WhirlwinDISH 25

A few WhirlwinDISHes inspired by a trip to a local Asian market. So many choices at this market! Taro, ginger, green tomatoes, lemon grass, tomatillos, and chiles were some of my finds. Looking at the multitude of greens, I became a bit overwhelmed. No kale in sight, though, haha. It’s fab that kale has become so popular of late. I often find it much less expensive than other greens now. It used to be comparable in price (or even more expensive). I finally was advised by another shopper to try the Taiwan spinach. She said she preferred it to American. She picked a winner for me — love it!

1) Coconut Moscow Mule Frozen Yogurt w/ Candied Lime Peel. I made some dark chocolate chip frozen yogurt for my mom, so that got me craving some for myself. I used homemade yogurt for both, but I made hers with whole and mine with non-fat milk. I added raw coconut butter to mine for a richer mouth feel. I had some ginger beer concentrate, so this was the base flavor. I adapted it from this recipe: Ginger Beer. I used ginger, lemon grass, cinnamon stick, nutmeg, cloves, chile, lemon, brown sugar, agave, cream of tartar, and a tiny bit of vanilla. I reduced the concentrate until it was a thick syrup, and then added it to the yogurt. I mixed in some lime juice, but no vodka :(. This went into my ice cream machine, and I let it ripen in the freezer a few hours. Topped with candied lime peel. It was super yummy and started to melt quickly as I was trying to take a pic. Will be making this combo again for sure.


2) After I made the ginger beer concentrate, I figured it would be great hot. So, I used the same combo to make a tea (without the cream of tartar and less sweetener). Ah, I couldn’t stop drinking it!

3) Sprouted Flour Baby Potstickers w/ Homemade Peach Horseradish Sauce. I used a blend of sprouted heirloom wheat and sprouted teff, oil, salt, and water for the dough. Filling was Taiwan spinach, taro, chile, scallions, and tofu seasoned with vinegar, garlic, and herbs (same method as this post). The lighting for the pic wasn’t very good. Some are shown from the top, and some are flipped over (where they were browned). I usually brown them on the bottom, then put a bit of water in the pan, cover & steam. I was going to make a warm soy-based sauce for this, but I decided on peach-horseradish (previously made). I think it was the right decision because I really enjoyed all of the flavors from this dish.

4) Taiwan Spinach Salad w/ Rice Noodles & Soy-Ginger Dressing. Spinach as the base with shredded red cabbage, mung bean sprouts, cold rice noodles, and baked taro chips. Dressing was simply soy sauce, ginger, white wine vin, balsamic vin, olive oil, shallots, and agave. Very simple, but you can’t go wrong with noodles :).

5) Potato Soup w/ Warm Salsa Verde. Potatoes, shallots, & fresh coconut milk. Verde: charred tomatillos, garlic, olive oil, lime zest, balsamic, agave, and a pre-blended spicy seasoning mix. My favorite part of this soup was the dried green tomato garnish. So tangy and delish!

Recipes: Labor Day

Port Wine Sliders with Goat Cheese and Caramelized Onions  

I went back and forth about rounding up Labor Day recipes to post, but I finally made a decision to go for it. I hope everyone reading in the States has a fine, long, relaxing holiday weekend. Best wishes to all others reading as well!

Many of the blogs I have had the chance to read have started to talk about the weather getting cooler and getting ready for the fall season. It is a sunshine-filled 100 degrees today in Tucson, Arizona, USA!!! I just wanted to make you jealous 😉 .

So, onto the fooooood…If calories were not an issue, I would be making ALL of these. There are so many fab dishes to choose from, but I only had time to look at so many. See my earlier post for ‘Red, White, and Blue’ dishes from the 4th of July and food blogs listed on my blogroll to get more great ideas.

Lamb Sliders with Feta, Red Onion, and Cumin Mayo – I love lamb, and this sounds like a delicious alternative to ground beef burgers.

Homemade Pretzel Dogs – I have wanted to make these for a while. This is a Kosher recipe, so it’s doubly good.

Grilled Graffiti Eggplant – I posted this on my previous blog, but I forgot to re-post it on this one. So Good! Eggplant is one of my very favorite things. I recently had it at a restaurant so differently than I am used to…I think it might be my new favorite eggplant dish. More on that another time…

Slow Cooker Saag Aloo – Awesome! You can just throw this in the slow cooker and get to the rest of your food prep.

Cherry and Wild Rice Salad with Mango Vinaigrette – This looks lovely and is perfect for a picnic, but I think it would be just as nice for a formal lunch or dinner.

Cranberry-Lime Coconut Macaroons – You know what I will be doing with some of the fresh coconut I dried. Yum!

Homemade S’mores – If you are already outdoors grilling, might as well throw some marshmallows on the barbie.

Raspberry Cheesecake Ice Cream – No machine needed!

English Garden Cocktail – The gin used in this recipe may only be available in England. I’m not sure. I’m sure you can substitute another fine spirit, though. Also, make sure you read the note about the gin being export strength.

Shirley Temple – A favorite!!! This recipe is a gorgeous version, and I think it would work nicely in a punch bowl or glass pitcher.

Again, I hope you all have a fabulous Labor Day weekend, and I hope you enjoy these recipe selections.

WhirlwinDISH 20

I really wanted a big dish of greasy hash browns, but I settled for this potato pancake instead.

I prepared it the way I usually do by par boiling the potatoes, letting them completely cool in the fridge, then shredding them. This day, I used yukon and red. I always keep the skins on. I prefer this par boiling method because once cooled, the pancakes come together very easily. No need to deal with removing liquid from raw potatoes, using binders, etc. Because I eat very little meat-based protein at home, I am always looking for ways to get extra protein in my diet. So, I thought maybe I would try to combine the potato with edamame. Loved it, and it was a great way to sneak in extra protein! Other than that, I just seasoned it simply with s&p and onion. I Misto‘ed the pan (vs. using a ton of oil), let it brown a few minutes without a lid & a few minutes with, then flipped & browned again.

It’s always hard for me to decide whether I want ketchup with my potato pancake (like French fries), sour cream (like a baked potato), or to just have it plain. Finally, I went with versions of both the sour cream and ketchup. I’ve been on a canning kick with pickled this and that, plum-ginger jam, the orange-chamomile marmalade, etc….and made a spicy curry yellow tomato jam. I warmed it through (thinned out with a little water) to make a sauce and added a dollop of preserved lemon yogurt.

I have a few more jams and jellies I want to make soon…perhaps a wine or grape jelly for cluster biscuits, pear preserves…and the summer is not complete without a strawberry freezer jam. I do not recall much from my early childhood, but I do remember coming back from the strawberry fields in New York State (my home state) with baskets of fresh, sweet strawberries. The freezer jam seemed like it would take all day to prep and process. But, ah, how nice is it to have that fragrant, sticky jam on warm biscuits during the coldest of winter days? This is where my love of canning and preserving began.

Was my edamame potato pancake as terrific as greasy, fried hash browns? Heck, no! But, it was still pretty tasty nonetheless!image