Traditional Scottish Recipes

Traditional Scottish Recipes – Scottish Culture.

I know I should, but I have never been one to get too involved in political matters. Waiting for the results of the Scottish Referendum for Independence, though, was more interesting to me than anything of the sort since…well, in a very long time. The majority has ‘spoken’ and has chosen to remain a part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain. So, I celebrate with those who are happy for this outcome and mourn with those who wish things had turned out differently.

I haven’t had a great deal of Scottish food in my lifetime, so I thought I would post a link with some traditional recipes. Dishes such as bannocks, haggis, drop scones, herring in oatmeal, roastit bubbly-jock, Scotch collop, tablet, tweed kettle, and whisky toddy are included. Take a look and see what you think!