Women Build Happy Hour hosted by Habitat for Humanity Tucson. The pink hard hat women got happy at La Cocina restaurant (one of my faves, perhaps I’ll post a few pics from there soon). Habitat’s National Women Build Week is May 4th – 9th if you would like to volunteer. Habitat has many locations, so you may try to locate one in your area (if you do not reside in Tucson). The builds are, of course, a great way to give and love others. Even if you do not own a home of your own, you can sow a seed of kindness helping families in your community. I know you will reap the benefits in many ways! Volunteering is great fun and provides opportunities for social connection, possibly building relationships along with the homes. Get the scoop here: Habitat for Humanity Tucson Women Build.

— Lots of food goodness updates this time, so I hope you can bear with me 🙂 . I made the Homemade Ketchup I posted (just slightly altered with what I hand on hand: I added onion powder & a bit of salt, used fresh tomatoes and tomato paste, and used the slow cooker). I decided to make a grainy honey mustard, as well.
I’ve found many commercial mustards can contain quite a bit of sodium. So, if you’re interested, here’s a simple homemade mustard recipe without added salt or sugar: Homemade Mustard Condiment Recipe |
I love the bulk herbs and spices at my local food co-op, so that’s where I purchased my mustard seeds. Great way to get just as much as you need, and your pantry will not become a home for orphaned 1-time-use flights of fancy, lol. I’ve read several bloggers saying they had a problem with that.

Speaking of my food co-op, Food Conspiracy…Spotted: These 2 & 3-tiered stainless food carrier tins and bamboo utensils. Fab & Functional.


Here’s that pic of the Moroccan Tofu w/ Apricots, Olives, & Almonds I wrote about in my last ‘Market‘ post (subbing kumquats for the apricots, pignoli for the almonds).
Served with quinoa, millet, and amaranth (cooked in stock). I added a little balsamic to the sauce and went for a real sweet & tart version (as suggested in the recipe). I didn’t have baked tofu, though, so I had to pan-sear it. A really simple, quick, and delish dish.

Quick, rolled up whole wheat puff pastry dough from this ‘My Way‘ post was a fast, friendly version, indeed. I actually kind of merged the 2 recipes from that post. I became distracted and did not follow the instructions as I should have, though. These things require a lot of concentration for me, lol. Anyway, I tested my less-than-perfect dough on a roasted garlic-black olive tapenade comb (I gave most of it to my mom). It broke in half as I was going to snap a pic. Not a good day, haha!

Even after a few blunders, I think this will work OK for a few recipes. Very flaky! It’s in the freezer for now. I cannot have a lot of butter, so I will have to use it sparingly.

2 Words: Pickled Jalapeños. What? Why have I not made these before? I pickle all sorts of things, but jalapeños were left to be dried or frozen. As I wanted to make the One-Pan Jalapeño Kale & Roasted Garlic Egg Scramble, I got on making a batch. I used vin, water, and just a pinch of something sweet for the pickling.

I’ve prepared this recipe at least 7 or 8 times now and love it. I made it with mozz and mushrooms w/ smoked salt the first couple of times. I am leaving out the cheese now (I need to eat it sparingly, like butter) and am adding a bit of green bell pepper along with the mushrooms. Don’t we all love one-pan dishes!

I think Chocolate Lovers will swoon over this recipe for Chocolate & Cherry Gemelli w/ Orange Creme Anglaise and Brandy-Soaked Cherries (also from the last ‘Market‘ post):
You could even try making your own chocolate or cherry pasta, if you are unable to find any in your area. I improvised a little and used dessert wine-spiked Noosa Honey Yogurt vs. anglaise. As you know, chocolate desserts are not my fave. What made this more acceptable to me was the finish of orange zest alongside the chocolate pasta. That did the trick for me. I also used cacao nibs and frozen cherries (instead of the white choc and dried cherries called for). This was very filling, so I could only eat about half of it in one sitting. Not a terribly terrific presentation, but here’s a pic (I’ll do better next time 🙂 ):

— This is a cute DIY idea, fabric spray painting a silhouette:
spraypaint a t-shirt | SMASHING SILHOUETTES | Pinterest.

This collage illustrates making the most of one piece by switching up the accessories. Great way to stretch your fashion budget dollars:
classy country | Classy vs. Country – polyvore | Clothing I Like | Pinterest.
But, who says you can’t be country and classy at the same time 😉 ?

— I meant to post this a while back and forgot. I found this post Self-Publish with Books from Blurb on the Lavender and Lovage website. Blurb is an independent publishing platform. Turn your hobby into a book! You can create and design a recipe book, craft book, story of your children’s lives, a novella…so many options. Great gift idea for Mother’s or Father’s Day.

— I love little succulents. They are all over the place in Arizona and pretty easy to maintain for most people (though, I did manage to send a few in my office to the sweet by-and-by. I took a vaca for a few days, and they had departed by the time I returned). These copper caps are far more adorable than the generic terra-cotta pots many come in:
MY DIY | Copper Cap Succulent Holder | I SPY DIY.

Today’s fab recipes:

Prabha’s Cooking: Cashew Pakoda/Pakora. (Besan flour is gram/dried chickpea flour).

Toddler Friendly Recipes the Whole Family Can Enjoy |

Chipotle Cheeseburger Flatbread Melts |

Take your pick: Vegetarian Starter Recipes | Great British Chefs.

Whiskey, Caramel, Marshmallow, and Bacon Bark |

Negronez Cocktail w/ Campari Ice Cubes | 10th Kitchen.

See you next time!

WhirlwinDISH 27

Hope you’re having a fab day! The mini sweet pepper WhirlwinDISH was inspired by a couple of things: fried, cream & cheddar cheese-filled jalapeño poppers and a church cafe chicken salad. I know that sounds funny, haha! As you can see, the sun was starting its descent when I snapped the pic. I did the best I could 🙂 . I’ve been thinking about poppers for several weeks. I am limiting my cheese portions, though, and I rarely fry anything at home. I saw these sweet mini peppers, and dreams of those spicy, rich, poppers came back. I thought, why not stuff these with what I have on hand, and leave them raw? What did I have on hand to fill them with?…well, my first thought was that hummus would be an easy, inexpensive, & delish option. Then, I remembered a simple chicken salad from a church cafe in Phoenix (it came with a side of sliced bell peppers). I don’t know how many times I ordered that, but it always hit the spot! No chicken in sight, though. I did have salmon, so I decided to sub it. The jalapeño was the stuffer instead of the stuffee for these 2 fillings: Raw Sweet Pepper Poppers Filled w/ Edamame-Jalapeño Hummus & Salmon Salad w/ Jalapeño Mayo.
The Hummus Filling– Standard hummus w/ these changes: I made a roasted pistachio butter vs. tahini for the 1/2 garbanzo, 1/2 edamame hummus. And, I added a little parsley for a bit of green, jalapeño for a little kick. Totally simple.

The Salmon Salad Filling — Salmon with mayo & relish. Homemade extra-virgin olive oil mayo with egg, extra-virgin, chia seed powder, garlic powder, pinch of mustard, vinegar, s & p, jalapeño. When I started to drizzle in the oil, I thought I could use chia seed powder to thicken up the mixture. This allowed me to cut down the amount of oil used. The church cafe chicken salad didn’t have relish in it, but I decided to add some at the last minute. I diced up a few homemade sweet pickles.

I can’t believe how much I loved the mini peppers! They have a milder, sweeter flavor than when they are full grown. It’s hard to believe growing up I detested raw peppers and onion, lol! If you see any of these peppers when you are out and about, I encourage you to try filling them with whatever sounds good to you (if you are a pepper person, that is 😉 ).

Raw Tri-Color Cauliflower-Spinach Salad with Honey-Lemon Vinaigrette. Colorful cauliflower was calling for me to make a salad. I was just missing the purple variety! I had a little more light with these pics. I poured the dressing on after I took the pic and let it sit for a bit (while I checked off a few things on my “to-do” list.). This allowed the flavors to mingle for a while. Salad: tri-colored cauliflower (white, orange, and green), baby spinach, pistachios, red onion, dried cranberries, raisins, and mini red sweet peppers. Easy vin: lemon juice, extra-virgin olive oil, honey, shallots, garlic, s&p.

This simple, but super colorful dish made me so happy! Sometimes, you just need a bit of color to perk you up and brighten your day. Both dishes were very satisfying, without being overly heavy. I may consider them for the next potluck I’m invited to!

Have a great weekend!

My Way, No. 20

*If you’re new to my blog, you may want to read this for info on what ‘My Way’ posts are all about. 🙂 *

— I had a fab indulgence last week with the Fugazetta (Argentine Pizza) recipe. So tasty! The recipe calls for gobs and gobs of cheese, though, which I cannot have. I probably used less than a fourth of what it called for, but it was still quite delightful. I compromised with myself by tossing on a part-skim mozz vs. provolone. If I have dairy with any fat, I just have to limit my portions. Instead of a sheet pan, I made the Fugazetta in a 11.5 inch cast iron pan. My crust was probably a little thicker, but I absolutely loved it. It was pillowy-soft throughout and crispy on the bottom. I pushed the dough around the edges to make an even thicker crust around the rim. It reminded me of a thick-crust pizza from a restaurant in Texas. Even if it’s not my traditional NY-style, this familiarity brought me comfort. I just wished I had one of those neat-o Scizzas to cut it with! I had to make do with my boring pizza wheel. The instructions said to put the pan on the bottom rack to bake, but I was scared it would brown too quickly. My oven temp varies in different parts, so I thought it best to put it on the top rack. I let it go for 10 minutes, then gave it a hit under the broiler. I made a honey-whole wheat dough adapted from the original recipe. Toppings are just cheese (provolone or mozz), caramelized onions, green olives, oregano, and red pepper flakes, so it’s easy peasy. I added a bit of smoked salt (as I did when I made the sriracha-garlic knots) to give it a “brick-oven” appeal. I’m almost mad I found this recipe! You forget how much you love pizza until you have pizza again.

Most of the time, I use my food processor when making bread doughs. I find it to be fairly quick and easy. You just need to make sure your processor is big enough to handle the volume of dough you are making (and that you have a strong motor). Many of the recipes I come across are for stand mixers (or hand mixing/kneading), so I usually use this simple food processor method (for non-sourdough breads) instead:
1) In a warm area (usually the top of my stove while it’s warming up) add sweetener (honey, molasses, etc.) and warm water (whatever temp range is indicated on yeast packaging) to a bowl, stir until sweetener is dissolved; stir in yeast until dissolved and let the yeast activate. Mixture should be bubbly and foaming after several minutes (sometimes, recipes will indicate an allotted activation time). *You can stir all 3 at once, I just find it’s easier for me to get the sticky honey, etc. from the bottom of the bowl when I can see it a bit better (without the yeast).*
2) While the yeast is activating, in the food processor bowl fitted with the metal blade, add flour, vital wheat gluten or xanthan gum (if using), salt, and any other dry ingredients that are OK to be broken up into smaller pieces. (If I have ingredients I want to remain whole — perhaps raisins, nuts, candied peel, etc. — I will incorporate them after the wet ingredients have been added.) Pulse the dry ingredients for a bit (maybe a minute or less) until they are well combined.
3) When the yeast has activated, stir in any other liquid ingredients (eggs, oil, etc.).
4) Add the liquid ingredients to the food processor bowl, and pulse until the dough starts to come together. Some directions might tell you to slowly add the liquid through the chute, but I’ve never had a problem just putting it all in at the beginning. I want to see a recipe one day that says, “Do this fast, as fast as you possibly can!” lol. 😀 The dough will pull away from the sides, and I usually let it go for a bit longer (just to make sure the gluten is well developed). If the dough is too sticky, I add a little flour. Too dry, a little water.
5) If I’m adding any of those dry ingredients I mentioned in step 2, I add them at this stage. I may coat them with a little flour first, to keep them from sticking and/or bleeding. I tip the dough into a bowl, then incorporate them by hand. Otherwise, I just proceed to tip the dough into an oiled bowl, form it into a ball, Misto a little oil on top, and cover the bowl. I then follow the recipe instructions concerning rest periods, rise time(s), and shaping the dough.

This is the method I’ve used for years and years, and I’ve always been pleased with the results. Online, I found you can sub xanthan gum if you run out of vital wheat gluten (useful for doughs made without white flour). From what I’ve been reading, you should use 1/2 – 1 teaspoon of xanthan gum per 1 cup of flour (vs. 1 tablespoon of vital wheat gluten).

— Speaking of food processors, I am on the lookout for a new one soon. I have investigated several models, but haven’t completely made up my mind yet. I like this Cuisanart Elite 12-Cup model with a 1000-Watt Peak Motor |
I’ve had good experiences with Cuisanart products in the past, so they were one of the first brands I scoped. A good processor (with a powerful motor) is an investment, for sure, but it’s a piece of equipment I use multiple times during the week. A quality processor will last for years and years. This one has a smaller work bowl, as well, so you get 2 for 1.

— The 2-Minute Green Spaghetti Sauce from the last ‘My Way’ post saved me quite a bit of time last week. I made batches of my standard ‘red’ the previous few weekends, so a change was in order. Totally simple, but I added a few things like garlic, chives, & hot pepper sauce. You just whizz it right up in the blender. I chose the option of nutritional yeast vs. parm & replaced the milk with the hot pasta water (my milk was frozen!). A couple of times, I added a bit of tinned salmon and finished with ground almonds — a quick and fab meal! I made another batch this past weekend. Make sure to check out the recipe if you get a minute.

— I am making another folding side table, this time a much easier version. I just spray painted the base of an old, beat up table, then staple gunned a DIY waterproof fabric to the top. I found a tip on another site: if your wax is a little white and streaky (from cooling) when applying the oil & wax mixture, use a blowdryer on the fabric for a bit. I tried this, and it worked beautifully. I have updated my How to Waterproof Fabric post with this tip.

— OK, so those are just temp pieces of furniture, not meant to stay up for any length of time — just a quick fold out, then up. But, I am trying to rethink a space to permanently store a few items. I really like this practical wooden boxes approach: DIY: VERSATILE USE OF WOODEN BOXES | Scandinavian Deko.

I have no idea what this says (as it’s in Spanish), but this looks like a fun place to be: Glamourosos y Coloridos Dormitorios de Niñas | Decoracion.IN.

— Love this article on How to Get Healthy Skin: A Natural Approach to Healthy Skin |
“I’ve been asked over and over how old I am. I chuckle quietly to myself while someone tries to guess – often well below my actual age. I have good skin, and although I hit 51 last December, my skin is one of my best features. How do I do it? By using quite a few herbs and supplements that promote healthy, younger looking skin,” she says. Along with other types of oil, I like to use dabs of olive oil on my face (in certain spots) — fab for moisturizing the hair, as well. Also, if you haven’t done so already, check out my previous post: 10 Homemade Facial Scrubs.

— Cute iron-on appliques if you are not a machine sewer:
Hotfix Paris Eiffel Tower Applique Design for Fashion and Home Decor | | KBazaar.

— The Local First Arizona website gives a few tips on ‘keeping it local’ for upcoming graduations (they’ll be here before you know it!). If you’re in Tucson, we have SO many fine restaurants to celebrate at. Check out some of the pics under the Restaurants category of my blog menu.

— Today’s Nommy Treats:

One-Pan Jalapeño Kale & Roasted Garlic Egg Scramble |
Cold Sesame Coconut Noodle Salad |
Chocolate Garam Masala Truffles

Sea Bass in Coconut Cream

Pumpkinseed Butter Goji Cookies |
Cherry Whiskey Smash |
The Perfect Chinese Chicken Salad |

Well, I posted the whimsical Fish-Shaped Puff Pastry Entree, but have you ever made puff pastry from scratch? It’s easier than you think, more economical, and you can control the quality of the ingredients. If you can roll out pie crusts, tortillas, etc., then you can make puff pastry! It can take a bit of time, but it is well worth it. If you have little patience for the longer traditional French technique (the horror! lol), check out this quicker version: Homemade Puff Pastry ~ a quicker version |
Or, this: Quick Whole Wheat Puff Pastry |

Have a wonderful day, & I’ll see you next time!

My Way, No. 17

*If you’re new to my blog, you may want to read this for info on what ‘My Way’ posts are all about. 🙂 *

— Yesterday, I left the house without a coat, as I often do this time of year. We’ve had fairly warm days (for the most part) here in Tucson. It was a bit windy yesterday, though, and partly cloudy. So, that set me off looking at coats that straddle the Tucson winter/summer season (beyond my jean jacket 🙂 ). Something like this floral kimono cardigan/shirt/coat would be fab (and, I love the colorful skirt next to it!): Street Style Boho Chic |
I’m ready for it to be summer, already!

— Fab & functional coat/hat rack made from rulers: Dazzling DIY Coat Rack Shelf |

I love this one, as well: Colorful Wall Hook Design Idea |

And, here’s a fun idea using a pallet: Pallet Furniture: Recycling Pallets into Unique Furniture Pieces | Pinterest | Vanessa.

— Yums! I made the Pad Thai Popcorn I posted here. Pad Thai has so many of my fave flavors (lime, cilantro, chiles, etc.). I subbed honey for the corn syrup, homemade chili-garlic paste for the sambal, and dried cilantro. I started drying cilantro because I could never use it up fast enough. I really love the intense flavor of it when it’s dried. Spur of the moment, I decided to make popcorn balls after pouring on the caramel mixture. *As a side, cupcake liners are a great inexpensive portion control tool. You can put all sorts of snacks in them, not just cupcakes and muffins. Kids really enjoy this, too.* Once forming them into balls, I only let them cook for another 5 minutes or so in the oven (I was a little impatient! They smelled so good!). I like that this recipe is timed and doesn’t require the use of a candy thermometer. If you don’t want to cook the popcorn on the stove, you can air pop it (my fave way) or use a micro. A brown paper bag sealed with a bit of tape (yes, tape!) works fab in a micro.
I’m so glad I made the popcorn, as it gave me an excuse to prepare a small dish of veggie Pad Thai afterwards (having all the ingredients at my disposal). I subbed soba for my usual rice noodles:
If you love Pad Thai, make sure to check out this very simple popcorn recipe!
I had a bag of random oranges, including a few that looked like pink grapefruit. Perhaps it’s common, but I have never seen this shade before. I remembered the Blood Orange Sorbet I posted for Valentine’s, so sorbet it was. My ice cream machine recipe calls for a simple syrup, so I added that and zest. It was delish, but made me a little chilly!
I found this recipe that warmed me up: Bourbon-Cider Cocktail with Cinnamon + Ginger. This recipe was written to be served cold over ice, but hot sounded good to me at the time.
I didn’t have cider, so I had to make some. I added fresh ginger, cinnamon, and brown palm sugar as it heated through (lemon juice to finish). The final drink was oh-so-good, with a caramel-y profile.

— Apparently, per this article, penguins have lost their ability to taste fish. They are only able to taste salty and sour. Maybe they would enjoy salt & vinegar chips 😉 .

— A while back, my mom’s friend gave me a commercial wood cleaner, and I still have a bit left. I suddenly thought I should look for a homemade concoction before I run out of it. If you use wood cleaner and have thought about a DIY version, I wanted to share this link: Homemade Wood Cleaner/Oil Soap.

— If you reside in Tucson, you may want to check out Habitat for Humanity’s free ‘Write-A-Will’ workshops. Here’s the link for more information. If you are not a Tucson resident, you may look into similar estate planning workshops in your area. Often, they are held at no cost to the participants.

— Today’s Recipes: I was thinking about gumbo a few days ago, but wishing I could have a somewhat healthier version. Then, I saw this: Sweet Potato Gumbo with Cornbread Muffins. This interested me, as I’ve never had dumplings made from a baguette: Boeuf Bourguignon with Baguette Dumplings. I love veggie pizza, but I’m sure you could whip up these Sausage and Pepperoni Pizza Puffs with whatever you like. Champagne Cake, Fritaffle, Crab and Smoked Salmon Salad with Avocado, Fennel, and Apple, One-Pan Salmon Tikka with Jeweled Rice, Tuscan Bean Soup, Best Ever Chocolate Chunk Cookies.

Until next time!

My Way, No. 16

*If you’re new to my blog, you may want to read this for info on what ‘My Way’ posts are all about. 🙂 *

— A great story on a local (Tucson, Arizona) mental health hero: Read my post on one of the many facets of her amazing work here: This past week, I was also touched by several stories featuring the Duchess of Cambridge’s Children’s Mental Health PSA:

— I made a fabulous whole wheat garlic-rosemary sourdough bread loaf this past weekend, adapted from this recipe: Whole Grain, No Knead Sourdough. In addition to the garlic and rosemary, I used my own starter (vs. the established called for) and added a bit of molasses. I really like the method of tipping your dough onto a floured plate and using flour and parchment in your dutch oven as is discussed in this previously posted recipe: 5-Minute Artisan Bread. So, I incorporated that method into this loaf. I replaced the flour in the dutch oven with cornmeal this time, though. The dutch oven I used is larger than the recipe’s instructions, so my loaf had a greater width. As soon as it was finished, I thought, this is perfect for soup! There are so many soups one can prepare, so I came up with a Chunky Ratatouille Soup. Basically, everything you would put in ratatouille (roasted squash, peppers, eggplant, and tomatoes, oregano, etc., with a little added vinegar and jalapeno) blended up. I was going to make it totally smooth, but after a few pulses, thought chunky would be more interesting. With the garlic-rosemary sourdough alongside, it was hearty and satisfying:
After the Tea & Honey Pancakes I prepared for ‘Pancake Day,’ I did go ahead and make crepes for dinner. I wanted something savory, and curry was calling to me. Whole Wheat-Black Sesame Crepes with Lentil and Vegetable Curry:
I used a combo of whole and heirloom wheat. I love crepes a little more brown with crispy edges when I prepare savory versions. Sometimes, I make them more delicate, as when I prepare them for my mom or for dessert crepes. These were scrumptious reheated in the oven (without any filling) until they crisped up even more. I love the toastiness of the sesame seeds!
More soup: I saw this Hot & Sour Broth with Prawns and immediately had an Asian restaurant craving. I’ve never made it before, but it was so simple and so, SO good. Just as fab as takeout! I didn’t have prawns, so I subbed a bit of seared tofu. If Hot & Sour is one of your fave soups, be sure to check out this easy recipe. I also decided to prepare the Eggplant with Garlic Sauce I raved about in my post on our local establishment, China Szechwan. I merged this recipe with this one (without the pork) and obtained delightful results:
Shrimp with Garlic Sauce was always my fave, so it’s no wonder I really enjoyed an eggplant version.

— Just an update from my previous post on using salt to kill off your weeds. I have now tried both regular/fine and coarse salt. Both work wonderfully, but the coarse takes longer to dissolve. So, you might have white patches for a bit. Either way, it’s so nice to be free from harsh-chemical commercial weed killers. The organic ones are fab, but they are usually a bit pricey. If you think straight salt is not for you, try the homemade solution I mentioned in that post.

— This article gave me the greatest chuckle of the week: Canadian MP Blames Tight Underpants for Exit from Parliament. Well, good for him for telling it like it is, haha! Awesome!

— If you can stay between the lines, you can make this: DIY Dress Design: Clever Color Your Own Clothing |

— I adore this colorful Moroccan-themed retreat: Moroccan-Style Retreat and Rooms |
And, you can purchase these, but I think a grouping of eye-catching, colorful lights would make a great DIY project: Creative Silicone Lamps Chandelier |

— Today’s Recipe Theme: Caramel. Why? Just Because. Vietnamese-Style Caramel Pork (could sub another protein if you do not consume pork), Vegan Caramel Sauce, No Knead Caramelized Onion and Olive Focaccia, Chocolate-Covered Caramel Coconut Bars, Roasted Sea Bass with Parsnip Puree and Caramelised Garlic, Caramel Apple Cheesecake Bars, and Caramel Apple Cocktail.

Have a great rest of the weekend, and I’ll see you next week!

My Way, No. 14

*If you’re new to my blog, you may want to read this for info on what ‘My Way’ posts are all about. 🙂 *

— It’s been a homemade condiment week! I love to look at recipes for homemade condiments, but I usually end up making them with the ingredients I have on hand. I did go ahead and make mirin as I posted about last week. I’ve yet to use it on anything, but I am sure I will re-make the sesame seed tofu (and hopefully salmon, as the recipe originally called for). I didn’t boil the entire mixture, I just added my syrup to my sake:
The great thing about making mirin is that you can enjoy the leftover sake when you’re done! After having those awesome Sriracha Garlic Knux at Maker House, I set about making a whole wheat version. I merged ingredients and concepts from about 4 or 5 pizza dough recipes. Perhaps I will post my actual recipe at some point, but I would like to test it out a few more times. In the meantime, I thought I would link you to a Homemade Lacto-Fermented Sriracha recipe. I just found this and have never thought to do a lacto-ferm version. Anyway, I added parm & garlic to the dough, then basted it with a Siracha-Extra Virgin-Garlic Oil, and finished with a little parm, smoked sea salt, and red pepper flakes. I would have loved butter, but my body has been averse to it (and I was trying to keep it a bit healthier). I was pushing it with the cheese, but it was a small amount per roll. One recipe I gleaned from said a bit of smoked salt can give pizza dough a ‘brick-oven’ appeal, so I thought, ‘why not try it?’ I didn’t have smoked salt, though, so I had to smoke the sea salt I had in the pantry. Maker House had a nice thick ranch they served with them, but I just dipped them in a little extra of the Sriracha Oil. It was a great accompaniment to the Spinach, Red Lentil, and Sweet Potato Curry I made again this week:
I decided to make an individual portion this time, but the pan is almost like 2 servings (with bread) because it’s so filling. Again, I added a little kale and had to improv the curry ingredients. Really a quick and delish dish! More condiment making for Game Day: BBQ Sauce. Yay for my 2nd fave football team winning the Bowl (the first, of course, being the Giants)! After preparing the tofu Fajita Salad with Chipotle Ranch Dressing, I had a bit of the chipotle in adobo leftover. So, I thought BBQ was in order. I made a “kitchen sink” BBQ with just about anything I could get my hands on, adjusting and tasting as I went. I especially love fresh or dried fruits in BBQ sauce. I added a little orange zest to the Sicilian Roasted Potatoes (with a mix of Yukons, Reds, and Sweet Potatoes) this past week and loved it…so, I thought I would add a bit to the BBQ. I cooked the sauce stove top this time, but I love the slow cooker for a big batch. The BBQ went on roasted garbanzos and these BBQ Garbanzo and Brown Rice Tacos with Dried Figs, Pistachios, and Raisins:
Finished with more orange zest. I made the corn tortillas with a press and baked some for ‘hard shells.’ I Misto the baked ones and use a mold so they stay open. It was tricky getting the taco to stand up for the pic, lol. I also cut a few of the soft ones for chips. I made some plain (served with lacto-ferm salsa verde) and brushed BBQ on a few. I Misto’d them, then baked them off in cast iron pans. I cook the plain ones on only one side, but I prefer to cook the seasoned ones on both:

— If you are renting and want to create a bit of personalized style, check out this link on Decorating Ideas for Renters. And, love this link for 15 Shower Curtain Projects, including using a painter’s drop cloth and turning any curtain into a shower curtain.

— I love vintage-style full aprons. There’s no reason why you can’t look stylish while dicing potatoes! I think you could easily make one similar to this black and white damask apron with just iron-on fabric tape (if you do not machine sew, like myself). I have a friend who cleared out her closet and only has clothing that is black, white, or black and white. She said this was an attempt at simplifying her life. She doesn’t have to concern herself with the items matching or not, haha. Even though black is not my color (on top, anyway), I admit to using the black-and-white-clothing-simplification method all the time now. If you have procrastinated and haven’t planned your outfits for the week…just grab something black and white. It goes from cas to business to formal very easily.

Baby Chicks Have Left-Right Number Bias Like Humans.

— A few mental health articles that touched me this past week:,, and

— I adore this picture:
Click on the pic or this link to take you to: Dr. Kathleen Young: Treating Trauma in Tucson | Mindful Monday.

— As always, I like to include a few tantalizing recipes that have come my way: Root Veggie Crisps in a Crispy Pancake Bowl (looks fun!), Roasted Makhana, Cheesy Greek Swirls, Mussels, Bacon, and Brie Tartlets, Cold Busting Coconut Gummies (cute & healthy!), Beef and Blue Cheese Risotto. I had a nice 1/2 iced tea & 1/2 lemonade with Bourbon for Game Day, so I thought I would look for other tea cocktails: Chamomile Honey Whiskey Cocktail. 15 Easy and Low Calorie Healthy Fruit Desserts.

Have a wonderful day, and I’ll see you next time!