Homemade Antiperspirant/Deodorant

Homemade Antiperspirant/Deodorant

I like to purchase natural and organic products as much as possible. But, sometimes they are not as effective as products laden with harsh chemicals, etc. There are so many brilliant DIY tips out there, so I figured I would look up some for a homemade antiperspirant/deodorant — one that would actually work. What sold me on this particular recipe was the fact that the blog writer lives in Arizona as I do. She tested it out in this desert mega-heat and gave it a thumbs up. And, her husband even requests it, to boot. It only has has 3 ingredients, with an optional 4th if you want an essential oil scented version. Coconut oil is one of the ingredients, and you can DIY that as well. I chose to make mine with an essential oil. Even though I love to eat coconut, it’s not my fave body scent. I love the feeling of doing something healthier for my body!