Recipes: Potato & Sweet Potato Appetizers

Sweet Potato Cakes with Black Bean Salsa |

Hope you’ve been having a wonderful Holiday weekend. Mine has been delightful! Plenty enough seafood lasagna for leftovers. Non-alcoholic cranberry-orange mimosas were a treat, as well as the panettone waffles (sorry, the spelling was incorrect last post, my eyes get so tired sometimes — fixed it!). My edible gifts went over well. I usually only prepare relatively simple items, and this was the first year for marshmallows. I was surprised that so many people are shocked you can make them at home. More about all that another time!

Ever since Chanukah started, I’ve been on a roll with potatoes/sweet potatoes. I think I have consumed them in some form or another every day for the past few weeks. Baked fries, baked chips, mashed, potato salad, hasselback, casseroles, soups, etc. As the cravings continue, I figured I would look up a few easy app recipes for New Year’s. I think just a couple of apps, a dessert, some bubbly, and we’ll be good to go. I may use the Pavlovas with Red Wine Cherry Compote & Mascarpone Whipped Cream as sort of an Eton Mess (all mixed together). I might layer it in a glass, though. I’m still thinking on that one.

The blog post above is actually a round-up of several apps (not all potato), so check it out! Here are a few other spud related recipes I wanted to share with you all:

Baked Potato Bites |
Sweet Potato and Toasted Sage Dip |
Potato Nests with Sour Cream and Smoked Salmon |
Southwestern Sweet Potato Bites | Half Her Size.

Mashed Potato Stuffed Cannoli | My step-grandfather, who has since passed, had a potato farm in Idaho. So, this recipe made me a little sad at first. He was such a wonderful, generous man!
Spicy Sweet Potato Appetizers on a Stick | You could probably add your fave veggies to these.
Potato Recipe for Kids – Healthy Potatoes Patties Burgers |
Healthy Loaded Sweet Potato Appetizer |
Smoked Trout Potato Skins | If smoked trout is difficult to find, other types of smoked fish would probably also work.
Baked Potata With Cottage Cheese And Vegetables Stuffing | Pan Gravy Kadai Curry.
Sweet Potato Bruschetta [Vegan] |


Hope you enjoy these! Modify them to your own diet/lifestyle as necessary. “Shop your pantry” for substitutions (as I saw someone say) if you do not have all of the ingredients readily available. Some of my favorite recipes have come about that way.

See you soon!

My Way, No. 28

*If you’re new to my blog, you may want to read this for info on what ‘My Way’ posts are all about. 🙂 *

Hope Rosh Hashanah has been a wonderful time!

Adventures in Food: Breakfasts for Dinner! I usually have fruit during the morning hours, so here are a couple of evening meals I recently enjoyed:
No, it’s not eggs! It’s a fake-out chickpea flour & tofu omelette. I found the recipe on the same site as the recently posted English muffins: Potato-Avocado Tofu Omelettes. Now, I do love eggs, but I thought the recipe sounded intriguing. If you recall, I did a lot of potato recipes the previous few weeks, so I went with sautéed kale, mini sweet peppers, criminis, and avocado (though, the potatoes in the pic looked SO yummy!). I sautéed the criminis in a little homemade Worcestershire and red wine. This is one of my fave ways to have mushrooms. Sometimes, I add a little butter and thyme. If you’ve never made your own Worcestershire, I just looked up this recipe: Homemade Worcestershire Sauce. I like to make mine with apple & balsamic vin, blackstrap molasses, honey (maybe stevia), smelly fish ;), tamari, garlic, onion, mustard powder, chile, some warm spices, and tamarind. If you run out of anchovies while making Caesar dressing, try Worcestershire to pinch-hit. If you’ve never seen tamarind, this is what it looks like (it’s also available in other forms, like paste):
Apparently, the original version of the recipe calls for Indian black salt to create a more ‘authentic egg experience.’ As I lacked such an item, I subbed the sea salt I smoked. I also ran out of nutritional yeast and replaced it with parm. The recipe indicates you should use a cooked chickpea flour vs. raw, and it gives illustrations of how you can tell the difference (if you purchase your flour). I ground dry peas for my flour and just cooked out the rawness a bit. I really enjoyed this meal (though I will still whip up a traditional omelette every now and then). Check out this recipe for sure if you don’t do eggs.

You know my obsession with carrot cake! Carrot cake steel-cut oats with shredded carrots, raisins, pineapple, walnuts, fresh coconut, ground cinnamon & ginger, pure Mexican vanilla extract, pinch of salt. As with my rice pudding, I like to put the vanilla and salt in after it’s finished cooking (cinnamon & ginger during). I throw the carrots in about a minute before the end of the cooking time (except garnish). Everything else is a topping. I forgot the honey in the pic, but I usually finish with a bit to sweeten.

I made versions of this dish several times: Daikon Radish Pasta with Corn and Tomatoes in Creamy Coconut Sauce.
I didn’t have daikon, so I subbed squash. In this pic, I also bulked it up with 1 oz. of whole wheat spaghetti. If you want to lighten up your traditional pasta dishes, a blend of a veggie spiral and a flour pasta is a great way to go. I just eyeballed the ingredients, but the sauce was fab. I can see it translating to all kinds of things. I used a blend of coconut water & milk I had in the freezer.

I told you I made the lovely Cherry Tomatoes & Basil Sauce from the last My Way post, and that gave birth to these roasted tomatoes:
I know roasted tomatoes aren’t the prettiest thing to look at! This has to be one of my fave preps in probably the past 6 months or so, though. So simple, but I could have made a meal out of them. I made several batches. I filled the pan with a little water (about halfway up to the tomatoes), roasted garlic cloves, salt, oregano, rosemary, sage, thyme, and basil. After one batch reached room temp, I had a hard time not just popping all of them in my mouth right then. They were SO GOOD! I also used them to top pasta (veggie & wheat spag), and this flatbread:
I adapted the flatbread/pizza dough from this recipe: The Best New York Style Cheese Pizza.

So, again, maybe not the most attractive meal in the world, but this was so tasty (prepared it a couple of times)! I made a honey-whole wheat dough with a little parm and garlic powder added. I adjusted the salt a bit because of the parm and smoked sea salt on the crust (like I did with the Sriracha garlic knots). I can’t remember where I read about the smoked salt, but I really like it. I added a little cornmeal to the bottom of the pan & replaced some of the oil with homemade non-fat yogurt. Sauce was a mixture of homemade non-fat yogurt and homemade (skim) feta (I hafta keep my dairy + fat portions low, boo 😦 ). Little finish of pomegranate molasses.

— Last My Way post, I forgot I wanted to tell you about the convertible Henkaa dress fabric. It’s a wrinkle-resistant fabric. If you’ve ever been to Chico’s, it kind of reminds me of a wrinkle-resistant travel-knit fabric they have. The young lady demo-ing the dress spilled something on it at lunch. She had a spare dress scrunched up in her purse and changed into it after the mishap. No ironing or steaming. The first dress was a floor length, and the second above-the-knee. She was very tall, and both dresses looked fabulous on her. After that last post, I watched a few of the various style vids. You have to see them. Amazing!

— I saw this on my food co-op’s social page. I think a lot of people know this type of thing goes on, but it’s always still shocking to see it in print: A Guide to Food Industry Front Groups |

— I found this article heart-breaking, but I’m glad they took the billboard down:Mental Health Advocates Topple Kenneth Cole Billboard Falsely Linking Mental Health Conditions and Gun Violence |

— I read back through a few of the articles from the last installment of my Mental Health Series. This article really hit me, so I wanted to post it here (and I may post it a few more times). Schizophrenia is not a split personality, there are four main symptoms | I think everyone should read this. It’s not just about this particular illness. It deals with some heart issues. I think you will find it enlightening.

DIY Dip Dye Jeans | Fusion e-Magazine.
Maybe you could also DIY something like this:

— I am in the market for a different (neutral-colored vs. my last vibrant color choice) heart rate monitor watch. While searching for one, I came across this sports bra made for the heart sensor chest strap: Pure Lime Compression Bra for Heart Rate Sensors – High Impact.

— OK, these are totally fun and hysterical! I love the bar, cat bed, and speakers.
DIY Retro Furniture — 12 Things To Do With Vintage Suitcases | Loffee.

Deodorizing Homemade Lavender Linen Spray Recipe |

Today’s Featured Recipes:

My mom likes to watch her sugars (and sodium), but she doesn’t care for several sugar subs. She especially doesn’t like stevia! She tried to use the same ratio as white sugar, lol! So, I have to sneak these things into her food sometimes, hehe. I’ve never used the sugar sub called for in this recipe, but you may be able to sub the sub if you need to:
Low Carb Cinnamon Sugar Cake Donuts – Gluten Free | Modern Low Carb.

Walnut and Olive Spelt Bread Rolls | Quite Good Food.
Brie, Fig Jam, and Serrano Ham Crostini | Flavor the Moments.
Tequila-Orange Grilled Shrimp | Cookbook Recipes.
Jewish Holiday Recipes: Doughnut Ice Cream Sandwiches | Gourmet Kosher Cooking. An idea you could adapt very easily. They suggest chocolate doughnuts with coffee or cookie and cream ice cream.
Chef JD’s Cuisine & Travel Website Turnstile | Cherokee Hominy and Tomato Soup.
This is not really a recipe, but you could really let your imagination run wild with this one: Home cured duck ham, Hendricks compressed cucumber, summer fruit and nitro sorbet. Due South Chefs Ltd.
Ginger Candy Appletini  Recipe | I like the caramel apple garnish 🙂

Take good care of yourself, and I’ll see you next time!

My Way, No. 27

*If you’re new to my blog, you may want to read this for info on what ‘My Way’ posts are all about. 🙂 *

— Hope you’ve had a lovely day! Several Adventures in Food to share with you. Last week, I had a day I wasn’t feeling so hot. All I could manage to eat was a thin slice of a toasted bagel. I was looking over the Healthy Snacks Under 200 Calories post and thought the mango-lime sorbet sounded like something I could handle. I added a wee bit o’ rum (to keep it from freezing too hard), some red chile, and key lime zest. I tried to make it look tropical to cheer myself up. That’s also the reason you may see plates/dishes beyond my plain white on this blog — oftentimes, different serving wares give me a boost in mood. Perhaps this is why I have a hard time not buying every other set of dishes, glasses, silverware, etc., that I see, haha. I do love just the ordinary white plates, though, too — très simple.

What are your go-to meals when you have a ton of veggies (besides just eating them raw and unadorned)? I think pasta or salads come to mind first for me, also stir-fries, soups, stews, sandwiches/toast, and curries. A few weeks ago, I had potatoes that needed to be used, so I made these Mustard Seed-Potato Curry Lettuce Tacos: potatoes, black beans, tomatoes, garlic, quartered shallots, fresh coconut milk, apple, raisins, cilantro, lemon, yellow mustard seeds, and a blend of curry spices. Homemade Greek-style yogurt to top them off. They were very satisfying.
2 more dishes with potatoes: Grilled Summer Salad w/ Queso Fresco & Potato Croutons. My initial craving when composing this salad was raw squash, potatoes and grilled corn. I added to it a bit with spring mix, grilled asparagus & peppers, and roasted tomatoes. I used the queso recipe from this post, but with skim milk. I made a quick cilantro dressing and squeezed the charred limes over the top. Really delicious. I decided to add about a 1/4 cup more corn after I snapped the pic.
Gazing at the Healthy Snacks post, I also decided to make the Frozen Yogurt Blueberry Bites (simple and tasty!) and Skinny Pizza Potato Skins:
The pizza skins in the post were pepperoni, but I usually prefer veggie pizza. I made these on the spur of the moment, so I had to whip up my short-cut pizza sauce. I took the pic pre-oven as I was starved & knew a post-oven pic would delay my eating (toaster or convection ovens are a great option here). Toppings were sautéed squash & kale, caramelized onion, marinated artichoke, and the queso. Instead of cutting the potato in half, I just cut small rounds. I think I’ll go with the halves (as indicated in the recipe) next time. The small rounds were difficult to get enough of the toppings on. But, I think they would be fab party apps. These really hit the spot, and I will be making them again for sure.

I’m finding so many ways to use the homemade yogurt! I slathered a bit on a piece of fish for a pistachio crust:
I enjoyed this particular meal so much, I made it 2 days in a row. I had a flashback to culinary school (way back in the day) the first preparation. During one class, the chef instructor decided that I should be the ‘chosen one’ to filet a sturgeon. I just recall that it was HUGE — almost as big as I am, haha! Plums (raw) are a fruit that I have to be in the mood to have. Grilled, though, I could eat them every day. I served the fish with a berry-shallot relish, and a baby chard, spin, kale salad w/ berries, sunflower seeds, and a berry vin. For the most part, when I mention I made a vin on this blog, it doesn’t have as much oil as many recipes call for. I usually find some other flavor-packed liquid to sub & punch it up with other herbs, spices, etc. Oil, of course, has a certain mouth-feel and balancing quality, so I try to find things comparable. Also pic’d is a petite rosemary baguette (used this technique w/ my food processor) and rosemary tea. Just hot water & fresh rosemary. One of my fave comforting teas. Yes, it’s hot outside! But, there’s A/C inside, and I always prefer hot tea to cold when I can have it.

Last item for today: I finally had a bit of chicken, so I was able to make the grilled chicken with the Turkish spices. I used the same honey & balsamic mixture as the chickpeas. Yums! The Turkish spices were also great on home fries. I was inspired by the Grilled Chicken Caesar Skewers with Kale Pesto, as well. I used the same lemony-buttermilk Caesar dressing as in this post, and a baby chard, spin, kale, sunflower seed pesto. As with vinaigrettes, I usually lighten up my pestos by using less cheese & nuts and replacing some of the oil with stock. I might also add in some other wacky ingredients. Other skewers pic’d here are pomegranate molasses-mint, and homemade Italian dressing.

— Went to my friend’s fashion conference last week and all was grand. There was an Arabian horse show, as well as jewelry, accessories, and clothing galore. There are 3 class “break-out” sessions, so I chose to attend the Latin dance class the first session. It was SO fun, but I really should have come prepared with a workout outfit (instead of my vintage frock). There were also hula dancers for entertainment:
If someone can turn Latin dance into a fitness trend, I think the next one should be hula. It looks like it would be a blast.

This year, there was an award given for ‘Best Dressed,’ and one dress that had many of us “oohing and ahhhing” was this:
Sakura |
It’s a convertible dress by Henkaa. This style is called Sakura, but they have several other styles available. You choose your length and color, and they also have additional accessories to coordinate. I think the young lady demo-ing the dress said there were as many as 60 style possibilities. Now, that’s what I call a SQUEAL DEAL! Make sure to check out the website! *Edit: Here is a direct link to the young lady’s personal page for the Henkaa dresses. FYI, you can also host a style shoppe and earn 1/2 OFF items, as well as rewards dollars to spend on items from Henkaa. Awesome!*

I barely snapped ANY conference pics this year, but here are a couple of things I found interesting:

Rolling bag & the black fringe bag next to it
Handmade jewelry
I like these flowy prints (will Hello Kitty ever stop being so popular? I think not, lol).

67 Homemade, All-Natural Cleaning Recipes.

— And, I thought a cutting board is a cutting board is a cutting board. After seeing some of these beauties, I might have developed a new culinary product love. Why do people have to tempt you? Fabulous cutting boards and other kitchen goodies here (several items on sale & have a peek at the accompanying food blog while you’re there):
Products – Bowl & Pitcher

Upcycled Furniture / awesome ideas! | Decorating Ideas | Pinterest.

Today’s good eats: 
Impressive Date Night Desserts: Raspberry Souffle With Framboise Liqueur | 
52 Herbal Tea Recipes | Enjoy them hot or cold!
Seafood Lasagna Recipe For The Seafood Lovers | Taste the Food and Fruit.
Fermented Food for Kids: A Guide with Kid-Friendly Recipes |
 Baked Mediterranean Fish | Easy Peasy
Salted Chocolate + Caramel Ice Cream Cake | Coley Cooks.
Cherry Tomato Sauce |
Ginger Sweet Potato Juice | Natural Thrifty.
Blackberry Gin Fizz Float |

‘Til next time!

My Way, No. 24

*If you’re new to my blog, you may want to read this for info on what ‘My Way’ posts are all about. 🙂 *

— As mentioned last My Way post, I was going to try to get out and enjoy nature a bit more. So far, I’ve come across adorable quail, jackrabbits, and hummingbirds in my “travels.” The little baby quail are the cutest things ever. I’ve also seen a lot of small lizards with curly black-and-white striped tails (it seems the stripes are on the underside of the tail). As long as I don’t run into any rattlesnakes, I’m good, haha. Here’s a few shots for those of you not familiar with the Tucson, AZ scenery. The first one reminded me of the Leaning Tower, that’s why I snapped a pic:

— At some points in my life, I’ve wondered “Where are all of the caring, loving people at?” The person who wrote this article let me know that there is someone who cares. I need that sometimes. They cared enough to sit down and pen this piece — letting us all know we need to get back to the basics: World Forgets Importance of Caring for Others–caring–others/71125060/?from=global&sessionKey=&autologin=

— Mucho Adventures in Food: I got on a bit of a potato kick with potato chips, the Vegetable Kugel with Caramelized Leeks I posted at Passover, and shepherd’s pie.
I made the chips to continue testing out our new food processor. At the lowest slicing setting, they were nice for thicker-style chips. If I want really thin ones, I will use a mandolin. At that thickness, I like to let them dry out a bit before bake-frying or frying. I made the kugel heavy on the sweet potatoes, and it was delish. Sliced up, it is wonderful to freeze and re-heat for a quick meal. I haven’t made shepherd’s pie in years, but suddenly started craving it. It may be because I had ground beef, and that’s rare for me. It’s just one of those simple, comforting meals that bring good memories. I rarely whip up mashed white potatoes beyond the occasional Holiday meal, but I just felt like having them. I make mashed sweet potatoes all the time, though. WAY back in the day when I worked as a banquet chef, garlic-roasted mashed potatoes with lots of heavy cream and butter were one of our staple sides. That’s still my fave way to prepare them today. Unfortunately, my cream and butter portions now have to be limited, so I just opted to use non-fat milk. I also didn’t have all my normal veggie fixin’s and just used what was in the fridge at the time. It was still a wonderful, comforting meal.

As I did indeed have the ground beef, I decided to make the Chipotle Cheeseburger Flatbread Melts I posted here.
I’m so glad Kevin is Cooking! I almost didn’t take a pic because I was so hungry by the time this was finished. I didn’t even wait for the cheese to melt. The aforementioned blog’s pics look way better than mine, so make sure to check it out! I adjusted the recipe ingredients just a bit using what I had on hand. I also used the homemade farmhouse cheddar from this post, and homemade non-fat Greek-style yogurt (posted here). This was super quick and easy. I didn’t have pizza dough made, but I was making a batch of those hamburg buns I wrote about…so, I saved a bit of the dough for these flatbreads. I Misto’d a little oil in a cast iron pan, then the dough, and was good to go. Just a small portion was quite filling. Really hit the spot & will be making again for sure.

109 degrees in the shade calls for carrot-ginger pops with cilantro! I use whole veg/fruit juice from my blender, as I don’t have just a ‘juicing machine.’
Sale on mesquite flour at my food co-op (yay!) had me making caprese (with homemade mozz), then roasted corn and onion salsa ebelskivers. I just mixed everything in the batter vs. stuffing it in the center.

I found this recipe for a Mung Bean Salad, and it was delightful!
I really enjoyed the dressing. I need to make a big batch, as I think it could go on all sorts of things. It has maple, mustard, cumin, turmeric, coriander, cardamom, clove, nutmeg, cinnamon, and a few other ingredients. Very tasty! I didn’t use the exact measurements, I just eyeballed them. Sometimes I will measure things out, but it looked so good — I wanted to hurry it up. I added pistachios for a little crunch. I think this is a fab go-to recipe for lots of different occasions.

These scrumptious Gorgonzola Grilled Plums with Maple Syrup and Chiles I posted way back inspired me to cook up a version with what I had on hand: Grilled Apricots with Mascarpone, Basil, Pistachios, and Pomegranate Reduction.
I almost thought to use pignoli, but went with pistachios at the last minute. I seriously would have made this recipe just as it was written if I’d had the ingredients. I mixed the mascarpone with a bit of non-fat yogurt. Straight mascarpone would have been my choice if I could have it. It’s so fabulously delicious. I did have maple, but thought pom reduc “molasses” would be nice.

And, last food bit for today…bagel bites, using the New York-Style Bagel recipe. This is really one my best recipe finds in the past few years. It’s so darn quick (I use the food processor). My mom thinks she doesn’t like bagels, but she eats them if I shape them into a loaf or whatever, haha. Sometimes, you gotta be sneaky.
Veggie, Cinnamon Sugar, Everything, Blueberry, Jalapeño Cheddar, Cinnamon Raisin, Sesame, Stuffed Cinnamon Roll. Next time, I might make them smaller. They were really about “two bites.” I got on a cinnamon kick, too, this past week. Not real healthy or anything, but…cinnamon, salt, and fine home-ground sugar of your choice (or you can use packaged powdered sugar) on popcorn for cinnamon toast popcorn. Yums!

— I wanted to share this post on the value of grinding your own grains. It’s from the same blog the Memorial Day Hot Dog and Hamburger Buns recipe came from. You can really see from her post how much can be saved, as well as it being a healthy choice for your family. Purchasing a mill can be an investment, so this post will give you a good break down of what you can expect to get out of it. I tried looking up “best mills” to also post, but many of the articles were not unbiased viewpoints. There are several types to choose from, including stand mixer attachments, hand grinders, stand alone electric grinders, and blenders that also serve as mills. I think you just have to find the one that meets your needs and fits your budget.

— 3 Household Tips: 1) Put stainless steel dish scrubbies in the freezer after each use to prevent rust from forming (been doing this for years as a tip from my aunt, maybe everyone else already knows this…but, just in case you didn’t), 2) Super Glue around the bottom of your rugs to keep them from slipping. Vid: How to Keep Rugs on the Carpet from Moving , and 3) Attach small furniture slides to the bottom of kitchen counter appliances that are hard to get to, or that you need to move about on occasion. I did this to my mom’s coffee pot that sits in kind of a tight spot. She feels more comfortable sliding it out a bit when pouring in the water. The slides keep the counter from being scratched, as well as provide ease of movement.

Wedding Style Saturday | My Wedding Nigeria.
If this is what they’re wearing for weddings in Nigeria, I wish the trend would come to the US! “My Wedding Nigeria presents valuable wedding guide to couples getting married to an African, in Africa and especially in Nigeria.” Awesome!

— Love this Boho hammock!
42 Stunning Bohemian Inspired Homes |

— Eats & Drinks: I’m sure many of you have made chana masala. I like this post as it gives a lot of terrific nutritional info. I made a soup version of chana last week:

Chana Masala | Garden Fresh Foodie.

What about some easy naan bread to go with it? Naan Bread | Great British Chefs.

Elevated Breakfast BLT | Baker by Nature. Avec smoked duck uncured bacon.

Vanilla Bundtlettes with Cashews and Pistachios | Recipe is in German.

Vegetarian Scotch Eggs | Lady Rhubarb. 2nd recipe. Traditional recipe with sausage is listed first.

How to Make Miso at Home | Renegade Health.

The Sherry Cobbler Cocktail | Kitchen Riffs. This blog always has the best stories! Check it out!

Have a fabulous day! ‘Til next time!

Recipes: Passover

Vegetable Kugel with Caramelized Leeks |

I am trying to keep up with all of the Holidays! César Chávez Day was yesterday, there’s Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday coming up, and, of course, Passover begins soon. Today, I wanted to post a Passover dish that recently caught my attention. Really, this looked so good to me, I am certain I would prepare it for any occasion.

And, if you’re looking for even more menu ideas, check out this eBook with over 50 Passover recipes:

eBook | 4 Bloggers Dish

Christmas Memories & 10 Vegetarian Christmas Recipes

10 Vegetarian Christmas Recipes | Gluten-Free Goddess Recipes.

Christmas is almost here! As I said in the last ‘My Way‘ post, I have been a bit slow getting into the groove this year. It’s OK, though, as I think it’s given me time to really reflect on the true nature of the holiday (instead of just getting busied and swept away with presents, decorating, etc.). It isn’t ‘Tree and Presents Day’ or ‘Commercialism and Materialism Day’ after all, haha. It’s Christmas Day, and that (for me) involves a Spirit of giving and love that hopefully lingers long after the mistletoe has been taken down and the last gift is opened.

I have also been taking time to think about Christmas Past (no ghosts involved, fortunately 😉  ), and the memories that mean the most to me. I don’t recall tons of early childhood memories, but I do remember things like a neighbor buying me all sorts of (not cheap!!!) toys on my “wish list” one year. She was a single mother with two children of her own, so looking back…I find that exceptional. What a blessing! I loved the snow in New York — putting on hefty snow suits with mittens tied to a string (so you wouldn’t lose them), making snow people & snow angels (with your body, lying down in the snow), toboggan races…and as I got older, cross-country skiing. I also recall that at some point, my mother strictly informed me there was no real such person as this ‘Santa Claus’ character I had heard so much about. So, I went around telling all of my friends that “it’s just your parents buying you these toys,” to the dismay of several fable-wielding adults, lol. Ah, I was awful! There are some wonderful church services (experienced later in my life) that come to mind, as well — with captivating dramas and modern music, or more traditional candlelight and orchestras.

Many of my fondest Christmas memories involve food (as do many of my memories in general, lol). My mom loves to have ham for Christmas, but my dearest carni attachment is to duck. I cannot remember us ever having turkey (or goose). Also, lobster and shrimp seems to be a popular choice for both of us. And, it may be one of the few times of the year that I prepare a steak. In New York, my relative’s co-worker (originally from Poland) used to always make nut and apricot poviticas. So, every year, they would share the spoils with us. I think of it every Christmas, but I’ve yet to attempt making my own. Maybe this year will be the year, or maybe I’ll wait until New Year’s. I’ve already had so many fried treats for Hanukkah. My body needs a rest, I think, haha. I have managed to pass on one party already (filled with yummy lard-laden tamales, cupcakes, and sugar galore). I’m not sure when I first had panettone, but it’s also one of my favorites this time of year. I have always purchased them in the store…never thinking to make my own, until I saw this recipe: Panettone. So, that might be on my list soon. I do not have a proper pan, though, so I’ll have to go about it another way.

I shared many recipe links for Thanksgiving, and I think you could easily use most of them for Christmas. Please check them out when you get a moment (if you haven’t already), if you are so inclined. I wanted to share this additional link with the 10 veggie dishes, as I think that’s the route I’m going be taking this year. I was totally tempted by the roasted potatoes dish, for sure! I will probably wait until the last moment to decide on anything else. These recipes come from a gluten-free site, so it’s also great for those with wheat allergies.

Hope you enjoy these, and I will post any other goodies as I find them!

My Way, No. 5

*If you’re new to my blog, you may want to read this for info on what ‘My Way’ posts are all about. 🙂 *

— Well, we’re into the 60’s here in Tucson, with some mid-70’s temps. I think I can justify wearing a lighter cape right now. Get the scoop on capes here: 21 Cute + Warm Ways to Wear a Cape.

— I caught up with Mrs. Green (not her real name, of course 😉 ) from Mrs. Green’s World at the Viva La Local Festival I recently posted about. I first learned of her organization from a local magazine, and then met her in person when she agreed to speak at one of my employer’s annual conferences. Her website is full of helpful hints and tips, and I thought I would share this blog post on having a greener and more sustainable Holiday season: Green Holidays are Easier Than You Think.

DIY Teeth Whitener. Interesting info on how an orthodontist noticed teeth whitening as a side effect of oral wound care in the 60’s.

— Cooool…Kosherfest.

— And, awesome new Jewish museum in Poland. “It is the place that commemorates everything that is gone and will never return. And it reveals hope for a different future,” says Israeli President Reuven Rivlin.

Today’s Recipe Stars: Lobster Omelette OMGoodness, lobster and eggs were made for each other. Homemade No-Corn Syrup Marshmallows I love, love, love marshmallows, and even more so around the Holidays. Red Lentil Kofte, Zucchini with Butternut-Rosemary Coconut Creme Sauce. Today’s Featured Libation: The Queen’s Cocktail Check the blog recipe index for a pic of this delightful drink. Today’s Featured Base Recipe (basically, one to keep handy): Thai Green Curry Paste. Today’s Featured Cooking Technique:  Sorry, couldn’t make the link work on my computer, but go to How to Tourne a Potato by Gill Boyd (

— After being on a breakfast burrito kick and then making tamales, I started making breakfast tacos. I thought I might as well make a batch of corn tortillas after making tamales. So, most of them have been used for breakfast tacos and a few for fish tacos. I love fried fish tacos from several places in town, but I didn’t fry mine. I actually took the time to make the eggs for a couple breakfast tacos my fave way. I love to cook them over a double boiler with olive oil (or butter, if I’m feeling luxurious). I love the texture of the eggs when prepared this way, but many times I am too hurried & quickly cook them in a fry/sauté pan. I have also been making my fave oatmeal with extra-virgin olive oil. It may sound strange, but I really enjoy it. I think maybe my mom got me started with that. And, after having that scrumptious turkey sandwich at the Viva La Local Festival, I started craving waffles. I just kept thinking about the sandwich, but as I didn’t have all of the ingredients…I had to settle for these Sweet Blue Corn Flax HHW (hand-held waffles).
I love sweet corn muffins, so I sometimes compromise and make a waffle instead. If you throw a few hot dog slices in, you can have yourself a corny dog HHW. I made these with blue cornmeal, whole&heirloom wheat flour, and flax. I put the flax in so I could feel like I was eating something healthier (instead of the cake that it really is 😉 ). I usually make extra to freeze and pop them out when I want a quick snack. My mom refuses to eat sweet corn muffins. I don’t know how I could have been born to her, as she doesn’t really care for things super sweet as I do, haha.

— I’ve also still been making salads and was reminded of the worst dining out experience I’ve had in years and years (just the food, the service was nice). I took my mom’s friend to a salad bar chain restaurant (at her request) a few months ago, and it was absolutely awful. I wasn’t expecting much and figured as it was salad and a buffet, how bad could it be? I think tried at least 20 items (salads, other buffet items, desserts) hoping that something would eventually taste somewhat decent. I found maybe 3 or so items out of all I tried to be OK in taste, texture, etc. The ice cream wasn’t even good. They said that most of the food was made on the premises and fresh, but I have had many fast food and chain restaurant meals that were previously frozen, microwaved, canned, etc., that have been better (and some that were quite good, in fact). I’m not trying to compare it to some fancy, fine dining place, either. I was just really shocked that I enjoyed almost nothing. We do have a chain salad bar in town I really like, though. It’s actually a sandwich chain, but the salad bar is fab and great in a pinch if you are nearby (and the sandwiches are pretty yummy, too).

— Keep that local love for your community going! 6 Ways to ‘Go Local’ for Thanksgiving. For those of you not in the states celebrating Turkey Day, you can still apply most of these tips to other Holidays.

— I guess as I’m fasting from cheese, I am now obsessed with cheese-related items. Love this DIY Chalkboard Cheese Serving Tray idea and these DIY Wine & Champagne Cork Cheese Spreaders are so cute! They would be great for the upcoming Holidays or any day, really. Beyond cheese, also check out these creative and thrifty ways to Decorate Your Holiday Table with Items Found in Nature.

‘Til next time!

My Way, No. 4

*If you’re new to my blog, you may want to read this for info on what ‘My Way’ posts are all about. 🙂 *

— I missed posting it yesterday, but my deepest thanks and appreciation to all veterans.

— I have been reading Reader’s Digest Condensed Books from the 70’s and 80’s. A local thrift store supporting mental health decided to forego selling books…so, they were just giving their stock away to customers. I came home with a carload of all kinds of reads, most of them non-fiction. Though some material in the series of Condensed Books is outdated, the messages and themes have still touched me. That’s the power of the written word!

— Cool article on how the brain perceives the 5 taste categories — salty, bitter, sour, sweet and umami.

— As Thanksgiving is around the corner, (Hanukkah and Christmas not too far behind), I thought I would post a link for an inexpensive DIY Silver Polish Recipe. And, if you will be wearing your silver accessories to any festivities, here’s a recipe for a homemade No-Scrub Jewelry Cleaner.

— Isn’t this a good idea! A digital bake sale for Children in Need, BBC Good Food.

— For years, the thought of coffee ice cream sounded so unappealing to me. I never really enjoyed coffee, though, until I had the Blue Bottle coffee from my fave local shop.

Well, I enjoyed it if they loaded it with sugars and flavorings. And, I did have a cup black at a business function that was superb. It was at a hotel in Scottsdale, but the server informed me it was not a commercial brand. Anyway, I decided to see if coffee ice cream was indeed as yucky as I always thought it was (yucky is the only word that comes to mind, lol). I tested it out with my homemade non-fat yogurt, though. I took an actual pour-over brew from the coffee bar and reduced it with brown sugar (and a little vanilla). If I had thought about it when I was in the shop, I would have asked for an espresso. But, this was a spur-of-the-moment project. I wanted the brew from the shop instead of my own, as they are the experts. Next time, I can brew it myself, but I wanted to take that variable out of the equation. My ice cream machine does very small quantities, so I only tested a cup and a half or so. This is what I came away with: it’s not yucky! I am pretty sure espresso would have given me a stronger flavor that I would not have been opposed to. I also think I could have added a wee bit more vanilla. I am fasting from chocolate, but I really wanted to try a bit with this froyo. I coated just 2 roasted almonds (yes, only 2, haha!) with a bit of dark chocolate to test, and later tested maybe a teaspoon of chopped dark chocolate mixed in. I did enjoy it with the chocolate, and maybe a hint of cinnamon would be cool, I’m thinking. What I was really surprised about was how creamy the yogurt was (for being non-fat). I drained the whey from it, so it was more Greek-style. Usually, I have left it as is, or I’ve used a store-bought container.


— While at the coffee bar (Sparkroot, Tucson, AZ), I snapped a pic of this cool way to store your stirrers (utensils, pens, etc.).


— After posting my alt method for making tamales without corn husks, I thought some people reading may not have easy access to masa either. Here’s a link to purchase Non-GMO Masa Harina. I get so angry about these GMO products. As I’ve posted before, the high risk crops for GMO’s are: alfalfa, canola, corn, cotton, papaya, soy, sugar beets, zucchini and summer squash. Think about how many products have some form of canola, corn, cotton seed oil, soy, or beet sugar in them. Probably more than half the items on store shelves. Many people cannot afford to buy solely organic products, etc., so this is what they are stuck with. It’s no wonder that there are so many food allergies in this day.

— Onto something happier…Live Polar Bear Cam.

— I have been making salads, as I predicted last post. I’ve been doing broccoli salad, which I haven’t made in a very long time. I used my homemade non-fat yogurt to replace most of the mayo. I’ve also been making this simple & delish, low-cal delight: Egg, Artichoke, and Salmon Salad.

— I’ll leave you with a few more recipes for your consideration. They all look SO good: Red Velvet Cheesecake Brownies, Mackerel on Toast with Salted Cukes and Horseradish, Loaded Baked Potato Salad, Coronation Chickpeas, and Mandarin-Quinoa Salad. Check out the food blogs on my blogroll for more inspired dishes.

‘Til we meet again!