Christmas Memories & 10 Vegetarian Christmas Recipes

10 Vegetarian Christmas Recipes | Gluten-Free Goddess Recipes.

Christmas is almost here! As I said in the last ‘My Way‘ post, I have been a bit slow getting into the groove this year. It’s OK, though, as I think it’s given me time to really reflect on the true nature of the holiday (instead of just getting busied and swept away with presents, decorating, etc.). It isn’t ‘Tree and Presents Day’ or ‘Commercialism and Materialism Day’ after all, haha. It’s Christmas Day, and that (for me) involves a Spirit of giving and love that hopefully lingers long after the mistletoe has been taken down and the last gift is opened.

I have also been taking time to think about Christmas Past (no ghosts involved, fortunately 😉  ), and the memories that mean the most to me. I don’t recall tons of early childhood memories, but I do remember things like a neighbor buying me all sorts of (not cheap!!!) toys on my “wish list” one year. She was a single mother with two children of her own, so looking back…I find that exceptional. What a blessing! I loved the snow in New York — putting on hefty snow suits with mittens tied to a string (so you wouldn’t lose them), making snow people & snow angels (with your body, lying down in the snow), toboggan races…and as I got older, cross-country skiing. I also recall that at some point, my mother strictly informed me there was no real such person as this ‘Santa Claus’ character I had heard so much about. So, I went around telling all of my friends that “it’s just your parents buying you these toys,” to the dismay of several fable-wielding adults, lol. Ah, I was awful! There are some wonderful church services (experienced later in my life) that come to mind, as well — with captivating dramas and modern music, or more traditional candlelight and orchestras.

Many of my fondest Christmas memories involve food (as do many of my memories in general, lol). My mom loves to have ham for Christmas, but my dearest carni attachment is to duck. I cannot remember us ever having turkey (or goose). Also, lobster and shrimp seems to be a popular choice for both of us. And, it may be one of the few times of the year that I prepare a steak. In New York, my relative’s co-worker (originally from Poland) used to always make nut and apricot poviticas. So, every year, they would share the spoils with us. I think of it every Christmas, but I’ve yet to attempt making my own. Maybe this year will be the year, or maybe I’ll wait until New Year’s. I’ve already had so many fried treats for Hanukkah. My body needs a rest, I think, haha. I have managed to pass on one party already (filled with yummy lard-laden tamales, cupcakes, and sugar galore). I’m not sure when I first had panettone, but it’s also one of my favorites this time of year. I have always purchased them in the store…never thinking to make my own, until I saw this recipe: Panettone. So, that might be on my list soon. I do not have a proper pan, though, so I’ll have to go about it another way.

I shared many recipe links for Thanksgiving, and I think you could easily use most of them for Christmas. Please check them out when you get a moment (if you haven’t already), if you are so inclined. I wanted to share this additional link with the 10 veggie dishes, as I think that’s the route I’m going be taking this year. I was totally tempted by the roasted potatoes dish, for sure! I will probably wait until the last moment to decide on anything else. These recipes come from a gluten-free site, so it’s also great for those with wheat allergies.

Hope you enjoy these, and I will post any other goodies as I find them!

To Market to Market…11/25/2014

Food Conspiracy Co-op, Tucson, Arizona. View pics from previous posts here and here.

‘Go Local’ & get your last minute Turkey Day shopping in at the Co-op, Tucsonans! Turkeys, wine, growlers of beer, cheese, pies, fresh baguettes, pastries, and more await you at Food Conspiracy. Hop on the new Tucson streetcar, and it will drop you off right in front.







Yum…cheesecake in a jar!

If you’re not in Tucson, this might be a quick, last-minute dessert idea for you. Don’t forget how easy it is to make your own homemade cream cheese (links here and here).

If you get hungry while shopping and looking at all of the goodies, you can grab a bite at the hot/cold bar. They always have a great selection of healthy eats, soups, and salads. I won’t tell on you if you decide to put one of their fab dishes on your Holiday table, either 😉 .

Also, Candy Cane Season will soon be upon us, so make sure to scope the sweet treats while you’re there!
And, make sure to check out some of the awesome classes the Co-op offers. Get the lastest info on their website, social page, from the store bulletin board, or in the newsletter. There’s always something fun going on, including free yoga sessions! Be there or be square!

Modern Dining Etiquette & Tips for a Drama-Free Thanksgiving

Modern Etiquette: Tips for a Drama-Free Thanksgiving | Design*Sponge.

Whether you are dining in or going out, a drama-free Thanksgiving is what we all hope for. This link gives a few resourceful tips to help you accomplish that goal. One of my favorites is, “Ask for help if you need it.” What a concept! Sometimes, some of us (–>Me<–) seem to think we have to tackle life’s challenges on our own. I recently had to humble myself (AGAIN!) and ask for help for a big life hurdle. It can be so much easier when you have someone else to share the load.

Additionally, if you need to brush up on your social and dining etiquette rules (how to serve and pass food, silverware and napkin usage, specific types of food manners, restaurant tipping, etc.), here is a comprehensive guide ensuring you to be at your most prim and proper come Turkey Day: Dining Etiquette Guide (U.S. Edition).


To Market to Market…11/24/2014




Maynard’s, Tucson, Arizona. Maynard’s is part market and part restaurant (kitchen). It’s a concept that works exceptionally well. No, I didn’t just go to the market to drool over the macarons. I went to drool over the macarons and the chocolate covered caramel apples. If you happen to be in Tucson on Thanksgiving and want someone else to do the cookin’…Maynard’s Kitchen has you covered. It ranks in my top 10 places to celebrate a special occasion in Tucson. Everything sounds smashing, especially the hunter’s salad and Grand Marnier cranberry sauce. The market also has a fab selection of wine, cheese, and pastries if you do plan on celebrating at home. Check out a few more of my pics from the restaurant and market here.












Recipes: Thanksgiving

Guest Post: Apple Walnut Tart with Maple Custard from Baking A Moment | Hip Foodie Mom.

Well, it’s getting to be about that time. For those of you reading in the States, it’s countdown time to Turkey Day. I know those of you outside the States are probably wondering what all this fuss is about, lol. I see many of the blogs I read in the UK and other places are already on to Hanukkah and Christmas. I posted this gorgeous Apple-Walnut Tart on my previous blog, but missed re-posting it here. I thought it to be perfect for Thanksgiving, though, so here it is again. It does not contain wheat, if you have allergy issues.

As I have been thinking about rounding up recipes to post this past week, I was struck by something: I don’t really remember many of the family Thanksgivings I had growing up. I vaguely recall one or two. I think most of my memories are from the last few years. Perhaps sometimes you think you remember things based on what others tell you. And, maybe talking about traditional foods evokes certain memories that cannot necessarily be pinpointed to a certain occasion. There was a tradition of pasta at one point, but I cannot recall how it started. I think maybe I started it, as I’m the only one in the family so desperately attached to it. Then, a few years ago, I decided to go all out with the normal turkey and trimmings. Each subsequent year it was less and less of a production. I love to cook, but I was exhausting myself. I was so worn out from my job the last couple of years, that I actually supplemented the meal with restaurant food! So, this year, I am not giving myself all of that stress.

I had several years I spent with my “adopted family” versus my own. As our family food heritages were the same, much of the same types of dishes were prepared: sweet potato pie, cornbread dressing, collard and turnip greens, baked mac & cheese. My mom always made apple pie, too, in addition to the sweet potato. The times I spent with my friends’ families or my step family, the dishes were much different: pumpkin pie, white bread stuffing, green bean casserole.

I’ve tried to gather a few recipes to add to the more traditional ones you may already have. I wasn’t really seeking out the healthiest types of dishes (although some are on the healthy side). Most of the recipes are not that involved, as you probably have enough going on that day to add too much more to it, haha. I tried to list a recipe from each of the food blogs on my blogroll this time, but please do check their entire blog for more fab inspiration.


I think apps and desserts are my favorite part of any type of gathering. When I prepared a big family meal for the day, I found I had to make sure to have enough snacks out pre-turkey. Otherwise, people try to sneak some of the dressing, etc. while everything is still being prepared, haha.

Crock Pot Bourbon Glazed Kielbasa Bites
Goat Cheese and Cheddar Carrots Not a recipe, but take a look at the pic to see how to make it. SO adorable!
Thai Lime and Chili Cashews If you can’t have nuts, you might try the seasoning on roasted pumpkin or squash seeds. I made roasted seeds from the delicata squash I recently had with my own seasoning blend. I was going to use them for a salad, but they tasted so good warm…they were consumed quickly, lol!
Also, here are links to previous posts for:
Crab and Goat Cheese Guacamole
Homemade Cheese
Homemade Crackers
And, DIY serving tray/plate ideas for your cheese/fruit/nuts/olives, etc. from previous ‘My Way’ posts here and here.

The Bird

I always use a brine for my turkeys (cornish hens, etc.), but here’s something I’ve never tried:

Roasted Tea-Brined Turkey Breast


Cornbread Dressing with Apples and Chorizo

Rolls & Savory Biscotti

Soft 100% Whole Wheat Dinner Rolls You can use this as a base recipe for many shapes of rolls. I really like fan-tans.
Parmesan-Rosemary Biscotti

Veggies & Sides & Salads

Chilled Sweet and Sour Cucumber Noodles
Green Beans with Tomatoes and Feta
Roasted Butternut Squash with Black Garlic and Miso
Tennessee Honey Corn Pudding Whiskey is the secret ingredient!
Sticky Roast Chatenay Carrot Medley with Pomegranate Molasses
Rosemary Sweet Potato Stackers
One-Pan Spicy Rice
Roasted New Potatoes with Lemon and Thyme
Horseradish Mashed Potatoes Horseradish makes everything better. I could almost eat it by itself, I love it so much!
Previous links for:
Maple-Shallot Brussels Salad
And, if you make traditional sweet potatoes with marshmallows, don’t forget about the Homemade No-Corn Syrup Marshmallows recipe I recently posted.

Cranberry Sauce

Here’s a 2 for 1: Grab-n-Go Sweet Potato Cranberry Quinoa Power Bowl. Use the spicy cranberry sauce recipe for your Holiday meal, and then keep the cranberry love going with this energizing power bowl.

You can also use it for a leftover turkey waffle sandwich like the one I had at our Viva La Local Festival. I just can’t get away from thinking about that sandwich!


As I said, sweet potato and apple pie have been the standing traditions in my family. I brought in the new tradition of mini or individual desserts. I have always loved any type of mini/petite dessert display. I love being able to sample a little bit of all kinds of tastes. It’s the same reason I’m fond of buffet-type meals.

Buttered Pecan Pots de Creme
Individual Pumpkin Ginger Cheesecakes
Melt-in-Your-Mouth Butter Cookies
I cannot seem to link to videos properly, but check out Gemma’s 3 Bigger Bolder Holiday Pies and if you have any desserts that are crying out to be a la mode, make sure to view Gemma’s popular No Ice Cream Machine Required, 2-Ingredient Ice Cream Base video I first started watching Gemma’s vids after seeing a gorgeous ‘Naked Wedding Cake’ she made. The cake is ‘naked,’ as it has no icing (just powdered sugar), just FYI. I posted it on my previous blog, but I also missed re-posting it here. I am not great at cake decorating, so it’s right up my alley! She has new vids on Thursdays (and sometimes even more days of the week), and they are always so fun.


Homemade Cranberry Liqueur Very versatile! You can use this for a host of things.
Funfetti Coffee Creamer After you’ve had your bubbly, here’s a fun funfetti way to perk up for football games and such.
Previous links for:
Rhubarb Shrub Sparkler
Sage and Peppercorn Old Fashioned
The Queen’s Cocktail

I hope you enjoy these recipes. If you don’t have the exact ingredients available (or cannot have some ingredients, for whatever reason), don’t let that stop you from creating your own version. You can use the recipe as a starting point to springboard your new ideas off of. You may be surprised at what you can come up with!

My Way, No. 5

*If you’re new to my blog, you may want to read this for info on what ‘My Way’ posts are all about. 🙂 *

— Well, we’re into the 60’s here in Tucson, with some mid-70’s temps. I think I can justify wearing a lighter cape right now. Get the scoop on capes here: 21 Cute + Warm Ways to Wear a Cape.

— I caught up with Mrs. Green (not her real name, of course 😉 ) from Mrs. Green’s World at the Viva La Local Festival I recently posted about. I first learned of her organization from a local magazine, and then met her in person when she agreed to speak at one of my employer’s annual conferences. Her website is full of helpful hints and tips, and I thought I would share this blog post on having a greener and more sustainable Holiday season: Green Holidays are Easier Than You Think.

DIY Teeth Whitener. Interesting info on how an orthodontist noticed teeth whitening as a side effect of oral wound care in the 60’s.

— Cooool…Kosherfest.

— And, awesome new Jewish museum in Poland. “It is the place that commemorates everything that is gone and will never return. And it reveals hope for a different future,” says Israeli President Reuven Rivlin.

Today’s Recipe Stars: Lobster Omelette OMGoodness, lobster and eggs were made for each other. Homemade No-Corn Syrup Marshmallows I love, love, love marshmallows, and even more so around the Holidays. Red Lentil Kofte, Zucchini with Butternut-Rosemary Coconut Creme Sauce. Today’s Featured Libation: The Queen’s Cocktail Check the blog recipe index for a pic of this delightful drink. Today’s Featured Base Recipe (basically, one to keep handy): Thai Green Curry Paste. Today’s Featured Cooking Technique:  Sorry, couldn’t make the link work on my computer, but go to How to Tourne a Potato by Gill Boyd (

— After being on a breakfast burrito kick and then making tamales, I started making breakfast tacos. I thought I might as well make a batch of corn tortillas after making tamales. So, most of them have been used for breakfast tacos and a few for fish tacos. I love fried fish tacos from several places in town, but I didn’t fry mine. I actually took the time to make the eggs for a couple breakfast tacos my fave way. I love to cook them over a double boiler with olive oil (or butter, if I’m feeling luxurious). I love the texture of the eggs when prepared this way, but many times I am too hurried & quickly cook them in a fry/sauté pan. I have also been making my fave oatmeal with extra-virgin olive oil. It may sound strange, but I really enjoy it. I think maybe my mom got me started with that. And, after having that scrumptious turkey sandwich at the Viva La Local Festival, I started craving waffles. I just kept thinking about the sandwich, but as I didn’t have all of the ingredients…I had to settle for these Sweet Blue Corn Flax HHW (hand-held waffles).
I love sweet corn muffins, so I sometimes compromise and make a waffle instead. If you throw a few hot dog slices in, you can have yourself a corny dog HHW. I made these with blue cornmeal, whole&heirloom wheat flour, and flax. I put the flax in so I could feel like I was eating something healthier (instead of the cake that it really is 😉 ). I usually make extra to freeze and pop them out when I want a quick snack. My mom refuses to eat sweet corn muffins. I don’t know how I could have been born to her, as she doesn’t really care for things super sweet as I do, haha.

— I’ve also still been making salads and was reminded of the worst dining out experience I’ve had in years and years (just the food, the service was nice). I took my mom’s friend to a salad bar chain restaurant (at her request) a few months ago, and it was absolutely awful. I wasn’t expecting much and figured as it was salad and a buffet, how bad could it be? I think tried at least 20 items (salads, other buffet items, desserts) hoping that something would eventually taste somewhat decent. I found maybe 3 or so items out of all I tried to be OK in taste, texture, etc. The ice cream wasn’t even good. They said that most of the food was made on the premises and fresh, but I have had many fast food and chain restaurant meals that were previously frozen, microwaved, canned, etc., that have been better (and some that were quite good, in fact). I’m not trying to compare it to some fancy, fine dining place, either. I was just really shocked that I enjoyed almost nothing. We do have a chain salad bar in town I really like, though. It’s actually a sandwich chain, but the salad bar is fab and great in a pinch if you are nearby (and the sandwiches are pretty yummy, too).

— Keep that local love for your community going! 6 Ways to ‘Go Local’ for Thanksgiving. For those of you not in the states celebrating Turkey Day, you can still apply most of these tips to other Holidays.

— I guess as I’m fasting from cheese, I am now obsessed with cheese-related items. Love this DIY Chalkboard Cheese Serving Tray idea and these DIY Wine & Champagne Cork Cheese Spreaders are so cute! They would be great for the upcoming Holidays or any day, really. Beyond cheese, also check out these creative and thrifty ways to Decorate Your Holiday Table with Items Found in Nature.

‘Til next time!

Pics From Viva La Local Food Festival, Tucson, AZ, pt. 1

Part 1, Viva La Local Food Festival in Tucson, Arizona. So much food, brews, wine, and music at this fab local event. Many area restaurants showed up, showed out, and showed off some fine eats. After seeing so many of my faves, it was a tough decision. I wish there was a buffet for all of them! Make sure to check out a few of our wonderful restaurants if you stop in Tucson. I was tempted by chicken tikka masala, but I am fasting from cream. So, that was out! I finally decided on a waffle sandwich (pic above) from a popular food truck, Foodie Fleet (they were housed in a tent at the time, though). I got my Thanksgiving on early (which is decent, as I will not be preparing traditional foods this year)…this delectable Sonoran Turkey Sandwich was a combo of local, free-range turkey, roasted poblanos, caramelized onions & sweet potatoes, cranberry-jalepeno salsa, and agave mustard. Served on a mesquite flour waffle. Absolutely delish, and now I feel no regrets for not having a bird with the works come Thanksgiving. If a nice friend were to give me a little of their turkey, though, I might be forced to try to re-create this sandwich.

This was an Heirloom Farmer’s Market event, so there were also local famers and vendors in attendance. Non-GMO artisan popcorn, “super cookies,” local honey, local olives and extra-virgin olive oil, local prickly pear jelly, local tea, fresh produce and herbs were a few of the items calling to me. I enjoyed the musical entertainment and thought it cool that some in attendance were not afraid to get up and dance.

I can’t wait for the next festival! I ran into several friends I hadn’t seen in a while, so it really turned out to be a nice day.

More pics in part 2!

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Pics from Viva La Local Food Festival, Tucson, AZ, pt. 2

Pics from Viva La Local Food Festival, Tucson, Arizona, pt. 2.

























