Sprouting 101 & Homemade Sprouting Jars

Sprouting 101, Homemade Sprouting Jars {tutorial} & ‘DIY Mason Jars’ Giveaway | Boulder Locavore.

Happy Labor Day! As I did after the 4th of July food smorgas post, I am bringing you another healthy post-Holiday food option. Check out my last post on homemade hydrating fruit and veggie waters. Seeds, beans, and grains are so easy to sprout at home and are a great addition to salads, sandwiches, and more. I know many people like to do juice or liquid fasts after a day’s worth of heavy eats, and sprouts can be blended up with your fave concoction. I’m not sure what I will use my sprouts for tomorrow, but I’m going to try to have lighter meals for sure. I already started this weekend on the holiday munchies with pretzel bites adapted from the homemade pretzel dogs recipe I posted. I wish I could eat holiday meals everyday! With all of the marketing food fads we’ve seen over the years, I am waiting for someone to tell us “they” were wrong…refined sugar, refined flour and grains, chemicals, preservatives, etc. are really good for us. If they can make us believe bacon is healthy, we will believe anything, right? 😉

This link also gives a great tip for making your own canning jar sprouting system without using cheesecloth. Enjoy and happy sprouting!