My Way, No. 27

*If you’re new to my blog, you may want to read this for info on what ‘My Way’ posts are all about. 🙂 *

— Hope you’ve had a lovely day! Several Adventures in Food to share with you. Last week, I had a day I wasn’t feeling so hot. All I could manage to eat was a thin slice of a toasted bagel. I was looking over the Healthy Snacks Under 200 Calories post and thought the mango-lime sorbet sounded like something I could handle. I added a wee bit o’ rum (to keep it from freezing too hard), some red chile, and key lime zest. I tried to make it look tropical to cheer myself up. That’s also the reason you may see plates/dishes beyond my plain white on this blog — oftentimes, different serving wares give me a boost in mood. Perhaps this is why I have a hard time not buying every other set of dishes, glasses, silverware, etc., that I see, haha. I do love just the ordinary white plates, though, too — très simple.

What are your go-to meals when you have a ton of veggies (besides just eating them raw and unadorned)? I think pasta or salads come to mind first for me, also stir-fries, soups, stews, sandwiches/toast, and curries. A few weeks ago, I had potatoes that needed to be used, so I made these Mustard Seed-Potato Curry Lettuce Tacos: potatoes, black beans, tomatoes, garlic, quartered shallots, fresh coconut milk, apple, raisins, cilantro, lemon, yellow mustard seeds, and a blend of curry spices. Homemade Greek-style yogurt to top them off. They were very satisfying.
2 more dishes with potatoes: Grilled Summer Salad w/ Queso Fresco & Potato Croutons. My initial craving when composing this salad was raw squash, potatoes and grilled corn. I added to it a bit with spring mix, grilled asparagus & peppers, and roasted tomatoes. I used the queso recipe from this post, but with skim milk. I made a quick cilantro dressing and squeezed the charred limes over the top. Really delicious. I decided to add about a 1/4 cup more corn after I snapped the pic.
Gazing at the Healthy Snacks post, I also decided to make the Frozen Yogurt Blueberry Bites (simple and tasty!) and Skinny Pizza Potato Skins:
The pizza skins in the post were pepperoni, but I usually prefer veggie pizza. I made these on the spur of the moment, so I had to whip up my short-cut pizza sauce. I took the pic pre-oven as I was starved & knew a post-oven pic would delay my eating (toaster or convection ovens are a great option here). Toppings were sautéed squash & kale, caramelized onion, marinated artichoke, and the queso. Instead of cutting the potato in half, I just cut small rounds. I think I’ll go with the halves (as indicated in the recipe) next time. The small rounds were difficult to get enough of the toppings on. But, I think they would be fab party apps. These really hit the spot, and I will be making them again for sure.

I’m finding so many ways to use the homemade yogurt! I slathered a bit on a piece of fish for a pistachio crust:
I enjoyed this particular meal so much, I made it 2 days in a row. I had a flashback to culinary school (way back in the day) the first preparation. During one class, the chef instructor decided that I should be the ‘chosen one’ to filet a sturgeon. I just recall that it was HUGE — almost as big as I am, haha! Plums (raw) are a fruit that I have to be in the mood to have. Grilled, though, I could eat them every day. I served the fish with a berry-shallot relish, and a baby chard, spin, kale salad w/ berries, sunflower seeds, and a berry vin. For the most part, when I mention I made a vin on this blog, it doesn’t have as much oil as many recipes call for. I usually find some other flavor-packed liquid to sub & punch it up with other herbs, spices, etc. Oil, of course, has a certain mouth-feel and balancing quality, so I try to find things comparable. Also pic’d is a petite rosemary baguette (used this technique w/ my food processor) and rosemary tea. Just hot water & fresh rosemary. One of my fave comforting teas. Yes, it’s hot outside! But, there’s A/C inside, and I always prefer hot tea to cold when I can have it.

Last item for today: I finally had a bit of chicken, so I was able to make the grilled chicken with the Turkish spices. I used the same honey & balsamic mixture as the chickpeas. Yums! The Turkish spices were also great on home fries. I was inspired by the Grilled Chicken Caesar Skewers with Kale Pesto, as well. I used the same lemony-buttermilk Caesar dressing as in this post, and a baby chard, spin, kale, sunflower seed pesto. As with vinaigrettes, I usually lighten up my pestos by using less cheese & nuts and replacing some of the oil with stock. I might also add in some other wacky ingredients. Other skewers pic’d here are pomegranate molasses-mint, and homemade Italian dressing.

— Went to my friend’s fashion conference last week and all was grand. There was an Arabian horse show, as well as jewelry, accessories, and clothing galore. There are 3 class “break-out” sessions, so I chose to attend the Latin dance class the first session. It was SO fun, but I really should have come prepared with a workout outfit (instead of my vintage frock). There were also hula dancers for entertainment:
If someone can turn Latin dance into a fitness trend, I think the next one should be hula. It looks like it would be a blast.

This year, there was an award given for ‘Best Dressed,’ and one dress that had many of us “oohing and ahhhing” was this:
Sakura |
It’s a convertible dress by Henkaa. This style is called Sakura, but they have several other styles available. You choose your length and color, and they also have additional accessories to coordinate. I think the young lady demo-ing the dress said there were as many as 60 style possibilities. Now, that’s what I call a SQUEAL DEAL! Make sure to check out the website! *Edit: Here is a direct link to the young lady’s personal page for the Henkaa dresses. FYI, you can also host a style shoppe and earn 1/2 OFF items, as well as rewards dollars to spend on items from Henkaa. Awesome!*

I barely snapped ANY conference pics this year, but here are a couple of things I found interesting:

Rolling bag & the black fringe bag next to it
Handmade jewelry
I like these flowy prints (will Hello Kitty ever stop being so popular? I think not, lol).

67 Homemade, All-Natural Cleaning Recipes.

— And, I thought a cutting board is a cutting board is a cutting board. After seeing some of these beauties, I might have developed a new culinary product love. Why do people have to tempt you? Fabulous cutting boards and other kitchen goodies here (several items on sale & have a peek at the accompanying food blog while you’re there):
Products – Bowl & Pitcher

Upcycled Furniture / awesome ideas! | Decorating Ideas | Pinterest.

Today’s good eats: 
Impressive Date Night Desserts: Raspberry Souffle With Framboise Liqueur | 
52 Herbal Tea Recipes | Enjoy them hot or cold!
Seafood Lasagna Recipe For The Seafood Lovers | Taste the Food and Fruit.
Fermented Food for Kids: A Guide with Kid-Friendly Recipes |
 Baked Mediterranean Fish | Easy Peasy
Salted Chocolate + Caramel Ice Cream Cake | Coley Cooks.
Cherry Tomato Sauce |
Ginger Sweet Potato Juice | Natural Thrifty.
Blackberry Gin Fizz Float |

‘Til next time!

My Way, No. 22

*If you’re new to my blog, you may want to read this for info on what ‘My Way’ posts are all about. 🙂 *

— Honey gave way to maple this go round for the cherry-vanilla syrup from this previous post: 8 Fruit & Herb Honey Syrups. I still had my gift of bourbon from the December Holidays left, so I finally decided to make that float I was keen on. The syrup + club soda + bourbon + homemade vanilla froyo. Yums!

A beer fairy left a bit of brew for the masses, so I thought a beer bread was in order. I sprouted rye berries for a sourdough and used the beer in place of water. Beer made me think of pretzels, so that was the next step. Stuffed with brown mustard, they were a tasty treat! If I had thought about it, I might have made a homemade beer mustard:
I will admit I usually flake off the salt from most of them, haha. I will have one or two with the coarse salt, but then it becomes too much.

I finally made the Sesame Seed Salmon with my homemade mirin (with actual salmon this time vs. tofu). Delish! Make sure to check it out. Quick & easy.

Cheese, cheese, and more cheese! If you love the cheeses, please, please check out my post on Thrifty Ideas for Home Cheese Making & Homemade Cream Cheese. My mom is the one who requested I delve into the homemade cheese world, and I am so glad she did. When Mother’s Day rolls around, I try to find things I can do to please my mom (I know it should be all the time — I try 😉 ). So, many of those things have kept me from blogging this past couple of weeks. As I said in the cream cheese post, my mom adores fruit crepes (filled with a sweet cream cheese mixture). I have made several batches of cream cheese now, and it couldn’t be easier. I initially started with a buttermilk culture vs. purchasing a freeze-dried. The instructions for making your own cultures can be found in the links from the Thrifty post. I’ve now moved on to using meso & thermophilic cultures, as well as vegetarian rennet from the Cultures for Health site (also linked to in that post.). The Curd-Nerd site is SO informative, and I tried to study as much as possible before attempting too much. I recommend anyone just starting out do the same. There are quite a few things to learn, & you don’t want to waste your time or money. So far, I’ve used the recipes for queso fresco, haloumi, traditional ricotta, farmhouse cheddar (needs to age), and I just made this mozzarella:
Queso fresco and cream cheese (or yogurt cheese) are the easiest to make, IMO, and you can always use a buttermilk meso culture (especially if you are just starting and want to keep your costs low). I’ve made the queso and haloumi with skim milk, and they turned out fine (though not as rich). For small amounts of cheese, I started using thin, thin linen napkins (from my grandmother 🙂 ) to drain the whey from the curds. I just wash them, and they are ready to re-use. For larger batches, I started using a large piece of muslin. I will use cheesecloth to line the molds.

— I am enjoying my stainless lunch tiffin, which I must say was a SQUEAL DEAL at my food co-op, Food Conspiracy. *Sidenote: if you’re in Tucson, the co-op has unbleached cheesecloth for cheesemaking.* I hand-stitched a little insulated bag for it with material leftover from another project. I recycled the drawstring from another bag.
The fabric store I purchased the material at was my fave on my side of town, and I am bummed they have closed down. I keep running into others saying they are also upset. Perhaps the location was an issue. It would be nice if a locally-owned shop opened up. After doing this by hand, I thought, I really need to learn how to sew on a machine. It took far too much time, lol. Often fabric stores hold classes, so I may try to tackle my fear of it being an impossible task for me — just take the plunge.

— Other inexpensive projects I managed this week involved concrete. At less than $3 for a 60 lbs. bag, I feel I made out quite well. First off, I partially filled these small tin buckets:
What did I do with them, you ask? OK, don’t think I’m silly (OK, maybe I am), but I made a set of bed risers. A while back, I saw a set of 4 bed risers (upwards of $20) that were essentially a cup with a lift in them. I thought cement/concrete in my own cups would produce the same effect. I just wanted a few extra inches for under bed storage. You just mix the concrete with water, let dry, and voila! I used more leftover fabric around the frame legs so they wouldn’t shift around. This proved fabulous and provided me with the storage space I desired…with very little cost.

And, until I decide to invest in a full-on cheese press, I filled recycled containers with the concrete to weigh down my cheese molds. So far, so good, and I am sure I can come up with a few other ways to make use of the rest of the bag.

— We did decide to invest in the Cuisinart Elite 12-Cup Processor. 10-year motor warranty, with a limited 3-year warranty, 1000-Watt motor. So sorry, Cuisinart was misspelled in the last post. Sometimes, if a word is incorrect once, it will not change it afterwards (I guess it thinks it’s correct). As I previously stated, it has large and small work bowls, so you get 2 for 1. I’ve whipped up pizza dough for my mom, smooth as silk nut butter, falafel, guacamole, banana “ice cream” (using the recipe from the included cookbook with a bit of honey, vanilla, and fresh coconut milk), and shredded coconut (for chocolate-coconut bon bons for my mom). With my previous processor, I used the metal ‘S’ blade for bread doughs, but this model has a specific yeast dough blade. The metal blade works well for pastry doughs. It also includes an adjustable slicing disk.
Right now, I couldn’t be more pleased! Slow cookers and processors are 2 of my most beloved pieces of kitchen equipment. I also found you can purchase an egg white whipping disc separately. If you are in the market for a new processor, I encourage you to watch the demo video on the Cuisinart site. It would also make a great gift!

— One more thing that might sound silly…Last year, I pulled out some vinyl that didn’t work for a project I had in mind. I happened to be cleaning the fridge around the same time and suddenly thought it would be great to line the fridge shelves/drawers. The backing is kind of a thin, breathable fabric. Well, a year later, this one little thing has saved me tons of clean-up time. It may seem odd at first, but spills, etc. wipe off so easily. Or, you can pull them out and wash them.

— Would love to DIY leather (probably with pleather, though) bracelets such as these:

Newset Fashion DIY Jewelry Copper Leather Bracelet |
Hot Fashion Infinity Leather Music Bracelet |

Racer back DIY just in time for summer:
Tank to Racer Back Tutorial |

— The heat has come, so I started to search for DIY patio blinds/shades. I’ve finally made up my mind about which route to take, but I wanted to share this budget-fab project I came across: No Sew Drop Cloth Patio Curtains |

Blue is not my fave color, but I found this room so soothing and peaceful to look at:

Amazing World of Penguins. Awesome pics, must see!

— Good goodies:

Spinach and White Bean Tacos |

Found another way to use teff: 5-Ingredients Banana Pancakes with Teff Grains (Gluten Free) |

Hip Girl’s Buttermilk Cake |

Buffalo Cauliflower Bites |

Spinach-Stuffed Baked Salmon | Go Red for Women.

Baked Alaska | Great British Chefs. It has a panettone base!

For your retro party: Pineapple Cheese Ball with Pecans |

Detox Smoothie |

Rainbow Sangria | Gimme Some Oven.

Until next time! Have a great day!

Frugal Home Workout Tips & Recipes

“After the health club fiasco, I decided to search for low-cost and no-cost activities that I could incorporate into my lifestyle. I finally got it. The key to a successful workout is to work with what you have and realize there are many ways of achieving physical fitness. I did not have to join a health club or buy expensive equipment to stay healthy.” Frugal Fitness,

I have thought about a home workout post for a bit now. I am going to try to follow-up with additional posts sometime in the future. The above statement encompasses much of what I believe. Now, this might sound slightly odd coming from someone with a fitness certification, lol. I think you know what I mean, though. The point is to improve and maintain our health, not just line someone’s pockets. I personally have always loved working with trainers in a studio setting, but many are unable to afford those type of sessions (or, simply prefer alternative methods). If I have been at the gym without a coach/trainer, my next-favorite thing has been to have a training partner. I find this keeps me motivated and focused (and, of course, they can help spot you, help with weights, etc.). Home training apps can provide terrific assistance, similar to a training partner. I would love an interactive (talking) app that could keep track of my sets. Right now, my sophisticated method is to wrap elastic bands around my wrists…transferring them (one at a time) to the other wrist when my set is complete. Or, a talking app that would tell me when my rest periods are up would be fab! Maybe they are already out there, and I just have to look for them. 6 Frugal Exercise Tips |

Perhaps many of these link suggestions you are already familiar with, but (as I often say) it never hurts to give ourselves a refresher course. My personal approach to working out at home is similar to my WhirlwinDISHes: I use what I have available at the time. My training loves are weight lifting and yoga, but I’ve had occasions where neither was possible (in the traditional sense, anyway). So, I invent methods to either perform the workouts in non-traditional ways, or come up with something else altogether. A brisk walk/hike is always an invigorating alternative for me. It has to be in cooler morning temps, though. This Arizona heat can be a bit much otherwise! I find utilizing day-to-day activities and surroundings can be helpful. Like, when I worked in a multi-leveled office building, I made sure to use the stairwells. Or, I would take the bus part of the way to work, then walk the rest. Dance class is also a fun way for me to get in a bit of cardio. If you have small children, chasing them is probably all the exercise you need, lol 😀 .

One more link:

6 Tips for Frugal Home Workouts

In future posts, I would like to bring out more quirky ways we can (frugally) up our fitness games. I recently batch-cooked a few post-workout snacks, so I wanted to re-share a few recipe links. They are not necessarily for immediate snacking only. I just like to have a few items around that do not require hours of cooking. I’m sure you’re good with your protein shakes, chocolate milk, yogurt, fruit, trail mix, whatever on toast, etc., so I thought I would re-post a few other ideas (for variety). Perhaps I will do an entire recipe-focused post at some point.

7 Detox Smoothies

32 Detox Drinks (smoothies, juices, & teas)

Dessert Smoothies

Healthy Banana “Ice Cream” Made with ‘Fro-Fruitti’ This still looks like the most fun thing to me! So many different variations you could make.

Energy Bites

Fritaffles I’ve made these over and over. Super easy and versatile.

Low Cal Granola Bars
This week, I adapted these carrot cake granola bars from this recipe. Then, I went on to make whole wheat carrot cake waffles (some mini, a few cut into quarters).

Waffles are a great on-the-go snack! I just pop them out of the freezer. You can add nuts, chickpea flour, protein powders, etc., for an extra-boost. Same thing for muffins:

How to Make Healthy Muffins from Scratch

Cold Busting Coconut Gummies
I actually made these for before/during workouts. Way back in the day, I would purchase creatine gummies. I started thinking I should make my own gummies (I didn’t use creatine, though). This recipe was actually created to stave off a child’s cold (with lots of anti-inflammatory properties), but it was a great base for what I wanted. You can put all kinds of goodies in them! I made this version with fresh coconut milk, citrus juice, and pineapple. The recipe calls for the ginger and turmeric to be steeped, but I just blended all the ingredients without straining. I used a small portion of the coconut milk to bloom the gelatin & then added the blended ingredients. I also used powdered green tea, powdered & liquid vitamins/minerals, and beetroot powder (for color) this batch. They look like tinned cranberry sauce to me, haha. I used heart-shaped cutters from Valentine’s Day.

Hope you enjoy these frugal home workout tips, & I’ll try to round up some more soon.

Take care!

My Way, No. 12

*If you’re new to my blog, you may want to read this for info on what ‘My Way’ posts are all about. 🙂 *

— I was extremely busy this past week and could not find the time to blog. So, I will try to let you know some of the things I’ve been up to. But, before we get into all of that, I wanted to express my deepest appreciation to the late Martin Luther King, Jr. and his family. I, like so many others, would have never had the opportunities that have come my way without them. I believe MLK’s legacy has been felt across all of the nations. So, today, we honor that legacy. It encourages one to stand up for what one believes in. Common men and women have sometimes had as great an impact on society as royalty and world leaders (if not greater, in some instances, perhaps).

— From the Arizona Jewish Post, I thought this was a very thoughtful MLK, Jr. Day article.

— You know I love food and often write up all sorts of food-related tidbits on this blog. On this MLK, Jr. Day, I thought it would be cool to showcase a few chefs and recipes from the US and Britain (as you know, I adore British culture & food). Speaking of Britain, have you ever seen the television show Chef? I do not recall when it ran because many times we (the US) receive British programming much later than the original air dates. Perhaps it was from the 90’s…it was such a fab and funny show. I’m sure it’s in some sort of digital format, so check it out if you get the chance.

Avocado Tacos & Brown Butter Roasted Tomato Pasta by Latrice Fowler, African-American Chefs Shine in Atlanta, Black America Cooks, The Top Black Chefs Around the World, 3 Black Vegan Chefs You Should Know. From Britain: Mustard, Bacon, and Caramelised Onion Scones & Pea, Courgette, and Parmesan Rosti w/ Tangy Tomato Dressing by Ainsley Harriot, Spicy Curry Carrot Chutney by Jo Wesley and Avril Rogers, Pancetta Wrapped Scallops w/ Quince and Pear by Patrick Williams, Chai-Spiced Ginger and Date Tea Loaf by Kimberley Wilson, Pumpkin and Sunflower Seeds Savoury Biscuits by Enwezor, Lamb, Yam, and Butternut Squash Soup by Lenny Henry, Nice and Spicy Thai Chicken Salad (Larb Gai) & Vegetarian Nut Roast Pie w/ Cranberries by Lorraine Pascale, Citrus and Pomegranate Salad w/ Chili Honey Dressing & Lime and Cranberry Bread and Butter Pudding by Levi Roots.

— Also from Britain: Is the Media Industry Sufficiently Diverse?

— Have you ever been under a time crunch and forced to go to places and do things you would rather not? That’s how last week was for me. Sometimes, my whereabouts/locations can make things difficult. I managed to make the Minimalist Entryway Organizer I wrote about. Instead of bungee cords and a wood frame, I went for a solid wood plaque and elastic. I attached the elastic with a staple gun and drilled a hole in the back for hanging. Such a practical idea for your keys, glasses, etc.:

Also, I’m making a shelf, so I stained a cedar board (after power sanding) with a mixture of coffee and black tea (as I wrote about in my post on The Many Uses of Food Powders). I used soybean oil for finishing, but I’m sure you could use any fixed drying oil (like linseed, hemp, walnut, or sunflower). Super easy and inexpensive. The lighting wasn’t great, so I do not think the pic (before and after) does it justice. It’s a rich caramel color — turned out beautifully:

— I had to pick up a few items for my mom and snapped a couple of cute DIY craft pics:
These DIY’s were made by the store staff. The ‘button letter’ would be totally fun in a child’s room. Or, if you have a more eclectic decor, you could probably make it work in any setting (possibly changing up the color scheme). First initials for couples would be a neat idea.

— What have I been eating this past week? Well, I made a few more of the Detox Drinks with a repeat of the Grapefruit-Cado. I forgot to mention that anytime the recipes call for juice, I use whole fruit. It was such a busy week that I didn’t get a chance to make granola bars. Luckily, I found some organic store-bought ones that were wickedly reduced in price. SQUEAL DEAL! They saved me! I always like to carry some sort of snack bar with me when I go out (so I don’t grab at the nearest candy protein bar in a vending machine, haha). And, I had a couple for snacks in place of my (of late) usual nuts, figs, oatmeal & honey, or za’atar roasted chickpeas. I’ve found the chickpeas curb my cravings for sweets (as you know, I have a sweet tooth). I did have time to whip up a quick cream of roasted garlic and white asparagus soup (with olive oil roux & skim milk, finished with a little extra-virgin and chiles):

And, the Sicilian Roasted Potatoes I made for Christmas have made an appearance 4 or 5 times now. Perhaps I will take a pic soon. I’ve started using a mix of baby Yukons and sweet potatoes. Really quite delicious. As I had a lot of running around to do, I made a batch of egg sandwich fillers. I reheat them in the oven or on the stove, but I suppose you could use the micro (not too long, they might get rubbery). I just used leftover veggies and cooked them in oval rings to fit my homemade bagels. I start them on the stove top and then give them a hit under the broiler:

1) Spinach, Red Bell, White Asparagus, Garlic 2) Kale, Black Olive, Red Onion 3) Broccoli, Feta, Chile (just a little bit of cheese, and my body seemed to handle it OK) 4) Marinated & Grilled Artichokes, Capers, Tomatoes.
Other than that, I began to have a few heavier meals starting with a yummy hamburger (on a bagel, of course 😉 ) and a side of healthy Brussels and smashed baby Yukons bubble and squeak.

— I love to collect tea tins, so I was excited when my fave step-uncle brought me back this Burapa Bird’s Nest Beverage from his trip to Malaysia:

— I was inspired by this Pitaya Breakfast Bowl to purchase dragon fruit for the first time. Wonderful! I consumed some raw and threw the rest in the freezer for smoothies:
image image

— Remember the DIY Silk Scarf Kaftan I posted? Well, here’s a DIY Kimono Cape along the same lines. While running errands for my mom, I saw someone with a gorgeous kimono fabric. You can make this piece with just a couple of scarves, needle & thread, though. Also, make sure to check out the link from this blog post on how to dye shoes.

— From organization to DIY suds: 8 Laundry Room Hacks, Tips, and Ideas.

Take care! See you next time!

My Way, No. 11

*If you’re new to my blog, you may want to read this for info on what ‘My Way’ posts are all about. 🙂 *

— Has one of your New Year’s Resolutions been to get more organized? I am going to make this ‘minimalist-chic’ entryway organizer. Crafted from a simple wood frame & bungee cords, it’s one of the easiest and most practical projects I’ve seen. As I have a few days to myself, I’m doing a lot of clearing out and re-organizing of things right now. How do you collect so much stuff? I err on the side of ‘pitch it, donate it, or give it to an unsuspecting friend or relative ;)’ if I think an item has fulfilled its purpose in my life. This comes from previously living with a roommate and relatives with “stuff” in every nook they can find — they cannot have an inch of unused space anywhere. I do have a tendency to collect way too many kitchen pieces, though…gadgets, glasses, dishes, etc. Sometimes, I have to force myself to not purchase them. And, speaking of the kitchen, take a look at this link with 50 Clever Ways to Organize Your Pots and Pans.

— The Detox Drinks have been a hit! Since the last ‘My Way‘ post, I’ve also prepared the Natural Daily Detox Remedy, Beet Juice Smoothie, Mango Ginger Lemonade, Detox Smoothie w/ Pineapple, Spinach, & Ginger, Citrus & Green Tea Smoothie (very grapefruit-y, so you’ll have to love grapefruit), Grapefruit-Cado Sunrise Smoothie, and the Detox Beet and Carrot Smoothie. I left the beets and carrots raw in the beet/carrot smoothie instead of steaming them. I added a good handful of cranberries, a 1/4 of a lime, and a tsp. of sweetener, as well. Delish! I realized the Cranberry Pomegranate Detox Juice I linked to from another site is the same as the Red and Green Festive Cocktail on my original post. So far my faves have been the pineapple-spinach-ginger (just needs a little rum — teasing 😉 ), and the Grapefruit-Cado (I added just a little extra banana).

— EATS & DRINKS: Homemade Chili-Garlic Paste, Lentil Meatballs with Lemony Pesto, Cinnamon Whole Grain Power Pancakes, Philly Cheesesteak Stew, Grilled Lobster Tails with Sriracha Butter, Cinnamon-Orange Animal Crackers, Harvest Apple Sangria with Bourbon and Thyme, Nutty Florentine Bars. Also, I want to make a batch of granola bars soon, so I found these low cal treats: Low Cal Almond-Raisin Granola Bars & Low-Fat Banana Pecan Cranberry Granola Bars. I usually do not use a recipe for granola bars, but I wanted to try to control the portions and cal count. There’s not a lot of sense in eating something supposedly healthy if it’s going to have 500 calories per serving, lol.

— I updated my blogroll and photo gallery.

— As you know, I have a series of posts on mental health. I will try to post another installment soon, but I like to take the opportunity to share a few related articles here. I found this quite heart-breaking:

— I would like to do another WhirlwinDISH post soon, too, but my meals have pretty much been the detox smoothies, salads, bagel sandwiches, and the salmon-Thai coconut soup recipe collision. I saw a recipe for a Salade Niçoise Wrap, so I started craving Niçoise. I put together a simple one with cold roasted veggies and a light vinaigrette. Besides just lettuce and tomato, Niçoise was the first type of salad I ever prepared. It is the reason for my love of cold, salty potatoes.
Pic’d: boiled eggs, roasted turnips, boiled Peruvian potatoes, roasted white asparagus, roasted red bells, roasted golden beets, radishes, roasted rutabagas, grilled marinated artichokes, tuna, toasted walnuts, capers, and black olives. I have never been able to get used to the color of purple potatoes. They came in a mixed bag, and it was the sole boiled potato in the fridge. I subbed asparagus for my normal haricots verts. I need to pick up anchovies, so I had to make-do without them. I added the walnuts because I read they are terrific in upping your serotonin levels.
After posting about How to Eat in Europe on a Budget, I saw a perfect picnic opportunity. What do you do when you have a few days to yourself? Have a “girly” day: an indoor picnic for one, pretend you are in Europe & put on your Maurice Chevalier records, soak in a bubble bath (Homemade Bubble Baths), give yourself a facial (10 Homemade Facial Scrubs), bubbling water spa pedicure, warm hand wax and manicure, deep condition your hair (Homemade Deep Conditioner and Hot Oil Treatment), don your best fluffy ‘hotel-style’ robe and slippers, and turn on your heated back and neck massagers. My picnic included a sandwich inspired by the Pan Bagnat I posted several months back. I stuffed a round mini-loaf with all the same Niçoise toppings except the turnips, rutabagas, and walnuts. I also added a little avocado and raw green bell pepper. Guess what I used for the bread? The bagel recipe, of course! I know you probably think I’m going a little too far with the reshaping the bagels, haha. That super-quick bagel recipe, though, is the next best thing for me since (well, it is sliced bread, so that analogy won’t work)…since Noosa Honey Yogurt, I guess.
And, as I am keeping it alcohol-free for a couple of weeks, I made myself a little kicked up green tea in a flask (it helps with the illusion 😉 ): Green tea, honey, ginger, lemon juice, lemon zest, & red chiles. Who needs bourbon when it’s this good? A set of 2 of these flasks in a nice leather bag came by way of a very good family friend. We lost touch with him for years, and through very miraculous and random circumstances found him again. Anyway, I have him to thank for this lovely picnic memory. I cherished a few pear slices and some sugar & spice frozen cranberries (raw sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves). After the Holidays, I always keep craving cranberry sauce, so this satisfied my need. I think I could eat a whole cup or two in one sitting, I love it so much. A lot less damage this way, with probably less than a 1/4 tsp. of sugar.

— Scroll down to see this wicked decent DIY Zipper Cuff Bracelet and also check out this DIY Gold Hinge and Chain Bracelet.

— Article: Why Are So Many Drinks Flavored with Honey? Because it’s yummy??? I received honeyed bourbon as a Holiday gift. Yums. This article also includes comparisons between honey, agave, xylitol, and stevia. What about maple? Maple bourbon is good, too. Scratch my earlier statement about the green tea…maple bourbon might be all the world ever needed.

‘Til we meet again!

My Way, No. 10

*If you’re new to my blog, you may want to read this for info on what ‘My Way’ posts are all about. 🙂 *

— The first ‘My Way’ post of 2015! Happy New Year! It has really helped me to write these posts with short bits of randomness. Saved quite a bit of time. I hope you are finding a few things of interest to you. I am going to try to update my blogroll and photo gallery soon.

— I was saddened by reading about the passing of former NY Governor Mario Cuomo. I am not a fiercely political person (though I have my beliefs and convictions, as most do), but this news still touched me. As you know, I originally hail from NY. His name stands out for me among a select few politicians holding office during my lifetime. I pray for the consolation of his family during this time.

— A few days before Christmas, I passed by the local mall and was thrilled to see several beautiful flowers blooming. I was informed they had just been planted that day. I felt like they were there just for me! If you recall from my ‘Still Lifes‘ post with the flower cupcakes, I had been a bit gloomy due to the weather. Seeing the newness of “spring” life in the winter gave me an instant cheering up. I guess living in the desert has its perks. I went back a couple of days ago to snap a few reminder pics:



— Has your New Year’s resolution to get moving and exercise left you with aches and pains in body parts you didn’t know you had, lol? 🙂 I recommend stretching very, very, VERY well before, during, after, whenever, and howmuchever you need it (after warming up, of course), but I thought I would also share a link for several natural remedies. It includes herbs, essential oils, and even kombucha (hadn’t heard of that one before! I’ll have to research it a bit further.): Sore Muscle Relief.

— I feel like I am one big head of lettuce walking around, I have consumed so much, haha! I’ve also been whipping up some of the 32 Detox Drinks I posted. I have enjoyed all of them thus far: Super Hydration Juice (with strawberries and beets), Cranberry Bliss Smoothie, Golden Detox Drink (I’ve made this before, but just coincidentally), and Orange Surprise (love the celery in this drink). I also made one from another site with cranberries, kale, and pom: Cranberry Pomegranate Detox Juice. And, I have been sipping the Ayurvedic Detox Drink several times a day (which I also saw here) without the fennel seeds. I have never been a big fan of fennel/anise/licorice-y flavors. Perhaps I will get brave one day and try it. I absolutely love the smoky cumin, though, and that’s what makes me keep making batch after batch. I’ve never had it in a tea, but it’s a new fave. My goal is to prepare a different one of the juices, teas, or smoothies each day for a couple of weeks. I think the variety will keep me interested. I haven’t been using the exact recipe measurements, just using the ingredients as a guideline.

— I took a pic of one of my recent salads that was so simple, but SO good! I actually had it for breakfast vs. my normal fruit. That morning, I just kept thinking about the butter lettuce I had purchased. So, salad it was. I rarely purchase butter lettuce (it’s not always available & many times it’s a lot pricier), but it’s my fave type. As it was a chilly morning, I decided to top it with a few warm roasted veggies: beets, butternut squash, shallots, and baby carrots. Just a bit of extra-virgin olive oil, thyme, and s&p to flavor the veggies. I added pistachios for a bit of crunch and extra nut-trition, and sesame seeds for some toastiness. I always buy sesame seeds raw & unhulled, then toast them as I need them. They are usually less expensive that way, and it gives you the toasted or raw option. I am kind of obsessed with sesame seeds, and now I am loving them on salads. I made a quick vinaigrette from maple, dijon, extra-virgin olive oil, lemon juice, white wine vin, and a bit of onion powder. This was such a delicious combo, that I reheated the leftover veggies and had another half portion. I usually try to retain a bit more nutrients by not overcooking veggies, but they can be so yummy when they get a bit more caramelized. So, I think the second go round was even better.
Perhaps if I were not trying to eat lighter right now, a bit of goat cheese would have been a pleasant addition. As my body has decided to hold some sort of revolt against full & low-fat dairy products, it’s just as well (the evilness!). I will be continuing my fast from them or severely limiting my portions for a while, I think. After cutting the butternut, I took my suggestion and roasted the seeds with the Thai Lime Chili Cashew seasoning I posted at Thanksgiving. Yum!

— More on the lighter meals front, I prepared the Salmon Noodle Soup from the previous ‘My Way‘ post, and adored it. Simple and satisfying. I used whole wheat spaghetti instead of rice noodles. I didn’t have any baby corn, so I subbed some kale. Then, I saw Thai Coconut and Veg Broth on the same site and decided to merge the two recipes. I kept the kale and salmon, and included the Thai soup’s veggies and coconut milk base. Delish! They are both now in my go-to soup repertoire.

— The Make-A-Wish Foundation is so wonderful. This story really touched me.
Great news:

— Dash it all, too bad I didn’t see this before Christmas! These light bulb penguin ornaments are the cutest. Oh well, perhaps keep it in mind when that time rolls around again (or get a head start). Several other adorable options, too: 20 DIY Christmas Ornaments. Check out this very cool (and très simple, I might add) fluorescent ink project! Homemade Sidewalk Chalk.

DIY Neon Clutch from a VHS case. Coolness…

— Recipes: If you’ve said pshhhaw at all of this post-Holiday “cleansing and detox” business, lol, check out this warming Hot Buttered Whisky. Or, how about a Loaded Italian Sub with Roasted Red Pepper Aioli (OMGoodness, looks SO good!) and 4-Ingredient Coconut Cream Chocolate Bars for dessert? I’m sure you could find some way to spin the bars healthy, like with raw dark chocolate, raw coconut, maybe even some nutrient-rich almonds 😉 Works for me 🙂 . A couple other healthier options, haha: Roasted Harissa Veg w/ Kale and Ginger Pilaf and Protein Power Lentil-Amaranth Patties. Perhaps if I decide to venture towards fennel again, I would prepare something along these lines: Mozzarella Bruschetta w/ Shaved Fennel & Courgette. I’m sure I will at some point, as our tastes can change over the years. It looks rather tasty!

See you next time!

My Way, No. 9

*If you’re new to my blog, you may want to read this for info on what ‘My Way’ posts are all about. 🙂 *

— Made any New Year’s resolutions? Gonna get fit, stop smoking, treat your spouse better, cut down on coffee, etc? I must admit I do not make them, but I think it’s a good idea. It’s always a good idea to set goals (IMO), but I tend to set them at random times throughout the year. My mini-goal for this week is to eat plenty of salads (in addition to the juices I posted) to help cleanse from Holiday foods. As salads are one of my fave things to eat, I don’t see it as some sort of post-Holiday self-torture. Here’s a list of 10 Homemade Salad Dressings (nothing exotic or fancy, just everyday dressings).

— So sorry, I found a lot of typos in the last ‘My Way’ post. I usually find something after I post, but there were quite a few. My eyes can get tired after staring at text for so long. It doesn’t help when the writer is also the editor, lol. I’m sure you will be patient with my mistakes in the future (pretty please?). Thanks for understanding.

— Are you a DIY cook? Take the quiz. It’s from a British site, so some of the questions may be geared a little more towards British culture. I am more of a DIY cook if I have decent space to work in, proper equipment, and accessibility to certain foods (and am not pressed/stressed for time). I am good with space, equipment, and food accessibility (for the most part) right now, but I have had limited resources in the past. In those instances, I tend to rely more on pre-packaged or store-bought items. And, sometimes I buy items that are perhaps better homemade, but they are ‘familiar’ or convenient (items I grew up with a lot of the time). I think many people do that…familiarity can bring comfort sometimes.

— Speaking of familiarity, I was telling my mom I find it odd that companies that sell a lot of processed food (many times not very wholesome) also sell medicine. So, it’s like…after you become sick from eating their unhealthy foods, you can purchase their medicine. And, stores that market a lot of processed and junk foods also have pharmacies. Once you become ill from what you’ve eaten, you can get prescriptions to help you feel better. That’s really one-stop shopping!

— I am not the best at gardening, etc., as I grew up with other folks taking care of things like that. My weeds were getting out of control, so someone gave me a recipe for homemade weed killer: 1 gallon of water, 1 cup of salt, 2 cups of vinegar, and 2 TBSP dish soap. I used this for a while, and it works well. I saw a gentleman just sprinkling salt on his weeds, so I just recently tried that. It rained right afterwards, so I thought all my work had gone to pot. It worked beautifully, though! A great alternative to traditional methods.

— My Holidays were filled with lots of cooking, baking, jam making, and pickling. I made the potatoes recipe I posted for Christmas and absolutely loved it. It was super simple. It had a mixture of tomatoes and olives (which are, of course, faves of mine), but I would have never thought to add raisins. Really different and tasty! I also made a few loaves of the bagel/baguettes as gifts and decided at the last minute to make biscotti. As I’ve said, I don’t bake a lot of confections, but biscotti is fairly easy. I usually just make almond biscotti dipped in chocolate, but I added dried cranberries and orange zest this time (sans chocolate). I took a pic on my kitschy vintage Christmas platter (I inherited it from my step-family, lol). Isn’t Santa cute?
And, I let myself have a small portion of those scrumptious Cranberry-Sage Goat Cheese Crostini and Panettone.
I made individual panettone to help with portion control. I baked some in ‘soup cans’ lined with parchment paper. I used homemade candied citrus peel (with citrus from my grandmother’s tree), dark and golden raisins, and dried cranberries. I was a little heavy-handed with the dried fruit. I used a bagel/baguette for the crostini, so it saved a lot of time. I think I will have to make poviticas another time. I’ve had my fill of heavy foods for now, haha.

— I love to work with wood and collect pieces as I find them. A pallet is ideal for a lot projects, and this link gives a few pointers on disassembling one without injuring yourself.

— Someone gave me a pair of jeans that do not fit, so I’m trying to come up with a way to up-cycle them. I found this link, so I thought I would share it. I particularly like the flip flops, iPad cover, and crop top ideas.

— A few recipes: Roasted Cauliflower Street Tacos, Sugar Snap Pea and Carrot Soba Noodles, Vegan Coconut Butter check out her links for soy-based butters from another site as well, Salmon Noodle Soup, Beer Cheddar Waffles, Chinese Duck Tarts w/ Plum Sauce, Pear-Vanilla Upside-Down Cakes.

‘Til next time!

32 Detox Drinks

32 Detox Drinks & Recipes for Cleansing & Weight Loss.

It’s post-Holiday healthy eating (and drinking) time! I have a lot of greens, green foods, cranberries, poms, beets, citrus, ginger, etc. leftover, so I am going to be preparing a lot of liquid power boosts. I thought I would share this link with a few recipes. Lots to choose from, including juices, teas, and smoothies. I’m sure some of you are still enjoying leftover Holiday food, but you may want to take a peek for after the New Year.