My Way, No. 19

*If you’re new to my blog, you may want to read this for info on what ‘My Way’ posts are all about. 🙂 *

— Hope you had a lovely St. Patrick’s Day! This past week, I made the celery juice from this blog post, another batch of the Chunky Corn & Black Bean Falafel, as well as the Crab & Goat Cheese Guacamole posted some time back. All were delish! The falafel will frequently be in my rotation, for sure. After posting the Fruit & Herb Honey Syrups, I made one with fruits and herbs I had in the freezer: strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, pom, lime, and purple basil. So far, I’ve just used it to top off a little sparkling water, and it’s very nice.
And, I made the cherry-vanilla. A cherry-vanilla float with my Holiday bourbon sounds good. These syrups are super versatile, easy to make, and do not require any cooking. I am thinking I might do pineapple-mint next. If you haven’t done so already, check out the honey syrups here.

OMGoodness, the Spicy Carrot & Hummus Sandwich from my Healthy Work Lunches post really hit the spot!
I made an open-faced sandwich on whole wheat sourdough toast. I used the No-Knead Whole Grain Sourdough (no herbs or garlic this time). The recipe actually calls for einkorn, but I still need to pick some up. One of the reasons I wanted to make this sandwich was that I had leftover garbanzo bean dip. It wasn’t actually a traditional hummus, but it worked. From the picture posted, I initially thought the carrots were raw, but they are sautéed until just wilted. I opted for the alternative suggested cumin vs. caraway seeds to flavor the carrots (as caraway seeds are not my favorite). I can tolerate caraway, but I have never really loved them. I added toasted sesame seeds on top, and it was quite a lovely sandwich!

Just an update, I made a few more ‘energy bites,’ this time chocolate-peanut butter. I made them in the style of the chocolate-orange, but baked them. So, I guess they were more like ‘granola bites.’ I didn’t have peanut butter, so I blended whole roasted peanuts with the rest of my wet ingredients: cooked sweet potato, egg (I had a bit already beaten I needed to use up), powdered chocolate, raisins, maple, vanilla. The dry ingredients were (I think): Oats, ground oats, ground chia & flax seeds, wheat germ, chopped peanuts, toasted coconut, and salt.
I can see using the sweet potato puree as perhaps a pie filling, maybe a base for a mousse, or just a pudding. The chocolate (and peanut butter) makes the sweet potato pretty much undetectable. Sweet potato puree is a great vehicle if you cannot have dairy, in that respect. You can use dates in place of raisins, but that’s just what I felt like using at the time.

And, the last bit about my eats for this post…I baked a few individual soda breads for St. Pat’s in ramekins on the weekend. I haven’t made another batch of the ‘green muffins‘ yet as I still have a few in the freezer. I think Irish soda bread was my first (non-yeast) bread-making venture. I’ve never made separate portions, though.
I still use the same recipe from way back in the day, but I replaced the AP flour with whole wheat pastry flour and butter with coconut oil. The recipe calls for caraway seeds, but I’ve never included them (as I’ve said, they’re not my fave). I love soda bread for toast. SO good! I wanted a hot cup of Irish coffee to go alongside (I didn’t add too much liquor), but ended up with an Irish coffee frappe/smoothie-type drink. I had a few sips hot, then blended in frozen banana, non-fat homemade yogurt, oats, flax, chia, wheat germ, and almonds. I topped it off with a coconut cream-yogurt whip and blackstrap molasses (I am not really fond of chocolate sauce, so I decided molasses would be nice). I forget how nice Irish coffee is until I’ve had it again!

— I made my folding side table! I wanted this to be a table I could quickly set up when needed, then quietly tuck it away. As it wasn’t meant to be a stable piece of furniture, I just wanted it to be presentable without much expense. To achieve this, I decided to re & up cycle as many items as I could. Pic:
Several years back, I cut down and stowed away a large piece of bamboo. It was meant to be a curtain rod, but I ended up using another (thinner) piece (of bamboo). I decided to pull it out of storage and use it for the table base. I cut it into 4 pieces, and put holes (to join the pieces, with glue) in 2 of them. When I was cutting the holes, I thought, Oh, I should make a flute (even though I don’t play the flute, lol!). I made the holes a little smaller than I wanted, then carved away a little at a time for a snug fit. I drilled a hole to adjoin both legs, put a screw through it, then secured it with a washer and nut. I wish the screw was a little shorter, but I used what I had. I purchased 4 rubber leg tips to keep the base from moving around. I then glued two sides of a pic frame to the top of the legs. The spray paint I used did not have primer, so I primed it first, gave it a coat of (leftover) black then a light coat of (purchased) gold. I tried to allow some of the black to show through. Then, I sprayed alternate wisps of black and gold until it looked the way I wanted it to. I do not care for the finish of a lot of metallic spray paints, so I dulled the shine with leftover frosted glass spray. I’ve used it before for other glossy spray paints as well.
The top: I used a picture covered with one of my many fabric remnants. I was going to use wallpaper (as was suggested in my Using Wallpaper Remnants post), but this fabric seemed to fit the space better. I made it waterproof by brushing on melted oil & wax (method found here). You can use beeswax, paraffin, perhaps soy wax, and any fixed drying oil. Some of these are healthier options than others. More on that in an upcoming post. I staple gunned the fabric to the frame and added decorative nails (originally intended to re-upholster a chair. I did it freehand, so some are a bit wonky. I will go back & fix them later. I just wanted to take the pic while I still had a little sunlight). The top is not attached to the legs, so I added “stoppers” (synthetic corks) on the back of the picture to hold the top of the legs (the frame sides) in place. All in all, I think I made out pretty well with just the purchases of the rubber leg tips and gold spray paint!

— I love macrame! There are tons of vids out there if you want to learn how to craft something for yourself. I think you could totally DIY something like this: Glass & Twine Lantern Set |
Here’s a sweet macrame bracelet tutorial: DIY Shamballa Style Macrame Bracelet Tutorial |

— I have tons of plaid. It’s one of my fave things. This is a cute idea: DIY Clothes DIY Refashion: DIY: Ombre Dip Dyed Plaid Shirt | Pinterest | Lacy Hall. image
This dress sort of encompasses several styles. A versatile piece, I think: Streetcar Dress in Black Plaid (with pockets) |

— After looking at the ‘supoon’ and ‘clongs’ from the last ‘My Way‘ post, I checked out some of the other kitchen products they have available. Some really neat items like jots, onpots, teafus, levoons. I love this Scizza | Dreamfarm Products. image

— I saw that Bibi won the election in Israel. Yay! I am not that political of a person, but I like him because he’s dashing, charming, handsome, suave, and did I mention dashing? 😉

— I read an article that mentioned “fashionable food,” meaning certain food, dishes, etc., should (not just do) go in and out of style. This wasn’t referring to dining out. I thought this an odd concept. I mean, it’s one thing if you want to be “trendy” to sell things….but, common folk usually eat (or prepare for others) what is readily available to them, what is at the market during the time of their visit, and what they can afford (if they can afford to eat at all). The average person doesn’t live in a restaurant or test kitchen. They are not usually concerned if their meat and potatoes, beans on toast, Grandma’s prize dessert, or whatever, is “in style,” haha! Most people do not care that much about their clothing being in style, let alone their everyday (or even special occasion) food. It seemed like the article was targeted at your average person, but perhaps not. Perhaps it was more like people who struggle with dilemmas such as, “Should I take the Bentley or the Benz”? Or, more importantly, “Should I ask Jeeves or Parky to pull the car around when I make my decision between the Bentley and the Benz? lol 😀 Anyway…Here are Today’s Featured Recipes (fashionable or not, I couldn’t say…they just looked darn good to me!):

Breakfast Stuffed Peppers |

Fugazetta (Argentine Pizza) | Bourbon and Brown Sugar.

Lemon Meringue Pie with Poached Oranges and Basil | Great British

Corned Beef and Cabbage Grilled Cheese | Saw this last year and still thinking about it! Great St. Patrick’s Day leftovers idea.

Great tutorial: How to Ice a Cake |

2-Minute Green Spaghetti Sauce

Shellfish Risotto |

Have a fabulous day!

Simple Style: Using Wallpaper Remnants

While looking for a DIY folding side table project, I came across this blog post with interesting ways to use wallpaper remnants. Though I do not have wallpaper on my actual walls, I do love to use it for lots of other projects. I have been thinking about using a picture (w/ a frame) for my table top, then adding a folding base to it. I haven’t decided if I want to up-cycle the base, or construct one from the get go.
This post is in Russian, but I am sure you will get the gist from just the pics (if you do not read Russian). Really some beautiful ideas!

My Way, No. 18

*If you’re new to my blog, you may want to read this for info on what ‘My Way’ posts are all about. 🙂 *


— I changed the view on my blog template. It no longer scrolls forever. It will show several posts, then opt to show older posts. This will make it easier to see the footer (where you can search by category or topic). If the footer is not immediately apparent, click on the arrow at the bottom right of the screen. I also added a tag cloud. For any new readers (hi! 🙂  ), I will just restate that the blog menu is hidden. It can be unveiled by clicking the 3 lines in the top right-hand corner of the screen. I am going to try adding a few more pic links to these ‘My Way’ posts, so they may be a bit longer.
— Some Adventures in Food to catch you up on….I tried a few of the recipes from my Healthy Work Lunches post. Going with a SW theme, I made use of corn, chickpeas, and black beans for 2 meals: Chunky Corn & Black Bean Falafel and Vegetarian Tortilla Soup (both from the blog post with 29 recipes). I love the joke on the falafel post: What did the sick chickpea say to the doctor? I falafel, lol! For the falafel, I pretty much stuck to the prescribed recipe and used my homemade non-fat yogurt (whey drained) for a dipping sauce. I did give them a Misto of oil, but the recipe indicates they will bake up crunchy without it. I let them cook a little longer than the allotted time. I took a few for lunch, and they were quite delish without reheating them.
I found the Tortilla Soup recipe with several others under the Moroccan Soup with Kale and Chickpeas (check the link from the 29 recipes post). I replaced the chiles with chipotle in adobo (I had it on hand), chickpeas for hominy, used a combo of tomato paste and fresh tomatoes (blanched & shocked, skin removed), and added corn. I will have to grab some hominy the next time I see it — yums! This recipe gave me an opportunity to try making queso fresco with skim milk. It’s not as rich as a whole milk version, but I am enjoying it (and my body can tolerate it). I followed the guidelines from my Thrifty Ideas for Home Cheese Making post. I’ve only had tortilla soups with cheddar in the past. I made corn tortillas last weekend in my batch cooking, so I just pulled them out of the freezer, sliced them up, then baked them off. For an on-the-go meal, I layered the toppings in a canning jar. I’m weird and do not like my food to touch before it’s supposed to, lol, so I put parchment paper between the layers:
Also from the link with 29 recipes, I made some chocolate-orange energy bites:
These were more like a sweet treat for me, versus something to give me energy. I took cues from the recipes for Chocolate Peanut Butter No Bake Energy Bites and the Chocolate Tahini Oat Bites. If I remember correctly, this is what I put in them: Oats (toasted whole & ground), ground flax, ground chia, powdered chocolate, toasted coconut, cooked sweet potato puree, raisins (chopped & pureed), chopped candied orange peel (still have some left from Christmas!), orange zest, vanilla extract, some kind of sweetener, and salt. I coated a few with ground almonds. This was slightly random, and I was just trying things out. I blended the sweet potato with some of the raisins, the vanilla, and powdered chocolate, then combined it with the dry ingredients. The sweet potato puree tasted just like chocolate pudding. I do not care for chocolate pudding, but it was fab with the rest of the mix. I love the combo of chocolate with orange. Next time, I would like to try a chocolate-nut/seed butter concoction. I am thinking the Spicy Carrot & Hummus Sandwich from that link is next!
From the link with 90 work recipes, I made the easy & delish Tuna Salad Lettuce Wraps with Capers and Tomatoes (with a homemade Italian-style dressing) and the Chicken & Rice Salad with Ginger-Sesame Dressing (subbing tinned salmon for chicken). I would like to keep a bottle of the Ginger-Sesame in the fridge. I altered it a bit by making a blended sauce with: whole lime (instead of just the juice), Sriracha, mustard, a touch of maple, and replaced some of the olive oil with water. I can see putting this on all sorts of things!
I made a few gingerbread Hamantaschen using the Purim recipe from last week. It was not vegan, as I replaced the coconut oil with egg yolks and some of the maple with honey. I used orange zest vs. lemon and just added gingerbread flavors (ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, molasses). I took a shortcut and rolled the dough into a log. I popped it in the freezer, then just sliced it into rounds the next day. I was concerned about the fillings leaking out, so I pinched them up a bit more than usual. So, the shapes were kind of “meh” to me, but I did what I could. Fillings were pomegranate-chia seeds & sweet non-fat yogurt cheese. Great with a vanilla rooibos chai I had:
Thinking ahead for St. Patrick’s, I also baked another batch of whole wheat muffins. I made them green for the occasion, and they were not attractive at all. But, they satisfied my craving for a savory bit of bread. I took a pic, but it was very dark. I will try to post a pic if I make another batch. I made them using the same method as the Toasted Sesame Mango-Mandarin, using buttermilk for milk, avocado for oil, steamed kale and parsley (pureed), chopped scallions, and topped with pepitas. I wanted to use spinach at first, but only had kale. They were yummy, but you have to be the kind of person who really likes greens. They hit the spot for me.
— Enough about food (for a few seconds, anyway 😉  )! So, after cooking all that up, it’s time to run the dishwasher 🙂  . I rarely run the dishwasher, but my mom said it should be run every so often. I’m not sure if that’s just a myth??? I had a commercial rinse agent (from my mom’s friend), and the last of it is gone. I thought I could probably just use vinegar (it seems vinegar, baking soda, and salt have host of uses), but I found this important post: Natural Dishwasher Rinse Aid. You can indeed use vinegar, but this link gives a little warning about how to do it properly (without ruining the dishwasher parts).
— I just love some of the up-cycled suitcase tables from my 30 Creative Ways to Reuse Old Things post. Here’s another cute idea: DIY Suitcase shelf | DIY + Crafts | Pinterest | Mai Spy. 
Wouldn’t this be a pretty centerpiece, silver or gold branches with candles: Dekoration |
— This photo series mental health project did indeed move me. A picture does say 1000 words. Very touching:
— Great tutorial on using Fray Check for No-Sew Projects: No-Sew Scalloped Shorts DIY |
— While looking at the Fritaffles post, I saw a kitchen tool called a ‘supoon’ mentioned. I looked it up, and it’s pretty neat-o. The handle design sits the spoon off the counter (pic’d with ‘clongs’): Dreamfarm Supoon and Clongs |
— Today’s Featured Food & Bev: After making Hot & Sour Soup and Eggplant in Garlic Sauce a couple of weeks ago, I also decided to make Sweet & Sour Tofu adapted from this recipe: Sweet and Sour Chicken. Fabulous!
Not really a recipe, but love this presentation for dragon fruit: Dazzling Dragon Fruit | 
Take care, & I’ll see you next time!

Simple Style: No-Sew Canopy Bed

I will try to be on the lookout for more easy no-sew projects such as this one. I’ve always loved canopy-style beds as they remind me of princesses. And who doesn’t want to feel like a princess? Even if I’m more like a pre-Higgins Eliza Doolittle, one can still dream, lol. This project is super, super simple. You can make it as frilly and girly as you like…modern, chic, and sleek, if that’s your style…a little rustic, or a little bohemian…it has vast possibilities!

30 Creative Ways to Reuse Old Things

30 fab & clever ways to repurpose all sorts of common items such as: a bike, cd holder, books, credit cards, and suitcases. This is a really fun blog post, so I hope you check it out!

My Way, No. 17

*If you’re new to my blog, you may want to read this for info on what ‘My Way’ posts are all about. 🙂 *

— Yesterday, I left the house without a coat, as I often do this time of year. We’ve had fairly warm days (for the most part) here in Tucson. It was a bit windy yesterday, though, and partly cloudy. So, that set me off looking at coats that straddle the Tucson winter/summer season (beyond my jean jacket 🙂 ). Something like this floral kimono cardigan/shirt/coat would be fab (and, I love the colorful skirt next to it!): Street Style Boho Chic |
I’m ready for it to be summer, already!

— Fab & functional coat/hat rack made from rulers: Dazzling DIY Coat Rack Shelf |

I love this one, as well: Colorful Wall Hook Design Idea |

And, here’s a fun idea using a pallet: Pallet Furniture: Recycling Pallets into Unique Furniture Pieces | Pinterest | Vanessa.

— Yums! I made the Pad Thai Popcorn I posted here. Pad Thai has so many of my fave flavors (lime, cilantro, chiles, etc.). I subbed honey for the corn syrup, homemade chili-garlic paste for the sambal, and dried cilantro. I started drying cilantro because I could never use it up fast enough. I really love the intense flavor of it when it’s dried. Spur of the moment, I decided to make popcorn balls after pouring on the caramel mixture. *As a side, cupcake liners are a great inexpensive portion control tool. You can put all sorts of snacks in them, not just cupcakes and muffins. Kids really enjoy this, too.* Once forming them into balls, I only let them cook for another 5 minutes or so in the oven (I was a little impatient! They smelled so good!). I like that this recipe is timed and doesn’t require the use of a candy thermometer. If you don’t want to cook the popcorn on the stove, you can air pop it (my fave way) or use a micro. A brown paper bag sealed with a bit of tape (yes, tape!) works fab in a micro.
I’m so glad I made the popcorn, as it gave me an excuse to prepare a small dish of veggie Pad Thai afterwards (having all the ingredients at my disposal). I subbed soba for my usual rice noodles:
If you love Pad Thai, make sure to check out this very simple popcorn recipe!
I had a bag of random oranges, including a few that looked like pink grapefruit. Perhaps it’s common, but I have never seen this shade before. I remembered the Blood Orange Sorbet I posted for Valentine’s, so sorbet it was. My ice cream machine recipe calls for a simple syrup, so I added that and zest. It was delish, but made me a little chilly!
I found this recipe that warmed me up: Bourbon-Cider Cocktail with Cinnamon + Ginger. This recipe was written to be served cold over ice, but hot sounded good to me at the time.
I didn’t have cider, so I had to make some. I added fresh ginger, cinnamon, and brown palm sugar as it heated through (lemon juice to finish). The final drink was oh-so-good, with a caramel-y profile.

— Apparently, per this article, penguins have lost their ability to taste fish. They are only able to taste salty and sour. Maybe they would enjoy salt & vinegar chips 😉 .

— A while back, my mom’s friend gave me a commercial wood cleaner, and I still have a bit left. I suddenly thought I should look for a homemade concoction before I run out of it. If you use wood cleaner and have thought about a DIY version, I wanted to share this link: Homemade Wood Cleaner/Oil Soap.

— If you reside in Tucson, you may want to check out Habitat for Humanity’s free ‘Write-A-Will’ workshops. Here’s the link for more information. If you are not a Tucson resident, you may look into similar estate planning workshops in your area. Often, they are held at no cost to the participants.

— Today’s Recipes: I was thinking about gumbo a few days ago, but wishing I could have a somewhat healthier version. Then, I saw this: Sweet Potato Gumbo with Cornbread Muffins. This interested me, as I’ve never had dumplings made from a baguette: Boeuf Bourguignon with Baguette Dumplings. I love veggie pizza, but I’m sure you could whip up these Sausage and Pepperoni Pizza Puffs with whatever you like. Champagne Cake, Fritaffle, Crab and Smoked Salmon Salad with Avocado, Fennel, and Apple, One-Pan Salmon Tikka with Jeweled Rice, Tuscan Bean Soup, Best Ever Chocolate Chunk Cookies.

Until next time!

My Way, No. 16

*If you’re new to my blog, you may want to read this for info on what ‘My Way’ posts are all about. 🙂 *

— A great story on a local (Tucson, Arizona) mental health hero: Read my post on one of the many facets of her amazing work here: This past week, I was also touched by several stories featuring the Duchess of Cambridge’s Children’s Mental Health PSA:

— I made a fabulous whole wheat garlic-rosemary sourdough bread loaf this past weekend, adapted from this recipe: Whole Grain, No Knead Sourdough. In addition to the garlic and rosemary, I used my own starter (vs. the established called for) and added a bit of molasses. I really like the method of tipping your dough onto a floured plate and using flour and parchment in your dutch oven as is discussed in this previously posted recipe: 5-Minute Artisan Bread. So, I incorporated that method into this loaf. I replaced the flour in the dutch oven with cornmeal this time, though. The dutch oven I used is larger than the recipe’s instructions, so my loaf had a greater width. As soon as it was finished, I thought, this is perfect for soup! There are so many soups one can prepare, so I came up with a Chunky Ratatouille Soup. Basically, everything you would put in ratatouille (roasted squash, peppers, eggplant, and tomatoes, oregano, etc., with a little added vinegar and jalapeno) blended up. I was going to make it totally smooth, but after a few pulses, thought chunky would be more interesting. With the garlic-rosemary sourdough alongside, it was hearty and satisfying:
After the Tea & Honey Pancakes I prepared for ‘Pancake Day,’ I did go ahead and make crepes for dinner. I wanted something savory, and curry was calling to me. Whole Wheat-Black Sesame Crepes with Lentil and Vegetable Curry:
I used a combo of whole and heirloom wheat. I love crepes a little more brown with crispy edges when I prepare savory versions. Sometimes, I make them more delicate, as when I prepare them for my mom or for dessert crepes. These were scrumptious reheated in the oven (without any filling) until they crisped up even more. I love the toastiness of the sesame seeds!
More soup: I saw this Hot & Sour Broth with Prawns and immediately had an Asian restaurant craving. I’ve never made it before, but it was so simple and so, SO good. Just as fab as takeout! I didn’t have prawns, so I subbed a bit of seared tofu. If Hot & Sour is one of your fave soups, be sure to check out this easy recipe. I also decided to prepare the Eggplant with Garlic Sauce I raved about in my post on our local establishment, China Szechwan. I merged this recipe with this one (without the pork) and obtained delightful results:
Shrimp with Garlic Sauce was always my fave, so it’s no wonder I really enjoyed an eggplant version.

— Just an update from my previous post on using salt to kill off your weeds. I have now tried both regular/fine and coarse salt. Both work wonderfully, but the coarse takes longer to dissolve. So, you might have white patches for a bit. Either way, it’s so nice to be free from harsh-chemical commercial weed killers. The organic ones are fab, but they are usually a bit pricey. If you think straight salt is not for you, try the homemade solution I mentioned in that post.

— This article gave me the greatest chuckle of the week: Canadian MP Blames Tight Underpants for Exit from Parliament. Well, good for him for telling it like it is, haha! Awesome!

— If you can stay between the lines, you can make this: DIY Dress Design: Clever Color Your Own Clothing |

— I adore this colorful Moroccan-themed retreat: Moroccan-Style Retreat and Rooms |
And, you can purchase these, but I think a grouping of eye-catching, colorful lights would make a great DIY project: Creative Silicone Lamps Chandelier |

— Today’s Recipe Theme: Caramel. Why? Just Because. Vietnamese-Style Caramel Pork (could sub another protein if you do not consume pork), Vegan Caramel Sauce, No Knead Caramelized Onion and Olive Focaccia, Chocolate-Covered Caramel Coconut Bars, Roasted Sea Bass with Parsnip Puree and Caramelised Garlic, Caramel Apple Cheesecake Bars, and Caramel Apple Cocktail.

Have a great rest of the weekend, and I’ll see you next week!

DIY Brick Door Stops

door stop – fabric covered brick | For Our Home | Pinterest.

What to do with extra bricks? I want to make door stops, I thought. I was going to just spray paint them, but then decided to go searching. You know that I am not a craft expert, so I looked for a quick and simple project. I found that many people covered their bricks with fabric. Easy enough and not very time consuming. I decided to use the same leopard fabric remnant as my homemade yogurt slow cooker cover. I wanted it to stand up vertically, so I hot-glued a small piece of wallpaper to the bottom. A little protective fabric spray, and it was finished. Easy peasy!

I thought I would round up a few more ideas I came across. My faves are the brick “books” and penguin. Check them out!

“Books” Bricks Doorstops

Penguin Brick Doorstop

DIY Garden Herbs Bricks Doorstop

Union Jack Brick Doorstop

More “Books”

Beach Glass Mosaic Brick Doorstop

Colorful Duct Tape Brick Doorstop

Mosaic Tile Brick Doorstop

Teacher Appreciation Brick Doorstop