Sage and Peppercorn Old Fashioned + Homemade Tinctures & Bitters

Perfect Thanksgiving Cocktail: Sage and Peppercorn Old Fashioned | Honest Fare.

I must say I don’t make many cocktails at home. But, when I do, I usually look for recipes with few ingredients. I usually save the fancy cocktails for dining out. I mainly drink wine at home, or I stick to old favorites like gin & tonic. I have beer on occasion as well, and it’s probably one of the only beverages I am not that picky about. I like craft brews, etc., but really…I will drink whatever if it’s cold, haha.

Sage and peppercorns add a nice twist to this recipe, but still make it a pretty simple preparation. The blog writer thought it would be nice for a Thanksgiving libation, so you might keep it in mind come holiday time. If you want to get more involved in creating your own cocktail concoctions, you might take a look at these links: Homemade Bitters and Homemade Bar Tinctures. I am going to start off with the tinctures first, as they are the easiest!