A Tale of Two Pasta Sauces

Just an update on my post about pasta sauces. I kind of took bits and pieces from some of the recipes I listed. FYI, I stated in that post to check out my updated blogroll. I updated the menu page, but, dash it all, I forgot to update it in the footer. So, I fixed it. Also, no biggie…but, I updated my Pomegranate Brunch post to include a couple of ingredients I left out. It wasn’t too long after the initial posting, though.

I decided on a rustic type of theme for this occasion, as I didn’t want it too formal. I don’t know how I forgot my fave white clam sauce on my other post, but it was a contender. As I mulled over the recipes, though, my mom indirectly made my decision for me. She had bacon! So, I pinched a few rashers from her. I finally found out what rasher means from the Traditional Scottish Recipe blog I posted. Please check its page on US/UK Cooking Terms if you need assistance translating language for ingredients, utensils, methods, and oven temperatures, or measurements conversions. I often read recipes from the UK, so it has made things much easier for me. So, the bacon…when I saw it, all of a sudden I started craving bacon and egg pasta. I don’t remember the last time I even made it. When the craving wouldn’t go away, I set about making a healthier version of my traditional recipe. That’s also what led me to my last minute 2nd pasta dish. I wanted a prep with a few more veggies to balance out the bacon. Technically, I wouldn’t say that it really had a ‘sauce,’ though…more like a ‘dressing,’ I think.

For the bacon and egg pasta, I went with a creamy avocado base inspired by the Creamy Avocado Pasta recipe I posted. I gave it a little extra veggie boost by blending it with some kale, and seasoned it with garlic, and s&p. Such an easy idea. I had to stop myself from eating it so it could actually go onto the pasta. I sautéed the pasta with beaten eggs, added the sauce, chopped bacon, and used nutritional yeast to replace my usual gobs of cheese. Finished with a bit more bacon and raw red onion. I would like to do a BLT pasta similarly. I felt this was a great healthier alternative, and more importantly…I didn’t feel like I was sacrificing flavor.

The Purple Sprouting Broccoli (with anchovies!) recipe I posted reminded me of how much I love simple drizzlings of extra virgin olive oil to flavor my pasta dishes. Along with sautéed garlic, chile, and orange zest, it made for a nice, light contrast to the avocado. I used a few veggies I had on hand and that was it! The pumpkin pastas from that post gave me the idea to use roasted sweet potatoes. I must be one of the only people I know who doesn’t care for pumpkin pie. Our family always had sweet potato pie for Holidays. When I finally tasted a pumpkin pie, it was not for me. I avoided anything with pumpkin in it for a long time after that, but I’ve now found I like pumpkin cheesecake and quick breads.

I also made a cast iron skillet apple pie for the evening with just a crust for the top. Alas, I didn’t take a pic. I’ve always used my mom’s recipe because it’s my fave. It’s not exact because she doesn’t have one written down. I had to watch her a couple of times to get the gist of it. I just made the one crust because it’s easier (and it saves a few cals). But, if you’re going to make a double crust, you might take a look at how to keep the bottom crust from being soggy here: How to Avoid Soggy Bottoms (about pies, not baby diapers 😉 ).

Have a great weekend!


Traditional Scottish Recipes

Traditional Scottish Recipes – Scottish Culture.

I know I should, but I have never been one to get too involved in political matters. Waiting for the results of the Scottish Referendum for Independence, though, was more interesting to me than anything of the sort since…well, in a very long time. The majority has ‘spoken’ and has chosen to remain a part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain. So, I celebrate with those who are happy for this outcome and mourn with those who wish things had turned out differently.

I haven’t had a great deal of Scottish food in my lifetime, so I thought I would post a link with some traditional recipes. Dishes such as bannocks, haggis, drop scones, herring in oatmeal, roastit bubbly-jock, Scotch collop, tablet, tweed kettle, and whisky toddy are included. Take a look and see what you think!