Cheesy Vegetable Enchiladas

Cheesy Vegetable Enchiladas #SundaySupper | Alidas Kitchen.

I made these enchiladas this past weekend (with a few alterations), and they were spectacular. I have ordered enchiladas in restaurants on numerous occasions, but have never even thought to prepare them at home. The pic jumped out at me, though, and I knew I had to give it a try. I was making a fresh batch of corn tortillas, so the timing was perfect.

This is really one of the most simple dishes, so I’m kicking myself that I hadn’t thought to give it a go previously. As I keep posting, I cannot consume a lot of full-fat cheese in one sitting. So, I decided to create a little more bulk with short-grain brown rice (leftover from sushi). The first go round, I prepared the entire quantity of sauce, but only baked off a single portion of the tortillas and filling. I used just a wee bit of farmhouse cheddar. Subsequent portions were made without any cheese and were equally as delicious. I would have loved to have had it with the lava-flow of nommy, melty cheese. My slight alterations: I used chickpea flour vs. white, as I had some left from making spätzele (check out that spätzele recipe if you haven’t already! I’ve made it several times now. SO good!), I used fresh veggies (spinach, kale, mushrooms, sweet bell peppers, corn) & dried beans (cooked), and I added a few pinches of smoked paprika and a pinch of sweetener to the sauce, with only a teaspoon of oil. The recipe is very flexible, veggie wise. I am going to make up another batch of the tortillas with the filling to pop in the freezer. I will freeze the sauce separately, then reheat individual portions. I started freezing some of my sauces (like this 2-Minute Green Sauce) in ice cube trays for quick meals.

Hope you take a look at how easy this is! If you use chickpea flour, this dish would serve well for those unable to consume wheat. And, if you cannot have dairy, remember it’s still fab sans cheese. This will be a new go-to meal for me.

My Way, No. 18

*If you’re new to my blog, you may want to read this for info on what ‘My Way’ posts are all about. 🙂 *


— I changed the view on my blog template. It no longer scrolls forever. It will show several posts, then opt to show older posts. This will make it easier to see the footer (where you can search by category or topic). If the footer is not immediately apparent, click on the arrow at the bottom right of the screen. I also added a tag cloud. For any new readers (hi! 🙂  ), I will just restate that the blog menu is hidden. It can be unveiled by clicking the 3 lines in the top right-hand corner of the screen. I am going to try adding a few more pic links to these ‘My Way’ posts, so they may be a bit longer.
— Some Adventures in Food to catch you up on….I tried a few of the recipes from my Healthy Work Lunches post. Going with a SW theme, I made use of corn, chickpeas, and black beans for 2 meals: Chunky Corn & Black Bean Falafel and Vegetarian Tortilla Soup (both from the blog post with 29 recipes). I love the joke on the falafel post: What did the sick chickpea say to the doctor? I falafel, lol! For the falafel, I pretty much stuck to the prescribed recipe and used my homemade non-fat yogurt (whey drained) for a dipping sauce. I did give them a Misto of oil, but the recipe indicates they will bake up crunchy without it. I let them cook a little longer than the allotted time. I took a few for lunch, and they were quite delish without reheating them.
I found the Tortilla Soup recipe with several others under the Moroccan Soup with Kale and Chickpeas (check the link from the 29 recipes post). I replaced the chiles with chipotle in adobo (I had it on hand), chickpeas for hominy, used a combo of tomato paste and fresh tomatoes (blanched & shocked, skin removed), and added corn. I will have to grab some hominy the next time I see it — yums! This recipe gave me an opportunity to try making queso fresco with skim milk. It’s not as rich as a whole milk version, but I am enjoying it (and my body can tolerate it). I followed the guidelines from my Thrifty Ideas for Home Cheese Making post. I’ve only had tortilla soups with cheddar in the past. I made corn tortillas last weekend in my batch cooking, so I just pulled them out of the freezer, sliced them up, then baked them off. For an on-the-go meal, I layered the toppings in a canning jar. I’m weird and do not like my food to touch before it’s supposed to, lol, so I put parchment paper between the layers:
Also from the link with 29 recipes, I made some chocolate-orange energy bites:
These were more like a sweet treat for me, versus something to give me energy. I took cues from the recipes for Chocolate Peanut Butter No Bake Energy Bites and the Chocolate Tahini Oat Bites. If I remember correctly, this is what I put in them: Oats (toasted whole & ground), ground flax, ground chia, powdered chocolate, toasted coconut, cooked sweet potato puree, raisins (chopped & pureed), chopped candied orange peel (still have some left from Christmas!), orange zest, vanilla extract, some kind of sweetener, and salt. I coated a few with ground almonds. This was slightly random, and I was just trying things out. I blended the sweet potato with some of the raisins, the vanilla, and powdered chocolate, then combined it with the dry ingredients. The sweet potato puree tasted just like chocolate pudding. I do not care for chocolate pudding, but it was fab with the rest of the mix. I love the combo of chocolate with orange. Next time, I would like to try a chocolate-nut/seed butter concoction. I am thinking the Spicy Carrot & Hummus Sandwich from that link is next!
From the link with 90 work recipes, I made the easy & delish Tuna Salad Lettuce Wraps with Capers and Tomatoes (with a homemade Italian-style dressing) and the Chicken & Rice Salad with Ginger-Sesame Dressing (subbing tinned salmon for chicken). I would like to keep a bottle of the Ginger-Sesame in the fridge. I altered it a bit by making a blended sauce with: whole lime (instead of just the juice), Sriracha, mustard, a touch of maple, and replaced some of the olive oil with water. I can see putting this on all sorts of things!
I made a few gingerbread Hamantaschen using the Purim recipe from last week. It was not vegan, as I replaced the coconut oil with egg yolks and some of the maple with honey. I used orange zest vs. lemon and just added gingerbread flavors (ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, molasses). I took a shortcut and rolled the dough into a log. I popped it in the freezer, then just sliced it into rounds the next day. I was concerned about the fillings leaking out, so I pinched them up a bit more than usual. So, the shapes were kind of “meh” to me, but I did what I could. Fillings were pomegranate-chia seeds & sweet non-fat yogurt cheese. Great with a vanilla rooibos chai I had:
Thinking ahead for St. Patrick’s, I also baked another batch of whole wheat muffins. I made them green for the occasion, and they were not attractive at all. But, they satisfied my craving for a savory bit of bread. I took a pic, but it was very dark. I will try to post a pic if I make another batch. I made them using the same method as the Toasted Sesame Mango-Mandarin, using buttermilk for milk, avocado for oil, steamed kale and parsley (pureed), chopped scallions, and topped with pepitas. I wanted to use spinach at first, but only had kale. They were yummy, but you have to be the kind of person who really likes greens. They hit the spot for me.
— Enough about food (for a few seconds, anyway 😉  )! So, after cooking all that up, it’s time to run the dishwasher 🙂  . I rarely run the dishwasher, but my mom said it should be run every so often. I’m not sure if that’s just a myth??? I had a commercial rinse agent (from my mom’s friend), and the last of it is gone. I thought I could probably just use vinegar (it seems vinegar, baking soda, and salt have host of uses), but I found this important post: Natural Dishwasher Rinse Aid. You can indeed use vinegar, but this link gives a little warning about how to do it properly (without ruining the dishwasher parts).
— I just love some of the up-cycled suitcase tables from my 30 Creative Ways to Reuse Old Things post. Here’s another cute idea: DIY Suitcase shelf | DIY + Crafts | Pinterest | Mai Spy. 
Wouldn’t this be a pretty centerpiece, silver or gold branches with candles: Dekoration |
— This photo series mental health project did indeed move me. A picture does say 1000 words. Very touching:
— Great tutorial on using Fray Check for No-Sew Projects: No-Sew Scalloped Shorts DIY |
— While looking at the Fritaffles post, I saw a kitchen tool called a ‘supoon’ mentioned. I looked it up, and it’s pretty neat-o. The handle design sits the spoon off the counter (pic’d with ‘clongs’): Dreamfarm Supoon and Clongs |
— Today’s Featured Food & Bev: After making Hot & Sour Soup and Eggplant in Garlic Sauce a couple of weeks ago, I also decided to make Sweet & Sour Tofu adapted from this recipe: Sweet and Sour Chicken. Fabulous!
Not really a recipe, but love this presentation for dragon fruit: Dazzling Dragon Fruit | 
Take care, & I’ll see you next time!

My Way, No. 14

*If you’re new to my blog, you may want to read this for info on what ‘My Way’ posts are all about. 🙂 *

— It’s been a homemade condiment week! I love to look at recipes for homemade condiments, but I usually end up making them with the ingredients I have on hand. I did go ahead and make mirin as I posted about last week. I’ve yet to use it on anything, but I am sure I will re-make the sesame seed tofu (and hopefully salmon, as the recipe originally called for). I didn’t boil the entire mixture, I just added my syrup to my sake:
The great thing about making mirin is that you can enjoy the leftover sake when you’re done! After having those awesome Sriracha Garlic Knux at Maker House, I set about making a whole wheat version. I merged ingredients and concepts from about 4 or 5 pizza dough recipes. Perhaps I will post my actual recipe at some point, but I would like to test it out a few more times. In the meantime, I thought I would link you to a Homemade Lacto-Fermented Sriracha recipe. I just found this and have never thought to do a lacto-ferm version. Anyway, I added parm & garlic to the dough, then basted it with a Siracha-Extra Virgin-Garlic Oil, and finished with a little parm, smoked sea salt, and red pepper flakes. I would have loved butter, but my body has been averse to it (and I was trying to keep it a bit healthier). I was pushing it with the cheese, but it was a small amount per roll. One recipe I gleaned from said a bit of smoked salt can give pizza dough a ‘brick-oven’ appeal, so I thought, ‘why not try it?’ I didn’t have smoked salt, though, so I had to smoke the sea salt I had in the pantry. Maker House had a nice thick ranch they served with them, but I just dipped them in a little extra of the Sriracha Oil. It was a great accompaniment to the Spinach, Red Lentil, and Sweet Potato Curry I made again this week:
I decided to make an individual portion this time, but the pan is almost like 2 servings (with bread) because it’s so filling. Again, I added a little kale and had to improv the curry ingredients. Really a quick and delish dish! More condiment making for Game Day: BBQ Sauce. Yay for my 2nd fave football team winning the Bowl (the first, of course, being the Giants)! After preparing the tofu Fajita Salad with Chipotle Ranch Dressing, I had a bit of the chipotle in adobo leftover. So, I thought BBQ was in order. I made a “kitchen sink” BBQ with just about anything I could get my hands on, adjusting and tasting as I went. I especially love fresh or dried fruits in BBQ sauce. I added a little orange zest to the Sicilian Roasted Potatoes (with a mix of Yukons, Reds, and Sweet Potatoes) this past week and loved it…so, I thought I would add a bit to the BBQ. I cooked the sauce stove top this time, but I love the slow cooker for a big batch. The BBQ went on roasted garbanzos and these BBQ Garbanzo and Brown Rice Tacos with Dried Figs, Pistachios, and Raisins:
Finished with more orange zest. I made the corn tortillas with a press and baked some for ‘hard shells.’ I Misto the baked ones and use a mold so they stay open. It was tricky getting the taco to stand up for the pic, lol. I also cut a few of the soft ones for chips. I made some plain (served with lacto-ferm salsa verde) and brushed BBQ on a few. I Misto’d them, then baked them off in cast iron pans. I cook the plain ones on only one side, but I prefer to cook the seasoned ones on both:

— If you are renting and want to create a bit of personalized style, check out this link on Decorating Ideas for Renters. And, love this link for 15 Shower Curtain Projects, including using a painter’s drop cloth and turning any curtain into a shower curtain.

— I love vintage-style full aprons. There’s no reason why you can’t look stylish while dicing potatoes! I think you could easily make one similar to this black and white damask apron with just iron-on fabric tape (if you do not machine sew, like myself). I have a friend who cleared out her closet and only has clothing that is black, white, or black and white. She said this was an attempt at simplifying her life. She doesn’t have to concern herself with the items matching or not, haha. Even though black is not my color (on top, anyway), I admit to using the black-and-white-clothing-simplification method all the time now. If you have procrastinated and haven’t planned your outfits for the week…just grab something black and white. It goes from cas to business to formal very easily.

Baby Chicks Have Left-Right Number Bias Like Humans.

— A few mental health articles that touched me this past week:,, and

— I adore this picture:
Click on the pic or this link to take you to: Dr. Kathleen Young: Treating Trauma in Tucson | Mindful Monday.

— As always, I like to include a few tantalizing recipes that have come my way: Root Veggie Crisps in a Crispy Pancake Bowl (looks fun!), Roasted Makhana, Cheesy Greek Swirls, Mussels, Bacon, and Brie Tartlets, Cold Busting Coconut Gummies (cute & healthy!), Beef and Blue Cheese Risotto. I had a nice 1/2 iced tea & 1/2 lemonade with Bourbon for Game Day, so I thought I would look for other tea cocktails: Chamomile Honey Whiskey Cocktail. 15 Easy and Low Calorie Healthy Fruit Desserts.

Have a wonderful day, and I’ll see you next time!

Steak Fajita Salad with Chipotle Ranch Dressing

Steak Fajita Salad with Chipotle Ranch Dressing.

This Fajita Salad looks excellent! It doesn’t have to be summer to cook up a flank steak and get the fajita party started. My love for fajitas comes from my stay in the Lone Star State (where you ‘go big or go home’ when it comes to fajitas). Luckily, my Tucson friends are not that competitive about it, lol. I’m thinking this salad would be fab for the Super Bowl. You can serve it up as a salad and have few hearty tortillas on the side (giving guests an option). If you’re not a fan of beef, possibly think of substituting chicken, tofu, tempeh, fish, or even legumes. Or, serve it over chips for a twist on traditional nachos. Get creative as you like and improv the ingredients if necessary. Enjoy!

Christmas Memories & 10 Vegetarian Christmas Recipes

10 Vegetarian Christmas Recipes | Gluten-Free Goddess Recipes.

Christmas is almost here! As I said in the last ‘My Way‘ post, I have been a bit slow getting into the groove this year. It’s OK, though, as I think it’s given me time to really reflect on the true nature of the holiday (instead of just getting busied and swept away with presents, decorating, etc.). It isn’t ‘Tree and Presents Day’ or ‘Commercialism and Materialism Day’ after all, haha. It’s Christmas Day, and that (for me) involves a Spirit of giving and love that hopefully lingers long after the mistletoe has been taken down and the last gift is opened.

I have also been taking time to think about Christmas Past (no ghosts involved, fortunately 😉  ), and the memories that mean the most to me. I don’t recall tons of early childhood memories, but I do remember things like a neighbor buying me all sorts of (not cheap!!!) toys on my “wish list” one year. She was a single mother with two children of her own, so looking back…I find that exceptional. What a blessing! I loved the snow in New York — putting on hefty snow suits with mittens tied to a string (so you wouldn’t lose them), making snow people & snow angels (with your body, lying down in the snow), toboggan races…and as I got older, cross-country skiing. I also recall that at some point, my mother strictly informed me there was no real such person as this ‘Santa Claus’ character I had heard so much about. So, I went around telling all of my friends that “it’s just your parents buying you these toys,” to the dismay of several fable-wielding adults, lol. Ah, I was awful! There are some wonderful church services (experienced later in my life) that come to mind, as well — with captivating dramas and modern music, or more traditional candlelight and orchestras.

Many of my fondest Christmas memories involve food (as do many of my memories in general, lol). My mom loves to have ham for Christmas, but my dearest carni attachment is to duck. I cannot remember us ever having turkey (or goose). Also, lobster and shrimp seems to be a popular choice for both of us. And, it may be one of the few times of the year that I prepare a steak. In New York, my relative’s co-worker (originally from Poland) used to always make nut and apricot poviticas. So, every year, they would share the spoils with us. I think of it every Christmas, but I’ve yet to attempt making my own. Maybe this year will be the year, or maybe I’ll wait until New Year’s. I’ve already had so many fried treats for Hanukkah. My body needs a rest, I think, haha. I have managed to pass on one party already (filled with yummy lard-laden tamales, cupcakes, and sugar galore). I’m not sure when I first had panettone, but it’s also one of my favorites this time of year. I have always purchased them in the store…never thinking to make my own, until I saw this recipe: Panettone. So, that might be on my list soon. I do not have a proper pan, though, so I’ll have to go about it another way.

I shared many recipe links for Thanksgiving, and I think you could easily use most of them for Christmas. Please check them out when you get a moment (if you haven’t already), if you are so inclined. I wanted to share this additional link with the 10 veggie dishes, as I think that’s the route I’m going be taking this year. I was totally tempted by the roasted potatoes dish, for sure! I will probably wait until the last moment to decide on anything else. These recipes come from a gluten-free site, so it’s also great for those with wheat allergies.

Hope you enjoy these, and I will post any other goodies as I find them!

My Way, No. 5

*If you’re new to my blog, you may want to read this for info on what ‘My Way’ posts are all about. 🙂 *

— Well, we’re into the 60’s here in Tucson, with some mid-70’s temps. I think I can justify wearing a lighter cape right now. Get the scoop on capes here: 21 Cute + Warm Ways to Wear a Cape.

— I caught up with Mrs. Green (not her real name, of course 😉 ) from Mrs. Green’s World at the Viva La Local Festival I recently posted about. I first learned of her organization from a local magazine, and then met her in person when she agreed to speak at one of my employer’s annual conferences. Her website is full of helpful hints and tips, and I thought I would share this blog post on having a greener and more sustainable Holiday season: Green Holidays are Easier Than You Think.

DIY Teeth Whitener. Interesting info on how an orthodontist noticed teeth whitening as a side effect of oral wound care in the 60’s.

— Cooool…Kosherfest.

— And, awesome new Jewish museum in Poland. “It is the place that commemorates everything that is gone and will never return. And it reveals hope for a different future,” says Israeli President Reuven Rivlin.

Today’s Recipe Stars: Lobster Omelette OMGoodness, lobster and eggs were made for each other. Homemade No-Corn Syrup Marshmallows I love, love, love marshmallows, and even more so around the Holidays. Red Lentil Kofte, Zucchini with Butternut-Rosemary Coconut Creme Sauce. Today’s Featured Libation: The Queen’s Cocktail Check the blog recipe index for a pic of this delightful drink. Today’s Featured Base Recipe (basically, one to keep handy): Thai Green Curry Paste. Today’s Featured Cooking Technique:  Sorry, couldn’t make the link work on my computer, but go to How to Tourne a Potato by Gill Boyd (

— After being on a breakfast burrito kick and then making tamales, I started making breakfast tacos. I thought I might as well make a batch of corn tortillas after making tamales. So, most of them have been used for breakfast tacos and a few for fish tacos. I love fried fish tacos from several places in town, but I didn’t fry mine. I actually took the time to make the eggs for a couple breakfast tacos my fave way. I love to cook them over a double boiler with olive oil (or butter, if I’m feeling luxurious). I love the texture of the eggs when prepared this way, but many times I am too hurried & quickly cook them in a fry/sauté pan. I have also been making my fave oatmeal with extra-virgin olive oil. It may sound strange, but I really enjoy it. I think maybe my mom got me started with that. And, after having that scrumptious turkey sandwich at the Viva La Local Festival, I started craving waffles. I just kept thinking about the sandwich, but as I didn’t have all of the ingredients…I had to settle for these Sweet Blue Corn Flax HHW (hand-held waffles).
I love sweet corn muffins, so I sometimes compromise and make a waffle instead. If you throw a few hot dog slices in, you can have yourself a corny dog HHW. I made these with blue cornmeal, whole&heirloom wheat flour, and flax. I put the flax in so I could feel like I was eating something healthier (instead of the cake that it really is 😉 ). I usually make extra to freeze and pop them out when I want a quick snack. My mom refuses to eat sweet corn muffins. I don’t know how I could have been born to her, as she doesn’t really care for things super sweet as I do, haha.

— I’ve also still been making salads and was reminded of the worst dining out experience I’ve had in years and years (just the food, the service was nice). I took my mom’s friend to a salad bar chain restaurant (at her request) a few months ago, and it was absolutely awful. I wasn’t expecting much and figured as it was salad and a buffet, how bad could it be? I think tried at least 20 items (salads, other buffet items, desserts) hoping that something would eventually taste somewhat decent. I found maybe 3 or so items out of all I tried to be OK in taste, texture, etc. The ice cream wasn’t even good. They said that most of the food was made on the premises and fresh, but I have had many fast food and chain restaurant meals that were previously frozen, microwaved, canned, etc., that have been better (and some that were quite good, in fact). I’m not trying to compare it to some fancy, fine dining place, either. I was just really shocked that I enjoyed almost nothing. We do have a chain salad bar in town I really like, though. It’s actually a sandwich chain, but the salad bar is fab and great in a pinch if you are nearby (and the sandwiches are pretty yummy, too).

— Keep that local love for your community going! 6 Ways to ‘Go Local’ for Thanksgiving. For those of you not in the states celebrating Turkey Day, you can still apply most of these tips to other Holidays.

— I guess as I’m fasting from cheese, I am now obsessed with cheese-related items. Love this DIY Chalkboard Cheese Serving Tray idea and these DIY Wine & Champagne Cork Cheese Spreaders are so cute! They would be great for the upcoming Holidays or any day, really. Beyond cheese, also check out these creative and thrifty ways to Decorate Your Holiday Table with Items Found in Nature.

‘Til next time!

My Way, No. 3

*If you’re new to my blog, you may want to read this for info on what ‘My Way’ posts are all about. 🙂 *

— This DIY Fork Photo Display is so cute. I think it would be a great idea for dinner party, etc., place card holders. And, if you’re having a gathering, I absolutely adore this easy DIY Marble Cheese or Cake Stand.

— So, I said in a recent post that our jacket and scarf weather is very brief here in Tucson. But, I saw this post about 11 Ways to Wear Statement Collar Coats and had to share it. I don’t know if I could pull a few of these styles off, but they are fun to look at. I love looking at different styles regardless of whether or not they are ‘me.’ If I had one person I wish I could emulate fashion-wise, it would be Jackie O. She had such a simple, elegant style. I think of her style as I prepare for different occasions, but I still try to be ‘me’ (read my post on how to not be a total copycat, lol 😉 ).

— You know I have to post a few recipes that are tempting, so here goes: Homemade Vegan Tamales, Old Fashioned Panna Cotta with Bourbon, Bitters, and Tangerines, Loin of Venison in Sloe Gin and Blackberry Glaze. I love venison! The first time I had it, it was prepared by my friend’s mom. She wouldn’t tell us what it was until we finished eating it, haha. Having lived in Texas for a bit, I became obsessed with tamales. We have a fab tamale co. here in Tucson. Tucson Tamale Co. has several locations with many vegan and vegetarian options. If you are not in Tucson, you can order them online: Tucson Tamale Company. Here’s a few pics from one of my visits (tamale is blue corn with calabacitas):

image image image image


— Last ‘My Way‘ post I was stuck on fries, and now I’m on breakfast burritos. That love also comes from my stay in Texas. If there was one meal everyone could agree on, it was breakfast burritos. When our friends were together, they were usually made pretty simply with scrambled eggs, potatoes, cheese, and chorizo. I only buy chorizo every once in a blue moon, and I’m fasting from cheese right now…so, I am making them with just homemade tortillas, eggs, veggies, & my lacto-ferm salsa. I especially love the combo of mushrooms and asparagus. I didn’t take any pics because I was so hungry when I made them. Usually my meal pics are not as cute then, as I’ve said in previous posts, haha!

— Yes, I’ve been craving burritos, but I feel a salad wave coming on…a big, big, BIG salad…and I need this bowl to put it in: Siberian Elm Bowl. You could swim in this bowl!

— OK, as I am not the best at craft projects, I thought I would throw this idea out there for some of you who are. There is probably someone out there doing this already, but I haven’t researched it. A few years ago, I picked up a couple of ‘Healthy Salad Dressing’ bottles at a yard sale. They are pretty cool and easy to use. The bottles are labeled with exact ingredient amounts, and you just fill the bottles accordingly. Here’s what they look like:


They give instructions to “add miscellaneous ingredients first, then add liquids to the indicated levels.” My thinking is that you could easily make one of these with perhaps a canning or decorative jar, paint pen (or sticky letters or something similar), and your own recipe(s). Perhaps a clear coat would be wise if you need to protect your writing. I think this would be a great gift idea, even better if you had a batch of dressing already made in the jar.

That’s it for now. See you next time!

Recipe Fusion & Thanksgiving Trial Runs

I saw this recipe for Lentil and Sweet Potato Curry, so I decided to try it out. Then, I saw this scrumptious looking Lentil and Lamb Moussaka. But, I didn’t have any lamb :(. It seems to me that lamb dishes are very common in the UK (where these recipes are from), as beef is in the US. Perhaps not. It may just be the particular recipes I’ve come across. Anyway, this is what happens when recipes collide. I used the curry base with the moussaka top. It’s sort of like shepherd’s pie. I didn’t make it too sauce-y, as I was going to eat it without the addition of rice or bread. I really enjoyed it! The top is made from just Greek-style yogurt and egg. I used my homemade non-fat yogurt and added a little nutmeg. It was the first time I’ve used yogurt instead of a cheese (like ricotta). I am sold! Awesome! For the curry, I added a little apple, garlic, and my own curry spice blend with a touch of cinnamon. The recipe calls for chickpeas, but I roasted all of what I had for snacking (see this post). I had white beans in the freezer, though, so they had to pinch-hit. Sorry, the pics were pretty dark, but here you go:


What to do with lentil leftovers? I decided on a taco. I know this prep doesn’t look that great! But, it was satisfying. I didn’t have any tortillas left, though, so I had to make one. I was starving by the time I made this and almost didn’t take a pic. The tortilla was a soft, foldy one. I just left it open for you to see. Just lentils, potatoes, red cabbage, salsa verde, cilantro, and homemade pickled onions. I just love fresh tortillas! This one was made with whole & heirloom wheat.

I am continuing to seek and test ideas for Thanksgiving. I really think I am going to prepare lighter fare this year. It will save me a lot of prep time (and extra workout hours). Here’s one simple dish I think is a go: Grilled Yukon, Beet, and Sweet Potato Skewers.


I found another use for ginger beer syrup: glaze for the sweet potatoes. I used a thyme, rosemary, and oregano oil for the yukon, and orange juice, zest, olive oil, and mint for the beets (similar to this post). Easy peasy. I basted them half way through and again after they were done. I love the bite of orange zest with beets. So good!

One more idea for Thanksgiving: Coconut Cream-Yogurt Sweet Potato Mousse w/ Ginger Beer Syrup. I don’t think I am going to get away with this, but I still wanted to test it out. I will probably get evil glares if I don’t serve our traditional sweet potato pie, lol. Maybe if I make individual mini-pies, it would help with portion control. Anyway, this was a simple whip of raw coconut cream with homemade yogurt and sweet potatoes, chilled, then topped with ginger beer syrup (another use!), praline, and candied orange zest. If you couldn’t tell, I  adore citrus zest. Maybe I will make this for myself and pie for others…we’ll see.


I’ll keep you posted on any other ideas I decide to try out for the Holiday.