Simple Style: Wall Art

So, I am not the best at creating works of art. But, I can at least glue things together, spray paint, use a staple gun, etc. If you’re in the same boat & like to DIY, here are a few cute wall hangings I found:

Texas License Plate Wall Art |
I just fell in love with this! Even though I am a New Yorker, I think Texas has one of the best state “shapes.” Maybe it’s just because it’s big. Feel free to represent your state proudly! Cute, simple, affordable art.

6 Ways to Create Contemporary Wall Art |
This post has several ideas, but what could be easier than painting and gluing together a few pieces of wood? Fab-u-lous!

Ironstone Tarnished Spoons Displays |
Be still my heart! Love, love, love this! Great way to show off your vintage or antique pieces. If you haven’t started a collection yet (and would like to), check out yard & estate sales or thrift shops. As we have nearly year-round warm weather, you can always find terrific yard sales in Tucson.

Simple, Thrifty DIY Art |
I made something similar to these for my mom. I recycled a few squares of sheathing foam. Super quick and easy. Just pick out a few coordinating fabrics, cover, and hot glue.

Wood Blocks |
Another wood piece that is inexpensive, but eye-catching. And, you can make it as large or as small as you want.

Hope you get a few ideas from these selections, and I will keep my eye out for any more easy DIY projects.

Have a great day!

Pics from The Grey House Antiques, Tucson, AZ & DIY Coasters

The Grey House Antiques here in Tucson, Arizona is one of my fave little shops — packed to the brim with all sorts of treasures…taking you on a mystical journey and allowing you to peer into the (quite often) glorious past. If you venture into some of the back rooms, you may find more recent vintage pieces.



I adore the hat with the fur and the white boots!


Quite a collection of Scrabble letters the shop has. Besides the pic’d idea, what else could you do with them? I saw a children’s movie wherein there was supposed to be a joke surrounding Scrabble letters (which I did not find amusing in the slightest), so that’s what made me think of it. So, I’m interrupting this broadcast to bring you an idea that I do find amusing and cute:

DIY Holiday Gifts DIY SCRABBLE COASTERS – Green Holiday Gift Guide.

 And, just a few more pics! Stop by and take a peek if you are in Tucson.

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GENIUS Pant Hanger = Art Hanger

GENIUS Pant Hanger = Art Hanger » Curbly | DIY Design Community.

I love art, but I am sort of craft-challenged…so, when I came across this DIY art project, I was so excited! I have several of this type of hanger from yard sales. They actually came with the clothes I had purchased, and I would have never thought of using them in this fashion. I found a great pic of my mom from the 70’s (looking very hip and mod, I must say), so I am going to blow it up in B&W for this project.

I still have a few other projects I want to work on, so I will post more as ideas inspire me. Re & up cycling is a great way to decorate on the cheap! I also love using vintage pieces to create new and unique things.

Another simple project I came across is to blow up old postcards and use them as pictures. I have a fab one we found from 1908!