Merry Christmas + Cranberry-Orange Mimosas

Cranberry-Orange Mimosas |

I wanted to write a blog post simply wishing you all a Merry Christmas (if you celebrate), but I just came across this festive drink recipe. So, bonus for you and me! I think I will make a non-alcoholic version with sparkling juice for Christmas brunch, alongside panettone waffles. I was inspired by the fruit cake/Christmas pudding pancakes for the waffles. Big-time shortcut (as well as a healthier version), with my traditional panettone flavors. I think the waffles + cranberry-orange mimosas sound splendid!

No ham, duck, steak, or goose this year! I think this is my most casual, simple Christmas meal plan to-date: Seafood lasagna, Caesar salad with homemade croutons, 40 Cents No-Knead Bread w/ fresh butter, Christmas Fruit Salad, and wine. My mom is a big sourdough bread lover, so I almost started to make that…but, you know I am La Cashionista. The 40 cents got me! It’s been cold fermenting since Monday, so I’ll see how it turns out. Fingers crossed. I started putting a little annatto in the butter for color. It just seems more appealing to me, haha. I am going to make the lasagna similarly to this, but I’m going to layer vs. roll-up. I have the ricotta made, but the sauce and assembly will be tonight. I thought about preparing the individual Pavlovas with Mascarpone Whipped Cream and Red Wine Cherry Compote again (as I did for Thanksgiving). They were SO GOOD! They will probably show up on my New Year’s table.

I also wanted to share my edible gifts pic (in case you’re still in need of a few last-minute ideas, for gifts or for guests): 
Homemade No-Corn Syrup Marshmallows, biscotti, yogurt banana bread, Fruit and Nut Clusters. The lighting wasn’t that great, so it’s hard to tell the marshmallow is pink. I didn’t have light-colored honey, so I compensated by adding a bit of color (otherwise, they would have been tan, lol). I made peppermint & plain. They were fabulous! I had a mind to make some graham crackers, then cover them in chocolate. Moon pie! I refrained (for now). If you are not an avid pastry baker (like myself), biscotti are some of the easiest cookies to prepare, IMO. You can pay quite a bit if you buy them in a shop, but they are relatively inexpensive to make at home. I did choc-pistachio dipped, choc-dipped, and plain vanilla this year. I think my faves are choc-dipped vanilla-almond and white choc-dipped gingerbread. This was the first year I tried yogurt in place of butter for the banana bread, and I could not have been more pleased. It was just as good as the original version.

I hope you all have a wonderful day tomorrow! Make sure to reach out to those you think might need a kind word or gesture, too. It can make such a difference.

Take care, and I hope to be back soon!

My Way, No. 33

*If you’re new to my blog, you may want to read this for info on what ‘My Way’ posts are all about. 🙂 *

— Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! My mind is already on Chanukah & Christmas. Last year, it took me awhile to get into the spirit. I have decided to go with re&upcycled neutral-colored decorations for both this year. Wood, tans, creams, beiges, burlap, and gold. I’m starting to think about edible gifts for friends and parties, but for me, All I want for Christmas is my 2 Beanie Boos. Have you seen the Beanies with the big eyes? They are so adorable. I bought one as a gift, but they have a penguin and pink owl that I’m just in love with.

I started to feel like I was coming down with something last Tuesday night. I made sure to drink plenty of water, took some Vit C, and got as much extra rest as I could. I felt fine Wednesday morning, but started to feel sluggish again by the afternoon. Out for a walk that day, I saw a sign on a car that read, ‘Say No.’ I have no idea what it was about for the driver, but I decided it was good advice — say ‘no’ to anything telling me to overextend myself (cooking and preparing for the Holiday). The point of this year’s menu was to be “less stress,” as I said. So, I prepared as much as I could, but when my body told me “no more”…I listened. I hit the hay very early and by Thursday, I was bright and chipper — ready to tackle French bread and more. I’m glad I paid attention to the Tips on Managing the Holiday Blues. It would have been unrealistic of me to think I could keep going at full speed (when my body was signaling for me to stop). I have kept going in the past and paid for it…dearly.

— The meal turned out fine, and I was able to make the kale salad the day ahead. I have been enjoying Waldorf salads since then, though. I recall the first time I had one (somewhere around middle school, I think), it was prepared by a family friend’s daughter. I thought ewww, apples and grapes in salad??? Salad is lettuce and tomatoes! Lol. But, I was made a believer, and it’s still one of my fave salad preps. More Adventures in Food to tell you about today: pre-Holiday, I made a vegetarian version of this Easy Make-Ahead Breakfast Casserole.
I didn’t actually make it ahead, but it was still a wonderful treat. I needed a smaller to-go snack, had a couple of bread ends left over, and this popped into my mind. I mixed 1 egg, an egg yolk, and homemade non-fat yogurt, poured it over the bread cubes, topped it with the sautéed veg/seasonings, then popped it in the oven. I made just an individual portion and cut it into quarters. I’ve prepared this several times and have eaten it hot and room temp. When it was room temp, the yogurt gave it a cheesy taste (I didn’t add any cheese with the veggies). This casserole was so satisfying, and you can do it up any way you like. Sort of a heartier fritatta. I think this will be a brunch hit, for sure. You could put it in muffin tins and have some with veggies and some with meat, perhaps.

Vegan Butternut Squash Veggie Pizza
After a couple of bites, I thought, I could give up tomato sauce pizza for this. Then, of course, I came to my senses. But, the thought was out there for a few seconds. Honey whole wheat crust (1/2 whole wheat & 1/2 whole wheat pastry flour with vital wheat gluten) adapted from The Best New York Style Pizza. Again, little sprinkle of smoked salt on the crust. Sprinkling salt or a sweetener on the outside of baked goods, etc., is a trick I frequently use. If I can taste the saltiness or sweetness a little more directly, I use a lot less in the overall recipe. I didn’t have broccolini, but the kale was delish! I just should have put a bit more on, I think. Next time. 1/2 of the crust recipe made 8 mini pizzas. Fab to pop out of the freezer when the mood struck (often, haha). This was a pre-freezer pic. I use a cast iron pan for my pizzas, but here’s a fun, inexpensive DIY link: 3 Dollar Pizza Stone.
Wow! A little goes a long way for this Mother of All Bread Dips. A crowd pleaser in which you can pretty much make from everything from scratch, or take easy short-cuts. I ran out of sweet paprika, so I subbed smoked, and used fresh oregano & rosemary vs. dry. You can make your own cheese (Homemade Cheese) and bread (like 40 Cents No-Knead Bread or Whole Grain No-Knead Artisan Bread), dice your homegrown veggies, and brine your own olives, or…get bread from the bakery and buy pre-diced tomatoes & peppers, feta, and olives from the local market. Either way, I think your guests will be pleased. Think about this recipe for those upcoming parties and potlucks.

I want to make this “Feeling Your Oats” Triple Oats Bread recipe one day. Pressed for time, I merged the concept with the NY-Style Bagels recipe (no boiling). It features oat flour, oat bran, and rolled oats (along with wheat). I made two loaves (with about 1/2 hr rest/rise time, instead of 10 min), the first for Whipped Feta-Persimmon Crostini w/ Pomegranate Molasses and Mint.
My store-bought pom molasses were a tad runny, so I reduced them a bit. Now is a good time to stock up on fresh cranberries for homemade cranberry molasses/reducs. I added a little homemade Greek-style yogurt to the feta. The persimmons were really sweet, so I balanced them out with the molasses (vs. my initial thought of balsamic) and a sprinkling of sea salt. This was so simple, but filling and delightful.

Finally, a sweet treat: Spicy Sweet Potato Galette:
Homemade Mexican vanilla soft-serve non-fat froyo, pecans, pom molasses reduc. Short-cut to my craving for Thanksgiving sweet potato pie, inspired by the spicy sweet potato soup I made a few weeks ago. Normally, our pie recipe is mashed baked or boiled sweet potatoes (I prefer baked because I love to eat the skins after baking), butter, nutmeg, vanilla, eggs, salt, and sugar in a shortening/butter pie shell. No whipped cream or ice cream, no nuts. Really simple, but loaded with mucho sat fat, cholesterol, cals, salt, sugar, etc. This was a quick mandoline slicing of a couple of potatoes tossed with nutmeg, vanilla,  a little coconut palm sugar, salt, crushed red pepper, and cayenne (not too spicy). I let them sit for a bit while preparing the crust. No sprouted flour left, so oat + whole wheat pastry flour with almond butter. This is my new go-to way to get my SPP crush on! I loved the combo of the sweet, the spicy, the tartness, warm pie with cool froyo, the nuts…just yum! And, it can be made in nearly half the time of the other pie.

#GivingTuesday. Happy to read these articles: The Telegraph Christmas Charity Appeal 2015: Rethink Mental Illness, Last year’s Guardian and Observer charity appeal: mental health. Also, Trisha Goddard, Ade Adepitan, Lenny Henry Support Rethink Mental Illness Campaign |

— Going to get a little shimmery & sparkly for the Holidays? Several style inspirations here: Boat People Vintage – DIY style & art de vivre.
Or, what about plaid? Can’t be bad. DIY Plaid Blazer & Skirt |
DIY tea bags from wrapping paper: Love Mae Blog | Tea Bag Gift Tag Tutorial.
Love this circular log holder and porcelain tableware: Porcelain Dinnerware and Ironworks |

Today’s Delights:

Bharwan/Stuffed Fish Recipe – Boldsky.
The Perfect Caramel Cake |
Carrots, Dates, and Mint Salad |
Beet Sports Energy Shots | Great info in this post!
Butternut Squash Nachos | You know I cannot have too much full-fat cheese at one time, so I made a version of these as tacos. Super!

Herring Apple Potato Salad | Kosher Scoop.

Pistachio Mulberry Fruit Nut Clusters |
Jack Frost Cocktail | Pretty Drinks | Pinterest.

It’s late, so have a great Wednesday! Until next time. Take care!

My Way, No. 28

*If you’re new to my blog, you may want to read this for info on what ‘My Way’ posts are all about. 🙂 *

Hope Rosh Hashanah has been a wonderful time!

Adventures in Food: Breakfasts for Dinner! I usually have fruit during the morning hours, so here are a couple of evening meals I recently enjoyed:
No, it’s not eggs! It’s a fake-out chickpea flour & tofu omelette. I found the recipe on the same site as the recently posted English muffins: Potato-Avocado Tofu Omelettes. Now, I do love eggs, but I thought the recipe sounded intriguing. If you recall, I did a lot of potato recipes the previous few weeks, so I went with sautéed kale, mini sweet peppers, criminis, and avocado (though, the potatoes in the pic looked SO yummy!). I sautéed the criminis in a little homemade Worcestershire and red wine. This is one of my fave ways to have mushrooms. Sometimes, I add a little butter and thyme. If you’ve never made your own Worcestershire, I just looked up this recipe: Homemade Worcestershire Sauce. I like to make mine with apple & balsamic vin, blackstrap molasses, honey (maybe stevia), smelly fish ;), tamari, garlic, onion, mustard powder, chile, some warm spices, and tamarind. If you run out of anchovies while making Caesar dressing, try Worcestershire to pinch-hit. If you’ve never seen tamarind, this is what it looks like (it’s also available in other forms, like paste):
Apparently, the original version of the recipe calls for Indian black salt to create a more ‘authentic egg experience.’ As I lacked such an item, I subbed the sea salt I smoked. I also ran out of nutritional yeast and replaced it with parm. The recipe indicates you should use a cooked chickpea flour vs. raw, and it gives illustrations of how you can tell the difference (if you purchase your flour). I ground dry peas for my flour and just cooked out the rawness a bit. I really enjoyed this meal (though I will still whip up a traditional omelette every now and then). Check out this recipe for sure if you don’t do eggs.

You know my obsession with carrot cake! Carrot cake steel-cut oats with shredded carrots, raisins, pineapple, walnuts, fresh coconut, ground cinnamon & ginger, pure Mexican vanilla extract, pinch of salt. As with my rice pudding, I like to put the vanilla and salt in after it’s finished cooking (cinnamon & ginger during). I throw the carrots in about a minute before the end of the cooking time (except garnish). Everything else is a topping. I forgot the honey in the pic, but I usually finish with a bit to sweeten.

I made versions of this dish several times: Daikon Radish Pasta with Corn and Tomatoes in Creamy Coconut Sauce.
I didn’t have daikon, so I subbed squash. In this pic, I also bulked it up with 1 oz. of whole wheat spaghetti. If you want to lighten up your traditional pasta dishes, a blend of a veggie spiral and a flour pasta is a great way to go. I just eyeballed the ingredients, but the sauce was fab. I can see it translating to all kinds of things. I used a blend of coconut water & milk I had in the freezer.

I told you I made the lovely Cherry Tomatoes & Basil Sauce from the last My Way post, and that gave birth to these roasted tomatoes:
I know roasted tomatoes aren’t the prettiest thing to look at! This has to be one of my fave preps in probably the past 6 months or so, though. So simple, but I could have made a meal out of them. I made several batches. I filled the pan with a little water (about halfway up to the tomatoes), roasted garlic cloves, salt, oregano, rosemary, sage, thyme, and basil. After one batch reached room temp, I had a hard time not just popping all of them in my mouth right then. They were SO GOOD! I also used them to top pasta (veggie & wheat spag), and this flatbread:
I adapted the flatbread/pizza dough from this recipe: The Best New York Style Cheese Pizza.

So, again, maybe not the most attractive meal in the world, but this was so tasty (prepared it a couple of times)! I made a honey-whole wheat dough with a little parm and garlic powder added. I adjusted the salt a bit because of the parm and smoked sea salt on the crust (like I did with the Sriracha garlic knots). I can’t remember where I read about the smoked salt, but I really like it. I added a little cornmeal to the bottom of the pan & replaced some of the oil with homemade non-fat yogurt. Sauce was a mixture of homemade non-fat yogurt and homemade (skim) feta (I hafta keep my dairy + fat portions low, boo 😦 ). Little finish of pomegranate molasses.

— Last My Way post, I forgot I wanted to tell you about the convertible Henkaa dress fabric. It’s a wrinkle-resistant fabric. If you’ve ever been to Chico’s, it kind of reminds me of a wrinkle-resistant travel-knit fabric they have. The young lady demo-ing the dress spilled something on it at lunch. She had a spare dress scrunched up in her purse and changed into it after the mishap. No ironing or steaming. The first dress was a floor length, and the second above-the-knee. She was very tall, and both dresses looked fabulous on her. After that last post, I watched a few of the various style vids. You have to see them. Amazing!

— I saw this on my food co-op’s social page. I think a lot of people know this type of thing goes on, but it’s always still shocking to see it in print: A Guide to Food Industry Front Groups |

— I found this article heart-breaking, but I’m glad they took the billboard down:Mental Health Advocates Topple Kenneth Cole Billboard Falsely Linking Mental Health Conditions and Gun Violence |

— I read back through a few of the articles from the last installment of my Mental Health Series. This article really hit me, so I wanted to post it here (and I may post it a few more times). Schizophrenia is not a split personality, there are four main symptoms | I think everyone should read this. It’s not just about this particular illness. It deals with some heart issues. I think you will find it enlightening.

DIY Dip Dye Jeans | Fusion e-Magazine.
Maybe you could also DIY something like this:

— I am in the market for a different (neutral-colored vs. my last vibrant color choice) heart rate monitor watch. While searching for one, I came across this sports bra made for the heart sensor chest strap: Pure Lime Compression Bra for Heart Rate Sensors – High Impact.

— OK, these are totally fun and hysterical! I love the bar, cat bed, and speakers.
DIY Retro Furniture — 12 Things To Do With Vintage Suitcases | Loffee.

Deodorizing Homemade Lavender Linen Spray Recipe |

Today’s Featured Recipes:

My mom likes to watch her sugars (and sodium), but she doesn’t care for several sugar subs. She especially doesn’t like stevia! She tried to use the same ratio as white sugar, lol! So, I have to sneak these things into her food sometimes, hehe. I’ve never used the sugar sub called for in this recipe, but you may be able to sub the sub if you need to:
Low Carb Cinnamon Sugar Cake Donuts – Gluten Free | Modern Low Carb.

Walnut and Olive Spelt Bread Rolls | Quite Good Food.
Brie, Fig Jam, and Serrano Ham Crostini | Flavor the Moments.
Tequila-Orange Grilled Shrimp | Cookbook Recipes.
Jewish Holiday Recipes: Doughnut Ice Cream Sandwiches | Gourmet Kosher Cooking. An idea you could adapt very easily. They suggest chocolate doughnuts with coffee or cookie and cream ice cream.
Chef JD’s Cuisine & Travel Website Turnstile | Cherokee Hominy and Tomato Soup.
This is not really a recipe, but you could really let your imagination run wild with this one: Home cured duck ham, Hendricks compressed cucumber, summer fruit and nitro sorbet. Due South Chefs Ltd.
Ginger Candy Appletini  Recipe | I like the caramel apple garnish 🙂

Take good care of yourself, and I’ll see you next time!

My Way, No. 27

*If you’re new to my blog, you may want to read this for info on what ‘My Way’ posts are all about. 🙂 *

— Hope you’ve had a lovely day! Several Adventures in Food to share with you. Last week, I had a day I wasn’t feeling so hot. All I could manage to eat was a thin slice of a toasted bagel. I was looking over the Healthy Snacks Under 200 Calories post and thought the mango-lime sorbet sounded like something I could handle. I added a wee bit o’ rum (to keep it from freezing too hard), some red chile, and key lime zest. I tried to make it look tropical to cheer myself up. That’s also the reason you may see plates/dishes beyond my plain white on this blog — oftentimes, different serving wares give me a boost in mood. Perhaps this is why I have a hard time not buying every other set of dishes, glasses, silverware, etc., that I see, haha. I do love just the ordinary white plates, though, too — très simple.

What are your go-to meals when you have a ton of veggies (besides just eating them raw and unadorned)? I think pasta or salads come to mind first for me, also stir-fries, soups, stews, sandwiches/toast, and curries. A few weeks ago, I had potatoes that needed to be used, so I made these Mustard Seed-Potato Curry Lettuce Tacos: potatoes, black beans, tomatoes, garlic, quartered shallots, fresh coconut milk, apple, raisins, cilantro, lemon, yellow mustard seeds, and a blend of curry spices. Homemade Greek-style yogurt to top them off. They were very satisfying.
2 more dishes with potatoes: Grilled Summer Salad w/ Queso Fresco & Potato Croutons. My initial craving when composing this salad was raw squash, potatoes and grilled corn. I added to it a bit with spring mix, grilled asparagus & peppers, and roasted tomatoes. I used the queso recipe from this post, but with skim milk. I made a quick cilantro dressing and squeezed the charred limes over the top. Really delicious. I decided to add about a 1/4 cup more corn after I snapped the pic.
Gazing at the Healthy Snacks post, I also decided to make the Frozen Yogurt Blueberry Bites (simple and tasty!) and Skinny Pizza Potato Skins:
The pizza skins in the post were pepperoni, but I usually prefer veggie pizza. I made these on the spur of the moment, so I had to whip up my short-cut pizza sauce. I took the pic pre-oven as I was starved & knew a post-oven pic would delay my eating (toaster or convection ovens are a great option here). Toppings were sautéed squash & kale, caramelized onion, marinated artichoke, and the queso. Instead of cutting the potato in half, I just cut small rounds. I think I’ll go with the halves (as indicated in the recipe) next time. The small rounds were difficult to get enough of the toppings on. But, I think they would be fab party apps. These really hit the spot, and I will be making them again for sure.

I’m finding so many ways to use the homemade yogurt! I slathered a bit on a piece of fish for a pistachio crust:
I enjoyed this particular meal so much, I made it 2 days in a row. I had a flashback to culinary school (way back in the day) the first preparation. During one class, the chef instructor decided that I should be the ‘chosen one’ to filet a sturgeon. I just recall that it was HUGE — almost as big as I am, haha! Plums (raw) are a fruit that I have to be in the mood to have. Grilled, though, I could eat them every day. I served the fish with a berry-shallot relish, and a baby chard, spin, kale salad w/ berries, sunflower seeds, and a berry vin. For the most part, when I mention I made a vin on this blog, it doesn’t have as much oil as many recipes call for. I usually find some other flavor-packed liquid to sub & punch it up with other herbs, spices, etc. Oil, of course, has a certain mouth-feel and balancing quality, so I try to find things comparable. Also pic’d is a petite rosemary baguette (used this technique w/ my food processor) and rosemary tea. Just hot water & fresh rosemary. One of my fave comforting teas. Yes, it’s hot outside! But, there’s A/C inside, and I always prefer hot tea to cold when I can have it.

Last item for today: I finally had a bit of chicken, so I was able to make the grilled chicken with the Turkish spices. I used the same honey & balsamic mixture as the chickpeas. Yums! The Turkish spices were also great on home fries. I was inspired by the Grilled Chicken Caesar Skewers with Kale Pesto, as well. I used the same lemony-buttermilk Caesar dressing as in this post, and a baby chard, spin, kale, sunflower seed pesto. As with vinaigrettes, I usually lighten up my pestos by using less cheese & nuts and replacing some of the oil with stock. I might also add in some other wacky ingredients. Other skewers pic’d here are pomegranate molasses-mint, and homemade Italian dressing.

— Went to my friend’s fashion conference last week and all was grand. There was an Arabian horse show, as well as jewelry, accessories, and clothing galore. There are 3 class “break-out” sessions, so I chose to attend the Latin dance class the first session. It was SO fun, but I really should have come prepared with a workout outfit (instead of my vintage frock). There were also hula dancers for entertainment:
If someone can turn Latin dance into a fitness trend, I think the next one should be hula. It looks like it would be a blast.

This year, there was an award given for ‘Best Dressed,’ and one dress that had many of us “oohing and ahhhing” was this:
Sakura |
It’s a convertible dress by Henkaa. This style is called Sakura, but they have several other styles available. You choose your length and color, and they also have additional accessories to coordinate. I think the young lady demo-ing the dress said there were as many as 60 style possibilities. Now, that’s what I call a SQUEAL DEAL! Make sure to check out the website! *Edit: Here is a direct link to the young lady’s personal page for the Henkaa dresses. FYI, you can also host a style shoppe and earn 1/2 OFF items, as well as rewards dollars to spend on items from Henkaa. Awesome!*

I barely snapped ANY conference pics this year, but here are a couple of things I found interesting:

Rolling bag & the black fringe bag next to it
Handmade jewelry
I like these flowy prints (will Hello Kitty ever stop being so popular? I think not, lol).

67 Homemade, All-Natural Cleaning Recipes.

— And, I thought a cutting board is a cutting board is a cutting board. After seeing some of these beauties, I might have developed a new culinary product love. Why do people have to tempt you? Fabulous cutting boards and other kitchen goodies here (several items on sale & have a peek at the accompanying food blog while you’re there):
Products – Bowl & Pitcher

Upcycled Furniture / awesome ideas! | Decorating Ideas | Pinterest.

Today’s good eats: 
Impressive Date Night Desserts: Raspberry Souffle With Framboise Liqueur | 
52 Herbal Tea Recipes | Enjoy them hot or cold!
Seafood Lasagna Recipe For The Seafood Lovers | Taste the Food and Fruit.
Fermented Food for Kids: A Guide with Kid-Friendly Recipes |
 Baked Mediterranean Fish | Easy Peasy
Salted Chocolate + Caramel Ice Cream Cake | Coley Cooks.
Cherry Tomato Sauce |
Ginger Sweet Potato Juice | Natural Thrifty.
Blackberry Gin Fizz Float |

‘Til next time!

Free Culturing eBooks + How to Grow Wheatgrass & “Savory” Popsicle Ideas

Cultures for Health Newsletter | Cultures for Health.

I have been having a grand time this week reading up on all sorts of culturing! I wanted to share this link in case any of you are interested in the same. If you sign up for this trés informative Weekly, you will receive access to free eBooks. From homemade cheese, milk kefir, water kefir, yogurt, sourdough, fermented fruits and veggies, kombucha…these eBooks are packed full of great wisdom, as well as a plethora of easy & healthy recipes. I think you will really be delighted.

How to Grow Wheat Grass in Soil | Growing Wheat Grass for Juicing | Cultures for Health.

I have been thinking about a “savory” popsicle post for the last week or so. “Savory” just meaning not super sweet. I know some of you do not care for sweet treats. I ADORE sweetness, but savory suits me from time to time. I started thinking about pops due to the extreme Tucson heat we’ve been experiencing (100 degrees!!!). My Tucson friends, make sure you stay hydrated! I walked a few blocks and left my water at home. I was parched in just a short distance. I thought we had a law in Arizona stating businesses cannot refuse anyone water, so I stopped along the way to ask for some. They didn’t refuse me, but said I had to pay for it (if I didn’t have my own cup), haha. Anyway, make sure you carry some hydration with you. Popsicles are also a perfect, inexpensive way to beat the heat. When I saw this article, I thought the wheatgrass juice would be a perfect “savory” pop base. If desired, you can add-in whatever strikes your fancy.

I mentioned there are a ton of recipes in the eBooks, so you could certainly convert some of them to popsicle form. What about beet kvass, carrot-ginger, or kombucha? Turn your fave veggie juice or smoothie blend into a pop. Sometimes, I get in an Earl Grey mood, so I was thinking about an Earl & milk pop. Caffeine dehydrates, though, so that’s more for the flavor (unless I get decaf). All sorts of teas, herbs, and fragrant flowers (like mint, cilantro, lavender, or elderflowers) would be lovely bases. And, I love grapefruit (though they can be on the sweet side depending on the variety or ripeness), so I would love to make pops with the juice and maybe a bit of basil or another herb. You could also just add a bit of sourness or spice to a sweeter base, like mango pops with chile and lime sprinkled on the outside. There are also, of course, cocktails-turned-popsicles. The alcohol content needs to be low enough for them to freeze, though. These are just a few of my ideas, and I’ll post more as they come to me.

Keep cool!

Recipe: Memorial Day: Chickpea Spätzele with Shallots and Collard Greens + Blasts from the Past

Recipe: Chickpea Spätzele with Shallots and Collard Greens |

I think this recipe would be a great addition to your Holiday. I considered the standard macaroni salad, but then I saw this. If you don’t have a fancy pasta machine, but still want a good, homemade hearty dish…spätzele is a fab choice. It’s so simple and quick, and again, another dish children will have fun participating in. Holidays are the perfect opportunity to get kids into the kitchen (if they haven’t been coaxed already). As I’ve said before, my family loves greens of all types, and they’ve always been one of our household staples. So, this recipe leaped into my heart when I saw it. Utilizing a nutty, nutritious chickpea flour base, this recipe is also perfect for those requiring a wheat-free pasta.

I’m on to a busy rest of the weekend, but I thought I would post links from a gaggle of previously blogged about recipes. Many, many wonderful selections and blogs to choose from! Please search through their entire blog, though, for an even more comprehensive list.

One easy non-recipe recipe idea from me for the Holiday is frozen chocolate-covered bananas, or I made these Chocolate-Covered Coconut Ice Cream Pops:
Just homemade coconut ice cream dipped in melted dark chocolate (I used store-bought chocolate to save time, but you could certainly make your own): fresh coconut milk/cream, maple syrup, and organic coconut extract (my mom happened to have some, so I pinched a bit from her…not absolutely required. You could add any flavoring you like, or none at all). If you use an ice cream machine, I would just follow the manufacturer’s instructions. And, you could skip the chocolate altogether and just make coconut ice cream or ice milk pops.

Past posts:

I know I just posted this, but to consolidate:

image Homemade Hamburger and Hotdog Buns & Chocolate Chip Cookies

imageRhubarb-Wrapped Pineapple Mousse Cake

imageHomemade Ketchup

image8 Fruit & Herb Honey Syrups

Labor Day Recipes 

Homemade Cream Cheese

Crab and Goat Cheese Guacamole

imageWhat’s Cookin’? Food for the Fourth

Raspberry Lemon Curd Madeleines

Pan Bagnat

Maple-Shallot Brussels Salad

Tiramisu Cupcakes

If you want to whip up your own mascarpone for those cupcakes (it’s SO simple), or if you want recipes for other quick cheeses, check out this post:

imageHomemade Cheese

Patriotic Pops

All of these links can be found under the category of Recipes, Food, and Drink on my blog menu. Also, do please check ‘featured’ My Way recipes for more inspiration.

Hope your Holiday is grand! I’ll be back sometime next week.

My Way, No. 22

*If you’re new to my blog, you may want to read this for info on what ‘My Way’ posts are all about. 🙂 *

— Honey gave way to maple this go round for the cherry-vanilla syrup from this previous post: 8 Fruit & Herb Honey Syrups. I still had my gift of bourbon from the December Holidays left, so I finally decided to make that float I was keen on. The syrup + club soda + bourbon + homemade vanilla froyo. Yums!

A beer fairy left a bit of brew for the masses, so I thought a beer bread was in order. I sprouted rye berries for a sourdough and used the beer in place of water. Beer made me think of pretzels, so that was the next step. Stuffed with brown mustard, they were a tasty treat! If I had thought about it, I might have made a homemade beer mustard:
I will admit I usually flake off the salt from most of them, haha. I will have one or two with the coarse salt, but then it becomes too much.

I finally made the Sesame Seed Salmon with my homemade mirin (with actual salmon this time vs. tofu). Delish! Make sure to check it out. Quick & easy.

Cheese, cheese, and more cheese! If you love the cheeses, please, please check out my post on Thrifty Ideas for Home Cheese Making & Homemade Cream Cheese. My mom is the one who requested I delve into the homemade cheese world, and I am so glad she did. When Mother’s Day rolls around, I try to find things I can do to please my mom (I know it should be all the time — I try 😉 ). So, many of those things have kept me from blogging this past couple of weeks. As I said in the cream cheese post, my mom adores fruit crepes (filled with a sweet cream cheese mixture). I have made several batches of cream cheese now, and it couldn’t be easier. I initially started with a buttermilk culture vs. purchasing a freeze-dried. The instructions for making your own cultures can be found in the links from the Thrifty post. I’ve now moved on to using meso & thermophilic cultures, as well as vegetarian rennet from the Cultures for Health site (also linked to in that post.). The Curd-Nerd site is SO informative, and I tried to study as much as possible before attempting too much. I recommend anyone just starting out do the same. There are quite a few things to learn, & you don’t want to waste your time or money. So far, I’ve used the recipes for queso fresco, haloumi, traditional ricotta, farmhouse cheddar (needs to age), and I just made this mozzarella:
Queso fresco and cream cheese (or yogurt cheese) are the easiest to make, IMO, and you can always use a buttermilk meso culture (especially if you are just starting and want to keep your costs low). I’ve made the queso and haloumi with skim milk, and they turned out fine (though not as rich). For small amounts of cheese, I started using thin, thin linen napkins (from my grandmother 🙂 ) to drain the whey from the curds. I just wash them, and they are ready to re-use. For larger batches, I started using a large piece of muslin. I will use cheesecloth to line the molds.

— I am enjoying my stainless lunch tiffin, which I must say was a SQUEAL DEAL at my food co-op, Food Conspiracy. *Sidenote: if you’re in Tucson, the co-op has unbleached cheesecloth for cheesemaking.* I hand-stitched a little insulated bag for it with material leftover from another project. I recycled the drawstring from another bag.
The fabric store I purchased the material at was my fave on my side of town, and I am bummed they have closed down. I keep running into others saying they are also upset. Perhaps the location was an issue. It would be nice if a locally-owned shop opened up. After doing this by hand, I thought, I really need to learn how to sew on a machine. It took far too much time, lol. Often fabric stores hold classes, so I may try to tackle my fear of it being an impossible task for me — just take the plunge.

— Other inexpensive projects I managed this week involved concrete. At less than $3 for a 60 lbs. bag, I feel I made out quite well. First off, I partially filled these small tin buckets:
What did I do with them, you ask? OK, don’t think I’m silly (OK, maybe I am), but I made a set of bed risers. A while back, I saw a set of 4 bed risers (upwards of $20) that were essentially a cup with a lift in them. I thought cement/concrete in my own cups would produce the same effect. I just wanted a few extra inches for under bed storage. You just mix the concrete with water, let dry, and voila! I used more leftover fabric around the frame legs so they wouldn’t shift around. This proved fabulous and provided me with the storage space I desired…with very little cost.

And, until I decide to invest in a full-on cheese press, I filled recycled containers with the concrete to weigh down my cheese molds. So far, so good, and I am sure I can come up with a few other ways to make use of the rest of the bag.

— We did decide to invest in the Cuisinart Elite 12-Cup Processor. 10-year motor warranty, with a limited 3-year warranty, 1000-Watt motor. So sorry, Cuisinart was misspelled in the last post. Sometimes, if a word is incorrect once, it will not change it afterwards (I guess it thinks it’s correct). As I previously stated, it has large and small work bowls, so you get 2 for 1. I’ve whipped up pizza dough for my mom, smooth as silk nut butter, falafel, guacamole, banana “ice cream” (using the recipe from the included cookbook with a bit of honey, vanilla, and fresh coconut milk), and shredded coconut (for chocolate-coconut bon bons for my mom). With my previous processor, I used the metal ‘S’ blade for bread doughs, but this model has a specific yeast dough blade. The metal blade works well for pastry doughs. It also includes an adjustable slicing disk.
Right now, I couldn’t be more pleased! Slow cookers and processors are 2 of my most beloved pieces of kitchen equipment. I also found you can purchase an egg white whipping disc separately. If you are in the market for a new processor, I encourage you to watch the demo video on the Cuisinart site. It would also make a great gift!

— One more thing that might sound silly…Last year, I pulled out some vinyl that didn’t work for a project I had in mind. I happened to be cleaning the fridge around the same time and suddenly thought it would be great to line the fridge shelves/drawers. The backing is kind of a thin, breathable fabric. Well, a year later, this one little thing has saved me tons of clean-up time. It may seem odd at first, but spills, etc. wipe off so easily. Or, you can pull them out and wash them.

— Would love to DIY leather (probably with pleather, though) bracelets such as these:

Newset Fashion DIY Jewelry Copper Leather Bracelet |
Hot Fashion Infinity Leather Music Bracelet |

Racer back DIY just in time for summer:
Tank to Racer Back Tutorial |

— The heat has come, so I started to search for DIY patio blinds/shades. I’ve finally made up my mind about which route to take, but I wanted to share this budget-fab project I came across: No Sew Drop Cloth Patio Curtains |

Blue is not my fave color, but I found this room so soothing and peaceful to look at:

Amazing World of Penguins. Awesome pics, must see!

— Good goodies:

Spinach and White Bean Tacos |

Found another way to use teff: 5-Ingredients Banana Pancakes with Teff Grains (Gluten Free) |

Hip Girl’s Buttermilk Cake |

Buffalo Cauliflower Bites |

Spinach-Stuffed Baked Salmon | Go Red for Women.

Baked Alaska | Great British Chefs. It has a panettone base!

For your retro party: Pineapple Cheese Ball with Pecans |

Detox Smoothie |

Rainbow Sangria | Gimme Some Oven.

Until next time! Have a great day!

Homemade Crackers Recipes, Where to Find Vegetarian Rennet, & Homemade Tofu

I am going to try to squeeze a lot in one post today, so please bear with me 🙂 . I decided to round up a few homemade cracker recipes, as I discussed in my post about thrifty ideas for home cheese making. I’ve been experimenting with a few different flavors, but I haven’t used any recipes yet. The pic from that post was just whole wheat, herbs, and flax. For the pic in this post, I used a base of whole & heirloom wheat, oil, salt, something sweet (like agave), warm water, and a pinch of baking soda. I just eyeballed the amount of each ingredient, and they turned out great. I would like to use a recipe for actual ingredient ratios, though.


1) Smaller round crackers are sweet & spicy sweet potato. If you read my previous blog, I had a WhirlwinDISH post of a sweet & spicy sweet potato gnocchi with (I think) orange zest, fried sage, and a browned butter sauce. I took the sweet & spicy flavor base for that from sweet potato fries I routinely make. (Come to think of it, I have a batch in the freezer that still need to be eaten!) The spice combo can vary slightly, but usually it’s nutmeg, cinnamon, cumin, chili powder, cayenne, & raw sugar. I often add garlic powder, too, for the fries. I used my sweet potato powder/flour, and that was it. Totally as a side…I mentioned in that WhirlwinDISH post that I would like to prepare the s&s gnocchi for Thanksgiving. It’s flavors remind me of the Holiday. I think I am going back to our previous tradition of pasta instead of a big turkey dinner. Besides the pasta, I just scoped this delish-looking recipe for Squash and Blue Cheese Wellington. Check it out!

2) Squares: Garlic, herbs, & chipotle with sesame seeds. I keep a ruler in the kitchen (about 2 pieces of paper thick) to measure them. Cut with a pizza wheel.

3) Larger rounds: Honey mustard. I used plain yellow mustard & whole grain. The pattern was made by an overlay of needlework canvas leftover from my home sprouting jars. I just ran a rolling pin over it.

I also made chai-beet crackers (not pictured) in a few different shapes. I made a few scoop shaped (using molds), but they reminded me too much of pepperoni, haha. After the crackers had baked about 2/3 of the way through, I gave them a spritz of water (so they didn’t look so flour-y). My fave out of all of them was probably the honey mustard. Such a classic combo, plus I loved the texture the needlework canvas gave them.

More on cheese and other things: I wanted to share this link for a website that offers vegetarian rennet, starter cultures (yogurt, kefir, buttermilk, soy, kombucha, sourdough), and a host of other things:Cultures for Health. If you cannot do dairy, they also have tofu making supplies (maybe try homemade tofu cheese). Homemade tofu recipe, in case you’re interested: How to Make Homemade Tofu.

I tried to find a few different types of crackers to post. Some are more traditional than others. Time to get crackin’ 😉 .

Whole Wheat Crackers

Peanut Butter Crackers Great for little ones.

Rosemary Crackers

Sourdough Whole Wheat


Gluten-Free Oat Sesame

Japanese Rice Crackers With edamame dip! Yes!


Fruit & Nut Crisps

Birdie Teacup Biscuits Warning: If you don’t want to make these, don’t look. The cuteness will overtake you. You.will.make.them.image