Recipes: Purim

IMG_0896It’s that time of year again! I thought I would post a few recipes as I often do around a Holiday or celebratory occasion. As far as they go, I think Purim ranks in my top 5. It’s simply because the story of Esther is one of my favorites. It’s a story I think of often throughout the year, not just during the Holiday itself. To me, it’s the ultimate tale of triumph through wisdom, humility, mercy, and grace.
In addition to the Hamantaschen, I found this link I hope you’ll enjoy: Healthy Purim Dishes.
Have a great day, and I’ll be back soon!

Recipes: Valentine’s Day Desserts

Gourmet Chocolate Dipped Strawberries |

I’m back with sweet treats for Valentine’s Day! I turned my attention to chocolate-covered strawberries as I do every year about this time. This comes from fond memories of a chocolate shop in Austin, TX that sells giganormous CCS for Valentine’s. They sell a lot around Mother’s Day, as well. You can purchase a dozen in an egg carton, if you like. I really like the idea of putting them in a mug or vase, too, as is pictured on this site:

Chocolate Covered Strawberries | Pinterest | Zena.

This is a very popular idea, and all you need is floral foam (to put your skewers in) and a little greenery (looks like they used kale in this pic). You can be as simple or as fancy as you like. This particular site also has several other ideas pictured, so make sure to take a look. If you use good quality dark chocolate, this can be a relatively healthier type of treat (unless you eat several dozen, which I always want to do, lol. I try to remember portion control!). I don’t care for microwaving too much, but melting chocolate in it is super quick in a pinch. If you don’t feel like pulling out your double boiler, micro is the way to go. It also eliminates water possibly getting into your chocolate and making it seize up. Either way, I think chocolate-covered strawberries are one of the easiest and most elegant things you can make for your Valentine.

Here are a few other desserts to tempt you:

White Chocolate Semifreddo with Pistachios and Raspberries

Strawberries and Champagne (must see — may not be what you think! très chic.)

Gemma’s Red Velvet Cake Cheesecake (video)

Slice and Bake Valentine’s Biscuits (Cookies)

Blood Orange Sorbet

How to Make Heart Cupcakes

Waffle Cone Fortune Cookies

Whole Wheat Chocolate Wine Cake with Caramelized Figs

Valentine’s Recipes with CHOCOLATE!

Mini Victoria Sandwiches

Chocolate Cream Pie

Strawberry-Almond Cream Tart

Hippie Chocolate Bourbon Balls

Raspberry Coconut Scones

Heart-Shaped Raspberry S’More Macarons

Instant Strawberry Gateau

Raspberry, Dark Chocolate, Oat, & Coconut Muffins

Double Chocolate Layer Cake

Red Velvet Crepes

The food blogs on my blogroll also have many recipes that would be fab for the occasion. I only have time to post so many, so please check out their sites! A couple of them are primarily dessert focused.

Happy Valentine’s Day, & I’ll see you next week!

Edible Holiday Gifts

Snowy owl Christmas tree biscuits | BBC Good Food.

Biscuits means ‘cookies’ (or crackers) if you’re in America, haha. It took me the longest time to figure that out. A 2-for-1 edible ornament. Adorable! *Sidenote: In case you saw my ‘Test Post,’ I figured out the problem. This post was too long, as I suspected. I removed a few unneeded spaces.*

I’ve been thinking about edible Holiday gifts for a bit, so I thought I would share a few I’ve come across. As I mentioned in my post about that decadent Cheesecake Martini, food can be a fab gift option for a variety of reasons. I know there are a ton of ideas out there, but I tend to try to find recipes that are fairly simple or have few ingredients. Elaborate cakes and cookies are not really my gifting (literally), but I can handle quick breads, log/freezer cookies, and fudge pretty well. I have a collection of ‘soup cans’ that I will be using to bake a few yeast breads and/or quick breads in. My food processor is a blessing these days and really speeds up mixing and kneading time. I rarely knead anything by hand unless it’s a very small quantity. I would like to finally get over my aversion to fruitcake, so perhaps I will scout a decent recipe soon. My memories are still so scarred and haunted with neon-colored glacéed fruit-filled “cake” resembling a brick (in taste and texture, lol).

If I had time, I would list even more ideas. I am running a little late with my Christmas preparations, though. So, I need to get a move on! As always, please check out some of the wonderful recipes from food blogs on my blogroll for more inspiration. I also have a category for ‘Recipes, Food, and Drink’ on my blog menu, so you might glance at that or my ‘My Way’ posts, as well. I think most of these recipes could translate to just about any holiday or celebratory occasion.

Homemade Extracts
Homemade Chili Oil
Coconut Bauble Truffles
Chocolate-Peanut Butter Quinoa Crispies Treats
87 Calorie Brownies
Just Beet It 5-Ingredient Red Velvet Fudge
Homemade Chocolate
Soft Pretzels
Gluten-Free Cranberry Orange Muffins with Rosemary
Cake Batter Popcorn
Raw Chocolate Pomegranate Bark
Pumpkin Cheesecake Snickerdoodles
Spicy Blue Cheese Shortbread Cookies
Gemma’s Homemade Chocolate Fudge (watch the vid: I have made fudge before, but I have never thought to cut it into anything but squares. Cute!
Whole Wheat Pumpkin Chocolate Chunk Bread
Eggnog Truffles
Vegan Seeded Banana Bread w/ Dried Figs and Turkish Apricots
Salted Caramel Bars
Homemade Orange Liqueur
Mini Cream Scones (a jar of homemade jam and/or cream would be a nice addition!
10 Mason Jar Gift Ideas (several edible gifts, plus a few extras)

I hope you are having a marvelous Holiday season, and I wish you and yours the best!


My Way, No. 6

*If you’re new to my blog, you may want to read this for info on what ‘My Way’ posts are all about. 🙂 *

— After posting so much about the waffle sandwich I had at the Viva La Local Festival, I thought I would link you to a resource for mesquite flour. I figured it may not be available in many places outside of the Southwest. You can purchase it at Native Seeds/SEARCH’s online store (see my pics from our local Tucson store here). It’s organic and Kosher, and a great alternative if you cannot have wheat.

— I know it’s winter time, but I had to share these totally adorable DIY Fall Boot Cuffs. One of the easiest projects I’ve seen, and you could certainly carry them into these winter months.

— Hanukkah, Chanukah, however you spell it…will soon be upon us. This blog post had different intentions, but I think this twig star is a perfect DIY project for the occasion (I also see by a couple of the comments that others agree). And, check out this website for modern decorations and edibles (the modern bite cookies are stunners!)

— Read about Brazil’s biggest mass wedding. Awesome! It was held in Rio de Janeiro and involved nearly 2,000 couples!

— I had a little disappointment this Thanksgiving…for the past few years, my mom and I have been working with the Jewish Federation and the Salvation Army to carve turkeys for Thanksgiving and Christmas meals served to the public. This year, we didn’t get a call and found out too late that the SA had a new director take over the program. I look forward to seeing the same folks each Holiday, so I was kind of bummed. Some of them have been carving the turkeys for 15 – 20 years, so I can imagine they were also disappointed. Hopefully, we’ll get to participate in some way for the Christmas meal.

— I did make the berry and pom Antioxidant Detox Smoothie I posted after Turkey Day, and it was delish! I used my homemade yogurt and whey along with some fermented beets. As I said, it made me a little chilly, so I had a cup of hot tea afterwards: turmeric, ginger, cayenne, cinnamon, and lemon. Really a warm and soothing blend.

— I also sipped on hot tea all day yesterday, as it was rainy and cold (like mid-50’s, low 60’s, which is cold for Tucson). I had a ‘bread bowl’ from Beyond Bread (a local bread and pastry shop), so I decided a hot bowl of soup was in order. I didn’t know if I would use the bowl for a dip or soup when I purchased it, but the weather made my decision for me. They only have sourdough white bread bowls (I usually buy whole grain breads), but I really wanted it at the time. I figured it would be a treat meal. I started to make a cream of asparagus soup, but eventually made a curried chunky tomato. It’s such a comfort food for me:
The bread was SO good! I had to force myself to not eat the entire bowl in one sitting. I usually try to buy whole grains (as they are healthier), but I still love refined bread and flours…and white rice, OMGoodness…I really have to restrain myself if I start eating white rice, lol. I’ll try to post a few pics from Beyond Bread soon.

— Just saw these DIY Mint Julep Favors on the Curbly site. Too cute! More DIY here: 101 Homemade Holiday Gifts. All sorts of fun ideas from food to beauty to fashion and more.

— Yummy-Looking Food & Bev: Ficelle Picarde, Kimchi Ssambap, Butternut and Sweet Potato Lasagne with Sage Toasted Pine Nuts and Nutmeg, Berry Entremets (Beautiful! If you don’t speak Russian, you’ll have to translate), Homemade Gingerbread Syrup, Vegan Whole Wheat Maple-Oatmeal Bread.

See you next time!

Recipes: Thanksgiving

Guest Post: Apple Walnut Tart with Maple Custard from Baking A Moment | Hip Foodie Mom.

Well, it’s getting to be about that time. For those of you reading in the States, it’s countdown time to Turkey Day. I know those of you outside the States are probably wondering what all this fuss is about, lol. I see many of the blogs I read in the UK and other places are already on to Hanukkah and Christmas. I posted this gorgeous Apple-Walnut Tart on my previous blog, but missed re-posting it here. I thought it to be perfect for Thanksgiving, though, so here it is again. It does not contain wheat, if you have allergy issues.

As I have been thinking about rounding up recipes to post this past week, I was struck by something: I don’t really remember many of the family Thanksgivings I had growing up. I vaguely recall one or two. I think most of my memories are from the last few years. Perhaps sometimes you think you remember things based on what others tell you. And, maybe talking about traditional foods evokes certain memories that cannot necessarily be pinpointed to a certain occasion. There was a tradition of pasta at one point, but I cannot recall how it started. I think maybe I started it, as I’m the only one in the family so desperately attached to it. Then, a few years ago, I decided to go all out with the normal turkey and trimmings. Each subsequent year it was less and less of a production. I love to cook, but I was exhausting myself. I was so worn out from my job the last couple of years, that I actually supplemented the meal with restaurant food! So, this year, I am not giving myself all of that stress.

I had several years I spent with my “adopted family” versus my own. As our family food heritages were the same, much of the same types of dishes were prepared: sweet potato pie, cornbread dressing, collard and turnip greens, baked mac & cheese. My mom always made apple pie, too, in addition to the sweet potato. The times I spent with my friends’ families or my step family, the dishes were much different: pumpkin pie, white bread stuffing, green bean casserole.

I’ve tried to gather a few recipes to add to the more traditional ones you may already have. I wasn’t really seeking out the healthiest types of dishes (although some are on the healthy side). Most of the recipes are not that involved, as you probably have enough going on that day to add too much more to it, haha. I tried to list a recipe from each of the food blogs on my blogroll this time, but please do check their entire blog for more fab inspiration.


I think apps and desserts are my favorite part of any type of gathering. When I prepared a big family meal for the day, I found I had to make sure to have enough snacks out pre-turkey. Otherwise, people try to sneak some of the dressing, etc. while everything is still being prepared, haha.

Crock Pot Bourbon Glazed Kielbasa Bites
Goat Cheese and Cheddar Carrots Not a recipe, but take a look at the pic to see how to make it. SO adorable!
Thai Lime and Chili Cashews If you can’t have nuts, you might try the seasoning on roasted pumpkin or squash seeds. I made roasted seeds from the delicata squash I recently had with my own seasoning blend. I was going to use them for a salad, but they tasted so good warm…they were consumed quickly, lol!
Also, here are links to previous posts for:
Crab and Goat Cheese Guacamole
Homemade Cheese
Homemade Crackers
And, DIY serving tray/plate ideas for your cheese/fruit/nuts/olives, etc. from previous ‘My Way’ posts here and here.

The Bird

I always use a brine for my turkeys (cornish hens, etc.), but here’s something I’ve never tried:

Roasted Tea-Brined Turkey Breast


Cornbread Dressing with Apples and Chorizo

Rolls & Savory Biscotti

Soft 100% Whole Wheat Dinner Rolls You can use this as a base recipe for many shapes of rolls. I really like fan-tans.
Parmesan-Rosemary Biscotti

Veggies & Sides & Salads

Chilled Sweet and Sour Cucumber Noodles
Green Beans with Tomatoes and Feta
Roasted Butternut Squash with Black Garlic and Miso
Tennessee Honey Corn Pudding Whiskey is the secret ingredient!
Sticky Roast Chatenay Carrot Medley with Pomegranate Molasses
Rosemary Sweet Potato Stackers
One-Pan Spicy Rice
Roasted New Potatoes with Lemon and Thyme
Horseradish Mashed Potatoes Horseradish makes everything better. I could almost eat it by itself, I love it so much!
Previous links for:
Maple-Shallot Brussels Salad
And, if you make traditional sweet potatoes with marshmallows, don’t forget about the Homemade No-Corn Syrup Marshmallows recipe I recently posted.

Cranberry Sauce

Here’s a 2 for 1: Grab-n-Go Sweet Potato Cranberry Quinoa Power Bowl. Use the spicy cranberry sauce recipe for your Holiday meal, and then keep the cranberry love going with this energizing power bowl.

You can also use it for a leftover turkey waffle sandwich like the one I had at our Viva La Local Festival. I just can’t get away from thinking about that sandwich!


As I said, sweet potato and apple pie have been the standing traditions in my family. I brought in the new tradition of mini or individual desserts. I have always loved any type of mini/petite dessert display. I love being able to sample a little bit of all kinds of tastes. It’s the same reason I’m fond of buffet-type meals.

Buttered Pecan Pots de Creme
Individual Pumpkin Ginger Cheesecakes
Melt-in-Your-Mouth Butter Cookies
I cannot seem to link to videos properly, but check out Gemma’s 3 Bigger Bolder Holiday Pies and if you have any desserts that are crying out to be a la mode, make sure to view Gemma’s popular No Ice Cream Machine Required, 2-Ingredient Ice Cream Base video I first started watching Gemma’s vids after seeing a gorgeous ‘Naked Wedding Cake’ she made. The cake is ‘naked,’ as it has no icing (just powdered sugar), just FYI. I posted it on my previous blog, but I also missed re-posting it here. I am not great at cake decorating, so it’s right up my alley! She has new vids on Thursdays (and sometimes even more days of the week), and they are always so fun.


Homemade Cranberry Liqueur Very versatile! You can use this for a host of things.
Funfetti Coffee Creamer After you’ve had your bubbly, here’s a fun funfetti way to perk up for football games and such.
Previous links for:
Rhubarb Shrub Sparkler
Sage and Peppercorn Old Fashioned
The Queen’s Cocktail

I hope you enjoy these recipes. If you don’t have the exact ingredients available (or cannot have some ingredients, for whatever reason), don’t let that stop you from creating your own version. You can use the recipe as a starting point to springboard your new ideas off of. You may be surprised at what you can come up with!

My New Favorite Snack: Roasted Chickpeas!

Roasted za’atar chickpeas are my new favorite snack! Even my mom likes them, and she usually goes through phases of what she wants to eat or have me prepare for her (like only popcorn, only broccoli, only bacon, eggs, and cheese, only buttermilk and cornbread, etc., haha). I found this recipe and have tinkered with it a bit. *As a side note…Also check out this recipe for colorful confetti latkes with harissa sour cream from the same site.*

So, my tinkerings: I usually turn down the oven heat pretty low and let these roast until they are fairly brown and crunchy, stirring them every now and then (no moisture left, so they are sort of like soy nuts). I have used dried and canned chickpeas, but I prefer dried — you can better control the salt content. I also Misto these instead of using the full amount of oil (to save a few cals). I have tried adding several seasonings to the za’atar, but so far my fave combo is: garlic powder, crushed red pepper flakes, salt, and just a little bit some sort of sweetener (like raw sugar, honey, or agave). Another combo I enjoy when I am craving something sweeter (without the za’atar) is cinnamon, cayenne, cumin, salt, and agave (or raw sugar, honey, maple, etc.).

My other pic in this post is from a pasta dish I made awhile back. I thought I would try out quinoa pasta. This one was a curly veggie version, and it was pretty good! You wouldn’t know the difference from wheat-based, in my opinion. I just added a quick tomato sauce with my butternut squash base, greens, “fried” sliced turnips, chickpeas, and green olives. I would have loved a bit of tuna in this dish, but I didn’t have any at the time. I did have some roasted chickpeas that day, so I processed some to make a breadcrumb-like topping. They are now my new breadcrumb substitute! I have also seen them replace traditional salad croutons.

Please try out the roasted chickpeas recipe if you are so inclined! The flavor combinations are endless and even a small portion is quite a filling and satisfying snack.

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