50 Healthy Snacks Under 200 Calories + Free Dessert eCookbooks

50 Healthy Snacks Under 200 Calories That You Will Love! | Trimmed and Toned.

I’ve been getting myself re-acquainted with calories in certain foods. I do this every so often. I know many people detest any knowledge of caloric value — they think it just adds one more item to an already overloaded daily schedule, haha. For myself, I want to know what nutritional value (or lack of it) the foods I am consuming have, but I do not like to constantly think about calories, etc. So, I solve this problem by periodically refreshing my memory. Or, sometimes, I might start enjoying a new food or recipe I want to know a little more about. Besides reading labels, nutrition apps & websites help me out tremendously in this quest. Not only with calories, but sugar, sodium, fat, protein, vitamin, and mineral content as well. I also LOVE food blogs that include nutritional information with their recipes. Takes all the guess-work out of it for us! If you’re at a restaurant and think it appropriate (not a rude tech interruption), you can always use apps for a quick search for menu items. Some apps even have chain restaurant and fast-food items already in their system. Otherwise, portion control techniques like the ones here always come in handy.

I am a big snacker, and many times I try to keep my snacks to about 100-150 calories. But, depending on the entire day’s consumption & activity levels, I may go as high as 200-250. I do have days I just go for indulgence, though, lol. It’s an individual thing, of course, but I thought I would share this under 200 cal post. Lots of yummy-looking options to choose from. For the most part, snacks and meals with healthy ingredients that start tipping the scales in calories per (reasonable) portion become somewhat unhealthy in my book (unless you really adjust the rest of the day’s meals). Or, many people assume certain foods (they’ve been taught are healthy) can be eaten in unlimited quantities. I think this is one possible reason some get frustrated while restricting. My Fitness & Sports Science classmate tickled me by saying she couldn’t lose weight because of hummus. With all the good-for-you olive oil & things, she said she was eating it by the shovel. Then, one day, she looked at the calories and the “light came on,” lol. I also had a co-worker trying to lose a bit, but she kept consuming bowls full of nuts and calorie-dense foods. Knowledge is power!

8 Easy Dessert Recipes for Summer Free eCookbook | FaveHealthyRecipes.com.
8 Healthy Cake Recipes for Any Occasion Free eCookbook | FaveHealthyRecipes.com.

I also wanted to share these 2 Sweetness free eCookbooks I found on the same site as the Healthy Appetizers post. I’m really enjoying that site! They have several eCookbook offerings, so make sure to take a look. Remember, you can always improvise ingredients if you do not have everything available (or to better accommodate your personal taste or diet/lifestyle).

Happy Healthy Snacking!

Healthy Appetizer Recipes

24 Healthy Appetizer Recipes | FaveHealthyRecipes.com.

“When go-to appetizers consist of loaded nachos to deep-fried onion rings, healthy appetizer choices seem to be few and far between. For those watching their weight, appetizers can be a serious diet destroyer. Often, party appetizers are not very filling, so we tend to eat a lot. When a table is full of finger-licking-good food, it is hard to resist. Before know it, we just consumed hundreds of empty calories. A few seemingly harmless nachos could add up to 500 calories to your meal – and that’s before the main meal! However, there is a way that you can enjoy appetizers without all the excess calories. Slim down your starters by following these healthy appetizer recipes.”

My week started with a no-frills dish of sautéed zucchini. The next day, I started craving fried zuc, but you know I rarely pan or deep-fry foods. So, I knew a bit of panko, a Misto of oil, then a bake-fry was in order. I first started using panko (back in the day) after seeing a television cooking program. I don’t recall what the preparation was. The main reason for watching the show was that the chef was attractive, haha. Panko preps come out so nice and crunchy. I had just uncovered my slow cooker full of homemade non-fat yogurt, so I thought perhaps I could use it to replace an egg/flour coating. I have been using the yogurt a lot lately to replace oil and eggs in a variety of dishes (and baked goods). I just mixed in a little s&p and garlic, then coated with the yogurt. I love a little dust of cheese (like parm or romano), herbs, and garlic after they come out of the oven. The following day, I was still in a fried zuc mood, but had to sub yellow squash. I took a pic this time. I adore creamy horseradish dip (as they serve at many restaurants), so I made a low cal dip with fresh horseradish, mustard, light mayo, and a pinch of sweetener. I love to put “stick” dips in a shot glass — makes for easy dunking.

The fried zuc got me in a pub food mood, so I made a few batches of baked sweet cinnamon sweet potato chips, then baked Italian red potato chips. Then, I decided I wanted fried mushrooms. I was out of panko by this time, though, and didn’t feel like preparing a batter. So, I moved on to sesame seeds. Why not? I used portobellos this batch. (I made chalkboards this week, so that’s what’s in the background.)


The dip was a blackberry mustard. I actually mixed in way more blackberry after I snapped the pic, so it was more purplish. I used the same yogurt coating method, only I added a bit of dried rosemary to the yogurt. I haven’t been using my rosemary too frequently, so I may have to dry a fresh batch. I can’t seem to keep up with my dried cilantro! Anyway…making these lightened up apps had me searching for a few more recipes. So, I thought I would share this post. I love standard fare of things like the fried zuc, mozz sticks, nachos, onion rings, quesadillas, stuffed mushrooms, wings, etc., that have found their way onto so many menus. Sometimes, I just want something similar, but lighter, though.

Hope you enjoy these recipes. Have a great rest of the weekend!

Baking Substitutions & How to Make Healthy Muffins from Scratch

How To Make Healthy Muffins from Scratch | Easy Healthy Recipes | simplenourishedliving.com.

It’s been a long while since I’ve purchased whole wheat pastry flour. I had no idea what I would use it for, but I figured it’s a useful pantry item. I thought about making a cake (which I rarely do from scratch), then cupcakes, then savory muffins. Ultimately, I did decide on muffins, but went with a just barely sweet version. I kept searching for healthier versions of muffins, and then specifically searched for lower calorie, whole wheat, or butter-free options (trying to keep it butter-free these days 😦 ). Finally, I went with an older recipe my mom had for basic whole wheat muffins. I needed to make a few substitutions for what I had in mind, though. I wanted to share the above blog post as it gives baking substitutions and great tips concerning what to do (and not do) to create wholesome, nourishing muffins. A couple other links you may find helpful:

Ingredient Substitution Table

Substitution List for Baking

And, this link gave me a good look at the scientific breakdown of cooking without butter: Dairy-Free Cooking. Make sure to check the included link listing specific dairy-free butter alternatives.

These links helped me determine the best course to take with my substitutions. Whole wheat pastry flour for whole wheat, 1/2 homemade skim buttermilk & 1/2 homemade non-fat yogurt for milk, 1/2 mango puree & 1/2 orange puree for oil, and maple for sugar. I separated the egg and folded the whipped white in at the end (as tipped in the last link), also adding orange zest and a tiny bit of vanilla. I know that’s a lot, lol 😀 . The zest really made the muffins pop. The sugar called for in the recipe was very minimal, and that was fine by me. I initially wanted a savory muffin, anyway, I just thought the fruit puree would be nice. I thought about dates or more mango/orange to replace the white sugar, but went with maple instead. Next time, I might replace the oil with a veggie puree (sweet potato, even?). So, with all that, I ended up with Whole Wheat Toasted Sesame Mango-Mandarin Muffins. Pic:
These are fab to take-with, and there was not much textural difference from the whole wheat pastry flour in comparison to AP flour. The blog posts were very handy indeed!

Blueberry muffins are popular, for sure, so I wanted to leave you with a recipe I came across in my search:

Vegan Whole Wheat Banana Blueberry Muffins | lowfatveganchef.com.

Have a great day, and I hope these links are of some use to some of you!

My Way, No. 11

*If you’re new to my blog, you may want to read this for info on what ‘My Way’ posts are all about. 🙂 *

— Has one of your New Year’s Resolutions been to get more organized? I am going to make this ‘minimalist-chic’ entryway organizer. Crafted from a simple wood frame & bungee cords, it’s one of the easiest and most practical projects I’ve seen. As I have a few days to myself, I’m doing a lot of clearing out and re-organizing of things right now. How do you collect so much stuff? I err on the side of ‘pitch it, donate it, or give it to an unsuspecting friend or relative ;)’ if I think an item has fulfilled its purpose in my life. This comes from previously living with a roommate and relatives with “stuff” in every nook they can find — they cannot have an inch of unused space anywhere. I do have a tendency to collect way too many kitchen pieces, though…gadgets, glasses, dishes, etc. Sometimes, I have to force myself to not purchase them. And, speaking of the kitchen, take a look at this link with 50 Clever Ways to Organize Your Pots and Pans.

— The Detox Drinks have been a hit! Since the last ‘My Way‘ post, I’ve also prepared the Natural Daily Detox Remedy, Beet Juice Smoothie, Mango Ginger Lemonade, Detox Smoothie w/ Pineapple, Spinach, & Ginger, Citrus & Green Tea Smoothie (very grapefruit-y, so you’ll have to love grapefruit), Grapefruit-Cado Sunrise Smoothie, and the Detox Beet and Carrot Smoothie. I left the beets and carrots raw in the beet/carrot smoothie instead of steaming them. I added a good handful of cranberries, a 1/4 of a lime, and a tsp. of sweetener, as well. Delish! I realized the Cranberry Pomegranate Detox Juice I linked to from another site is the same as the Red and Green Festive Cocktail on my original post. So far my faves have been the pineapple-spinach-ginger (just needs a little rum — teasing 😉 ), and the Grapefruit-Cado (I added just a little extra banana).

— EATS & DRINKS: Homemade Chili-Garlic Paste, Lentil Meatballs with Lemony Pesto, Cinnamon Whole Grain Power Pancakes, Philly Cheesesteak Stew, Grilled Lobster Tails with Sriracha Butter, Cinnamon-Orange Animal Crackers, Harvest Apple Sangria with Bourbon and Thyme, Nutty Florentine Bars. Also, I want to make a batch of granola bars soon, so I found these low cal treats: Low Cal Almond-Raisin Granola Bars & Low-Fat Banana Pecan Cranberry Granola Bars. I usually do not use a recipe for granola bars, but I wanted to try to control the portions and cal count. There’s not a lot of sense in eating something supposedly healthy if it’s going to have 500 calories per serving, lol.

— I updated my blogroll and photo gallery.

— As you know, I have a series of posts on mental health. I will try to post another installment soon, but I like to take the opportunity to share a few related articles here. I found this quite heart-breaking: http://atlantablackstar.com/2015/01/11/racial-discrimination-behind-high-suicide-rates-young-black-men-proving-dire-need-combat-stigma-depression/

— I would like to do another WhirlwinDISH post soon, too, but my meals have pretty much been the detox smoothies, salads, bagel sandwiches, and the salmon-Thai coconut soup recipe collision. I saw a recipe for a Salade Niçoise Wrap, so I started craving Niçoise. I put together a simple one with cold roasted veggies and a light vinaigrette. Besides just lettuce and tomato, Niçoise was the first type of salad I ever prepared. It is the reason for my love of cold, salty potatoes.
Pic’d: boiled eggs, roasted turnips, boiled Peruvian potatoes, roasted white asparagus, roasted red bells, roasted golden beets, radishes, roasted rutabagas, grilled marinated artichokes, tuna, toasted walnuts, capers, and black olives. I have never been able to get used to the color of purple potatoes. They came in a mixed bag, and it was the sole boiled potato in the fridge. I subbed asparagus for my normal haricots verts. I need to pick up anchovies, so I had to make-do without them. I added the walnuts because I read they are terrific in upping your serotonin levels.
After posting about How to Eat in Europe on a Budget, I saw a perfect picnic opportunity. What do you do when you have a few days to yourself? Have a “girly” day: an indoor picnic for one, pretend you are in Europe & put on your Maurice Chevalier records, soak in a bubble bath (Homemade Bubble Baths), give yourself a facial (10 Homemade Facial Scrubs), bubbling water spa pedicure, warm hand wax and manicure, deep condition your hair (Homemade Deep Conditioner and Hot Oil Treatment), don your best fluffy ‘hotel-style’ robe and slippers, and turn on your heated back and neck massagers. My picnic included a sandwich inspired by the Pan Bagnat I posted several months back. I stuffed a round mini-loaf with all the same Niçoise toppings except the turnips, rutabagas, and walnuts. I also added a little avocado and raw green bell pepper. Guess what I used for the bread? The bagel recipe, of course! I know you probably think I’m going a little too far with the reshaping the bagels, haha. That super-quick bagel recipe, though, is the next best thing for me since (well, it is sliced bread, so that analogy won’t work)…since Noosa Honey Yogurt, I guess.
And, as I am keeping it alcohol-free for a couple of weeks, I made myself a little kicked up green tea in a flask (it helps with the illusion 😉 ): Green tea, honey, ginger, lemon juice, lemon zest, & red chiles. Who needs bourbon when it’s this good? A set of 2 of these flasks in a nice leather bag came by way of a very good family friend. We lost touch with him for years, and through very miraculous and random circumstances found him again. Anyway, I have him to thank for this lovely picnic memory. I cherished a few pear slices and some sugar & spice frozen cranberries (raw sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves). After the Holidays, I always keep craving cranberry sauce, so this satisfied my need. I think I could eat a whole cup or two in one sitting, I love it so much. A lot less damage this way, with probably less than a 1/4 tsp. of sugar.

— Scroll down to see this wicked decent DIY Zipper Cuff Bracelet and also check out this DIY Gold Hinge and Chain Bracelet.

— Article: Why Are So Many Drinks Flavored with Honey? Because it’s yummy??? I received honeyed bourbon as a Holiday gift. Yums. This article also includes comparisons between honey, agave, xylitol, and stevia. What about maple? Maple bourbon is good, too. Scratch my earlier statement about the green tea…maple bourbon might be all the world ever needed.

‘Til we meet again!

Same Ingredients, Different Dish

The majority of the salads I eat at home are simply lettuce, tomato, and dressing. Sometimes just lettuce and dressing. I like to switch it up every once in a while, though — especially when something or someone inspires me. One of my favorite restaurants in Scottsdale/Phoenix, AZ had a light salad made from spring mix lettuces, julienne apples, gorgonzola, and a Chianti vinaigrette. That simple concept is what I based this salad on:
The base was a trio of babies: spinach, chard, and kale. I subbed some pears that needed to be used for the apples, and tossed in spicy roasted pecans and caramelized red onion. I roasted the pecans with chiles in oil & finished with a bit of salt. I learned my lesson from making that spelt tortilla pizza (read about it in this post), though, and kept everything well ventilated while roasting the chiles, haha. I didn’t have Chianti, so I made a vin from my homemade fruit wine, fruit wine vinegar, garlic oil, shallots, pinch of raw sugar & stevia, and s&p. I forgot the herbs, but, oh well! I added a garnish of “fried” yogurt cheese. I am currently fasting from regular cheeses, butter, and a few other things 😦 😦 , so I decided to use my homemade non-fat yo-cheese (see how to make homemade yogurt in your slow cooker here). I mixed it with a little beaten egg, as was called for in the Lamb Moussaka recipe I recently posted about. So salty and yummy! I was craving something similar to my fave fried goat cheese. The first time I had fried goat cheese was in a salad at a Phoenix Art Museum restaurant, and I have been in love with it ever since.

Using basically the same ingredients (being frugally minded), I also made a pear flatbread/pizza on a homemade whole&heirloom wheat tortilla:
As I said in my post on The Many Uses of Spelt, I often use tortillas for a quick pizza base. As pizza is one of my favorite eats, I will use any kind of bread to produce one. I particularly like tortillas, though, because they are so thin (I make mine super, super, thin). So, less bread equals less calories, and I still get my craving satisfied. I lightly poached the pears with ginger before piling them onto the tortilla. The tortilla was rubbed down with garlic oil first, and I also added the caramelized onions, yo-cheese & egg mixture, and spicy roasted pecans. I let the pie come up to temperature first, then gave it a hit under the broiler. Simple and satisfying.