Thrifty Ideas for Home Cheese Making & Easy Homemade Cheese Recipes

Making Home Cheese Making Cheaper

After I told my mom I would try my hand at homemade cream cheese for her fave fruit crepes, she expressed an interest in making her own cheeses. I thought I would share a bit of the info I’ve come across. DIY-ing cheese can be a bit of financial investment, but fortunately the link above offers a few tips and tricks to keep costs down. This can be especially encouraging to beginners. Actually, I find the entire site fab for those seeking ‘cheese wisdom.’ (I’ve posted several  links to the site below.)

As with homemade yogurt, you will need a starter culture (in most cases, anyway). These links give a few inexpensive options:

Alternative Mesophilic Starter Culture (Scroll down to ‘Starters.’ Begins with cultured buttermilk, so here’s a link for that: Cultured Buttermilk)

Save Money – Make Your Own Cheese Cultures (Mesophilic & Thermophilic)

Soft cheeses are perhaps the easiest for beginners. You might try these recipes, if you are just starting out:

Mascarpone Super, super simple. No starter needed.

Queso Fresco

Rich Ricotta The site calls it the ‘Blasphemous Version.’ Not a true whey ricotta. Very easy & no starter needed.

Another Cream Cheese

Cheese making can be such a fun endeavor! I hope you decide to check out these links. If it’s not quite your style, perhaps you will pass the info along. I’m experimenting with homemade crackers, too (see pic). I didn’t use a recipe for those. I just made them with what I thought probably goes into a cracker. I might try to round up a few recipes soon and post them, though. Then, you can throw a party with your homemade cheese & crackers…and don’t forget about homemade wine!